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# $Id: 02-domain.t 1404 2015-09-22 13:38:04Z willem $	-*-perl-*-

use strict;
use Test::More tests => 62;

use constant LIBUTF8 => scalar eval {
	require Encode;
	Encode::decode_utf8( chr(91) ) eq '[';			# not UTF-EBCDIC  [see UTR#16 3.6]

use constant UTF8 => ref eval {
	LIBUTF8 && Encode::find_encoding('utf8');		# encoding object

use constant LIBIDN => UTF8 && defined eval { require Net::LibIDN; };

use constant LIBIDNOK => scalar eval {
	my $cn = pack( 'U*', 20013, 22269 );
	my $xn = 'xn--fiqs8s';
	LIBIDN && ( Net::LibIDN::idn_to_ascii( $cn, 'utf-8' ) eq $xn );


	my $name   = '';
	my $domain = new Net::DNS::Domain($name);
	ok( $domain->isa('Net::DNS::Domain'), 'object returned by new() constructor' );

	my $same = new Net::DNS::Domain($name);
	is( $same, $domain, "same name returns cached object" );

	my %cache;
	my ( $i, $j );
	for ( ; ; ) {
		$j = ( $i++ >> 1 ) + 1;
		my $fill = "name-$i";
		my $test = "name-$j";
		$cache{$fill} = new Net::DNS::Domain($fill);
		last unless $cache{$test} == new Net::DNS::Domain($test);
	my $size = $i - $j;
	ok( $size, "name cache at least $size deep" );

	my $domain = eval { new Net::DNS::Domain(); };
	my $exception = $1 if $@ =~ /^(.+)\n/;
	ok( $exception ||= '', "empty argument list\t[$exception]" );

	my $domain = eval { new Net::DNS::Domain(undef); };
	my $exception = $1 if $@ =~ /^(.+)\n/;
	ok( $exception ||= '', "argument undefined\t[$exception]" );

	my $domain = new Net::DNS::Domain('name');
	is( $domain->name,   'name',  '$domain->name() without trailing dot' );
	is( $domain->fqdn,   'name.', '$domain->fqdn() with trailing dot' );
	is( $domain->string, 'name.', '$domain->string() with trailing dot' );

	my $root = new Net::DNS::Domain('.');
	is( $root->name,   '.', '$root->name() represented by single dot' );
	is( $root->fqdn,   '.', '$root->fqdn() represented by single dot' );
	is( $root->xname,  '.', '$root->xname() represented by single dot' );
	is( $root->string, '.', '$root->string() represented by single dot' );

	my $domain = new Net::DNS::Domain('');
	my $labels = @{[$domain->label]};
	is( $labels, 2, 'domain labels separated by dots' );

use constant ESC => '\\';

	my $case   = ESC . '.';
	my $domain = new Net::DNS::Domain("example${case}com");
	my $labels = @{[$domain->label]};
	is( $labels, 1, "$case devoid of special meaning" );

	my $case   = ESC . ESC;
	my $domain = new Net::DNS::Domain("example${case}.com");
	my $labels = @{[$domain->label]};
	is( $labels, 2, "$case devoid of special meaning" );

	my $case   = ESC . ESC . ESC . '.';
	my $domain = new Net::DNS::Domain("example${case}com");
	my $labels = @{[$domain->label]};
	is( $labels, 1, "$case devoid of special meaning" );

	my $case   = '\092';
	my $domain = new Net::DNS::Domain("example${case}.com");
	my $labels = @{[$domain->label]};
	is( $labels, 2, "$case devoid of special meaning" );

	my $name   = 'simple-name';
	my $simple = new Net::DNS::Domain($name);
	is( $simple->name, $name, "$name absolute by default" );

	my $create = origin Net::DNS::Domain(undef);
	my $domain = &$create( sub { new Net::DNS::Domain($name); } );
	is( $domain->name, $name, "$name absolute if origin undefined" );

	my $name   = 'simple-name';
	my $create = origin Net::DNS::Domain('.');
	my $domain = &$create( sub { new Net::DNS::Domain($name); } );
	is( $domain->name, $name, "$name absolute if origin '.'" );
	my @label = $domain->label;
	is( scalar(@label), 1, "$name has single label" );

