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# $Id: 6434 2010-10-01 21:38:39Z mnodine $
# Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
# Distributed under terms of the Perl license, which is the disjunction of
# the GNU General Public License (GPL) and the Artistic License.

package Text::Restructured;

# N.B.: keep version in quotes so trailing 0's are not lost
$VERSION = '0.003045';

# This package does parsing of reStructuredText files


=head1 NAME

Text::Restructured - Perl implementation of reStructuredText parser


The documentation is in reST format. You can build it with C<make doc>
or visit L<>.

=begin reST
=begin Usage
Defines for reStructuredText parser
-D align=<0|1>     Allow inferring right/center alignment in
                   single line simple table cells (default is 1).
-D entry-attr=<text>
                   Specifies attributes to be passed to table entry
                   (default is '').  Note: this option can be
                   changed on the fly within a table by using a perl
                   directive to set $main::opt_D{entry_attr}.
-D file-insertion-enabled[=<0|1>]
                   Allows include directives to include files, which may
                   be a potential security hole.  Default is 1.
-D ignore-include-errs[=<0|1>]
                   Specifies that no error should be generated for
                   missing include files. Default is 0.
-D image-exts=<ext-list>
		   A comma-separated list of "ext1=ext2" pairs where 
		   any URI with extension ext1 has it mapped to ext2.
		   This option allows using a single document
		   source with multiple writers by using whatever
		   figure extension is appropriate for a given writer.
-D include-ext=<text>
                   A colon-separated list of extensions to check for
                   included files.  Default is ":.rst:.txt".
-D include-path=<text>
                   A colon-separated list of directories for the
                   include directive to search.  The special token
                   "<.>" represents the directory of the file 
                   containing the directive (which may not be the
                   same as the directory in which trip is invoked, ".".
                   Default is "<.>".
-D mstyle=<comma-separated-attr-val-list>
                   A comma-separated set of attribute=value pairs to
                   be used for the <mstyle> elements of MathML
                   markup.  Default is displaystyle=true for
                   ascii-mathml directive.
-D nest-inline[=<0|1>]
                   Specify whether to allow nesting of inline markup.
                   There are some limitations, like strong cannot be
                   nested within emphasis.
                   Default is 1 (1 if specified with no value).
-D perl-path=<text>
                   A colon-separated list of directories to search
                   for Perl modules.  The special token "<INC>" 
                   represents the default Perl include path.
                   Default is "<INC>".
-D raw-enabled[=<0|1>]
                   Allows raw directives to be processed, which may
                   be a potential security hole.  Default is 1.
-D relax-citation-characters[=<0|1>]
		   Allows any non-whitespace characters to be used in
		   a citation or citation reference.
-D report=<level>  Set verbosity threshold; report system messages
                   at or higher than <level> (by name or number:
                   "info" or "1", warning/2, error/3, severe/4; 
                   also, "none" or 5).  Default is 2 (warning).
-D row-attr=<text>
                   Specifies attributes to be passed to table rows
                   (default is '').  Note: this option can be
                   changed on the fly within a table by using a perl
                   directive to set $main::opt_D{row_attr}.
-D source=<text>   Overrides the file name as the source.
-D table-attr=<text>
                   Specifies attributes to be passed to tables (default
                   is '${Text::Restructured::DEFAULTS{table_attr}}'). 
                   Note: this option can be changed on the fly to
                   have tables with different characteristics by
                   using a perl directive to set
-D tabstops=<num>  Specifies that tab characters are assumed to tab
                   out to every <num> characters (default is 8).
-D xformoff=<regexp>
                   Turns off default transforms matching regexp.
                   (Used for internal testing.)
=end Usage
=end reST

# Global variables:
#   Many static (read-only) variables defined in BEGIN blocks (not documented).

# Data structures:
#   _`Text::Restructured`: reStructuredText _`parser` hash reference with 
#     the following keys:
#     ``next_id``:       The next id to be returned by Id() method;
#     ``SEC_LEVEL``:     Hash reference whose keys are header styles and whose
#                        value (if defined) indicates the level of
#                        sections encoded with that header style.
#     ``SEC_DOM``:       Array reference whose index is the section level and
#                        whose value is the section DOM object at that level.
#     ``SEC_STYLE``:     Array reference whose index is the section level and
#                        whose value is the section style at that level.
#     ``ANONYMOUS_TARGETS``: Array reference of references to anonymous
#                        target DOMs in file order. 
#     ``REFERENCE_DOM``: Hash reference whose keys are tags and whose values
#                        are references to a hash with names or ids as
#                        keys and the associated target DOM object as
#                        value.
#     ``TARGET_NAME``:   Hash reference whose keys are namespace ids and whose
#                        values are references to a hash whose keys
#                        are names and whose value is a reference to
#                        an array of all the DOM objects having that
#                        name in that name space.
#     ``ALL_TARGET_IDS``: Hash reference whose keys are ids and whose value
#                        is a reference to an array of all the DOM
#                        objects having that id. 
#     ``ALL_TARGET_NAMES``: Hash reference whose keys are names and whose
#                        value is a reference to an array of all the
#                        DOM objects having that name.
#     ``MY_ROLES``:      Hash reference whose keys are the role names that are
#                        currently defined for the current document
#                        (it gets reset between documents) and whose
#                        value is a `Role definition hash reference`_.
#     ``MY_DEFAULT_ROLE``:  The current name of the default role
#                        for the current document.  Initially
#                        ``title_reference``.
#     ``MY_CITE_CHARS``: The set of characters allowed in a citation.
#                        Initially ``[\w.-]``, but changes to ``[^\s\]]``
#                        if -D relax-citation-characters is true.

use strict;

# Initialized (read-only) global variables

    use Text::Restructured::URIre;
    # Note: all of scalars are read-only
    *DOM = \"Text::Restructured::DOM";  #";/
    *CITE_CHARS = \'[\w.-]';    #';
    *SEC_CHARS = \'[^a-zA-Z0-9\s]';  #';
    *SECTION_HEADER = \"(((?!$SEC_CHARS+\\n(?:\\n|\\Z))(?!::\\n|(?:(?:\\.\\.|__)\\n(?:   |\\.\\.[ \\n]|__[ \\n]|\\n)))($SEC_CHARS)\\3+)\\n(.*\\n)?(($SEC_CHARS)\\6+\\n)?|^(?!(?:\\.\\.|__)(?: .*)?\\n(?:\.\.|__)[ \\n])(\\S.*\\n)(($SEC_CHARS)\\9+)\\n)";  #";
    *BULLETS = \'[-*+]';  #';
    *LINE_BLOCK = \'\|';  #';
    *MIN_SEC_LEN = \4;
    my $rst_low_roman = 'm{0,4}(?:dc{0,3}|c[dm]|c{0,3})?(?:lx{0,3}|x[lc]|x{0,3})?(?:vi{0,3}|i[vx]|i{0,3})?';
    (my $rst_upp_roman = $rst_low_roman) =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
    *ENUM_INDEX = \"\\d+|[a-zA-Z]|$rst_low_roman|$rst_upp_roman|\#"; #";
    *ENUM = \"(\\()?($ENUM_INDEX)([\\).])";  #";
    *FIELD_LIST = \':(?! )[^:\n]*[^:\n ]:(?!\`[^\`]*?\`)';  #';
    *OPTION = \'[+-][\w](?: [^ ,]+| ?<[^>]+>)?|(?:--?[\w][\w-]*|/[A-Z]+)(?:=[^ ,=]+| [^ ,]+|=<[^>]+>)?';  #';
    *OPTION_LIST = \"(?:$OPTION)(?:, (?:$OPTION))*(?:  |\\s*\\n )";  #";
    %ERROR_LEVELS = (1=>"INFO", 2=>"WARNING", 3=>"ERROR", 4=>"SEVERE");
    *EMAIL = \'[\w.-]+\@[\w.-]*[\w-]';  #';
    *MARK_START = \'\*\*?|\`\`?|\||_\`|\[';  #';
    %MARK_END = ('*'=>'\*', '**'=>'\*\*', '`'=>'\`_?_?', '``'=>'\`\`',
		 '|'=>'\|_?_?', '_`'=>'\`', '['=>'\]__?',
    *MARK_END_TRAILER = \'[-\'\"\)\]\}\\\\>/:.,;!? ]|\Z';  #';
    %MARK_TAG = ('**'=>'emphasis', '****'=>'strong', '``'=>'interpreted',
		 '````'=>'literal', '||'=>'substitution_reference',
		 '_``'=>'target', '[]_'=>'footnote_reference',
		 '_'=>'reference', '``__'=>'reference',
    %MARK_TAG_START = ('*'=>'emphasis', '**'=>'strong',
		       '`'=>'interpreted text or phrase reference', '``'=>'literal',
		       '|'=>'substitution_reference', '_`'=>'target',
		       '['=>'footnote', ''=>'reference');
    %MATCH_BRACE = ('"'=>'"', "'"=>"'", '('=>')', '['=>']', '{'=>'}',
		    '<'=>'>', ''=>'impossible', '_`'=>'`');
    %LEFT_BRACE = ('>'=>'<', ')'=>'(', ']'=>'[', '}'=>'{');
    my @implicit_schemes = qw(acap afs cid data dav fax file ftp go
			      gopher h323 http https im imap ipp ldap
			      mailserver mailto mid modem mupdate news
			      nfs nntp opaquelocktoken pop pres
			      prospero rtsp service sip sips soap.beep
			      soap.beeps tel telnet tftp tip tn3270
			      urn vemmi wais xmlrpc.beep xmlrpc.beeps
			      z39.50r z39.50s
    @IMPLICIT_SCHEME{@implicit_schemes} = (1) x @implicit_schemes;
    %DIRECTIVES = (admonition=> \&Text::Restructured::Directive::admonition,
		   attention => \&Text::Restructured::Directive::admonition,
		   caution   => \&Text::Restructured::Directive::admonition,
		   danger    => \&Text::Restructured::Directive::admonition,
		   error     => \&Text::Restructured::Directive::admonition,
		   hint      => \&Text::Restructured::Directive::admonition,
		   important => \&Text::Restructured::Directive::admonition,
		   note      => \&Text::Restructured::Directive::admonition,
		   tip       => \&Text::Restructured::Directive::admonition,
		   warning   => \&Text::Restructured::Directive::admonition,
		   footer    => \&Text::Restructured::Directive::decoration,
		   header    => \&Text::Restructured::Directive::decoration,
		             => \&Text::Restructured::Directive::sectnum,
		             => \&Text::Restructured::Directive::sectnum,
		   csv_table => \&Text::Restructured::Directive::table,
		   list_table=> \&Text::Restructured::Directive::table,
		             => \&Text::Restructured::Directive::test_directive,
		             => \&Text::Restructured::Directive::ascii_mathml,
		   mathml    => \&Text::Restructured::Directive::ascii_mathml,
    %ROLES = (emphasis   =>{tag=>'emphasis'},
	      strong     =>{tag=>'strong'},
	      literal    =>{tag=>'literal'},
	      subscript  =>{tag=>'subscript'},
	      sub        =>{alias=>'subscript'},
	      sup        =>{alias=>'superscript'},
	      ab         =>{tag=>'abbreviation'},
	      ac         =>{tag=>'acronym'},
	      inline     =>{tag=>'inline'},
	      raw        =>{tag=>'raw', attr=>{'xml:space'=>'preserve'},
	      'pep-reference' =>{alias=>'PEP'},
	      PEP        =>{
		  tag  =>'reference',
		  attr =>{refuri=>""},
		  text =>"PEP %s",
	      RFC        =>{
		  tag  =>'reference',
		  attr =>{refuri=>""},
		  text =>"RFC %s",
	      target     =>{
		  tag  => 'target',
		  attr =>{
		      ids  => sub {
			  my ($parser, $attr, $text) = @_;
			  my $target = $text=~s/(?:\A| )<(.*)>$// ? $1 : $text;
		      names=> sub {
			  my ($parser, $attr, $text) = @_;
			  my $target = $text=~s/(?:\A| )<(.*)>$// ? $1 : $text;
			  [$parser->NormalizeName($target, 'keepcase')];
		      role => sub {
			  my ($parser, $attr, $text, $role) = @_;
		      classes => sub { ['target'] },
		  text => sub {
		      my ($parser, $text) = @_;
		      $text =~ s/(?:\A| )<(.*)>$//; # Remove the target
		  attr =>{
		      ids  => sub {
			  my ($parser, $attr, $text) = @_;
			  my $target = $text=~s/(?:\A| )<(.*)>$// ? $1 : $text;
		      names=> sub {
			  my ($parser, $attr, $text) = @_;
			  my $target = $text=~s/(?:\A| )<(.*)>$// ? $1 : $text;
			  [$parser->NormalizeName($target, 'keepcase')];
		  text => sub {
		      my ($parser, $text) = @_;
		      $text =~ s/(?:\A| )<(.*)>$//; # Remove the target
	      title      =>{alias=>'title-reference'},
	      t          =>{alias=>'title-reference'},
	      mathml     =>{
		  tag =>'mathml',
		  attr=>{mathml=>sub {
		      my ($parser, $attr, $text, $role) = @_;
		      if (! $parser->{_MathML}) {
			  eval "use Text::ASCIIMathML";
			  $parser->{_MathML} = new Text::ASCIIMathML
			      unless $@;
		      my @mstyle;
		      @mstyle = @{$parser->{opt}{D}{mstyle}}
		      if $parser->{opt}{D}{mstyle};
		      unshift @mstyle,
			  (displaystyle => $1 eq 'display' ? 'true' : 'false')
			  if $role =~ /mathml-(.*)/
			  || ($parser->{MY_ROLES}{$role}{base} || '')
			  =~ /mathml-(.*)/;
		      return $parser->{_MathML} ?
			  ($text, [title=>$text, xmlns=>"&mathml;", role=>$role],
			   [@mstyle]) : '';
    *DEFAULT_ROLE = \'title-reference';  #';
    @UNITS = (qw(em ex px in cm mm pt pc), '');
    %XML_SPACE = ('xml:space'=>'preserve');
    %DEFAULTS = (align=>1, 
		 table_attr=>'border="1" class="docutils"',

use Text::Restructured::DOM;

# Creates a new Parser object
# Arguments: hash to reference of options, tool identifier
sub new {
    my ($class, $opt, $tool_id) = @_;
    my $self = { opt => { %$opt }, TOOL_ID => $tool_id };
    bless $self, $class;
    $self->{opt}{d} ||= 0;
    $self->{opt}{w} = 'html' unless $self->{opt}{w};
    $self->{opt}{D} = {} unless $self->{opt}{D};

# Processes defaults for -D defines and resets object variables
# between documents.
# Arguments: document DOM object, file name
# Returns: None
# Sets instance vars: SEC_LEVEL, SEC_DOM, TOPDOM SEC_STYLE,
#               MY_DEFAULT_ROLE
sub init : method {
    my ($self, $doc, $filename) = @_;

    # Process -D variables
    %{$self->{opt}{D}} = map(do{
	my $val = $self->{opt}{D}{$_};
	($_, $val);
    }, keys %{$self->{opt}{D}});
    foreach (keys %DEFAULTS) {
	$self->{opt}{D}{$_} = $DEFAULTS{$_} unless defined $self->{opt}{D}{$_};
    foreach (keys %{$self->{opt}{D}}) {
	# Force any defines with no values specified to be 1
	$self->{opt}{D}{$_} = 1
	    if defined $self->{opt}{D}{$_} && $self->{opt}{D}{$_} eq '';
    my %report_levels = (info=>1, warning=>2, error=>3, severe=>4, none=>5);
    $self->{opt}{D}{report} =
	do { local $^W=0;  # Temporarily shut off warnings
	     $report_levels{$self->{opt}{D}{report}} ||
		 $self->{opt}{D}{report} };

    delete $self->{NEXT_ID};
    delete $self->{SEC_LEVEL};
    $self->{SEC_DOM} = [$doc];
    $self->{SEC_STYLE} = [''];
    delete $self->{ANONYMOUS_TARGETS};
    delete $self->{REFERENCE_DOM};
    delete $self->{TARGET_NAME};
    delete $self->{ALL_TARGET_IDS};
    delete $self->{ALL_TARGET_NAMES};
    $self->{TOPDOM} = $doc;
    $self->{TOP_FILE} = $filename;
    $self->{CITE_CHARS} = $self->{opt}{D}{relax_citation_characters} ?
	'[^\s\]]' : $CITE_CHARS;

    # Handle the Perl include path
    my $perl_inc = join(':', @INC);
    my $new_inc = $self->{opt}{D}{perl_path};
    $new_inc =~ s/<inc>/$perl_inc/gi;
    @INC = split(/:/, $new_inc);
    delete $self->{opt}{D}{perl_path};

    # Preprocess the mstyle define
    if ($self->{opt}{D}{mstyle} && ref($self->{opt}{D}{mstyle}) ne 'ARRAY') {
	my %attr = map((/(\w+)=(.*)/g), split(/\s*,\s*/,
	$self->{opt}{D}{mstyle} = [ map(($_,$attr{$_}), sort keys %attr) ] ;

    $self->{MY_ROLES} = { %ROLES };
    $self->{ANONYMOUS_TARGETS} = [ ];

# Returns a DOM object for a problematic with its ids.
# Arguments: message, reference id (optional), id (optional)
# Returns: DOM object, reference id, id
sub problematic : method {
    my ($self, $text, $refid, $id) = @_;

    $refid = $self->Id() unless defined $refid;
    $id = $self->Id() unless defined $id;
    my $dom = $DOM->new ('problematic', refid=>$refid, ids=>[ $id ]);
    return ($dom, $refid, $id);

# Returns a DOM object for a system message.
# Arguments: severity level, source, line number, message, literal text, 
#            key/value pairs for additional attributes
sub system_message : method {
    my ($self, $level, $source, $lineno, $msg, $lit, %attr) = @_;
    my $dom = $DOM->new("system_message", level=>$level, line=>$lineno,
		       type=>$ERROR_LEVELS{$level}, %attr);
    my $para = $DOM->new('paragraph');
    if (defined $lit && $lit ne '') {
	my $lb = $DOM->new('literal_block', %XML_SPACE);
    my $line = $lineno ? ":$lineno" : '';
    print STDERR "$source$line ($ERROR_LEVELS{$level}/$level) $msg\n"
	if $level >= $self->{opt}{D}{report} && $source !~ /test data/;
    return $dom;

# Processes a bulleted list paragraph.
# Arguments: paragraph, source, line number
# Returns: processed paragraph, list of DOM objects and unprocessed paragraphs
sub BulletList : method {
    my($self, $para, $source, $lineno) = @_;

    my @err;
    my $lines = 0;
    my ($processed, @unp);
    $para =~ /^($BULLETS)(?: |\n)/o;
    my $dom = $DOM->new('bullet_list', bullet=>$1);
    my $bullet = "\\$1";
    (undef, my @paras) = split /^($bullet(?: +|\n))/m, $para;
    while (my ($bull, $p) = splice @paras, 0, 2) {
	$p = '' unless defined $p;
	my $li = $DOM->new('list_item');
	my $para = "$bull$p";
	$para =~ s/^$bullet *//;
	$para =~ s/^  //mg;
	$self->Paragraphs($li, $para, $source, $lineno+$lines);
	$lines += $para =~ tr/\n//;
	$processed .= $para;
    return ($processed, @err, $dom, @unp);

