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#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use Test::More 'no_plan';
use strict;
use blib;

BEGIN { use_ok('HTML::GoogleMaps') }
use HTML::GoogleMaps;

# Autocentering
  my $map = HTML::GoogleMaps->new(key => 'foo');
  $map->add_marker(point => [0, 0]);
  is_deeply( $map->_find_center, [0, 0], "Single point 1" );

  $map = HTML::GoogleMaps->new(key => 'foo');
  $map->add_marker(point => [90, 0]);
  is_deeply( $map->_find_center, [0, 90], "Single point 2" );

  $map = HTML::GoogleMaps->new(key => 'foo');
  $map->add_marker(point => [180, 45]);
  is_deeply( $map->_find_center, [45, 180], "Single point 3" );

  $map = HTML::GoogleMaps->new(key => 'foo');
  $map->add_marker(point => [-90, -10]);
  is_deeply( $map->_find_center, [-10, -90], "Single point 4" );

  $map = HTML::GoogleMaps->new(key => 'foo');
  $map->add_marker(point => [10, 10]);
  $map->add_marker(point => [20, 20]);
  is_deeply( $map->_find_center, [15, 15], "Double point 1" );

  $map = HTML::GoogleMaps->new(key => 'foo');
  $map->add_marker(point => [-10, 10]);
  $map->add_marker(point => [-20, 20]);
  is_deeply( $map->_find_center, [15, -15], "Double point 2" );

  $map = HTML::GoogleMaps->new(key => 'foo');
  $map->add_marker(point => [10, 10]);
  $map->add_marker(point => [-10, -10]);
  is_deeply( $map->_find_center, [0, 0], "Double point 3" );

  $map = HTML::GoogleMaps->new(key => 'foo');
  $map->add_marker(point => [-170, 0]);
  $map->add_marker(point => [150, 0]);
  is_deeply( $map->_find_center, [0, 170], "Double point 4" );

# API v2 support
  my $map = HTML::GoogleMaps->new(key => 'foo');
  my ($head, $html, $ctrl) = $map->render;
  like( $head, qr/script.*v=2/, 'Point to v2 API' );

  like( $ctrl, qr/Zoom.*13/, 'Proper v2 default zoom' );
  is( $map->{zoom}, 15, 'v1 zoom function translates' );
  is( $map->{zoom}, 3, 'v2 zoom function works as expected' );
  $map->add_marker(point => [13,14]);
  $map->add_polyline(points => [ [14,15], [15,16] ]);
  ($html, $head, $ctrl) = $map->render;
  like( $ctrl, qr/setCenter.*GLatLng\(13, 12\)/, 
    'GLatLng for centering' );
  like( $ctrl, qr/GMarker\(new GLatLng\(14, 13\)/, 
    'GLatLng for points' );
  like( $ctrl, qr/GPolyline\(\[new GLatLng\(15, 14\)/, 
    'GLatLng for polylines' );

  like( $ctrl, qr/setMapType\(G_NORMAL_MAP\)/, 'Proper v1 default type' );
  ($html, $head, $ctrl) = $map->render;
  like( $ctrl, qr/setMapType\(G_NORMAL_MAP\)/, 'Old map_type' );
  ($html, $head, $ctrl) = $map->render;
  like( $ctrl, qr/setMapType\(G_SATELLITE_MAP\)/, 'Old satellite_type' );
  ($html, $head, $ctrl) = $map->render;
  like( $ctrl, qr/setMapType\(G_NORMAL_MAP\)/, 'New normal type' );
  ($html, $head, $ctrl) = $map->render;
  like( $ctrl, qr/setMapType\(G_SATELLITE_MAP\)/, 'New satellite type' );
  ($html, $head, $ctrl) = $map->render;
  like( $ctrl, qr/setMapType\(G_HYBRID_MAP\)/, 'New hybrid type' );

  like( $ctrl, qr/GMap2\(/, 'Use new GMap2 class' );

# Geo::Coder::Google
  my $stub_loc;
  my $map = HTML::GoogleMaps->new(key => 'foo');
  no warnings 'redefine';
  *Geo::Coder::Google::geocode = sub { +{Point => {coordinates => $stub_loc}} };
  $stub_loc = [3463, 3925, 0];
  $map->add_marker(point => 'result_democritean');
  my ($html, $head, $ctrl) = $map->render;
  like( $ctrl, qr/GMarker\(new GLatLng\(3925, 3463\)/, 
    'Geocoding with Geo::Coder::Google' );

# dragging
  my $map = HTML::GoogleMaps->new(key => 'foo');
  my ($html, $head, $ctrl) = $map->render;
  like( $ctrl, qr/map.disableDragging\(\);/, 'Disable dragging' );

  ($html, $head, $ctrl) = $map->render;
  unlike( $ctrl, qr/map.disableDragging\(\);/, 'Enable dragging' );

# map_id
  my $map = HTML::GoogleMaps->new(key => 'foo');
  $map->add_marker(point => [21, 31]);
  $map->add_polyline(points => [[21, 31], [22, 32]]);

  my ($head, $div, $ctrl) = $map->render;
  like( $div, qr/id="electrometrical_nombles"/, 'Correct map ID for div' );
  like( $ctrl, qr/getElementById\("electrometrical_nombles"\)/,
    'Find div by correct ID' );

# width and height
   my $map = HTML::GoogleMaps->new( key => 'foo', width => 11, height => 22 );
   my ($head, $div, $ctrl) = $map->render;
   like( $div, qr/width.+11px/, 'Correct width for div' );
   like( $div, qr/height.+22px/, 'Correct height for div' );

   $map = HTML::GoogleMaps->new( key => 'foo', width => '33%', height => '44em' );
   ($head, $div, $ctrl) = $map->render;
   like( $div, qr/width.+33%/, 'Correct width for div' );
   like( $div, qr/height.+44em/, 'Correct height for div' );

# info window html
    my $map = HTML::GoogleMaps->new( key => 'foo' );
    $map->add_marker( point => 'bar', html => qq|<a href="foo" title='bar'>baz</a>| );
    my ($head, $div, $ctrl) = $map->render;
    like( $ctrl, qr/href="foo"/, 'Escaped html in script' );
    like( $ctrl, qr/title=\\'bar\\'/, 'Escaped html in script' );