	my $name   = 'simple-name';
	my $suffix = '';
	my $create = origin Net::DNS::Domain($suffix);
	my $domain = &$create( sub { new Net::DNS::Domain($name); } );
	my $expect = new Net::DNS::Domain("$name.$suffix");
	is( $domain->name, $expect->name, "origin appended to $name" );

	my $root = new Net::DNS::Domain('@');
	is( $root->name, '.', 'bare @ represents root by default' );

	my $origin = &$create( sub { new Net::DNS::Domain('@'); } );
	is( $origin->name, $suffix, 'bare @ represents defined origin' );

	foreach my $char (qw($ ' " ; @)) {
		my $name   = $char . '';
		my $domain = new Net::DNS::Domain($name);
		is( $domain->string, ESC . $name, "escape leading $char in string" );

	foreach my $part (qw(_rvp._tcp *)) {
		my $name   = "$";
		my $domain = new Net::DNS::Domain($name);
		is( $domain->string, $name, "permit leading $part" );

	my $ldh	   = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz-0123456789';
	my $domain = new Net::DNS::Domain($ldh);
	is( $domain->name, $ldh, '63 octet LDH character label' );

	my @warnings;
	local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push( @warnings, "@_" ); };
	my $name      = 'LO-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-NG!';
	my $domain    = new Net::DNS::Domain("$name");
	my ($warning) = @warnings;
	chomp $warning;
	ok( $warning, "long domain label\t[$warning]" );

	my $domain = eval { new Net::DNS::Domain('') };
	my $exception = $1 if $@ =~ /^(.+)\n/;
	ok( $exception ||= '', "empty initial label\t[$exception]" );

	my $domain = eval { new Net::DNS::Domain(""); };
	my $exception = $1 if $@ =~ /^(.+)\n/;
	ok( $exception ||= '', "empty interior label\t[$exception]" );

	my $name   = '';
	my $domain = new Net::DNS::Domain("$name...");
	is( $domain->name, $name, 'ignore gratuitous trailing dots' );

	skip( 'IDN test - Unicode/UTF-8 not supported', 9 ) unless UTF8;
	skip( 'IDN test - Net::LibIDN not installed',	9 ) unless LIBIDN;
	skip( 'IDN test - Net::LibIDN not working',	9 ) unless LIBIDNOK;
	my $a_label = 'xn--fiqs8s';
	my $u_label = eval { pack( 'U*', 20013, 22269 ); };
	is( new Net::DNS::Domain($a_label)->name,   $a_label,	 'IDN A-label domain->name' );
	is( new Net::DNS::Domain($a_label)->fqdn,   "$a_label.", 'IDN A-label domain->fqdn' );
	is( new Net::DNS::Domain($a_label)->xname,  $u_label,	 'IDN A-label domain->xname' );
	is( new Net::DNS::Domain($a_label)->string, "$a_label.", 'IDN A-label domain->string' );

	is( new Net::DNS::Domain($u_label)->name,  $a_label,	'IDN U-label domain->name' );
	is( new Net::DNS::Domain($u_label)->fqdn,  "$a_label.", 'IDN U-label domain->fqdn' );
	is( new Net::DNS::Domain($u_label)->xname, $u_label,	'IDN U-label domain->xname' );
	new Net::DNS::Domain($u_label)->xname;			# exercise cache path
	is( new Net::DNS::Domain($u_label)->string, "$a_label.", 'IDN U-label domain->string' );

	eval { new Net::DNS::Domain( pack 'H*', 'C200' ); };
	my $exception = $1 if $@ =~ /^(.+)\n/;
	ok( $exception ||= '', "invalid name\t[$exception]" );

	foreach my $case (
		) {
		my $domain = new Net::DNS::Domain($case);
		is( $domain->name, $case, "C0 controls:\t$case" );

	foreach my $case (
		'\032!"#$%&\'()*+,-\./',			#  32 .. 47
		'0123456789:;<=>?',				#  48 ..
		'@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO',				#  64 ..
		'PQRSTUVWXYZ[\\\\]^_',				#  80 ..
		'`abcdefghijklmno',				#  96 ..
		'pqrstuvwxyz{|}~\127'				# 112 ..
		) {
		my $domain = new Net::DNS::Domain($case);
		is( $domain->name, $case, "G0 graphics:\t$case" );

	foreach my $case (
		) {
		my $domain = new Net::DNS::Domain($case);
		is( $domain->name, $case, "8-bit codes:\t$case" );