# Coalesces a series of similar paragraphs and divides initial
# paragraph for unexpected indents.
# Argument: reference to array of paragraphs
# Returns: None (but modifies the paragraphs referenced by the argument)
sub Coalesce : method {
    my ($self, $paras) = @_;
    # Note: consecutive paragraphs are two indices apart in the array, with
    # any blank lines between them in the intermediate index.  We also use
    # the intermediate index to store error sentinels, which begin with a
    # newline and have a non-blank character in the second line.
    my $p;
    my ($enumtype, $enumval, $enumprefix, $enumsuffix) = ('') x 4;
    for ($p=0; $p <= 2 && $p < @$paras; $p++) {
# print STDERR "[",join("][",@{$paras}[0..2]),"]\n";
	# Pull out the part of the paragraph prior to a blank line
	my @split = split /^(\s*\n)/, $paras->[$p], 2;
	my ($pre_p, $post_p) = @split > 1 ? @split :
	    ($paras->[$p], '');
	# May need to split the first paragraph
	if ($pre_p =~ /^($BULLETS)(?: |\n)/so) {
	    # Bulleted list
	    if ((my @s = split /^(?![$1]|  )(.)/m, $pre_p, 2) > 1) {
		# Bulleted list has unexpected unindent
		splice(@$paras, $p, 1,($s[0],
				       # This is a sentinel that an error occurred
				       "\n" . q($self->system_message(2, $source, $lineno, "Bullet list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.")),
	elsif ($pre_p =~ /^($LINE_BLOCK)(?: |\n)/so) {
	    # Line block
	    if ((my @s = split /^(?!$LINE_BLOCK(?:\s+\S|\n)|  )(.)/m,
		 $pre_p, 2) > 1) {
		# Line block has unexpected unindent
		splice(@$paras, $p, 1,($s[0],
				       # This is a sentinel that an error occurred
				       "\n" . q($self->system_message(2, $source, $lineno, "Line block ends without a blank line.")),
	elsif ($pre_p =~ /^$SECTION_HEADER/om) {
	elsif ($pre_p =~ /^((\.\.|__)( |\n))/) {
	    # A comment or anonymous target
	    $pre_p =~ s/^(.*\n?)//;
	    my $first = $1;
	    if ((my @s = split /^((?:\.\.|__)(?: |\n))/m, $pre_p, 2) > 1){
		splice(@$paras, $p, 1, "$first$s[0]", "", "$s[1]$s[-1]");
	elsif ($pre_p =~ /^( |\n)/) {
	    # These get dealt with elsewhere
	elsif ($pre_p =~ /^$ENUM .*\n(?=\Z|\n| |$ENUM)/o) {
	    # An enumerated list
	    my ($prefix,$index,$suffix) = map(defined $_ ? $_ : '',
	    my $type = $self->EnumType($index);
	    $type = 'arabic' if $type eq '#';
	    my $val = $self->EnumVal($index, $type);
	    $pre_p =~ s/^(.*\n)//;
	    my $first = $1;
	    my @enum_list;
	    while ($pre_p ne '') {
		if ((my @s = split /^($ENUM .*\n(?=\Z|\n| |$ENUM))/mo,
		     $pre_p, 2) > 1) {
		    # Check for out-of-sequence enumerated list item
		    my ($pf,$in,$sf) = map(defined $_ ? $_ : '',
		    my $v = $self->EnumVal($in, $type);
		    if ($pf ne $prefix || $sf ne $suffix ||
			($v ne '#' && $v != $val+1)) {
			my $enum_list = join('',@enum_list);
			splice(@$paras, $p, 1, "$enum_list$first$s[0]",
			       "\n" . q($self->system_message(2, $source, $lineno, "Enumerated list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.")),
		    else {
			push(@enum_list, "$first$s[0]");
			$first = $s[1];
			$pre_p = "$s[-1]";
		else {
		    push(@enum_list, "$first$pre_p");
		    $first = "";
		    $pre_p = "";
	    push (@enum_list, $first) if $first ne '';
# print STDERR "$p: {\n",map("[$_]\n", @enum_list),"}\n";
	    # Check any enumerated lists for unexpected indent
	    my $prev_paras = '';
	    my $enum;
	    while ($enum = shift @enum_list) {
		my $para = $enum;
		$para =~ /^($ENUM )/o;
		my $spaces = " " x length($1);
		$para =~ s/^(.*\n)//;
		my $first = $1;
		if ((my @s = split /^(?!$spaces)(.)/m, $para, 2) > 1) {
		    my $rest = join('',@enum_list);
		    my @items =
			 # This is a sentinel that an error occurred
			 "\n" . q($self->system_message(2, $source, $lineno, "Enumerated list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.")),
		    # Enumerated list has unexpected indent
		    splice(@$paras, $p, 1, "$prev_paras$first$s[0]",
		$prev_paras .= "$first$para";
	elsif ($pre_p =~ /^$FIELD_LIST/) {
	    # A field list
	    if ((my @s = split /^(?! |$FIELD_LIST)(.)/m, $pre_p, 2) > 1) {
		# Field list has unexpected indent
		splice(@$paras, $p, 1,($s[0],
				       # This is a sentinel that an error occurred
				       "\n" . q($self->system_message(2, $source, $lineno, "Field list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.")),
	elsif ($pre_p =~ /^$OPTION_LIST/) {
	    # An option list
	    if ((my @s = split /^(?! |$OPTION_LIST)(.)/m, $pre_p, 2) > 1){
		# Field list has unexpected indent
		splice(@$paras, $p, 1,($s[0],
				       # This is a sentinel that an error occurred
				       "\n" . q($self->system_message(2, $source, $lineno, "Option list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.")),
	elsif ($self->IsTable($pre_p)) {
	    # It's a table
	    if ($pre_p =~ /^[+][+-]+[+] *\n/ &&
		(my @s = split /^([^|+])/m, $pre_p, 2) > 1) {
		my $after = "$s[1]$s[-1]$post_p";
		# Table is missing blank line
		splice(@$paras, $p, 1, ($s[0],
					# This is a sentinel that an error occurred
					"\n" . q($self->system_message(2, $source, $lineno, "Blank line required after table.")),
		if ($after =~ /^ /) {
		    splice(@$paras, $p+1, 0, 
			   # This is a sentinel that an error occurred
			   "\n" . q($self->system_message(3, $source, $lineno, "Unexpected indentation.")),
	elsif ($pre_p =~ /^\S.*\n /) {
	    # A definition list
	    if (#$pre_p =~ /^\S.*\n\S/m ||
		(my @s = split /^(\S.*\n)$/m, $pre_p, 2) > 1) {
		# Definition list has unexpected indent
		splice(@$paras, $p, 1,($s[0],
				       # This is a sentinel that an error occurred
				       "\n" . q($self->system_message(2, $source, $lineno, "Definition list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.")),
	else {
	    # A standard paragraph
	    if ((my @s = split /^( )/m, $pre_p, 2) > 1
		&& $pre_p !~ /:: *$/) {
		# This "paragraph" has indentation or other problems
		splice(@$paras, $p, 1,($s[0],
				       # This is a sentinel that an error occurred
				       "\n" . q($self->system_message(3, $source, $lineno, "Unexpected indentation.")),
	# Or may need to join consecutive paragraphs
	if ($p >= 2 &&
	    # Don't consolidate paragraphs with errors in the middle
	    (defined $paras->[$p-1] && $paras->[$p-1] !~ /^\n\S/s &&
	      # Consecutive block quotes
	      (substr($paras->[$p-2],0,1) eq ' ' &&
	       substr($paras->[$p],0,1) eq ' ')
	      # Comments followed by indented text
	      ($paras->[$p-2] =~ /^((\.\. )|(__( |\n)))/ &&
	       $paras->[$p]=~ /^ /)
	      # Consecutive bulleted lists
	      ($paras->[$p-2] =~ /^($BULLETS)(?: |\n)/o &&
	       $paras->[$p] =~ /^(?:[$1](?: |\n)| )/)
	      # Consecutive enumerated lists
	      ($paras->[$p-2] =~ /^$ENUM .*\n(?=\Z|\n| |$ENUM)/o &&
# do {print STDERR "$p: $paras->[$p-2]~~~~~~$paras->[$p]========"; 1; } &&
	       do {
		   my ($prefix, $index, $suffix) =
		       map defined $_ ? $_ : '', ($1, $2, $3);
		   my $type = $self->EnumType($index);
		   # Compute information from the first list item in para
		   if (($type ne $enumtype && $type ne '#') ||
		       $prefix ne $enumprefix ||
		       $suffix ne $enumsuffix) {
		       $enumtype = $type;
		       $enumtype = 'arabic' if $enumtype eq '#';
		       $enumprefix = $prefix;
		       $enumsuffix = $suffix;
		       $enumval = $self->EnumVal($index, $type);
		       $enumval = 1 if $enumval eq '#';
		   # Now possibly update the value using the last list item
		   $paras->[$p-2] =~ /.*^$ENUM/mos;
		   my $old_index = $2;
		   my $val = $self->EnumVal($old_index, $enumtype);
		   $enumval = $val if $val ne '#';
		   ($paras->[$p] =~ /^   / ||
		    $paras->[$p] =~ /^$ENUM .*\n(?=\Z|\n| |$ENUM)/o &&
# do { print STDERR "$prefix-$enumtype-$enumval-$suffix vs $1-$enumtype-$2-$3\n"; 1; } &&
		    do {
			my $val = $self->EnumVal($2, $enumtype);
			$val = $enumval + 1 if $val eq '#';
			my $oldval = $enumval;
			$enumval = $val;
			$val == $oldval+1;
		    && ($1 || '') eq $enumprefix && ($3 || '') eq $enumsuffix)
	      # Incomplete simple table
	      ($paras->[$p-2] =~ /^=+( +=+)+ *\n/ &&
	       $paras->[$p] =~ /^\001/)
	      # Consecutive field lists
	      ($paras->[$p-2] =~ /^$FIELD_LIST/o &&
	       $paras->[$p]=~ /^($FIELD_LIST| )/o)
	      # Consecutive definition lists
	      ($paras->[$p-2] =~ /^(?!\.\.|__( |\n)|$OPTION_LIST)\S.*\n /o &&
	       $paras->[$p]=~ /^(?!\.\.|__( |\n)|$OPTION_LIST|$FIELD_LIST|$BULLETS( |\n)|$ENUM )(\S.*\n)? /o)
	      # Consecutive option lists
	      ($paras->[$p-2] =~ /^$OPTION_LIST/o &&
	       $paras->[$p]=~ /^(($OPTION_LIST)| )/o)
	      ))) {
#print STDERR "Coalescing: [$paras->[$p-2]]\n[$paras->[$p-1]]\n[$paras->[$p]]\n";
	    splice(@$paras, $p-2, 3, "$paras->[$p-2]$paras->[$p-1]$paras->[$p]");

# Defines a new role, optionally based upon an existing role
# Arguments: new role name, optional old role name, optional additional
#            key/values for the `role definition hash reference`_.
# Returns: possible error message
sub DefineRole : method {
    my ($self, $role, $tag, %info) = @_;

    $tag = 'inline' unless defined $tag;
    my $options = $info{options};
    return qq(cannot make "$role" into a class name.)
	unless $role =~ /[a-z][-\w\.]*/i;
    my $class = defined $options->{class} ? $options->{class} : $role;
    return qq(invalid option value: (option: "class"; value: '$class')\ncannot make "$class" into a class name.)
	unless $class =~ /[a-z][-\w\.]*/i;
    # Default all options, etc. from the base tag
    $self->{MY_ROLES}{$role} = DeepCopy($self->{MY_ROLES}{$tag});
    $self->{MY_ROLES}{$role}{tag} = $self->{MY_ROLES}{$tag}{tag};
    $self->{MY_ROLES}{$role}{attr}{classes} = [ $class ];
    $self->{MY_ROLES}{$role}{base} = $tag;
    # Process format, prefix and suffix options
    if (defined $options->{format}) {
	$self->{MY_ROLES}{$role}{attr}{format} = $options->{format};
	delete $options->{format};
    $options->{prefix} = $self->HashifyFieldList($options->{prefix})
	if $options->{prefix};
    $options->{suffix} = $self->HashifyFieldList($options->{suffix})
	if $options->{suffix};
    # Merge any local options with the options of the underlying class
    @{$self->{MY_ROLES}{$role}{options}}{keys %$options} =
	values %$options if %$options;
    delete $info{options};
    @{$self->{MY_ROLES}{$role}}{keys %info} = values %info if %info;

# Processes a definition list paragraph.
# Arguments: paragraph, source, line number
# Returns: processed paragraph, list of DOM objects and unprocessed paragraphs
sub DefinitionList : method {
    my($self, $para, $source, $lineno) = @_;

    my $dom = $DOM->new('definition_list');
    my ($processed, @unp);

    (undef, my @paras) = split /^((?:\S.*)\n(?: +))/m, $para;
    while (@paras > 1 && (my ($item, $def) = splice @paras, 0, 2)) {
	my $para = "$item$def";
	$para =~ /^(\S.*)\n( +)/;
	my ($term, $spaces) = ($1, $2);
	my $dli = $DOM->new('definition_list_item');
	my $classifiers = '';
	my @errs;
	if ($term =~ /:: *$/) {
	    push (@errs, $self->system_message
		  (1, $source, $lineno+1,
		   qq(Blank line missing before literal block (after the "::")? Interpreted as a definition list item.)));
	# We have to handle the case where the ' : ' is
	# within a literal quote.
	# Get rid of all literal quotes
	my %strings;
	$term =~ s/(\A| )(``((?!``).)*``)/
	    my $v = $2; my $s = \$v; bless $s,"STR"; $strings{$s}=$2; "$1$s"/ge;
	if ($term !~ /^``((?!``).)*``/ && $term =~ /(.*?) : (.*)/) {
	    $term = $1;
	    $classifiers = $2;
	# Put the literal quotes back
	$term =~ s/(STR=SCALAR\(0x[0-9a-f]+\))/$strings{$1} || $1/ge;
	my $def = $DOM->new('definition');
	my $t = $DOM->new('term');
	push(@errs, $self->Inline($t, $term, $source, $lineno));
	if ($classifiers ne '') {
	    my @classifiers = split / +: +/, $classifiers;
	    foreach (@classifiers) {
		s/(STR=SCALAR\(0x[0-9a-f]+\))/$strings{$1} || $1/ge;
		my $classifier = $DOM->new('classifier');
		push(@errs, $self->Inline($classifier, $_, $source, $lineno));
	$para =~ s/^(.*\n)//;
	my $first = $1;
 	if ((my @s = split /\n(\S)/, $para, 2) > 1) {
	    # Check for unexpected unindents
	    $para = (shift @s) . "\n";
	    @paras = join '', @s, @paras;
	$para =~ s/^$spaces//mg;
	$self->Paragraphs($def, $para, $source, $lineno+1);
	$para = "$first$para";
	$lineno += $para =~ tr/\n//;
	$processed .= $para;
    my $unp = join('',@paras);
    if ($unp !~ /^$/) {
	push @unp, $self->system_message
	    (2, $source, $lineno,
	     "Definition list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.");
	push @unp, $unp;
    return ($processed, $dom, @unp);

# Parses a directive and attaches it to a DOM if successful.
# Arguments: DOM object, source, line number, error message id, 
#            directive text, paragraph literal
# Returns: error flag,
#          reference to array of DOM objects (possibly including input DOM),
#          reference to array of unparsed paragraphs.
sub Directive : method {
    my ($self, $parent, $source, $lineno, $errmsgid, $dtext, $lit) = @_;
#print STDERR "Directive(",join(',',@_),")\n";

    my @dom;
    my @unprocessed;
    my $error = 1;
    $dtext =~ /(\s*)([\w.-]+)\s*:: *(.*)/s;
    my ($pre, $directive, $body) = map defined $_ ? $_ : '',($1, $2, $3);
    my $dname = $directive;
    $directive =~ tr/[A-Z].-/[a-z]__/;
#print STDERR "[$pre][$directive][$body]\n";
    my $subst = $parent->tag eq 'substitution_definition' ?
	$parent->{attr}{names}[0] : '';
    if ($dtext eq "\n") {
	push(@dom, $self->system_message
	     (2, $source, $lineno, qq($errmsgid "$subst" missing contents.),
    elsif ($directive eq '') {
	push(@dom, $self->system_message
	     (2, $source, $lineno, qq($errmsgid "$subst" empty or invalid.),
    else {
	if (! defined $DIRECTIVES{$directive}) {
	    # First see if there's a routine defined for it
	    my $d = "Text::Restructured::Directive::$directive";
	    $DIRECTIVES{$directive} = \&$d if defined &$d;
	if (! defined $DIRECTIVES{$directive}) {
	    push(@dom, $self->system_message
		 (1, $source, $lineno,
		  qq(No directive entry for "$dname" in module "Text::Restructured::Directive".\nTrying "$dname" as canonical directive name.)));
	    eval("use Text::Restructured::Directive::$directive");
	    if ($@ && $@ !~ /$ in \@INC/) {
		push(@dom, $self->system_message
		     (4, $source, $lineno,
		      qq(Error compiling "$directive": $@)));
		return 1, \@dom, [];
	    my $init = "Text::Restructured::Directive::${directive}::init";
	    eval { push @dom, (\&$init)->($self, $source, $lineno)
		       if defined &$init };
	    push(@dom, $self->system_message
		 (4, $source, $lineno,
		  qq(Error running "$init": $@))) if $@;
	    return 1, \@dom, [$lit] if defined $DIRECTIVES{$directive};
	if ( defined $DIRECTIVES{$directive}) {
	    my $mylit = $parent->tag eq 'substitution_definition' ? $dtext :
	    my @dir = eval {
		($self, $dname, $parent, $source, $lineno, $dtext, $mylit); };
	    push(@dom, $self->system_message
		 (4, $source, $lineno,
		  qq(Error processing directive "$dname": $@), $lit))
		 if $@;
	    my @doms = grep(ref($_) =~ /$DOM$/o, @dir);
		 map(split(/^(\s*\n)+/m, $_),grep(ref($_) !~ /$DOM$/o, @dir)));
	    if (@doms >= 1 && $doms[0]->tag eq 'system_message' || @dir == 0)
		push(@dom, @doms);
		push(@dom, $self->system_message
		     (2, $source, $lineno,
		      qq($errmsgid "$subst" empty or invalid.), $lit))
		    if $subst ne '';
	    else {
		if ($parent->tag eq 'substitution_definition') {
		    my $err = $self->RegisterName($parent, $source, $lineno);
		    push (@dom, $err) if $err;
		$error = 0;
	else {
	    push(@dom, $self->system_message
		 (3, $source, $lineno,
		  qq(Unknown directive type "$dname".),
		  $subst eq '' ? $lit : $dtext));
	    push(@dom, $self->system_message
		 (2, $source, $lineno,
		  qq($errmsgid "$subst" empty or invalid.), $lit))
		if $subst ne '';
#print STDERR "Directive -> [",join(',',@dom),"][",join(',',@unprocessed),"]\n";
    return ($error, \@dom, \@unprocessed);

# Processes a enumerated list paragraph.
# Arguments: paragraph, source, line number
# Returns: processed paragraph, list of DOM objects and unprocessed paragraphs
sub EnumList : method {
    my($self, $para, $source, $lineno) = @_;

    my $lines = 0;
    my ($processed, @unp, @err);
    $para =~ /^$ENUM .*\n(?=\Z|\n| |$ENUM)/o;
    my ($prefix, $index, $suffix) = map defined $_ ? $_ : '', ($1, $2, $3);
    my $type = $self->EnumType($index);
    $type = 'arabic' if $type eq '#';
    my $dom = $DOM->new('enumerated_list', enumtype=>$type,
		       prefix=>"$prefix", suffix=>$suffix);
    my $val = $self->EnumVal($index, $type);
    $val = 1 if $val eq '#';
    if ($val != 1) {
	$dom->{attr}{start} = $val;
	     (1, $source, $lineno,
	      qq(Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: "$index" (ordinal $val))));

    while ($para =~ /^$ENUM .*\n(?=\Z|\n| |$ENUM)/o) {
	my $next = '';
	my $li = $DOM->new('list_item');
	$para =~ s/^($ENUM )\s*//o;
	my $marker = $1;
	my $spaces = " " x length($marker);
	# See if there are any subsequent enumerated lists
	if ((my @s = split /^((?!\A)$ENUM .*\n(?=\Z|\n| |$ENUM))/om, $para, 2)
	    > 1) {
	    $para = $s[0];
	    $next = "$s[1]$s[-1]";

	$para =~ s/^$spaces//mg;
	$self->Paragraphs($li, $para, $source, $lineno+$lines);
	$lines += $para =~ tr/\n//;
	$processed .= $para;
	$para = $next;

    return ($processed, $dom, @err, @unp);

# Create a closure with a "static" variable in it
my @ENUM_STRINGS = ('arabic', 'loweralpha', 'upperalpha',
		 'lowerroman', 'upperroman', '#');

# Given the initial index of an enumerated list, returns the enumeration type.
# Arguments: Initial index
# Returns: one of "arabic", "loweralpha", "upperalpha", "lowerroman", 
#          "upperroman" or "#" (for auto-enumerated)
sub EnumType : method {
    my ($self, $index) = @_;
    my @matches = 
    my @defs = grep(defined $matches[$_], 0 .. 5);
    # uncoverable branch false note:assert defined $defs[0]
    my $type = defined $defs[0] ? $ENUM_STRINGS[$defs[0]] : 'error';
    return $type;

# Create a closure with some "static" variables
@ALPHA_INDEX{'a' .. 'z'} = (1 .. 26);
my %ROMAN_VALS = (i=>1, v=>5, x=>10, l=>50, c=>100, d=>500, m=>1000);
my %ROMAN_SYMS = (0 => '', 1=>'i', 2=>'ii', 3=>'iii', 4=>'iv',
		  5=>'v', 6=>'vi', 7=>'vii', 8=>'viii', 9=>'ix',
		  10=>'x', 20=>'xx', 30=>'xxx', 40=>'xl', 50=>'l',
		  60=>'lx', 70=>'lxx', 80=>'lxxx', 90=>'xc',
		  100=>'c', 200=>'cc', 300=>'ccc', 400=>'cd', 500=>'d',
		  600=>'dc', 700=>'dcc', 800=>'dccc', 900=>'cm',
		  1000=>'m', 2000=>'mm', 3000=>'mmm', 4000=>'mmmm');

# Given an index of an enumerated and the enumeration type, returns the
# index value.
# Arguments: Index, enumerated type
# Returns: number or -1 (for badly formatted Roman numerals/arabic)
sub EnumVal : method {
    my ($self, $index, $enumtype) = @_;
    # Handle autonumber
    return $index if $index eq '#';
    # First handle arabic
    return $index =~ /^\d+$/ ? $index : -1 if $enumtype eq 'arabic';
    # Deal with alpha types
    $index =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
    return defined $ALPHA_INDEX{$index} ? $ALPHA_INDEX{$index} : -1
	if $enumtype =~ /alpha/;
    # Now left with roman numerals
    return Roman2Int($index);

# Converts an integer to a Roman numeral
# Arguments: integer
# Returns: Roman numeral string, or -1
sub Int2Roman {
    my ($int) = @_;

    return -1 if $int <= 0 || $int >= 5000;
    my $roman = '';
    my (@digits) = split //, $int;
    for (my $i=0; $i<@digits; $i++) {
	$roman .= $ROMAN_SYMS{$digits[$i] . ('0' x ($#digits - $i))};
    return $roman;

# Converts Roman numerals to an integer
# Arguments: Roman numeral string
# Returns: integer, or -1 if not validly formatted roman numeral
sub Roman2Int {
    my ($roman) = @_;

    return -1 if $roman !~ /^m{0,4}(?:dc{0,3}|c[dm]|c{0,3})?(?:lx{0,3}|x[lc]|x{0,3})?(?:vi{0,3}|i[vx]|i{0,3})?$/;
    my $val = 0;
    my @chars = split(//, $roman);
    while (@chars) {
	my $charval = $ROMAN_VALS{shift @chars};
	if (@chars == 0 || $charval >= $ROMAN_VALS{$chars[0]}) {
	    $val += $charval;
	else {
	    $val += $ROMAN_VALS{shift @chars} - $charval;
    return $val;

# Processes an explicit markup paragraph.
# Arguments: parent, paragraph, source, line number
# Returns: processed paragraph, new parent, 
#          list of DOM objects and unprocessed paragraphs
sub Explicit : method {
    my($self, $parent, $para, $source, $lineno) = @_;

    my $new_parent = $parent;
    my $lines = 0;
    my ($processed, @unp, @err, @dom);

    # Check for the end of the explicit markup block
    my $badindent = 0;
    if ((my @s = split /^(?!\A|\n|\Z| )/m, $para, 2) > 1) {
	push(@unp, $s[1]);
	$para = $s[0];
	$badindent = 1;
    $processed = $para;

    $para =~ /^(?:\.\.|(__))(?: (?:\[((?:[\#*])?$self->{CITE_CHARS}*)\] *|\|(?! )([^\|]*\S)\| *|(_.*:.*)|([\w.-]+\s*::.*))?)?(.*)/si;
    my ($anon, $footnote, $subst, $target, $dir, $next) =
	($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6);
    my $btext = $next
	if defined $footnote || defined $subst || defined $dir;
    if (substr($para,0,3) eq "..\n") {
	my $undef;
	($anon, $footnote, $target) = ($undef) x 3;
    if ($anon) {
	$target = "$anon:$next";
    if (defined $footnote) {
	# It's a footnote or citation
	my %attr;
	my $tag = 'footnote';
	if ($footnote =~ /^([\#*])(.*)/) {
	    my ($auto, $name) = ($1, $2);
	    $attr{auto} = $auto eq '#' ? 1 : $auto;
	    if ($name ne '') {
		$attr{names} = [ $self->NormalizeName($name) ];
		$attr{ids} = [ $self->NormalizeId($name) ];
	elsif ($footnote !~ /^\d+$/) {
	    $tag = 'citation';
	    $attr{names} = [ $self->NormalizeName($footnote) ];
	    $attr{ids} = [ $self->NormalizeId($footnote) ];
	else {
	    $attr{names} = [ $footnote ];
	$attr{ids} = [ $self->Id() ] unless defined $attr{ids} ;
	my $dom = $DOM->new($tag, %attr);
	if ($footnote !~ /^[\#*]/) {
	    my $label = $DOM->new('label');
	my $err = $self->RegisterName($dom, $source, $lineno);
	$dom->append($err) if $err;
	# Get rid of indentation spaces
	$btext =~ /^(?!\A)( +)/m;
	my $spaces = $1 || '';
	$btext =~ s/^$spaces//mg;
	my @redo;
	$self->Paragraphs($dom, $btext, $source, $lineno);
	push(@dom, $dom);
    elsif (defined $subst) {
	# It's a substitution definition
	my $dom = $DOM->new('substitution_definition',
			   names=>[$self->NormalizeName($subst, 'keepcase')]);
	my ($err, $doms, $unp) =
	    $self->Directive($dom, $source, $lineno, 'Substitution definition',
			     $btext, $para);
	push(@dom, @$doms);
	push(@dom, $dom) unless $err;
	$processed = '' if @$unp && $unp->[0] eq $para;
	unshift(@unp, @$unp);
    elsif (defined $target) {
	# It's a hyperlink target
	my %attr;
	my $dom;
	my %char_class = ('`'=>'.', ''=>"[^:]");
	$target =~ /^(_((?:\\:|[^:])+): *)(.*)/s
	    unless $target =~ /^(_\`((?:.|\n)+)\`: *)(.*)/s;
	my ($id, $uri) = ($2 || '', $3);
	if ($id eq '_') {
	    $attr{anonymous} = 1;
	    $id = $self->Id();
	my $t = $1;
	my $indent = $anon ? 3 :
	    $uri =~ /^./ ? length($t) + 3 :
	    do { $uri =~ /\n( +)/; length($1 || '') };
	my $spaces = ' ' x $indent;
	if ($uri =~ /^(?:\`((?:.|\n)*)\`|([\w.-]+))_$/) {
	    my $name = defined $1 ? $1 : $2;
	    # Get rid of newline-indents
	    $name =~ s/\n$spaces/ /g;
	    $attr{refname} = $self->NormalizeName($name);
	else {
	    # Get rid of newline-indents
	    $uri =~ s/\n$spaces//g;
	    $uri =~ s/\n   //g;
	    chomp $uri;
	    $uri =~ s/(?!\\)(.) /$1/g;
	    $uri =~ s/\\(.)/$1/g;
	    if ($uri ne '') {
		$uri = "mailto:$uri"
		    if $uri !~ /^$Text::Restructured::URIre::scheme:/o &&
		    $uri =~ /\@/ && $uri !~ /^\`.*\`$/;
		$attr{refuri} = $uri;
	$attr{names} = [ $self->NormalizeName($id) ]
	    unless $attr{anonymous};
	$dom = $DOM->new('target', ids=>[ $self->NormalizeId($id) ], %attr);
	my $err = $self->RegisterName($dom, $source, $lineno);
	push (@dom, $err) if $err;
	push (@dom, $dom);
    elsif (defined $dir) {
	# It's a directive
	my ($err, $doms, $unp) =
	    $self->Directive($parent, $source, $lineno, 'Directive',
			     "$dir$btext", $para);
	push(@dom, @$doms);
	unshift(@unp, @$unp);
	$processed = '' if @$unp && $unp->[0] eq $para;
	$new_parent = $self->{SEC_DOM}[-1]
	    if $parent->tag =~ /^(document|section)$/;
    else {
	# It's a comment
	$para =~ s/^(\.\.\s*)//;
	my $first = $1;
	if ($para =~ /^( +)/m) {
	    my $spaces = $1;
	    $para =~ s/^$spaces//mg;
	my $dom = $DOM->new('comment', %XML_SPACE);
	    if $para ne '';
	$para = "$first$para";
	push(@dom, $dom);
    if ($badindent) {
	     (2, $source, $lineno + ($para =~ tr/\n//),
	      "Explicit markup ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent."))
	    unless substr($unp[-1], 0, 2) eq "..";
    # Annote the dom object with source, lineno, and lit
    foreach (@dom) {
	if ($_->tag ne 'system_message') {
	    $_->{source} = $source;
	    $_->{lineno} = $lineno;
	    $_->{lit} = $processed;
	    chomp $_->{lit};
    return ($processed, $new_parent, @err, @dom, @unp);

# Processes a field list paragraph.
# Arguments: paragraph, source, line number
# Returns: processed paragraph, list of DOM objects and unprocessed paragraphs
sub FieldList : method {
    my($self, $para, $source, $lineno) = @_;

    my $dom = $DOM->new('field_list');
    my $lines = 0;
    my ($processed, @unp);
    (undef, my @paras) = split /^($FIELD_LIST)/om, $para;
    while (my ($fl, $b) = splice @paras, 0, 2) {
	my ($name, $para) = "$fl$b" =~ /^:([^:\n]+): *(.*)/s;
	my $field = $DOM->new('field');
	$field->{source} = $source;
	$field->{lineno} = $lineno+$lines;
	my $n = $DOM->new('field_name');
	my $body = $DOM->new('field_body');
	$field->append($n, $body);
	$body->append($self->Inline($n, $name, $source, $lineno+$lines));
	$para = $self->RemoveMinIndent($para, '(?!\A)');
	$self->Paragraphs($body, $para, $source, $lineno+$lines);
	$lines += $para =~ tr/\n//;
	$processed .= $para;

    return ($processed, $dom, @unp);

# Takes a field list and turns it into a hash
# Arguments: text of field list
# Returns: hash reference
sub HashifyFieldList : method {
    my ($self, $text) = @_;

    my %hash;
    my @fields = split /^(?=:)/m, $text;
    foreach my $field (@fields) {
	next unless $field =~ /^:([^:\n]*): *(.*)/s;
	my ($fname,$val) = ($1, $2);
	chomp $val;
	$hash{$fname} = $val;

    return \%hash;

# Returns the next identifier.
# Arguments: None
sub Id : method {
    my ($self) = @_;
    return "id" . ++$self->{next_id};

# Parses inline markup.
# Arguments: DOM object of parent, text to parse, source, line number
# Returns: list of system_message DOMs if errors
sub Inline : method {
    my ($self, $parent, $text, $source, $lineno) = @_;
#print STDERR "Inline($parent,$text)\n";
    my @problems;

    my ($is_start, $pre, $start, $next, $pending, $processed);

    ($is_start, $pre, $start, $next) = $self->InlineStart($text);
    while ($is_start) {
	$pending .= $pre;
	$text = $next;

	# Is there an end for this start?
	my ($is_end, $mid, $end, $next1) = $self->InlineEnd($text, $start);
	if (! $is_end) {
	    # We don't have an end
	    if ($start =~ /^(\[|)$/) {
		last if $start eq '' && $mid eq '';
		$pending .= "$start$mid";
		$text = $next1;
	    else {
		$lineno += $pending =~ tr/\n//;
		$pending =
		    if $pending ne '';
		$pending = "";
		# We have something problematic here
		my ($dom,$refid,$id) = $self->problematic($start);
		my $err = $self->system_message
		    (2, $source, $lineno,
		     "Inline $MARK_TAG_START{$start} start-string without end-string.",
		     "", backrefs=>[ $id ], ids=>[ $refid ]);
		push (@problems, $err);
	else {
	    my $lit = "$start$mid$end";
	    my %attr;
	    if ($MARK_TAG_START{$start} =~ /interpreted/ &&
		$pending =~ s/:([-\w\.]+):$//) {
		$attr{_role} = $1;
		$attr{_position} = 'prefix'; 

	    $lineno += $pending =~ tr/\n//;
	    $pending = RemoveBackslashes($pending);
		if $pending ne '';
	    $pending = '';
	    $text = $next1;
	    my @content;
	    my @errs;
	    my $tag = $MARK_TAG{"$start$end"};
	    my $implicit;
	    if (! defined $tag && $start eq '') {
		# This must be an implicit markup
		$mid = "$mid$end";
		$end = "_";
		$tag = 'reference';
		$implicit = 1;
	    if ($tag eq 'interpreted' && $text =~ s/^:([-\w\.]+)://) {
		my $role = $1;
		if (defined $attr{_role}) {
		    # We have something problematic here
		    my ($dom,$refid,$id) =
		    my $err = $self->system_message
			(2, $source, $lineno,
			 "Multiple roles in interpreted text (both prefix and suffix present; only one allowed).",
			 "", backrefs=>[ $id ], ids=>[ $refid ]);
		    push (@problems, $err);
		elsif ($text =~ s/^(__?)//) {
		    # We have something problematic here
		    my ($dom,$refid,$id) = $self->problematic("`$mid`:$role:$1");
		    my $err = $self->system_message
			(2, $source, $lineno,
			 "Mismatch: both interpreted text role suffix and reference suffix.",
			 "", backrefs=>[ $id ], ids=>[ $refid ]);
		    push (@problems, $err);
		else {
		    $attr{_role} = $role;
		    $attr{_position} = 'suffix';
	    elsif ($tag =~ /reference/) {
		if (defined $attr{_role}) {
		    # We have something problematic here
		    my ($dom,$refid,$id) =
		    my $err = $self->system_message
			(2, $source, $lineno,
			 "Mismatch: both interpreted text role prefix and reference suffix.",
			 "", backrefs=>[ $id ], ids=>[ $refid ]);
		    push (@problems, $err);

		my $name = $mid;
		$name =~ s/\n/ /g;
		my $uri;

		if ($tag eq 'substitution_reference' && $end =~ /_$/) {
		    # Need to create a new level of reference
		    my $dom = $DOM->new
			($tag, refname=>
			 $self->NormalizeName($name, 'keepcase'));
		    $dom->{source} = $source;
		    $dom->{lineno} = $lineno;
		    $dom->{lit} = $lit;
		    push (@content, $dom);
		    $tag = 'reference';
		    $mid = "";
		$mid =~ /((?:\s|\A)<([^ <][^<]*[^ ])>)$/;
		my $embeduri = $2;
		if ((defined $embeduri || $implicit) &&
		    do {$uri = $implicit ? $mid : $embeduri;
			$uri =~ s/\n */ /g;
			$uri =~ s/(?!\\)(.) +/$1/g;
			$uri =~ /^($Text::Restructured::URIre::URI_reference(\#\S+)?|(\#\S+)|$EMAIL)$/o}) {
		    # Implicit references may pick up extra punctuation at
		    # the end.
		    if ($pre ne '<' && substr($next1,0,1) ne '>' &&
			$implicit && $uri =~ /(.*)([\)\]\};:\'\",.>\?])$/) {
			my ($newuri, $lastchar) = ($1, $2);
			if (!defined $LEFT_BRACE{$lastchar}) {
			    $mid = $uri = $newuri;
			    $text = "$lastchar$text";
		    $uri =~ s/\\(.)/$1/g; # Remove backslash quotes
		    $uri = "mailto:$uri"
			if $uri !~ /^$Text::Restructured::URIre::scheme:/o && $uri =~ /^$EMAIL$/o;
		    $attr{refuri} = $uri;
		    $mid =~ s/^<(.*)>$/$1/ if $embeduri;
		    $mid =~ s/(\s<[^<]+>)$//;
		    my $miduri = defined $1 ? $1 : '';
		    $attr{name} = $mid unless $implicit;
		    $lineno += $miduri =~ tr/\n//;
		elsif ($end =~ /__/) {
		    $attr{anonymous} = 1;
		    $attr{name} = $self->NormalizeName($mid, 'keepcase')
			if $mid ne '';
		else {
		    $tag = 'citation_reference'
			if $start eq '[' && $name !~ /^([\#*].*|\d+)$/;
		    if ($tag =~ /footnote|citation/ && $name =~ /^[\#*](.*)/) {
			$attr{auto} = substr($name,0,1) eq '*' ? '*' : 1;
			$mid = "";
			$name = $1;
		    if ($name ne '') {
			$attr{refname} = $tag eq 'substitution_reference' ?
			    $self->NormalizeName($name, 'keepcase') :
			$attr{name} = $self->NormalizeName($name, 'keepcase')
			    if $tag eq 'reference' && $start ne '|';
		if ($tag =~ /footnote|citation/) {
		    $attr{ids} = [ $self->Id() ];
	    elsif ($tag eq 'target') {
		$attr{ids} = [ $self->NormalizeId($mid) ];
		$attr{names} = [ $self->NormalizeName($mid) ];
	    # Do parse-time interpretations of interpreted text
	    my $was_interpreted;
	    my $suffix;
	    if ($tag eq 'interpreted') {
		$lit = $attr{_position} eq 'prefix' ?
		    ":$attr{_role}:$lit" : "$lit:$attr{_role}:"
		    if defined $attr{_role};
		$attr{_role} = $self->{MY_DEFAULT_ROLE}
		if ! defined $attr{_role};
		if (! defined $self->{MY_ROLES}{$attr{_role}}) {
		    # See if we can find a plug-in Directive that defines it
		    (my $role = $attr{_role}) =~ s/[^\w]/_/g;
		    eval("use Text::Restructured::Directive::$role");
		    if ($@ && $@ !~ /Can\'t locate .* in \@INC/) {
			push(@problems, $self->system_message
			     (4, $source, $lineno,
			      qq(Error compiling "$role": $@)));
		    my $init = "Text::Restructured::Directive::${role}::init";
		    (\&$init)->($self) if defined &$init;
		if (defined $self->{MY_ROLES}{$attr{_role}}) {
		    my $role_r = $self->{MY_ROLES}{$attr{_role}};
		    my $orig_role_r = $role_r;
		    $role_r = $self->{MY_ROLES}{$role_r->{alias}}
  			while defined $role_r->{alias};
		    $attr{classes} = [ $orig_role_r->{options}{class} ]
		        if $orig_role_r->{options}{class};
		    my @errs = &{$role_r->{check}}($self, $mid, $lit, $parent,
						 $source, $lineno, $attr{_role})
			if defined $role_r->{check};
		    delete $attr{_position};
		    if (@errs) {
			push @problems, @errs;
		    $tag = $role_r->{tag};
		    if (defined $role_r->{attr}) {
			foreach my $attr (keys %{$role_r->{attr}}) {
			    $attr{$attr} =
				ref($role_r->{attr}{$attr}) eq 'ARRAY' ?
				$role_r->{attr}{$attr} :
				ref($role_r->{attr}{$attr}) eq 'CODE' ?
				&{$role_r->{attr}{$attr}}($self, $attr, $mid,
				sprintf $role_r->{attr}{$attr}, $mid;
		    $mid = ref($role_r->{text}) eq 'CODE' ?
			&{$role_r->{text}}($self, $mid, $attr{_role},
					   $source, $lineno) :
			sprintf $role_r->{text}, $mid
			if defined $role_r->{text};
		    my $options = $role_r->{options} || {};
		    if (ref $mid eq 'ARRAY') {
			my $new_mid   = '';
			foreach my $elt (@$mid) {
			    if (ref($elt) =~ /$DOM$/) {
				    if $new_mid ne '';
				$new_mid   = '';
			    else {
				if ($options->{reparse}) {
				    my $temp = $DOM->new('temp');
				    $self->Paragraphs($temp, $elt,
						      $source, $lineno);
				    foreach my $child ($temp->contents) {
					if ($child->tag eq 'paragraph') {
					else {
				else {
				    $new_mid .= $elt;
			next if $options->{reparse};
			$mid = $new_mid;
		    if ($options->{prefix} &&
			defined (my $pfx =
				 ($options->{prefix}{$self->{opt}{w}} ||
				  $options->{prefix}{default}))) {
			my $raw = $DOM->new('raw', format=>$self->{opt}{w});
		    if ($options->{suffix} &&
			defined (my $sfx =
				 ($options->{suffix}{$self->{opt}{w}} ||
				  $options->{suffix}{default}))) {
			$suffix = $DOM->new('raw', format=>$self->{opt}{w});
		    if ($options->{reparse}) {
			$text = "$mid$text";
		    $was_interpreted = 1;
		else {
		    # We have something problematic here
		    my ($dom,$refid,$id) = $self->problematic($lit);
		    push @problems, $self->UnknownRole($attr{_role}, $source, $lineno, '',
						       backrefs=>[ $id ],
						       ids=>[ $refid ]);
	    my $dom = $DOM->new($tag, %attr);
	    $dom->{source} = $source;
	    $dom->{lineno} = $lineno;
	    $dom->{lit} = $lit;
	    if ($attr{_role}) {
		$dom->{role} = $attr{_role};
		delete $dom->{attr}{_role};
	    if ($tag eq 'target') {
		my $err = $self->RegisterName($dom, $source, $lineno);
		push (@problems, $err) if $err;
	    $parent->append($suffix) if $suffix;
	    if ($tag =~ /^(literal)$/ && ! $was_interpreted || $implicit ||
		$tag eq 'raw' ||
		(defined $attr{_role} &&
		 $self->{MY_ROLES}{$attr{_role}}{attr}{raw}) ||
		! $self->{opt}{D}{nest_inline}) {
		$mid = RemoveBackslashes($mid)
		    if $tag !~ /^(literal|raw)$/ &&
		    !(defined $attr{_role} &&
		    if $mid ne '';
	    else {
		@errs = $self->Inline($dom, $mid, $source, $lineno)
		    if $mid ne '';
		push @problems, @errs;
	    if ($tag eq 'reference' && defined $attr{refuri} &&
		$end !~ /__/ && ! $implicit && ! $was_interpreted) {
		my $dom = $DOM->new('target',
				   ids=>[ $self->NormalizeId($mid) ],
				   names=>[ $self->NormalizeName($mid) ]);
		my $err = $self->RegisterName($dom, $source, $lineno);
		push (@problems, $err) if $err;
	    $lineno += $mid =~ tr/\n//;

    } continue { 
	($is_start, $pre, $start, $next) =
	    $self->InlineStart($text, substr($pending, -1));

    $pending .= $text;
    $pending = RemoveBackslashes($pending);
	if $pending !~ /^(\n|)$/;

    return @problems;

# Finds the matching end mark for an inline start mark.  Works even if there
# is intervening nested markup.
# Arguments: text, start mark, start mark of outer nesting (may be null)
# Returns: boolean indicating match found, text between marks, end mark,
#          text after end mark
sub InlineEnd : method {
#print STDERR ++$dbg::ienest," InlineEnd(",join(',',@_),")\n";
    my ($self, $text, $start, $outer_start) = @_;
    my ($is_end, $orig_mid, $end, $orig_next) =
	$self->InlineFindEnd($text, $start, $outer_start);
    my ($full_mid, $next) = ($orig_mid, $orig_next);
    goto do_return
	unless $is_end && $self->{opt}{D}{nest_inline} && $start ne '``';

    # We only need to recurse to get it right if the start symbol is
    # "*" or "`" (emphasis or interpreted/target)
    my ($is_start, $pre, $nest_start, $next2) = $self->InlineStart($text)
	if $start =~ /(\*|\`)$/;
    my $full_pre = $pre;
    while ($is_start && length($full_pre) < length($full_mid)) {
#print STDERR "[$is_start][$full_pre][$full_mid]\n";
	my ($nest_is_end, $nest_mid, $nest_end, $nest_next) =
	    $self->InlineEnd($next2, $nest_start, $start);
	if (! $nest_is_end && $nest_start eq '') {
	    # Check for a later start
	    $text = "$nest_start$next2";
	    $full_pre .= substr($text,0,1);
	    $text = substr($text,1);
	    ($is_start, $pre, $nest_start, $next2) =
		$self->InlineStart($text, substr($full_pre, -1));
	    $full_pre .= $pre if $is_start;
	else {
	    # Skip over the nested start
	    $full_pre .= "$nest_start$nest_mid$nest_end";
	    $full_mid = $full_pre;
	    $text = $nest_next;

	    # Look for the next start/end pair
	    my ($new_end, $mid);
	    # What we thought was our end may have been swallowed up by
	    # the nested start; find the new end.
	    ($nest_is_end, $mid, $new_end, $next) =
		$self->InlineFindEnd($text, $start);
	    if (! $nest_is_end) {
		($full_mid, $next) = ($orig_mid, $orig_next);
	    $full_mid .= $mid;
	    ($is_start, $pre, $nest_start, $next2) =
		$self->InlineStart($text, substr($full_pre, -1));
	    $full_pre .= $pre if $is_start;
	    ($orig_mid, $orig_next, $end) = ($full_mid, $next, $new_end);

#print STDERR $dbg::ienest--," InlineEnd->[$is_end][$full_mid][$end][$next]\n";
    return ($is_end, $full_mid, $end, $next);

# Finds the first possible matching end mark for an inline start mark.  Does
# not take into account intervening nested markup.
# Arguments: text, start mark, start mark of outer nesting (may be null)
# Returns: boolean indicating match found, text between marks, end mark,
#          text after end mark
sub InlineFindEnd : method {
#print STDERR "InlineFindEnd(",join(',',@_),")\n";
    my ($self, $text, $start, $nest_start, $null_string_ok) = @_;
    my $match = 0;
    my ($mid, $end, $after, @problems) = ('', '', '');
    my $nest_trailer = defined $nest_start && defined $MARK_END{$nest_start} ?
	$MARK_END{$nest_start} : "\001";
    while (! $match &&
	   (my @s = split /((\S|\A)($MARK_END{$start})(?=$MARK_END_TRAILER|$nest_trailer|\n))/, $text, 2) > 1) {
	my ($next, $after);
	($next, $end,$after) = ("$s[0]$s[2]", $s[3], $s[-1]);
#print STDERR "$lineno: #$start#$next#$end#$s[-1]\n";
	if (("$start$end" =~ /^_/ && $start ne '_`' &&
	     ($next =~ /([\._-])\1/ || $next =~ /[\`\]]$/)) ||
	    ($start eq '[' && $next !~ /^(?=.)[\#\*]?$self->{CITE_CHARS}*$/)) {
	    $mid = "$next$end";
	    $text = $after;
	$match = 1;
	my @content;
	if ($MARK_TAG_START{$start} ne 'literal') {
	    if (substr($next,-1, 1) eq "\\") {
		# It's backslash quoted; not a real end mark
		substr($next,-1, 1) = "\\$end";
		$match = 0;
	$mid = "$mid$next";
	$text = $after;
#print STDERR "InlineFindEnd -> [$match][$mid][$end][$text]\n";
    return ($match, $mid, $end, $text);

# Finds the place where inline markup starts.
# Arguments: text, character preceding text
# Returns: Boolean indicating markup was found, characters preceding markup 
#          start, start markup string, characters after markup start
sub InlineStart : method {
#print STDERR "InlineStart(",join(',',@_),")\n";
    my ($self, $text, $previous) = @_;
    my $arg = $text;
    my $pre = '';

    while (#do{print STDERR "[$text]\n";1} &&
	   $text =~ m(^(.*?)(^|[-\'\"\(\[\{</: ])(?:($MARK_START)(\S)|(?=(?=[^-_\'\"\(\[\{</: \\\n])(\S*[^\\\s])__?($MARK_END_TRAILER|\n))|(?=$Text::Restructured::URIre::absoluteURI|$EMAIL))(.*))mos) {
	my ($processed, $prechar,$start,$postchar,$after) =
	    map defined $_ ? $_ : '', ($1,$2,$3,$4,$7);
	my $pending = $start if $start eq '[';
	$previous = substr($pre, -1) if $pre ne '';
	my $pchar = $prechar eq '' ? $previous : $prechar;
#print STDERR "<$pchar><$start><$postchar><$after>\n";
	my $validstart = 1;
	if (defined $pchar && defined $MATCH_BRACE{$pchar} &&
	    $postchar eq $MATCH_BRACE{$pchar} ||
	    $postchar eq $start && $start ne '') {
	    # It's within quotes
	    $processed .= "$prechar$start$postchar";
	    $text = $after;
	    $validstart = 0;
	elsif ($start  eq '' && defined $pchar &&
	       $pchar !~ m!(\A|[-\'\"\(\[\{</: \\])$!) {
	    # It seems to be a reference, but prechar isn't allowed
	    my @s = split m!(([-\'\"\(\[\{</: \\])|(__?)(?=$MARK_END_TRAILER|\n))!, $text,2 ;
	    $pchar = $s[2] if defined $s[2];
	    my $anon = defined $s[3] ? $s[3] : '';
	    ($processed,$after) = ("$processed$s[0]$pchar$anon","$s[-1]");
	    $validstart = 0;
	    $text = $after;
	elsif ($start eq '' &&
	       (my @s = split /(($Text::Restructured::URIre::scheme):(?:$Text::Restructured::URIre::hier_part|$Text::Restructured::URIre::opaque_part))/o, 
		$text, 2) > 1) {
	    # It seems to be implicit markup, but it's not a recognized scheme
	    my $scheme = $s[2];
	    if (! $IMPLICIT_SCHEME{$scheme}) {
		($processed, $after) = ("$s[0]$s[1]", "$s[-1]");
		$validstart = 0;
		$text = $after;
	    else {
		$processed = "$processed$prechar";
	else {
	    $processed = "$processed$prechar";
	    $after = "$postchar$after";
	$pre .= $processed;
#print STDERR "InlineStart -> [$validstart][$pre][$start][$after]\n" if $validstart; 
	return ($validstart, $pre, $start, $after) if $validstart;

#print STDERR "InlineStart -> 0\n";
    return 0;

# Returns whether a reStructuredText string represents a valid table object.
# Arguments: string
# Returns: true or false
sub IsTable : method {
    my ($self, $text) = @_;

    chomp $text;
    my @lines = split(/\n/, $text);
    my $first = $lines[0];
    return 0 unless defined $first;
    # Check for a validly constructed grid table
    if ($first =~ /^[+]([-=]+[+])+ *$/) {
	my $l;
	for ($l=1; $l < @lines; $l++) {
	    $_ = $lines[$l];
	    return 0 unless /^[|+].*[|+] *$/;
	    return 1 if $l > 1 && /^[+][+-]+[+] *$/;
	return 0;
    # Check for a validly constructed simple table
    elsif ($first =~ /^=+( +=+)+ *$/) {
	return 1;
    return 0;

# Processes a line block paragraph.
# Arguments: paragraph, source, line number
# Returns: processed paragraph, list of DOM objects and unprocessed paragraphs
sub LineBlock : method {
    my($self, $para, $source, $lineno) = @_;

    my @err;
    my $lines = 0;
    my ($processed, @unp);
    my $dom = $DOM->new('line_block');
    # Calculate our minimum indentation
    my @indents = map length $_, $para =~ /^(?:$LINE_BLOCK)( +)\S/gm;
    my $indent = $indents[0] || 0;
    grep do { $indent = $_ if $_ < $indent }, @indents;
    my $spaces = ' ' x $indent;
    my @paras = split /^$LINE_BLOCK(?:$spaces(\S))/m, $para;
    my $prev = shift @paras || '';
    if ($prev) {
	if ($prev =~ /^$LINE_BLOCK *(\n$LINE_BLOCK *)*$/) {
	    # One or more blank lines
	    my @lines = $prev =~ /(\n)/g;
	    foreach (@lines) {
		my $li = $DOM->new('line');
	else {
	    # Start with another line block
	    $prev =~ s/^$LINE_BLOCK$spaces/|/gm;
	    my ($prevproc, @prevdom) =
		$self->LineBlock($prev, $source, $lineno+$lines);
	    $dom->append(grep ref($_) =~ /$DOM$/o, @prevdom);
	$lines += $prev =~ tr/\n//;
	$processed .= $prev;
    while (my ($pfx, $para) = splice @paras, 0, 2) {
	my $li = $DOM->new('line');
	$para = "$pfx$para";
	# Check for nested line blocks
	my $nest;
	if ((my @s = split /^($LINE_BLOCK(?: +\S))/mo, $para, 2) > 1) {
	    ($para, $nest) = ($s[0], "$s[1]$s[-1]");
	# Check for immediately following blank lines
	($para, my @s) = split /^$LINE_BLOCK *$/m, $para;
	$para =~ s/^  +//mg;
	push @err, $self->Inline($li, $para, $source, $lineno+$lines);
	$lines += $para =~ tr/\n//;
	$processed .= $para;
 	foreach (@s) {
 	    my $li = $DOM->new('line');
 	    $processed .= "$LINE_BLOCK\n";
	if ($nest) {
	    # Process nested line block
	    $nest =~ s/^$LINE_BLOCK$spaces/|/gm;
	    my ($nestproc, @nestdom) =
		$self->LineBlock($nest, $source, $lineno+$lines);
	    $dom->append(grep(ref($_) =~ /$DOM$/o, @nestdom));
	    $lines += $nest =~ tr/\n//;
	    $processed .= $nest;
    return ($processed, $dom, @err, @unp);

# Normalizes an attribute by putting it in lower case and replacing sequences
# of special characters with hyphens.
# Arguments: string, implicit
# Returns: normalized string
sub NormalizeId : method {
    my ($self, $s, $implicit) = @_;
    $s = '' unless defined $s;
    chomp $s;
    # Get rid of any initial numbering of implicit targets
    $s =~ s/^(\d+\.)+\s+// if $implicit;
    $s =~ s/\n/ /g;
    $s = NormalizeName($self, $s);
    # Get rid of special characters
    $s =~ s/[^\w\s\'\.-]//g;
    # Translate sequences of spaces to a single hyphen
    $s =~ s/[\s\'\._]+/-/g;
    $s =~ s/^-|-$//g;
    $s = $self->Id() if $s eq '';
    return $s;

# Normalizes an attribute by putting it in lower case and replacing sequences
# of spaces with a single space.
# Arguments: string, flag to keep case
# Returns: normalized string
sub NormalizeName : method {
    my ($self, $s, $keepcase) = @_;
    return unless defined $s;
    chomp $s;
    # Remove backslash-space combos
    $s =~ s/\\ //g;
    # Remove initial spaces
    $s =~ s/^\s+//;
    # Remove trailing spaces
    $s =~ s/\s+$//;
    # Translate to lower case
    $s = lc $s unless $keepcase;
    # Convert strings of spaces to a single space
    $s =~ s/[\s]+/ /g;
    # Remove inline markup characters
    my $old_s = $s;
    while ($s =~ s/(^|(?!\\).)($MARK_START)/$1/go && $s ne $old_s) {
	$old_s = $s;
    # Handle backslashes
    $s =~ s/\\(.)/$1/g;
    return $s;

# Processes an option list paragraph.
# Arguments: paragraph, source, line number
# Returns: processed paragraph, list of DOM objects and unprocessed paragraphs
sub OptionList : method {
    my($self, $para, $source, $lineno) = @_;

    my $dom = $DOM->new('option_list');
    my ($processed, @unp);
    (undef, my @paras) =
	split /^((?:$OPTION)(?:, (?:$OPTION))*(?:  |\s*\n ))/om, $para;
    while (my($pfx, $para) = splice @paras, 0, 2) {
	$pfx =~ /^((?:$OPTION)(?:, (?:$OPTION))*)(  |\s*\n )/o;
	my ($options, $sep) = ($1, $2);
	$para = "$sep$para";
	my @options = split(/, /, $options);
	my $oli = $DOM->new('option_list_item');
	my $og = $DOM->new('option_group');
	my $option;
	foreach $option (@options) {
	    $option =~ /^(-.)()(<[^>]+>)/ ||
	    $option =~ /^([^ =]+)(?:([= ])(.*))?/;
	    my ($string, $del, $argument) = ($1, $2, $3);
	    my $opt = $DOM->new('option');
	    my $os = $DOM->new('option_string');
	    if (defined $argument) {
		my $oa = $DOM->new('option_argument', delimiter=>$del);
	my $desc = $DOM->new('description');
	my $proc = "$options$para";
	# Remove initial spaces
	$para =~ s/^ +//;
	$para = $self->RemoveMinIndent($para, '(?!\A)');
	$self->Paragraphs($desc, $para, $source, $lineno);
	$lineno += $proc =~ tr/\n//;
	$processed .= $proc;

    return ($processed, $dom, @unp);

# Recursively parses a reStructuredText string that does not contain sections.
# Arguments: DOM object of parent, text to parse, source, start line number
# Returns: None, but appends parsed objects to the parent
sub Paragraphs : method {
    my ($self, $parent, $text, $source, $lineno) = @_;
#$INDENT .= " ";

    return unless defined $text;
    # Convert any tabs to spaces
    while ($text =~ s/^([^\t\n]*)\t/
	   my $l = length($1);
	   my $ts = $self->{opt}{D}{tabstops};
	   my $s = " " x ($ts - ($l % $ts));
	   "$1$s"/gem) {
    # Convert form feeds and vertical tabs to spaces
    $text =~ s/[\013\014]/ /g;
    # To aid keeping simple tables together, we do an initial pass
    # over the file quoting all the lines in simple tables to begin
    # with a control-A (octal 001) character.
    $text = $self->QuoteSimpleTables($text);

#print "${INDENT}Paragraphs(",join(',',@_),")\n";
    # Split into paragraphs
    my @para = map(do{s/^ +$//;$_},split(/^(\s*\n)+/m, $text));
    my $processed;
    my $exp_literal = 0; # Are we expecting a literal block
    my $doc_sec = $parent->tag eq 'section' ? "Section" :
	"Document or section";
    my $para;
    my $new_literal = 0; # Will we expect a literal block next time
    my @unprocessed;
    while (@para) {
	my @dom;
#print STDERR "[",join("][",@para),"]";
#print STDERR "->[",join("][",@para),"]\n";

	$para = shift(@para);
#print STDERR "[$para]\n";

	my $dom;
	my $got_literal; # Did we get a literal block
	@unprocessed = ();

 	if ((my @s = split /^$SECTION_HEADER/om, $para, 2) > 1) {
 	    if ($s[0] ne '') {
 		$para = $s[0];
 		unshift(@para, "$s[1]$s[-1]");
	    else {
		if ($exp_literal) {
			 (2, $source, $lineno,
			  "Literal block expected; none found."));

		my ($new_parent, $unp, @result);

		($para, $unp, $new_parent, @result) =
		    $self->SectionBreaks($parent, $para, $source, $lineno,
		if ($para eq '') {
		    $para = $unp;
		else {
		    $parent = $new_parent;
		    $doc_sec = "Section";
		    push(@unprocessed, $unp) if $unp ne '';

	if ($para =~ /^(\s*\n)*$/s) {
	    $new_literal = $got_literal = $exp_literal;
	# Check for error sentinels
	elsif ($para =~ s/^\n//) {
	    push (@dom, eval($para));
	    $para = '';
	    $new_literal = $got_literal = $exp_literal;
	# Check for explicit markup blocks
	elsif ($para =~ /^(?:\.\.|(__))( |\n)/s) {
	    my @result;
	    ($para, $parent, @result) = $self->Explicit($parent, $para,
							$source, $lineno);
	    push(@dom, grep(ref($_) =~ /$DOM$/o, @result));
	    unshift(@para, grep(ref($_) !~ /$DOM$/o, @result));
	# Check for bulleted lists
	elsif ($para =~ /^($BULLETS)(?: |\n)/o) {
	    my @result;
	    ($para, @result) = $self->BulletList($para, $source, $lineno);
	    push(@dom, grep(ref($_) =~ /$DOM$/o, @result));
	    unshift(@para, grep(ref($_) !~ /$DOM$/o, @result));
	# Check for line blocks
	elsif ($para =~ /^($LINE_BLOCK)(?: |\n)/o) {
	    my @result;
	    ($para, @result) = $self->LineBlock($para, $source, $lineno);
	    push(@dom, grep(ref($_) =~ /$DOM$/o, @result));
	    unshift(@para, grep(ref($_) !~ /$DOM$/o, @result));
	# Check for enumerated lists
	elsif ($para =~ /^$ENUM .*\n(?=\Z|\n| |$ENUM)/o) {
	    my @result;
	    ($para, @result) = $self->EnumList($para, $source, $lineno);
	    push(@dom, grep(ref($_) =~ /$DOM$/o, @result));
	    unshift(@para, grep(ref($_) !~ /$DOM$/o, @result));
	# Check for doctest blocks
	elsif ($para =~ /^>>> /) {
	    my $dom = $DOM->new('doctest_block', %XML_SPACE);
	    push(@dom, $dom);
	# Check for field lists
	elsif ($para =~ /^$FIELD_LIST/o) {
	    my @result;
	    ($para, @result) = $self->FieldList($para, $source, $lineno);
	    push(@dom, grep(ref($_) =~ /$DOM$/o, @result));
	    unshift(@para, grep(ref($_) !~ /$DOM$/o, @result));
	# Check for option lists
	elsif ($para =~ /^$OPTION_LIST/o) {
	    my @result;
	    ($para, @result) = $self->OptionList($para, $source, $lineno);
	    push(@dom, grep(ref($_) =~ /$DOM$/o, @result));
	    unshift(@para, grep(ref($_) !~ /$DOM$/o, @result));
	# Check for tables
	elsif ($para =~ /^(=+( +=+)+|[+](-+[+])+) *\n/ &&
	       $self->IsTable($para)) {
	    push(@dom, $self->Table($para, $source, $lineno));
	# Check for block quotes 
	elsif (substr($para, 0, 1) eq ' ') {
	    # It's indented: it must be a block quote or indented literal
	    my $dom;
	    if ($exp_literal) {
		$dom = $DOM->new('literal_block', %XML_SPACE);
	    else {
		$dom = $DOM->new('block_quote');
	    push @dom, $dom;
	    # Make sure nothing is unindented
	    my $badindent = 0;
	    if ((my @s = split /^(\S)/m, $para, 2) > 1) {
		unshift(@para, "$s[1]$s[-1]");
		$para = $s[0];
		$badindent = 1;
	    $para = $self->RemoveMinIndent($para);
	    if ($exp_literal) {
	    else {
		# Check for an attribution
		my $attr = $1
		    if ($dom->tag eq 'block_quote' &&
			$para =~ s/\n(?:---?|\\u2014)(?!-) *(.*(\n( *).*(\n\2\S.*)*)?\Z)/\n/m);
		$self->Paragraphs($dom, $para, $source, $lineno);
		if (defined $attr) {
		    my ($spaces) = $attr =~ /\n( *)/;
		    # Devel::Cover branch 0 1 assert defined $spaces
		    # uncoverable branch false note:assert defined $spaces
		    $attr =~ s/^$spaces//gm if defined $spaces;
		    my $attribution = $DOM->new('attribution');
		    $para .= $attr;
	    my $block = $exp_literal ? "Literal block" : "Block quote";
		    "\n" .
		       (2, \$source, \$lineno,
			"$block ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.")))
		if $badindent;
	    $got_literal = 1;
	# Check for quoted literals (must precede check for definition lists)
	elsif ($exp_literal && $para =~ /^(($SEC_CHARS)[^\n]*\n(?:\2[^\n]*\n)*)(.*)/so) {
	    my ($lit, $quote, $next) = ($1, $2, $3);
	    my $dom = $DOM->new('literal_block', %XML_SPACE);
	    push @dom, $dom;
	    if ($next ne '') {
		unshift @para, $next;
		if (substr($next, 0, 1) eq ' ') {
		    unshift(@para, "\n" .
			      (3, $source, $lineno,
			       "Unexpected indentation.")));
		else {
		    unshift(@para, "\n" .
			      (3, $source, $lineno,
			       "Inconsistent literal block quoting.")));
	    $para = $lit;
	    $got_literal = 1;
	# Check for definition lists
	elsif ($para =~ /^(\S.*)\n( +)/) {
	    my @result;
	    ($para, @result) = $self->DefinitionList($para, $source, $lineno);
	    push(@dom, grep(ref($_) =~ /$DOM$/o, @result));
	    unshift(@para, grep(ref($_) !~ /$DOM$/o, @result));
	# Check for transitions 
	elsif ($para =~ /^(($SEC_CHARS)\2\2\2+)$/o) {
	    if ($parent->tag !~ /^(document|section|entry)$/) {
		push(@dom, $self->system_message
		     (4, $source, $lineno,
		      "Unexpected section title or transition.", $para));
	    else {
		my $last_sibling = $parent->num_contents ?
		    $parent->last : {};
		my $transition = $DOM->new('transition');
		push(@dom, $transition);
		$transition->{source} = $source;
		$transition->{lineno} = $lineno;
	# It must just be a paragraph
	else {
	    my $p = $DOM->new('paragraph');
	    my $pre;
	    if ((($pre) = $para =~ /(.*):: *$/s) &&
		(! defined $pre || $pre !~ /(^|[^\\])(\\\\)*\\$/)) {
		# We've got a literal block tagged on to us
		$new_literal = 1;
		$para =~ s/(^|.)(\s*):: *\n$/!$1 ? '' : $2 ? "$1\n" : "$1:\n"/e;
	    if ($para ne "") {
		push(@dom,($p, $self->Inline($p, $para, $source, $lineno)));
		# Clean up trailing whitespace
		$p->last->{text} =~ s/ +$//
		    if defined $p->last && exists $p->last->{text};
	if ($exp_literal && ! $got_literal) {
		($self->system_message(2, $source, $lineno,
				       "Literal block expected; none found."));
    continue {
	$exp_literal = $new_literal;
	$lineno += $para =~ tr/\n//;
	$processed .= $para;
	$new_literal = 0;
	# Push unprocessed information back to front of list
	my @unp;
	foreach (@unprocessed) {
	    my @p = split(/^(\s*\n)+/m, $_);
	    push (@unp, @p);
	unshift (@para, @unp);

    if ($exp_literal) {
	    ($self->system_message(2, $source, $lineno,
				   "Literal block expected; none found."));

# Parses a reStructuredText document.
# Arguments: Text, file name
# Returns: DOM object
# Uses globals: None
sub Parse : method {
    my ($self, $text, $filename) = @_;
    my $source = defined $self->{opt}{D}{source} ? $self->{opt}{D}{source} :
    my $dom = $DOM->new('document', source=>$source);
    $dom->{source} = $source;
    $dom->{TOP_FILE} = $filename;
    $dom->{TOOL_ID} = $self->{TOOL_ID};

    $self->init($dom, $filename);
    $self->Paragraphs($dom, $text, $source, 1);

    # Do transformations on the DOM
    use Text::Restructured::Transforms;
    my $transform;
    foreach $transform (@Transforms::TRANSFORMS) {
	next if (defined $self->{opt}{D}{xformoff} &&
		 $transform =~ /$self->{opt}{D}{xformoff}/o);
	my $t = "Text::Restructured::$transform";
	$t =~ s/\./::/g;
	# Check the original transform path before giving up
	# Devel::Cover branch 0 0 Anticipates user-defined transforms
	# uncoverable branch true note:Anticipates user-defined transforms
	($t = $transform) =~ s/\./::/g if ! defined &$t;
	# Devel::Cover branch 0 0 Anticipates user-defined transforms
	# uncoverable branch true note:Anticipates user-defined transforms
	if (! defined &$t) {
	    # Devel::Cover statement 0 0 Anticipates user-defined transforms
	    # uncoverable statement note:Anticipates user-defined transforms
		 (4, $source, 0,
		  qq(No transform code found for "$transform".)));
	else {
	    no strict 'refs';
	    &$t($dom, $self);
    return $dom;

# Quotes lines involved in simple tables that could be confused with
# section headers by starting them with a control-A (octal 001)
# character.  Works only with properly formatted tables (ones followed
# by a blank line).
# Arguments: text string
# Returns: quoted text string
sub QuoteSimpleTables : method {
    my($self, $text) = @_;
    return "" unless defined $text;
    my $processed = '';
    while ((my @s = split /^(=+( +=+)+ *\n)/m, $text, 2) > 1) {
	my $line = $s[1];
	my $len = length($line);
	$processed = "$processed$s[0]$s[1]";
	$text = "$s[-1]";
	if ((my @s = split /^((=[ =]+= *\n)(\n|\Z))/m, $text, 2) > 1) {
	    my $table = "$s[0]$s[2]";
	    $text = "$s[3]$s[-1]";
	    $table =~ s/^/\001/gm;
	    $processed = "$processed$table";
    return "$processed$text";

# Registers a target name and returns an error DOM if it is an illegal
# duplicate.
# Arguments: target DOM, source, line number
# Returns: optional error DOM
sub RegisterName : method {
    my ($self, $dom, $source, $lineno) = @_;
    my $error = '';
    my $casename = defined $dom->{attr}{names} ? $dom->{attr}{names}[0] : '';
    my $name = lc $casename;
    push(@{$self->{ANONYMOUS_TARGETS}}, $dom) if $dom->{attr}{anonymous};

    my $tag = $dom->tag;
    if ($tag =~ /^(footnote|substitution|citation)/) {
	$self->{REFERENCE_DOM}{$tag}{$casename} = 
	    $self->{REFERENCE_DOM}{"$"}{$name} = $dom
	    if $casename ne '';
	$self->{REFERENCE_DOM}{$tag}{$dom->{attr}{ids}[0]} = $dom
	    if defined $dom->{attr}{ids};
#    return unless defined $name;
    my $uri = $dom->{attr}{refuri};
    my $level = 1;
    my $target;
    my %tags;
    BEGIN {%NAMESPACE = (section=>'target', substitution_definition=>'subst',
	   %CITSPACE= (); }# citation=>'footcit', footnote=>'footcit');}
    my $space = $NAMESPACE{$tag} || 'target';
#print "$dom->{tag}: $name [$space]\n";
    foreach $target (@{$self->{TARGET_NAME}{$space}{$name}}) {
	next if $name eq '' || defined $target->{attr}{names} &&
	    $target->{attr}{names}[0] ne $casename;
	my $ttag = $target->tag;
	if ($tag =~ /substitution/) {
	    $level = 3;
	if (((defined $uri && ($target->{attr}{refuri} || '') ne $uri) ||
	     (! defined $uri &&
	      # Both targets are explicit 
	      ($tag =~ /^(target|footnote|citation)$/ &&
	       $ttag =~ /^(target|footnote|citation)$/) &&
	      ($CITSPACE{$tag} || '') eq ($CITSPACE{$ttag} || '')))
	    && $level < 2) {
	    $level = 2;
	if ($ttag ne $tag || $tag ne 'target' || $level == 2) {
	    $target->{attr}{dupnames} = $dom->{attr}{names};
	    delete $target->{attr}{names};
    push (@{$self->{TARGET_NAME}{$space}{$name}}, $dom);
    push (@{$self->{ALL_TARGET_IDS}{$dom->{attr}{ids}[0]}}, $dom)
	if defined $dom->{attr}{ids};
    push (@{$self->{ALL_TARGET_NAMES}{$name}}, $dom);
    my @same_name_targets =
	grep ($_ ne $dom &&
	      (defined $_->{attr}{names} && $_->{attr}{names}[0] ||
	       defined $_->{attr}{dupnames} && $_->{attr}{dupnames}[0] || '')
	      eq $casename &&
	      (($_->{source} || '') ne ($source || '') ||
	       $_->{lineno} != $lineno),
	      @{$self->{TARGET_NAME}{$space}{$name}}) if $name ne '';
    if (@same_name_targets > 0) {
	my %attr;
	if ($tag !~ /substitution/) {
	    if ($tags{$tag}) {
		$dom->{attr}{dupnames} = $dom->{attr}{names};
		delete $dom->{attr}{names};
	    $dom->{attr}{ids} = [ $self->Id() ]
		unless $dom->{attr}{ids}[0] =~ /^id\d+$/;
	    my $id = $dom->{attr}{ids}[0];
	    $attr{backrefs} = [ $id ];
	my $plicit = $tag =~ /substitution/ ? 'substitution definition' :
	    $tag =~  /target|footnote/ ? 'explicit target' :
	    'implicit target';
	$error = $self->system_message
	    ($level, $source, $lineno,
	     qq(Duplicate $plicit name: "$name".), "", %attr);
    return $error;

# Checks the lines of a paragraph for the minimum indentation and removes it.
# Arguments: paragraph string, whether to ignore the first line
# Returns: unindented paragraph string
sub RemoveMinIndent : method {
    my ($self, $para, $ifl) = @_;
    my @spaces = $ifl ? $para =~ /^(?!\A)( +)/mg : $para =~ /^( +)/mg;
    my $spaces = defined $spaces[0] ? $spaces[0] : '';
    foreach (@spaces) {
	$spaces = $_ if length($_) < length($spaces);
    $para =~ s/^$spaces//mg;
    return $para;

# Takes the name associated with one DOM and reassigns it to another
# Arguments: source DOM, target DOM
# Returns: None
sub ReregisterName : method {
    my ($self, $olddom, $newdom) = @_;

    foreach my $id (@{$olddom->{attr}{ids}}) {
	@{$self->{ALL_TARGET_IDS}{$id}} =
	    map $_ eq $olddom ? $newdom : $_, @{$self->{ALL_TARGET_IDS}{$id}};

    if ($olddom->{attr}{names}) {
	my $tag = $olddom->tag;
	my $space = $NAMESPACE{$tag} || 'target';
	foreach my $casename (@{$olddom->{attr}{names}}) {
	    my $name = lc $casename;
	    @{$self->{TARGET_NAME}{$space}{$name}} =
	    # uncoverable branch false note:All targets probably point to old
		map $_ eq $olddom ? $newdom : $_,
	    @{$self->{ALL_TARGET_NAMES}{$name}} =
		map $_ eq $olddom ? $newdom : $_,

# Parses any section breaks in the text.
# Arguments: DOM object of parent, text to parse, source, line number,
#            first paragraph in section
# Returns: processed text, unprocessed text, new parent DOM object, 
#          list of DOM objects
sub SectionBreaks : method {
    my ($self, $parent, $text, $source, $lineno, $section) = @_;
    my @dom;
    my $new_parent = $parent;

    $text =~ /^$SECTION_HEADER/o;
    my @sect;
    my $line;
    my $char;
    if (defined $3) {
	$char = "\\$3";
	@sect = split /^((?!$SEC_CHARS+\n(?:\n|\Z))(?!(?:\.\.|::)\n(?:   |\n))($char$char+)\n(.*\n)?(?:(($SEC_CHARS)\5+)\n)?)/m, $text, 2;
	$line = 'over';
    else {
	$char = "\\$9";
	@sect = split /^((\S.*\n)(($char)$char+)\n)/m, $text, 2;
	$line = 'under';
    my $next = "$sect[-1]";

    shift @sect;

    # Now process the section header
    my ($lit, $over, $title, $under, $under_char) =
	map(defined $sect[$_] ? $sect[$_] : '',
	    $line eq 'over' ? (0..4) : (0, 5, 1..3));
    if ($under eq '' && $title =~ /^($SEC_CHARS)\1+$/) {
	$under = $title;
	chomp $under;
	$title = '';
# print STDERR "[$lit][$over][$title][$under][$under_char][]\n";
    my $lit_title = $title;
    $title =~ s/^\s+//;

    # Default to saying we've processed the literal part
    my $processed = $lit;
    my $unprocessed = $next;
    my $err = 1;

    # Check for errors
    if ($parent->tag !~ /^(document|section)$/) {
	return ('', $text)
	    if $line eq 'under' && length($under) < $MIN_SEC_LEN;
	if ($line eq 'over' && length($over) < $MIN_SEC_LEN) {
		 (1, $source, $lineno,
		  "Unexpected possible title overline or transition.\n" .
		  "Treating it as ordinary text because it's so short."));
	    $processed = "";
	    $unprocessed = $text;
	else {
	    # It's a bogus section header in a block quote
		 (4, $source,
		  $lineno+(($line eq 'over') ? 2 : 1),
		  "Unexpected section title.", $lit));
    elsif ($line eq 'over' &&
	   (length($title) == 0 ||
	    length($over) < length($title)-1) &&
	   length($over) < $MIN_SEC_LEN) {
	# We don't actually consider this to be a section header
	     (1, $source, $lineno,
	      "Possible incomplete section title.\n" .
	      "Treating the overline as ordinary text because it's so short."));
	if (length($title) == 0) {
	    # It's a title that looks like a section header...
	    $line = 'under';
	    $title = $over;
	    $char = substr($under, 0, 1);
	    $err = 0;
	else {
	    $processed = "";
	    $unprocessed = $text;
    elsif ($line eq 'under' &&
	   length($under) < length($title)-1 &&
	   length($under) < $MIN_SEC_LEN) {
	# We don't actually consider this to be a section header
	     (1, $source, $lineno+1,
	      "Possible title underline, too short for the title.\n" .
	      "Treating it as ordinary text because it's so short."));
	$processed = "";
	$unprocessed = $text;
    elsif ($line eq 'over' && $under eq '') {
	     (4, $source, $lineno, defined $section && $section ne '' ?
	      "Missing matching underline for section title overline." :
	      "Incomplete section title.",
    elsif ($line eq 'over' && $under ne $over) {
	     (4, $source, $lineno, "Title overline & underline mismatch.",
    elsif ($line eq 'over' && $title eq '') {
	     (3, $source, $lineno,
	      "Invalid section title or transition marker.",
    else {
	$err = 0;
    if (! $err) {
	# Make sure the section style is consistent
	my $secstyle = "$line$char";
	if (! defined $self->{SEC_LEVEL}{$secstyle} &&
	    @{$self->{SEC_DOM}} < @{$self->{SEC_STYLE}}) {
		 (4, $source, $lineno + (($line eq 'over') ? 1 : 0),
		  "Title level inconsistent:", "$lit"));
	else {
	    my $dom = $DOM->new('section');
	    if (! defined $self->{SEC_LEVEL}{$secstyle}) {
		push(@{$self->{SEC_STYLE}}, $secstyle);
		$self->{SEC_LEVEL}{$secstyle} = $#{$self->{SEC_STYLE}};
	    else {
		splice(@{$self->{SEC_DOM}}, $self->{SEC_LEVEL}{$secstyle})
		    if $self->{SEC_LEVEL}{$secstyle} <= @{$self->{SEC_DOM}};
	    if ($self->{SEC_LEVEL}{$secstyle} > @{$self->{SEC_DOM}}) {
		     (3, $source, $lineno + (($line eq 'over') ? 1 : 0),
		      "Title level inconsistent:", "$lit"));
	    if (@dom) {
		@dom = ();
	    push(@{$self->{SEC_DOM}}, $dom);
	    $new_parent = $dom;
	    my $titledom = $DOM->new('title');
	    my @errs = $self->Inline($titledom, $title, $source, $lineno);
	    # Reconstruct title text less markup
	    my $ttext = '';
	    $titledom->Recurse(sub {
		my ($dom) = @_;
		$ttext .= $dom->{text} if $dom->tag eq '#PCDATA';
	    my $id = $self->NormalizeId($ttext, 1);
	    my $name = $self->NormalizeName($ttext);
	    @{$dom->{attr}}{qw(ids names)} = ([ $id ], [ $name ]);
	    my $err = $self->RegisterName($dom, $source, $lineno+1);
	    $dom->append($err) if $err;
	    # Check for short underlines
	    if ($line eq 'under' && length($title) > length($under)+1) {
		     (2, $source, $lineno+1, "Title underline too short.",
	    if ($line eq 'over' && length($title) > length($over)+1) {
		     (2, $source, $lineno, "Title overline too short.",

    return $processed, $unprocessed, $new_parent, @dom;

# Returns a DOM object for a reStructuredText table object given a simple table
# text string.
# Arguments: text string, source, line number
# Returns: DOM object
sub SimpleTable : method {
    my($self, $text, $source, $lineno) = @_;

    # Split the table into its constituent lines
    my $table = $text;
    chomp $table;
    $table =~ s/^\001//gm;
    my @lines = split(/ *\n/, $table);
    $lines[-1] =~ s/ +$//;

    # We can compute the column boundaries from the first line.
    # It is complicated by the fact that a column separator may be more
    # than one character.
    my @segments = split(/( +)/, $lines[0]);
    my (@colstart, @colwidth, @sep);
    my $col = 0;
    foreach (@segments) {
	my $len = length($_);
	if (substr($_, 0, 1) eq ' ') {
	    push(@sep, [$col,$len]);
	else {
	    push(@colstart, $col);
	    push(@colwidth, $len);

	$col += $len;
    # Now look for a header row
    my $head = 1;  # The line on which the heading ends
    my $l;
    my $last_equal_line = 0;
    for ($l=1; $l < @lines; $l++) {
	$_ = $lines[$l];
	if (/^=+( +=+)* *$/) {
	    return $self->system_message
		(3, $source, $lineno,
		 "Malformed table.\nBottom/header table border does not match top border.",
		if length($lines[$l]) != length($lines[0]);
	    $head = $last_equal_line+1;
	    $last_equal_line = $l;
    my $dom = $DOM->new('table');
    $dom->{table_attr} = $self->{opt}{D}{table_attr};
    my $tgroup = $DOM->new('tgroup', cols=>@colwidth+0);
    my $colspec;
    foreach (@colwidth) {
	$colspec = $DOM->new('colspec', colwidth=>$_);
    my $tbody;
    if ($head > 1) {
	$tbody = $DOM->new('thead');

    # Process all the rows of the table
    my $row_start = 0;
    for ($l=1; $l < @lines; $l++) {
	$_ = $lines[$l];
	next if $l == $row_start && !/^([=-])(?:\1| )+\1 *$/;
	my $col1 = substr($_, 0, $colwidth[0]);
	if ($col1 =~ /\S/ || ($lines[$l-1] =~ /^([=-])(?:\1| )+\1 *$/ &&
			      ! /^\s*$/)) {
	    # We've hit the beginning of the next row; process the previous one
	    my $next_row_start;
	    my ($row_colstart, $row_colwidth, $row_sep);
	    if (/^([=-])(?:\1| )+\1 *$/) {
		return $self->system_message
		    (3, $source, $lineno,
		     "Malformed table.\nColumn span incomplete at line offset $l.",
		    if length($_) < length($lines[0]);
		# It's a separator/column span line
		for ($next_row_start=$l+1; $next_row_start<@lines;
		     $next_row_start++) {
		    my $next_col1 = 
		    last if $next_col1 =~ /\S/;
		@segments = split(/( +)/);
		my $col = 0;
		foreach (@segments) {
		    my $len = length($_);
		    if (substr($_, 0, 1) eq ' ') {
			push(@$row_sep, [$col, $len]);
		    else {
			push(@$row_colstart, $col);
			push(@$row_colwidth, $len);
		    $col += $len;
		# Do sanity check on the separator starts
		my $s;
		foreach $s (@$row_sep) {
		    return $self->system_message
			(3, $source, $lineno,
			 "Malformed table.\nColumn span alignment problem at line offset @{[$row_start+1]}.",
			unless grep($_->[0] == $s->[0] && $_->[1] == $s->[1],
	    else {
		$next_row_start = $l;
		($row_colstart, $row_colwidth, $row_sep) =
		    (\@colstart, \@colwidth, \@sep);
	    # Process the row
	    if ($row_start > 0 && $row_start <= $l) {
		if ($row_start == $head) {
		    $tbody = $DOM->new('tbody');
		my $row = $DOM->new('row');

		my $row_end = $l-1;
		my $col;
		# Make sure we don't have text in the column separators
		for ($col=0; $col<@$row_sep; $col++) {
		    my ($start,$width) = @{$row_sep->[$col]};
		    my $septext =
			join('',map(do {local $^W = 0;
					    . "\n"},
				    $row_start .. $row_end));
		    return $self->system_message
			(3, $source, $lineno,
			 "Malformed table.\nText in column margin at line offset $row_start.",
			if $septext =~ /\S/;
		# Produce the entries
		for ($col=0; $col<@$row_colstart; $col++) {
		    my $entry = $DOM->new('entry');

		    my $start = $row_colstart->[$col];
		    my $width = $col < $#$row_colstart ? $row_colwidth->[$col]
			: 0xffff;
		    my $end = $start+$width;
		    # Compute the column spans
		    my @colspans = grep($_ > $start && $_ < $end, @colstart);
		    $entry->{attr}{morecols} = @colspans if @colspans > 0;
		    my $celltext = 
			join('',map(do {local $^W = 0;
					    . "\n"}, $row_start .. $row_end));
		    # Infer right/center alignment from first row of entries
		    if (($celltext =~ /\A.*\n[ \n]*\Z/) &&
			$self->{opt}{D}{align}) {
			$celltext =~ /(.*)/;
			my $ct = $1;
			$entry->{attr}{align} = $ct =~ /^\S/ ? 'left' :
			    $ct =~ / $/ ||
			    length($ct) < $row_colwidth->[$col] ? 'center' :
		    # May need to update the colspec for text that overflows
		    # the last column
		    if ($col == $#$row_colstart) {
			my $colwidth = 0;
			    my $cell_line = do {
				local $^W=0;
				substr($lines[$_],$start,$width) . ''};
			    my $len = length($cell_line);
			    $colwidth = $len if $len > $colwidth;
			}, $row_start .. $row_end);
			$colwidth +=
			    $row_colstart->[$col] - $colstart[-1];
			$colspec->{attr}{colwidth} = $colwidth
			    if $colwidth > $colspec->{attr}{colwidth};
		    $celltext =~ s/ *$//gm;
		    # Delete common indent
		    $celltext =~ /^( *)/;
		    my $spaces = $1;
		    $celltext =~ s/^$spaces//gm;
		    $self->Paragraphs($entry, $celltext, $source,
		    $entry->{entry_attr} = $self->{opt}{D}{entry_attr};
		$row->{row_attr} = $self->{opt}{D}{row_attr};
	    $row_start = $next_row_start;

    if ($table !~ /\n=+( +=+)* *$/) {
	if ($table =~ /((?:.)+\n=+( +=+)*\n)(.*)/s) {
	    my ($table,$rest) = ($1, $3);
	    $dom = 
		(3, $source, $lineno,
		 "Malformed table.\nNo bottom table border found or no blank line after table bottom.",
		if $head == 1;
	    $lineno += ($table =~ tr/\n//);
	    my $err =
		$self->system_message(2, $source, $lineno,
				      "Blank line required after table.");
	    my $fake = $DOM->new('fake');
	    $self->Paragraphs($fake, $rest, $source, $lineno);
	    return ($dom, $err, $fake->contents);
	else {
	    return $self->system_message
		(3, $source, $lineno,
		 "Malformed table.\nNo bottom table border found.","$table\n");

    return $dom;

# Returns a DOM object for a reStructuredText table object.
# Arguments: text string, source, line number
# Returns: DOM object
sub Table : method {
    my($self, $text, $source, $lineno) = @_;

    return $self->SimpleTable($text, $source, $lineno)
	if $text =~ /^=[ =]+= *\n/;
    # Split the table into its constituent lines
    my $table = $text;
    chomp $table;
    my @lines = split(/ *\n/, $table);
    my $head = 0;  # The line on which the heading ends

    # Create a graph to figure out how the cells are connected
    use Text::Restructured::Graph;
    my $g = new Text::Restructured::Graph;
    # Look for plus signs that are connected to other plus signs
    my $v;
    for ($v=0; $v < @lines; $v++) {
	my @segments = split(/[+]/, $lines[$v]);
	push(@segments, "") if substr($lines[$v],-1,1) eq '+';
	my $s;
	# Note: we start at $s=1 because that's where the first plus sign was
	my $h = length($segments[0]);
	for ($s=1; $s < @segments; $s++) {
	    my $seg = $segments[$s];

	    # Check for a horizontal edge
		if ($seg =~ /^([-=])\1* *$/);
	    $head = $v if $1 eq '=';
	    # Check for a vertical edge
	    if ($v < @lines-2 &&
		do { local $^W=0; substr($lines[$v+1],$h,1) eq '|'}) {
		my $v1;
		for ($v1=$v+2; $v1<@lines; $v1++) {
		    last unless substr($lines[$v1],$h,1) eq '|';
		    if substr($lines[$v1],$h,1) eq '+';

	    $h += length($seg) + 1;
    # Now we mark everything that is reachable from 0,0
    $g->DFS([0,0], sub {my ($g,$p) = @_; $g->SetVertexProp($p,'mark',1)});
    my @verts = grep($g->GetVertexProp($_,'mark'),$g->GetVertices());
    my $vmax = $#lines;
    my $hmax = length($lines[0])-1;
    my (%rows,%cols);
    foreach (@verts) {
	$rows{$_->[0]} = 1;
	$cols{$_->[1]} = 1;
    my @rows = sort {$a <=> $b} keys %rows;
    my @cols = sort {$a <=> $b} keys %cols;
    # Check that all vertices except the corners have degree >= 3 and that
    # corners have degree 2
    foreach (@verts) {
	my @edges = $g->GetVertexEdges($_);
	my $iscorner = ($_->[0] == 0 || $_->[0] == $vmax) &&
	    ($_->[1] == 0 || $_->[1] == $hmax);
	return $self->system_message
	    (3, $source, $lineno, "Malformed table.", $text)
	    if $iscorner && @edges != 2;
	return $self->system_message
	    (3, $source, $lineno,
	     "Malformed table.\nMalformed table; parse incomplete.", $text)
	    if ! $iscorner && @edges < 3;

    my $dom = $DOM->new('table');
    $dom->{table_attr} = $self->{opt}{D}{table_attr};
    my $tgroup = $DOM->new('tgroup', cols=>$#cols);
    my $c;
    for ($c=0; $c < $#cols; $c++) {
    my $tbody;
    if ($head > 0) {
	$tbody = $DOM->new('thead');

    # Now we go through all the upper-left corners of cells adding them
    # to the table body.
    my $lastv = -1;
    my $row;
#print join(',',map("[$_->[0],$_->[1]]",@verts)),"\n";
#print join(',',@rows),"\n";
    foreach (@verts) {
	my ($v, $h) = @$_;
	next if $v == $vmax || $h == $hmax;
	if ($v > $lastv) {
	    if ($v == $head) {
		$tbody = $DOM->new('tbody');
	    $row->{row_attr} = $self->{opt}{D}{row_attr} if defined $row;
	    $row = $DOM->new('row');

	# This is only the top-left if it has edges right and down
	my ($down,$right,$p2);
	my @edges = $g->GetVertexEdges([$v,$h]);
	foreach $p2 (@edges) {
	    $right = $p2->[1] if $p2->[0] == $v && $p2->[1] > $h;
	    $down = $p2->[0] if $p2->[1] == $h && $p2->[0] > $v;
	next unless defined $right && defined $down;

	my $entry = $DOM->new('entry');
	# Check for row and column spans
	# Track right to an edge that goes down and down to an edge
	# that goes right
	my $p1 = $right;
	while (defined $p1) {
	    my ($r, $d);
	    my @edges = $g->GetVertexEdges([$v,$p1]);
	    foreach $p2 (@edges) {
		$r = $p2->[1] if $p2->[0] == $v && $p2->[1] > $p1;
		$d = $p2->[0] if $p2->[1] == $p1 && $p2->[0] > $v;
	    if (defined $d) {
		$right = $p1;
	    $p1 = $r;
	@edges = $g->GetVertexEdges([$v,$h]);
	$p1 = $down;
	while (defined $p1) {
	    my ($r, $d);
	    my @edges = $g->GetVertexEdges([$p1,$h]);
	    foreach $p2 (@edges) {
		$r = $p2->[1] if $p2->[0] == $p1 && $p2->[1] > $h;
		$d = $p2->[0] if $p2->[1] == $h && $p2->[0] > $p1;
	    if (defined $r) {
		$down = $p1;
	    $p1 = $d;
#print "[$v,$h] [$down,$right]\n";
	my @cspans = grep($_ > $v && $_ <= $down, @rows);
	my @rspans = grep($_ > $h && $_ <= $right, @cols);
	$entry->{attr}{morecols} = @rspans-1 if @rspans > 1;
	$entry->{attr}{morerows} = @cspans-1 if @cspans > 1;
	my $chars = $right - $h - 1;
	my $celltext = join('', map(substr($lines[$_], $h+1, $chars) . "\n",
				    (($v+1) .. ($down-1))));
	# Delete trailing spaces
	$celltext =~ s/ *$//gm;
	# Delete common indent
	$celltext =~ /^( *)/;
	my $spaces = $1;
	$celltext =~ s/^$spaces//gm;
	$self->Paragraphs($entry, $celltext, $source, $lineno+$v+1);
	$entry->{entry_attr} = $self->{opt}{D}{entry_attr};
	$lastv = $v;
    # Devel::Cover branch 0 1 Assert defined $row
    # uncoverable branch false note:Assert defined $row
    $row->{row_attr} = $self->{opt}{D}{row_attr} if defined $row;
    return $dom;

# Returns the error messages for an unknown role name
# Arguments: role name, source, line number, optional list of attributes for
#            last system_message
# Returns: array of DOM objects
sub UnknownRole : method {
    my ($self, $role, $source, $lineno, $lit, %attrs) = @_;

	(1, $source, $lineno,
	 qq(No role entry for "$role" in module "docutils.parsers.rst.languages.en".\nTrying "$role" as canonical role name.),
	(3, $source, $lineno, qq(Unknown interpreted text role "$role".),
	 $lit, %attrs);

##################### Utility subroutines (not methods) #####################

# Does a "deep" copy of a data structure
# Inputs: variable
# Returns: deep copy of variable
sub DeepCopy {
    my($var) = @_;
    return $var if ref($var) eq '';
    # Devel::COVER branch 3 1
    # uncoverable branch true count:3 note:No scalar refs for now
    if ("$var" =~ /HASH/) {
	@val{keys %$var} = map(DeepCopy($_),values %$var);
	return \%val;
    elsif ("$var" =~ /ARRAY/) {
	my(@val) = map(DeepCopy($_), @$var);
	return \@val;
    elsif ("$var" =~ /SCALAR/) {
	my($val) = DeepCopy($$var);
	return \$val;
    # Must be CODE
    return $var;

# Takes a string and handles backslash-quoting of characters
# Arguments: string
# Returns: processed string
sub RemoveBackslashes {
    my ($str) = @_;
    $str =~ s/\\(?!u[\da-fA-F]{4}|x[\da-fA-F]{2})(.)/$1 eq ' ' || $1 eq "\n" ? '' : $1/seg;

package Text::Restructured::Role;

# use base qw(RST);

# Checks for validity of a PEP reference
sub PEP {
    my ($parser, $pep, $lit, $parent, $source, $lineno) = @_;

    my @errs;
    if ($pep !~ /^\d+$/ || $pep < 0 || $pep > 9999) {
	my ($dom,$refid,$id) = $parser->problematic($lit);
	push @errs, $parser->system_message
	    (3, $source, $lineno,
	     qq(PEP number must be a number from 0 to 9999; "$pep" is invalid.),
	     "", backrefs=>[ $id ], ids=>[ $refid ]);
    return @errs;

# Checks for validity of an RFC reference
sub RFC {
    my ($parser, $rfc, $lit, $parent, $source, $lineno) = @_;

    my @errs;
    if ($rfc !~ /^\d+$/ || $rfc < 1) {
	my ($dom,$refid,$id) = $parser->problematic($lit);
	push @errs, $parser->system_message
	    (3, $source, $lineno,
	     qq(RFC number must be a number greater than or equal to 1; "$rfc" is invalid.),
	     "", backrefs=>[ $id ], ids=>[ $refid ]);
    return @errs;

# Checks for validity of an RAW reference
sub raw {
    my ($parser, $raw, $lit, $parent, $source, $lineno, $role) = @_;

    my @errs;
    if (! defined $parser->{MY_ROLES}{$role}{attr}{format}) {
	my ($dom,$refid,$id) = $parser->problematic($lit);
	push @errs, $parser->system_message
	    (3, $source, $lineno,
	     qq(No format (Writer name) is associated with this role: "raw".\n).
	     qq(The "raw" role cannot be used directly.\n) .
	     qq(Instead, use the "role" directive to create a new role with an associated format.),
	     "", backrefs=>[ $id ], ids=>[ $refid ]);
    return @errs;

package Text::Restructured::Directive;

# This package contains the code for the various reStructuredText
# built-in directives

use vars qw($DOM);
    *DOM = "Text::Restructured::DOM";

# Data structures:
#   _`Directive arguments hash ref`: Returned by 
#     Text::Restructured::Directive::parse_directive.  It has keys:
#       ``name``:           the directive name
#       ``args``:           parsed arguments from dtext
#       ``options``:        reference to hash of parsed option/value pairs
#       ``content``:        parsed content from dtext
#       ``content_lineno``: line number of the content block
#   _`Role definition hash reference`: Used for a role definition.  It
#     has keys (all are optional except tag):
#       ``tag``:            the tag used for a DOM object using the
#                           role (required)
#       ``alias``:          name of another role for which this is a
#                           synonym
#       ``attr``:           reference to hash whose keys are attribute
#                           names and whose values are sprintf strings
#                           or subroutine references that are called 
#                           with interpreted text
#       ``check``:          reference to subroutine to call to check
#                           validity of the interpreted text. The
#                           arguments to the routine are (interpreted
#                           text, literal of interpreted/role
#                           combination, DOM object for future parent,
#                           source file name, line number).
#       ``reparse``:        a boolean indicating that the text
#                           returned by the ``text`` option should be
#                           re-parsed as reStructuredText
#       ``raw``:            a boolean indicating that the interpreted
#                           text content is to be considered raw text
#                           and is not to undergo any reStructuredText
#                           parsing
#       ``text``:           sprintf string or subroutine reference
#                           called with the interpreted text to
#                           produce the final text string

# Built-in handler for admonition directives.
# Arguments: parser, directive name, parent, source, line number,
#            directive text, literal text
# Returns: array of DOM objects
sub admonition {
    my($parser, $name, $parent, $source, $lineno, $dtext, $lit) = @_;

    my $dhash = parse_directive($parser, $dtext, $lit, $source, $lineno);
    return $dhash if ref($dhash) =~ /$DOM$/o;
    my $content = $dhash->{content} ne '' ? $dhash->{content} :
    return $parser->system_message
	(3, $source, $lineno,
	 qq(The "$name" admonition is empty; content required.), $lit)
	if $content =~ /^$/;
    my $adm = $DOM->new(lc $name);
    if ($name eq 'admonition') {
	# A generic admonition
	my $ttext = $dhash->{args};
	my $err = arg_check($parser, $name, $source, $lineno, $ttext, $lit,
	return $err if $err;
	$adm->{attr}{classes} = [ $dhash->{options}{class} ||
				  $parser->NormalizeId("$name-$ttext") ];
	my $title = $DOM->new('title');
    $parser->Paragraphs($adm, $content, $source, $dhash->{content_lineno});

    return $adm;

# Built-in handler for ascii-mathml directives.
# Arguments: parser, directive name, parent, source, line number,
#            directive text, literal text
# Returns: array of DOM objects
sub ascii_mathml {
    my($parser, $name, $parent, $source, $lineno, $dtext, $lit) = @_;
    my @optlist = qw(label mstyle);
    my $dhash = parse_directive($parser, $dtext, $lit, $source, $lineno,
    return $dhash if ref($dhash) =~ /$DOM$/o;
    my($args, $options, $content) = map($dhash->{$_},
					qw(args options content));
    foreach my $optname (qw(mstyle)) {
	my $opt = $options->{$optname};
	next unless defined $opt;
	my $err = check_fieldlist_option($parser, $name, $optname, $opt,
					 $opt, $source, $lineno, $lit);
	return $err if $err;
    return Text::Restructured::Directive::system_msg
	($parser, $name, 3, $source, $lineno,
	 qq(Cannot have both argument and content.), $lit)
	if $args !~ /^$/ && $content !~ /^$/;

    my $subst = $parent->tag eq 'substitution_definition';
    my $text = "$args$content";
    if (! $parser->{_MathML}) {
	eval "use Text::ASCIIMathML";
	$parser->{_MathML} = new Text::ASCIIMathML unless $@;
    chomp $text;
    my $pcdata = $DOM->newPCDATA("$text\n");
    my $math = $parser->{_MathML} ? $DOM->new('mathml') : $pcdata;
    my $label_sub;
    if ($parser->{_MathML}) {
	my %mstyle = (($subst ? () : (displaystyle=>'true')),
			($options->{mstyle} ?
			 %{$parser->HashifyFieldList($options->{mstyle})} :
	my @mstyle_attr = map(($_, $mstyle{$_}), sort keys %mstyle);
	my $label = $options->{label};
	$math->{attr}{mathml} = $parser->{_MathML}->TextToMathMLTree
	    ($text, [title=>$text, xmlns=>"&mathml;",
		     $label ? (label=>$label) : ()],
	     [($parser->{opt}{D}{mstyle} ?
	       @{$parser->{opt}{D}{mstyle}} : ()), @mstyle_attr]);
	return if ! defined $math->{attr}{mathml};
	if ($label) {
	    $label_sub = 
			  names=>[$parser->NormalizeName($label, 'keepcase')]);
	    my $counter = ++$parser->{TOPDOM}{equation};
	    my $pcdata = $DOM->newPCDATA($counter);
	    my $err = $parser->RegisterName($label_sub, $source, $lineno);
	    $math->{attr}{label} = $counter;
    return $math if $subst;

    my $para = $DOM->new('paragraph');
    $para->append($label_sub) if $label_sub;
    return $para;

# Built-in handler for class directives.
# Arguments: parser obj, directive name, parent, source, line number,
#            directive text, literal text
# Returns: array of DOM objects
sub class {
    my($parser, $name, $parent, $source, $lineno, $dtext, $lit) = @_;
    my @optlist = qw(parent);
    my $dhash = parse_directive($parser, $dtext, $lit, $source, $lineno,
				\@optlist, '1+');
    return $dhash if ref($dhash) =~ /$DOM$/o;

    return $parser->system_message
	(3, $source, $lineno,
	 qq(The "$name" directive may not have contents.), $lit)
	if $dhash->{content} ne '';

    my($args, $options) = map($dhash->{$_}, qw(args options));
    return $parser->system_message
	(3, $source, $lineno,
	 qq(Invalid class attribute value for "$name" directive: "$args".),
	unless $args =~ /^[a-z][-a-z0-9]*(?:\s+[a-z][-a-z0-9]*)*$/i;

    my $pending = $DOM->new('pending');
    $pending->{internal}{'.transform'} = "";
    my $details = $pending->{internal}{'.details'} = { };
    @{$details}{qw(class parent)} = ($args, $options->{parent});
    @{$pending}{qw(source lineno lit)} = ($source, $lineno, $lit);
    return $pending;

# Built-in handler for compound directive.
# Arguments: parser obj, directive name, parent, source, line number,
#            directive text, literal text
# Returns: array of DOM objects
sub compound {
    my($parser, $name, $parent, $source, $lineno, $dtext, $lit) = @_;
    my @optlist = qw(class);
    my $dhash = parse_directive($parser, $dtext, $lit, $source, $lineno,
    return $dhash if ref($dhash) =~ /$DOM$/o;
    my($content, $args, $options) =
	map($dhash->{$_}, qw(content args options));
    return system_msg
	($parser, $name, 3, $source, $lineno,
	 'no arguments permitted; blank line required before content block.',
	if $content ne '' && $args ne '';

    $content = $args if $content eq '';
    return $parser->system_message
	(3, $source, $lineno,
	 qq(The "$name" compound is empty; content required.), $lit)
	if $content =~ /^$/;

    my $comp = $DOM->new($name);
    $parser->Paragraphs($comp, $content, $source, $dhash->{content_lineno});
    $comp->{attr}{classes} = [ $options->{class} ]
	if defined $options->{class};

    return $comp;

# Built-in handler for contents directives.
# Arguments: parser obj, directive name, parent, source, line number,
#            directive text, literal text
# Returns: array of DOM objects
sub contents {
    my($parser, $name, $parent, $source, $lineno, $dtext, $lit) = @_;
    my @optlist = qw(depth local backlinks);
    my $dhash = parse_directive($parser, $dtext, $lit, $source, $lineno, 
    return $dhash if ref($dhash) =~ /$DOM$/o;

    return $parser->system_message
	(3, $source, $lineno,
	 qq(The "contents" directive may not be used within topics or body elements.),
	if $parent->tag !~ /^(section|document|sidebar)$/;

    my($args, $options) =
	map($dhash->{$_}, qw(args options));

    # Create the topic
    my $topic = $DOM->new('topic', classes=>[ 'contents' ]);
    my $ttext = $args ne '' ? $args : 'Contents';
    push @{$topic->{attr}{classes}}, 'local' if defined $options->{local};
    $topic->{attr}{ids} = [ $parser->NormalizeId($ttext) ];
    $topic->{attr}{names} = [ $parser->NormalizeName($ttext) ];
    $parser->RegisterName($topic, $source, $lineno);
    if ($args ne '' || ! defined $options->{local}) {
	my $title = $DOM->new('title');
	my $fake = $DOM->new('fake');
	$parser->Paragraphs($fake, $ttext, $source, $lineno);
	my $last = $fake->last;
	    if $fake->num_contents == 1 && $last->tag eq 'paragraph';
    my $pending = $DOM->new('pending');
    $pending->{internal}{'.transform'} =
    $pending->{source} = $source;
    $pending->{lineno} = $lineno;

    # Save away the enclosing section for local toc
    $pending->{section} = $parser->{SEC_DOM}[-1] if defined $options->{local};
    my $opt;
    foreach $opt (sort keys %$options) {
	my $str = $options->{$opt};
	# Devel::Cover branch 2 1 Defensive programming
	# uncoverable branch false count:3 note:Defensive programming
	if ($opt eq 'local') {
	    return bad_option($parser, $name, $opt, $str, 3, $source, $lineno,
			      qq(no argument is allowed; "$str" supplied.),
	    if $str ne '';
	elsif ($opt eq 'depth') {
	    my $err = check_int_option($parser, $name, $opt, $str, $str,
				       $source, $lineno, $lit);
	    return $err if $err;
	elsif ($opt eq 'backlinks') {
	    my @vallist = qw(top entry none);
	    my $err = check_enum_option($parser, $name, $opt, $str, \@vallist,
					$source, $lineno, $lit);
	    return $err if $err;
	    substr($str,0,1) =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
	$pending->{internal}{'.details'}{$opt} = $str;
    return $topic;

# Built-in handler for decoration directive.
# Arguments: parser obj, directive name, parent, source, line number,
#            directive text, literal text
# Returns: array of DOM objects
sub decoration {
    my($parser, $name, $parent, $source, $lineno, $dtext, $lit) = @_;
    my $dhash = parse_directive($parser, $dtext, $lit, $source, $lineno, []);
    return $dhash if ref($dhash) =~ /$DOM$/o;
    return system_msg
	($parser, $name, 3, $source, $lineno,
	 'no arguments permitted; blank line required before content block.',
	if $dhash->{content} ne '' && $dhash->{args} ne '';

    my $topdom = $parser->{TOPDOM};
    # See if there's already the right kind of block under <decoration>
    my $dec = $topdom->first;
    if (! defined $dec || $dec->tag ne 'decoration') {
	$dec = $DOM->new('decoration');
    my ($block) = grep $_->tag eq $name, $dec->contents;
    if (! defined $block) {
	$block = $DOM->new($name);
	if ($name eq 'header') {
	else {
    my $content = $dhash->{content} ne '' ? $dhash->{content} :
    if ($content =~ /^$/) {
	$parser->Paragraphs($block, qq(Problem with the "$name" directive: no content supplied.),
			    $source, $dhash->{content_lineno});
	return $parser->system_message
	    (2, $source, $lineno,
	     qq(Content block expected for the "$name" directive; none found.),

    $parser->Paragraphs($block, $content, $source, $dhash->{content_lineno});


# Built-in handler for default-role directive.
# Arguments: parser obj, directive name, parent, source, line number,
#            directive text, literal text
# Returns: array of DOM objects
sub default_role {
    my($parser, $name, $parent, $source, $lineno, $dtext, $lit) = @_;
    my $dhash = parse_directive($parser, $dtext, $lit, $source, $lineno, []);
    return $dhash if ref($dhash) =~ /$DOM$/o;
    return system_msg($parser, $name, 3, $source, $lineno,
		      'no content block permitted.', $lit)
	if $dhash->{content} ne '';

    my $role = $dhash->{args};
    return $parser->UnknownRole($role, $source, $lineno, $lit)
	unless $role eq '' || defined $parser->{MY_ROLES}{$role};
    $parser->{MY_DEFAULT_ROLE} = $role ? $role :


# Built-in handler for figure directives.
# Arguments: parser obj, directive name, parent, source, line number,
#            directive text, literal text
# Returns: array of DOM objects
sub figure {
    my($parser, $name, $parent, $source, $lineno, $dtext, $lit) = @_;
    my $dhash = parse_directive($parser, $dtext, $lit, $source, $lineno);
    return $dhash if ref($dhash) =~ /$DOM$/o;
    my($content, $content_lineno, $options) =
	map($dhash->{$_}, qw(content content_lineno options));

    if (defined $options->{align}) {
	my @vallist = qw(left center right);
	my $err = check_enum_option($parser, $name, 'align', $options->{align},
				    \@vallist, $source, $lineno, $lit);
	return $err if $err;

    my $cline = $content_lineno - $lineno;
    my @dline = split(/\n/, $dtext);
    my $dline = join("\n", @dline[0 .. $cline-1]);
    my %myopts = (figwidth=>'width', figclass=>'@classes', align=>'align');
    my $image = image($parser, $name, $parent, $source, $lineno, $dline,
		      $lit, keys %myopts);
    return $image if $image->tag eq 'system_message';

    my @dom;
    my $figure = $DOM->new(lc $name);
    $figure->{attr}{classes} = [split /\s+/, $options->{class}]
	if $options->{class};
    push(@dom, $figure);
    foreach (keys %myopts) {
	if (defined $options->{$_}) {
	    if ($myopts{$_} =~ /^@(.*)/) {
		$figure->{attr}{$1} = [ $options->{$_} ];
	    else {
		$figure->{attr}{$myopts{$_}} = $options->{$_};

    my $caption = '';
    my $legend = '';
    my $legend_lineno;
    if ((my @s = split /^(\n+)/m, $content, 2) > 1) {
	$caption = $s[0];
	$legend = $s[2];
	# Devel::Cover branch 0 1 Assert $legend ne ''
	# uncoverable branch false note:Assert $legend ne ''
	if ($legend ne '') {
	    my $pre = "$s[0]$s[1]";
	    $legend_lineno = $content_lineno + ($pre =~ s/(\n)/\n/g);
    else { $caption = $content }
    if ($caption !~ /^(..)?$/) {
	my $capdom = $DOM->new('caption');
	my $fake = $DOM->new('fake');
	$parser->Paragraphs($fake, $caption, $source, $content_lineno);
	my $last = $fake->last();
	if ($fake->num_contents == 1 && $last->tag eq 'paragraph') {
	else {
	    # This wasn't a simple paragraph
	    push(@dom, $parser->system_message
		 (3, $source, $lineno,
		  "Figure caption must be a paragraph or empty comment.",
    if ($legend ne '') {
	my $legdom = $DOM->new('legend');
	$parser->Paragraphs($legdom, $legend, $source, $legend_lineno);
    return @dom;

# Built-in handler for image directives.
# Arguments: parser obj, directive name, parent, source, line number,
#            directive text, literal text, list of extra options
#            allowed
# Returns: array of DOM objects
sub image {
    my($parser, $name, $parent, $source, $lineno, $dtext, $lit, @extra_opts) = @_;
    my @optlist = (qw(width height scale alt usemap target align class),
    my $dhash = parse_directive($parser, $dtext, $lit, $source, $lineno,
				\@optlist, '1+');
    return $dhash if ref($dhash) =~ /$DOM$/o;
    my($args, $content, $options) =
	map($dhash->{$_}, qw(args content options));

    return system_msg($parser, $name, 3, $source, $lineno,
		      "no content permitted.", $dtext)
	if ($content ne '' && $name eq 'image');
    $args =~ s/[ \n]//g;

    # Process the options
    if (defined $options->{scale}) {
	my $scale = $options->{scale};
 	my $err = check_int_option($parser, $name, 'scale', $scale, $scale,
				   $source, $lineno, $lit, 0);
 	return $err if $err;
    if (defined (my $align = $options->{align})) {
	my $in_subst = $parent->tag eq 'substitution_definition';
	my @svals = qw(top middle bottom);
	my @ovals = qw(left center right);
	my @vals = $in_subst ? @svals : @ovals;
	my $err = check_enum_option($parser, $name, 'align', $align, 
				    [@svals, @ovals],
				    $source, $lineno, $lit);
	return $err if $err;
	if (! grep($_ eq $align, @vals)) {
	    my $subst = $in_subst ? ' within a substitution definition' : '';
	    my $vals = join(', ', map(qq("$_"), @vals));
	    return $parser->system_message
		(3, $source, $lineno,
		 qq(Error in "$name" directive: "$align" is not a valid value for the "align" option$subst.  Valid values for "align" are: $vals.),
    foreach my $opt (qw(height width)) {
	my $err = check_units_option($parser, $name, $opt, $options->{$opt},
				     $source, $lineno, $lit,
				     $opt eq 'width' ? ('%') : ())
	    if defined $options->{$opt};
	return $err if $err;
    foreach my $opt (qw(target)) {
	my $err = check_required_option($parser, $name, $opt, $options->{$opt},
					$source, $lineno, $lit)
	    if defined $options->{$opt};
	return $err if $err;
    if (defined $options->{class}) {
	$options->{classes} = [ $options->{class} ];
	delete $options->{class};

    my %attr;
    my $alt = '';
    $alt = $parent->{attr}{names}[0]
    if $parent->tag eq 'substitution_definition';
    $attr{alt} = $alt if $alt ne '';
    delete $options->{$_} foreach (@extra_opts);

    # Process image extensions
    if ($parser->{opt}{D}{image_exts}) {
	if (! $parser->{IMAGE_EXT_RE}) {
	    %{$parser->{IMAGE_EXTS}} =
		split /[,=]/, $parser->{opt}{D}{image_exts};
	    $parser->{IMAGE_EXT_RE} =
		join '|', map("\Q$_", keys %{$parser->{IMAGE_EXTS}});
	$args =~ s/($parser->{IMAGE_EXT_RE})$/$parser->{IMAGE_EXTS}{$1}/o;

    my $dom = $DOM->new('image', uri=>$args, %attr, %$options);
    if (my $target = $options->{target}) {
	delete $dom->{attr}{target};
	my $newdom = $DOM->new('reference');
	if ($target =~ /\`(.*)\`_$/s || $target =~ /^(\S+)_$/) {
	    # Indirect target
	    (my $refname = $1) =~ s/\n/ /g;
	    $target =~ s/\n/ /g;
	    $newdom->{attr}{name} = $parser->NormalizeName($target);
	    $newdom->{attr}{refname} = $refname;
	else {
	    $target =~ s/\n//g;
	    $newdom->{attr}{refuri} = $target;
	$dom = $newdom;
    return $dom;

# Built-in handler for include directives.
# Arguments: parser obj, directive name, parent, source, line number,
#            directive text, literal text
# Returns: array of DOM objects
sub include {
    my($parser, $name, $parent, $source, $lineno, $dtext, $lit) = @_;
    return $parser->system_message(2, $source, $lineno,
				   qq("$name" directive disabled.), $lit)
	unless $parser->{opt}{D}{file_insertion_enabled};
    my @optlist = qw(literal encoding);
    my $dhash = parse_directive($parser, $dtext, $lit, $source, $lineno,
    return $dhash if ref($dhash) =~ /$DOM$/o;
    my($args, $options) = map($dhash->{$_}, qw(args options));

    my @exts = split(/:/, $parser->{opt}{D}{include_ext});
    my $mydir = $source =~ m|(.*)/| ? $1 : ".";
    my $path = $parser->{opt}{D}{include_path};
    $path =~ s/<\.>/$mydir/;
    my @dirs = map(m|^\./?$| ? "" : m|/$| ? $_ : "$_/",split(/:/, $path));
    $args =~ s/^<(.*)>$/$1/;
    my $file = $args;
    my $dir;
    foreach $dir (@dirs) {
	my @files = map("$dir$args$_", @exts);
	my @foundfiles = grep(-r $_, @files);
	if (@foundfiles) {
	    $file = $foundfiles[0];
    my $text;
    print STDERR "Debug: $source, $lineno: Including $file\n"
	if $parser->{opt}{d};
    if (open(FILE,$file)) {
	$text = join('',<FILE>);
#  	use Encode qw/encode decode/;
#  	$text = decode($options->{encoding}, $text)
#  	    if defined $options->{encoding};
	return if $text =~ /^$/;
	if (defined $options->{literal}) {
	    my $lb = $DOM->new('literal_block', %Text::Restructured::XML_SPACE,
	    return $lb;
	else {
	    push @Text::Restructured::INCLUDES, [$source, $lineno];
	    $parser->Paragraphs($parent, $text, $file, 1);
	    pop @Text::Restructured::INCLUDES;
    else {
	my $err = "IOError: " . system_error();
	return $parser->system_message
	    (4, $source, $lineno,
	     qq(Problems with "$name" directive path:\n$err: '$args'.), $lit)
	    unless $parser->{opt}{D}{ignore_include_errs};

# Built-in handler for line-block directives.
# Arguments: parser obj, directive name, parent, source, line number,
#            directive text, literal text
# Returns: array of DOM objects
sub line_block {
    my($parser, $name, $parent, $source, $lineno, $dtext, $lit) = @_;
    my @optlist = qw(class);
    my $dhash = parse_directive($parser, $dtext, $lit, $source, $lineno,
				\@optlist, 0);
    return $dhash if ref($dhash) =~ /$DOM$/o;
    my($args, $content, $content_lineno, $options) =
	map($dhash->{$_}, qw(args content content_lineno options));
    return $parser->system_message
	(2, $source, $lineno,
	 qq(Content block expected for the "$name" directive; none found.),
	 $lit) unless $content;
    $content =~ s/^/| /gm;
    my ($proc, @doms) = $parser->LineBlock($content, $source, $content_lineno);
    if ($options->{class}) {
	my ($lb) = grep($_->tag eq 'line_block', @doms);
	# Devel::Cover branch 0 1 Defensive programming
	# uncoverable branch false note:Defensive programming
	$lb->{attr}{classes} = [ $options->{class} ] if $lb;
    return grep(ref($_) =~ /$DOM$/o, @doms);

# Built-in handler for meta directives.
# Arguments: parser obj, directive name, parent, source, line number,
#            directive text, literal text
# Returns: array of DOM objects
sub meta {
    my($parser, $name, $parent, $source, $lineno, $dtext, $lit) = @_;
    my @doms;
    my $para = $dtext;
    $para =~ s/^.*\n//;
    return $parser->system_message(3, $source, $lineno,
				   "Empty meta directive.", $lit)
	unless $para ne '';
    $para =~ /^( *)/;
    my $spaces = $1;
    $para =~ s/^$spaces//gm;
    my $lines = 1;
    while ($para =~ /^:([^:\n]+): *(.*)/s) {
	my $optlit = $para;
	my ($next, $field) = ('');
	($field, $para) = ($1, $2);
	# See if there are any subsequent field list items
	if ((my @s = split(/^(?!\A)($Text::Restructured::FIELD_LIST|\S)/om,
			   $para, 2)) > 1) {
	    $para = $s[0];
	    $next = "$s[1]$s[-1]";
	$para = $parser->RemoveMinIndent($para, '(?!\A)');

	return $parser->system_message(1, $source, $lineno+$lines,
				       qq(No content for meta tag "$field".),
	    if $para =~ /^$/;
	my $pending = $DOM->new('pending');
	push(@doms, $pending);
	$pending->{internal}{'.transform'} =
	$pending->{source} = $source;
	$pending->{lineno} = $lineno;
	$pending->{internal}{'.details'}{component} = "'writer'";
	$pending->{internal}{'.details'}{format} = "'html'";
	my $opt = $field;
	$opt =~ s/^([\w\.-]+)(?:=([\w\.-]+))?\s*//;
	my ($name, $nametag);
	if (defined $2) {
	    ($nametag, $name) = ($1, $2);
	else {
	    ($nametag, $name) = ('name', $1);
	my @attr = split(/\s*;\s*/, $opt);
	my %attr;
	foreach (@attr) {
	    if (/(.*)=(.*)/) {
		$attr{$1} = $2;
	    else {
		    (3, $source, $lineno+$lines,
		     qq(Error parsing meta tag attribute "$_": missing "=".),
	my $content = $para;
	chomp $content;
	$content =~ s/\n/ /g;
	my $dom = $DOM->new('meta', content=>$content,
			   $nametag=>$name, %attr);
	$pending->{internal}{'.details'}{nodes} = $dom;

	$lines += $para =~ tr/\n//;
	$para = $next;

    push (@doms,
	  $parser->system_message(3, $source, $lineno,
				  "Invalid meta directive.", $lit))
	if $para ne '';

    return @doms;

# Built-in handler for parsed-literal directives.
# Arguments: parser obj, directive name, parent, source, line number,
#            directive text, literal text
# Returns: array of DOM objects
sub parsed_literal {
    my($parser, $name, $parent, $source, $lineno, $dtext, $lit) = @_;
    my $dhash =
	parse_directive($parser, $dtext, $lit, $source, $lineno, [], 0);
    return $dhash if ref($dhash) =~ /$DOM$/o;
    my($args, $content, $content_lineno, $options) =
	map($dhash->{$_}, qw(args content content_lineno options));
    return $parser->system_message
	(2, $source, $lineno,
	 qq(Content block expected for the "$name" directive; none found.),
	 $lit) unless $content;
    my $lb = $DOM->new('parsed_literal', %Text::Restructured::XML_SPACE);
    my @errs = $parser->Inline($lb, $content, $source, $content_lineno);
    return $lb, @errs;

# Built-in handler for raw directives.
# Arguments: parser obj, directive name, parent, source, line number,
#            directive text, literal text
# Returns: array of DOM objects
sub raw {
    my($parser, $name, $parent, $source, $lineno, $dtext, $lit) = @_;
    return $parser->system_message(2, $source, $lineno,
				   qq("$name" directive disabled.), $lit)
	unless ($parser->{opt}{D}{file_insertion_enabled} &&
    my @optlist = qw(file head url);
    my $dhash = parse_directive($parser, $dtext, $lit, $source, $lineno,
				\@optlist, '1+');
    return $dhash if ref($dhash) =~ /$DOM$/o;
    my($args, $content, $options) =
	map($dhash->{$_}, qw(args content options));

    return $parser->system_message(3, $source, $lineno,
			       qq("$name" directive may not both specify an external file and have content.),
	if defined $options->{file} && $content ne '';
    return $parser->system_message(3, $source, $lineno,
			       qq(The "file" and "url" options may not be simultaneously specified for the "$name" directive.),
	if defined $options->{file} && defined $options->{url};
    return $parser->system_message(4, $source, $lineno,
			       qq(The "url" option is not yet implemented for the "$name" directive.),
	if defined $options->{url};

    my %attr;
    if (defined $options->{file}) {
	$source =~ m|(.*/)|;
	my $opt = $options->{file};
	my $dir = $1;
	my @files = ("$dir$opt", "$dir$opt.rst", "$dir$opt.txt");
	my @foundfiles = grep(-r $_, @files);
	my $file = @foundfiles ? $foundfiles[0] : $args;
	my $text;
	if (open(FILE,$file)) {
	    $content = join('',<FILE>);
	    $attr{source} = $file;
	else {
	    my $err = "IOError: " . system_error();
	    return $parser->system_message
		(4, $source, $lineno,
		 qq(Problems with "$name" directive path:\n$err: '$args'.),

    $attr{head} = 1 if defined $options->{head};
    my $dom = $DOM->new('raw', format=>$args, %Text::Restructured::XML_SPACE,
    chomp $content;

    return $dom;

# Built-in handler for replace directives.
# Arguments: parser obj, directive name, parent, source, line number,
#            directive text, literal text
# Returns: array of DOM objects
sub replace {
    my($parser, $name, $parent, $source, $lineno, $dtext, $lit) = @_;
    my $dhash = parse_directive($parser, $dtext, $lit, $source, $lineno, []);
    return $dhash if ref($dhash) =~ /$DOM$/o;
    my($args, $content) = map($dhash->{$_}, qw(args content));

    my $fake = $DOM->new('fake');
    my $text = "$args\n$content";
    return $parser->system_message
	(3, $source, $lineno,
	 qq(The "$name" directive is empty; content required.))
	if $text =~ /^$/;
    return $parser->system_message(3, $source, $lineno,
				   qq(Invalid context: the "$name" directive can only be used within a substitution definition.),
	unless $parent->tag eq 'substitution_definition';
    $parser->Paragraphs($fake, $text, $source, $lineno);
    my $last = $fake->last();
    if ($fake->num_contents == 1 && $last->tag =~ 'paragraph') {
	my $content = $fake->first;
	my $child_last = $fake->first->last;
	if ($child_last && $child_last->tag eq '#PCDATA') {
	    chomp $child_last->{text};
	return $last->contents;
    else {
	# This wasn't a simple paragraph
	    grep($_->tag eq 'system_message' && do {
		delete $_->{attr}{backrefs}; 1}, $fake->contents),
	    $parser->system_message(3, $source, $lineno,
				    qq(Error in "$name" directive: may contain a single paragraph only.));

# Built-in handler for role directives.
# Arguments: parser obj, directive name, parent, source, line number,
#            directive text, literal text
# Returns: array of DOM objects
sub role {
    my($parser, $name, $parent, $source, $lineno, $dtext, $lit) = @_;
    my @optlist = qw(class format prefix suffix);
    my $dhash = parse_directive($parser, $dtext, $lit, $source, $lineno,
				\@optlist, '1+');
    return $dhash if ref($dhash) =~ /$DOM$/o;

    my($args, $options) =
	map($dhash->{$_}, qw(args options));

    my ($role, $tag) = $args =~ /^([^\( ]*)(?:\s*\(\s*(.*?)\s*\))?/;
    return $parser->UnknownRole($tag, $source, $lineno, $lit)
	if defined $tag && !defined $parser->{MY_ROLES}{$tag};
    foreach my $optname (qw(prefix suffix)) {
	my $opt = $options->{$optname};
	next unless defined $opt;
	my $err = check_fieldlist_option($parser, $name, $optname, $opt,
					 $opt, $source, $lineno, $lit);
	return $err if $err;
    my $msg = $parser->DefineRole($role, $tag, options => {%$options});
    $msg = $msg =~ /invalid/i ?
	qq(Error in "$name" directive:\n$msg) :
	qq(Invalid argument for "$name" directive:\n$msg)
	if $msg;

    return $parser->system_message(3, $source, $lineno, $msg, $lit)
	if $msg;

# Built-in handler for sectnum directives.
# Arguments: parser obj, directive name, parent, source, line number,
#            directive text, literal text
# Returns: array of DOM objects
sub sectnum {
    my($parser, $name, $parent, $source, $lineno, $dtext, $lit) = @_;
    my @optlist = qw(depth format prefix prefix-title start suffix);
    my $dhash = parse_directive($parser, $dtext, $lit, $source, $lineno,
				\@optlist, 0);
    return $dhash if ref($dhash) =~ /$DOM$/o;
    my($args, $content, $options) =
	map($dhash->{$_}, qw(args content options));

    return system_msg($parser, $name, 3, $source, $lineno,
		      "no content permitted.", $dtext)
	if ($content ne '');
    foreach my $optname (qw(depth start)) {
	if (defined $options->{$optname}) {
	    my $opt = $options->{$optname};
	    my $err = check_int_option($parser, $name, $optname, $opt, $opt,
				       $source, $lineno, $lit, 0);
	    return $err if $err;

    my $pending = $DOM->new('pending');
    $pending->{internal}{'.transform'} =
    %{$pending->{internal}{'.details'}} = %$options;
    return $pending;

# Built-in handler for rubric directives.
# Arguments: parser obj, directive name, parent, source, line number,
#            directive text, literal text
# Returns: array of DOM objects
sub rubric {
    my($parser, $name, $parent, $source, $lineno, $dtext, $lit) = @_;
    my $dhash = parse_directive($parser, $dtext, $lit, $source, $lineno, [],
    return $dhash if ref($dhash) =~ /$DOM$/o;

    (my $args = $dhash->{args}) =~ s/\n/ /g;

    return system_msg($parser, $name, 3, $source, $lineno,
		      "no content permitted.", $lit)
	if $dhash->{content} ne '';

    my $rub = $DOM->new($name);

    return $rub;

# Built-in handler for sidebar directives.
# Arguments: parser obj, directive name, parent, source, line number,
#            directive text, literal text
# Returns: array of DOM objects
sub sidebar {
    my($parser, $name, $parent, $source, $lineno, $dtext, $lit) = @_;
    my @optlist = qw(subtitle);
    my $dhash = parse_directive($parser, $dtext, $lit, $source, $lineno,
				\@optlist, '1+');
    return $dhash if ref($dhash) =~ /$DOM$/o;
    my($args, $content, $options, $content_lineno) =
	map($dhash->{$_}, qw(args content options content_lineno));

    $args =~ s/\n//g;

    return $parser->system_message
	(3, $source, $lineno,
	 qq(The "$name" directive may not be used within a sidebar element.),
	if $parent->tag eq 'sidebar';
    return $parser->system_message(3, $source, $lineno,
				   qq(The "$name" directive may not be used within topics or body elements.),
	unless $parent->tag =~ /section|document/;

    my $sb = $DOM->new($name);
    my $title = $DOM->new('title');
    if (defined $options->{subtitle}) {
	my $st = $DOM->new('subtitle');
    $parser->Paragraphs($sb, $content, $source, $content_lineno);
    return $sb;

# Built-in handler for table directives.
# Arguments: parser obj, directive name, parent, source, line number,
#            directive text, literal text
# Returns: array of DOM objects
sub table {
    my($parser, $name, $parent, $source, $lineno, $dtext, $lit) = @_;
    my @optlist = qw(class align);
    push @optlist, qw(widths header-rows stub-columns header file url
		      encoding delim quote keepspace escape)
	if $name eq 'csv-table';
    push @optlist, qw(widths header-rows stub-columns)
	if $name eq 'list-table';
    my $dhash = parse_directive($parser, $dtext, $lit, $source, $lineno,
    return $dhash if ref($dhash) =~ /$DOM$/o;
    my($args, $content, $content_lineno, $options) =
	map($dhash->{$_}, qw(args content content_lineno options));

    my %common_opts = (class=>'@classes', align=>'align');
    my %myopts = ($name eq 'csv-table' ?
		  (widths=>'', 'header-rows'=>'', 'stub-columns'=>'',
		   'header'=>'') :
    if (defined $options->{align}) {
	my @vallist = qw(left center right);
	my $err = check_enum_option($parser, $name, 'align', $options->{align},
				    \@vallist, $source, $lineno, $lit);
	return $err if $err;

    my @dom;
    my $table = $DOM->new('table');
    $table->{table_attr} = $parser->{opt}{D}{table_attr};
    push(@dom, $table);
    foreach my $opt (keys %myopts) {
	if (defined $myopts{$opt} && $myopts{$opt} ne '' && $options->{$opt}) {
	    if ($myopts{$opt} =~ /^@(.*)/) {
		$table->{attr}{$1} = [ $options->{$opt} ];
	    else {
		$table->{attr}{$myopts{$opt}} = $options->{$opt};

    my $title = $args;
    if ($title !~ /^(\.\.)?$/) {
	my $titledom = $DOM->new('title');
	my $fake = $DOM->new('fake');
	$parser->Paragraphs($fake, $title, $source, $lineno);
	push @dom, grep($_->tag ne 'paragraph', $fake->contents);
	my @paras = grep($_->tag eq 'paragraph', $fake->contents);
	if (@paras == 1 && $paras[0]->tag eq 'paragraph') {
	else {
	    return $parser->system_message(3, $source, $lineno,
					   qq(The title in a "$name" directive must be a single paragraph only.),

    if ($name =~ /^(csv|list)-table$/) {
	my $rows;
	my $cols = 0;
	my $heads;
	my %lines;
	if ($name eq 'csv-table') {
	    return $parser->system_message(2, $source, $lineno,
					   qq("$name" directive :file: option disabled.),
		if (defined $options->{file} &&
		    ! $parser->{opt}{D}{file_insertion_enabled});
	    return $parser->system_message(3, $source, $lineno,
					   qq("$name" directive may not both specify an external file and have content.),
		if $dhash->{content} ne '' && defined $options->{file};
	    return $parser->system_message(3, $source, $lineno,
					   qq(The "file" and "url" options may not be simultaneously specified for the "$name" directive.),
		if defined $options->{file} && defined $options->{url};
	    my $content = $dhash->{content};
	    if (defined $options->{file}) {
		if (open CSV, $options->{file}) {
		    $content = join '', <CSV>;
		    return $parser->system_message
			(3, $source, $lineno,
			 qq(No table data detected in CSV file.), $lit)
			if $content eq '';
		else {
		    my $err = system_error();
		    return $parser->system_message(4, $source, $lineno,
						   qq(Problems with "$name" directive path:\n$err: '$options->{file}'.),
		my $encoding = $options->{encoding} || '';
		if ($encoding eq 'latin-1') {
		    return $parser->system_message(3, $source, $lineno,
						   qq(Error with CSV data in "$name" directive:\nstring with NUL bytes), $lit)
			if $content =~ /\000/;
		elsif ($encoding ne '') {
		    eval "use Encode qw(encode decode)";
		    $content = decode($encoding, $content);
	    elsif (defined $options->{url}) {
		my $url = $options->{url};
		return $parser->system_message(4, $source, $lineno,
					       qq(Problems with "$name" directive URL "$url":\nunknown url type: $url.)
					       , $lit)
		    unless $url =~ /^(($Text::Restructured::URIre::scheme):(?:$Text::Restructured::URIre::hier_part|$Text::Restructured::URIre::opaque_part))/o; 
		return $parser->system_message(4, $source, $lineno,
					       qq(The "url" option is not yet implemented for the "$name" directive.),
	    my $delim = $options->{delim};
	    if (! defined $delim) {
		$delim = ',';
	    elsif ($delim eq 'space') {
		$delim = ' ';
	    elsif ($delim eq 'tab') {
		$delim = "\t";
	    elsif ($delim =~ /^0x([\da-f]{2})/i) {
		$delim = chr hex $1;
	    elsif ($delim =~ /^U\+0*([\da-f]+)/i) {
		return bad_option($parser, $name, 'delim', $delim, 3, $source, $lineno,
				  qq(code too large (long int too large to convert to int).),
		    if length $1 > 8;
		$delim = chr hex $1;
	    elsif (length($delim) ne 1) {
		return bad_option($parser, $name, 'delim', $delim, 3, $source, $lineno,
				  qq('$delim' invalid; must be a single character or a Unicode code.),
	    $delim = "\Q$delim";
	    return $parser->system_message(2, $source, $lineno,
					   qq(The "$name" directive requires content; none supplied.),
		if $content eq '' &&
		! defined $options->{file} && ! defined $options->{url};
	    my %lines;
	    $rows = ParseCSV($parser, $content, \%lines, $delim);
	    return $parser->system_message
		(3, $source, $lineno,
		 qq(Error with CSV data in "$name" directive:\n$rows), $lit)
		unless ref($rows) eq 'ARRAY';
	    grep (do {$cols = @$_ if @$_ > $cols}, @$rows);
	    if (defined $options->{'header'}) {
		$heads = ParseCSV($parser, $options->{'header'}, \%lines,
		return $parser->system_message
		    (3, $source, $lineno,
		     qq(Error with CSV data in "$name" directive:\n$heads),
		    unless ref($heads) eq 'ARRAY';
	else { # elsif ($name eq 'list-table') {
	    $rows = ParseListTable($parser, $content, $source,
	    return $parser->system_message
		(3, $source, $lineno,
		 qq(Error parsing content block for the "$name" directive: $rows.),
		unless ref($rows) eq 'ARRAY';
	    $cols = @{$rows->[0]};
	my $tg = $DOM->new('tgroup', cols=>$cols);
	my @widths;
	if (defined (my $widths = $options->{widths})) {
	    @widths = split /[, ]\s*/, $widths;
	    return $parser->system_message(3, $source, $lineno,
					   qq("$name" widths do not match the number of columns in table ($cols).),
		if @widths != $cols;
	    foreach (@widths) {
		my $err = check_int_option($parser, $name, 'widths', $_, $widths,
					   $source, $lineno, $lit, 1);
		return $err if $err;
	return $parser->system_message(3, $source, $lineno,
				       qq($options->{'stub-columns'} stub column(s) specified but only $cols column(s) of data supplied ("$name" directive).),
	    if ($options->{'stub-columns'} || 0) > $cols;
	return $parser->system_message(3, $source, $lineno,
				       qq(Insufficient data supplied ($cols column(s)); no data remaining for table body, required by "$name" directive.),
	    if ($options->{'stub-columns'} || 0) == $cols;
	for (my $i=0; $i < $cols; $i++) {
	    my $cs = $DOM->new('colspec');
	    $cs->{attr}{colwidth} = $i < @widths ? $widths[$i] :
	    $cs->{attr}{stub} = 1 if defined $options->{'stub-columns'} &&
		$i < $options->{'stub-columns'};
	return $parser->system_message(3, $source, $lineno,
				       qq($options->{'header-rows'} header row(s) specified but only @{[0+@$rows]} row(s) of data supplied ("$name" directive).),
	    if ($options->{'header-rows'} || 0) > @$rows;
	return $parser->system_message(3, $source, $lineno,
				       qq(Insufficient data supplied (@{[0+@$rows]} row(s)); no data remaining for table body, required by "$name" directive.),
	    if ($options->{'header-rows'} || 0) == @$rows;
	my @heads = defined $heads ? @$heads : $options->{'header-rows'}
	? splice(@$rows, 0, $options->{'header-rows'}) : ();
	foreach my $section (qw(thead tbody)) {
	    my $hb_rows = $section eq 'thead' ? \@heads : $rows;
	    next unless @$hb_rows;
	    my $sec = $DOM->new($section);
	    foreach my $row (@$hb_rows) {
		my $r = $DOM->new('row');
		for (my $entry = 0; $entry < $cols; $entry++) {
		    my $e = $DOM->new('entry');
		    if ($name eq 'csv-table') {
			my $lines = $lines{$row}[$entry] || 0;
			$parser->Paragraphs($e, $row->[$entry], $source,
		    else {
			my $myentry = $row->[$entry];
			my $ep = $myentry->[0];
			if (ref $ep &&
			    $ep->tag eq 'paragraph' &&
			    $ep->{attr}{classes}) {
			    $e->{attr}{classes} = $ep->{attr}{classes};
			    delete $ep->{attr}{classes};
		    $e->{entry_attr} = $parser->{opt}{D}{entry_attr}
		    if defined $parser->{opt}{D}{entry_attr} &&
			$parser->{opt}{D}{entry_attr} ne '';
    else {
	return $parser->system_message
	    (2, $source, $lineno,
	     qq(The "$name" directive requires content; none supplied.), $lit)
	    if $content eq '';
	my $fake = $DOM->new('fake');
	$parser->Paragraphs($fake, $content, $source, $content_lineno);
    return @dom;

# Parses a comma-separated-value (CSV) table
# Arguments: parser, text string, ref to lines hash, delimiter
# Returns: reference to an array of parsed rows, each of which is a 
#          reference to an array of strings for the elements of that row
#          OR a string error message
# Side-effects: Sets the lines hash to have as keys the row reference
#               and as values a reference to an array containing the 
#               relative line number where each row entry starts (for
#               giving better error messages);
sub ParseCSV {
    my ($parser, $string, $lines, $delim) = @_;
    my @rows;
    my @split = split /[ ]*(\".*?\"|[^$delim\n]+)/s, $string;
    shift @split;
    my $row;
    my $line = 0;
    while (my($val, $sep) = splice @split, 0, 2) {
	$sep = '' if ! defined $sep;
	push @rows, ($row = []) unless $row;
	return "newline inside string" if $val =~ /^\"[^\"]*$/;
	$val = $1 if $val =~ /^\"(.*)\"\s*$/s;
	push @$row, $val;
	push @{$lines->{$row}}, $line;
	$row = undef if $sep =~ /\n/;
	$line += ($val =~ tr/\n//) + ($sep =~ tr/\n//);
    return \@rows;

# Parses a list table
# Arguments: parser, text string, source file, source line number
# Returns: reference to an array of parsed rows, each of which is a 
#          reference to an array of references to of array of DOM objects
#          for the elements of that row
#          OR a string error message
sub ParseListTable {
    my ($parser, $string, $source, $lineno) = @_;
    my @rows;
    my $fake = $DOM->new('fake');
    $parser->Paragraphs($fake, $string, $source, $lineno);
    my $cols = 0;
    my $bl1 = $fake->first;
    return "exactly one bullet list expected"
	if $bl1->tag ne 'bullet_list' ||
	grep($_->tag eq 'bullet_list', $fake->contents) > 1;
    for (my $row=0; $row < $bl1->num_contents; $row++) {
	my $li1 = $bl1->child($row);
	my $bl2 = $li1->first;
	return "two-level bullet list expected, but row @{[$row+1]} does not contain a second-level bullet list"
	    unless $li1->tag eq 'list_item' && $bl2->tag eq 'bullet_list';
	return "uniform two-level bullet list expected, but row @{[$row+1]} does not contain the same number of items as row 1 (@{[$bl2->num_contents]} vs $cols)"
	    if $row > 0 && $bl2->num_contents ne $cols;
 	for (my $col=0; $col < $bl2->num_contents; $col++) {
	    my $child = $bl2->child($col);
	    push @{$rows[$row]}, $child->{content};
	    $rows[$row][-1][0]{attr}{classes} = $child->{attr}{classes}
	    if $child->{attr}{classes};
	$cols = $bl2->contents if $row eq 0;
    return \@rows;

# Built-in handler for target-notes directives.
# Arguments: parser obj, directive name, parent, source, line number,
#            directive text, literal text
# Returns: array of DOM objects
sub target_notes {
    my($parser, $name, $parent, $source, $lineno, $dtext, $lit) = @_;
    my @optlist = qw(class);
    my $dhash = parse_directive($parser, $dtext, $lit, $source, $lineno,
				\@optlist, 0);
    return $dhash if ref($dhash) =~ /$DOM$/o;
    my($args, $content, $content_lineno, $options) =
	map($dhash->{$_}, qw(args content content_lineno options));
    return system_msg($parser, $name, 3, $source, $lineno,
		      "no content permitted.", $dtext)
	if ($content ne '');

    my $pending = $DOM->new('pending');
    $pending->{internal}{'.transform'} =
    %{$pending->{internal}{'.details'}} = %$options
	if defined $options;
    return $pending;

# Built-in handler for test_directive directives.
# Arguments: parser obj, directive name, parent, source, line number,
#            directive text, literal text
# Returns: array of DOM objects
sub test_directive {
    my($parser, $name, $parent, $source, $lineno, $dtext, $lit) = @_;
    my $dhash = parse_directive($parser, $dtext, $lit, $source, $lineno);
    return $dhash if ref($dhash) =~ /$DOM$/o;
    my($dname, $args, $content, $options) =
	map($dhash->{$_}, qw(name args content options));

    my $contlit = $content;
    my $contstr = $content eq '' ? ' None' : '';
    $args = "'$args'" if $args ne '';
    my $opt;
    foreach $opt (sort keys %$options) {
	my $err = check_required_option($parser, $dname, $opt,
					$options->{$opt}, $source, $lineno,
	return $err if $err;
    my $optstring =
	join('; ', map(do { my ($opt, $val) = ($_, $options->{$_});
			    $val =~ s/\n/\\n/g;
			    "'$opt': '$val'"; }, sort keys %$options));
    return $parser->system_message(1, $source, $lineno,
				   qq(Directive processed. Type="$dname", arguments=[$args], options={$optstring}, content:$contstr),

# Built-in handler for title directives.
# Arguments: parser obj, directive name, parent, source, line number,
#            directive text, literal text
# Returns: array of DOM objects
sub title {
    my($parser, $name, $parent, $source, $lineno, $dtext, $lit) = @_;
    my $dhash = parse_directive($parser, $dtext, $lit, $source, $lineno, [],
    return $dhash if ref($dhash) =~ /$DOM$/o;
    my $args = $dhash->{args};
    return system_msg($parser, $name, 3, $source, $lineno,
		      "no content permitted.", $dtext)
	if ($dhash->{content} ne '');
    $parser->{TOPDOM}{'.details'}{title} = $args;

# Built-in handler for topic directives.
# Arguments: parser obj, directive name, parent, source, line number,
#            directive text, literal text
# Returns: array of DOM objects
sub topic {
    my($parser, $name, $parent, $source, $lineno, $dtext, $lit) = @_;
    my @arglist = qw(class);
    my $dhash = parse_directive($parser, $dtext, $lit, $source, $lineno,
				\@arglist, '1+');
    return $dhash if ref($dhash) =~ /$DOM$/o;
    my($args, $content, $content_lineno) =
	map($dhash->{$_}, qw(args content content_lineno));

    return $parser->system_message
	(2, $source, $lineno,
	 qq(Content block expected for the "$name" directive; none found.),
	if $content =~ /^$/;

    my $topic = $DOM->new('topic');
    my $title = $DOM->new('title');
    $parser->Paragraphs($topic, $content, $source, $content_lineno);
    return $topic;

# Built-in handler for unicode directives.
# Arguments: parser obj, directive name, parent, source, line number,
#            directive text, literal text
# Returns: array of DOM objects
sub unicode {
    my($parser, $name, $parent, $source, $lineno, $dtext, $lit) = @_;
    my @optlist = qw(trim ltrim rtrim);
    my $dhash = parse_directive($parser, $dtext, $lit, $source, $lineno,
				\@optlist, '1+');
    return $dhash if ref($dhash) =~ /$DOM$/o;
    my($args, $content, $options) =
	map($dhash->{$_}, qw(args content options));

    my $fake = $DOM->new('fake');
    my $text = $args;
    return $parser->system_message(3, $source, $lineno,
				   qq(Invalid context: the "$name" directive can only be used within a substitution definition.),
	unless $parent->tag eq 'substitution_definition';

    # Remove comments
    $text =~ s/\s*\.\..*//;
    my @chars = split /\s+/, $text;
    for (my $c=0; $c < @chars; $c++) {
	my $char = $chars[$c];
	if ($char =~ /^(?:0x|\\u|U[+]?)([\da-f]+)$/i ||
	    $char =~/^&\#x([\da-f]+);$/i) {
	    my $hex = $1;
	    $hex =~ s/^0+//;
	    my $icc = "Invalid character code: $char";
	    return $parser->system_message
		(3, $source, $lineno,
		 qq($icc\nValueError: code too large (unichr(int("$1", 16)))),
		if length $hex > 8;
	    my $dec = hex $hex;
	    return $parser->system_message
		(3, $source, $lineno, qq($icc\nunichr(int("$1", 16))), $lit)
		if $dec > 0xffff;
	    $chars[$c] = chr($dec);
    @$options{keys %$options} = (1) x keys %$options;
    if ($options->{trim}) {
	$options->{ltrim} = $options->{rtrim} = $options->{trim};
	delete $options->{trim};
    @{$parent->{attr}}{keys %$options} = values %$options;
    return @chars ?  $DOM->newPCDATA(join "\n", @chars) : ();

################ Text::Restructured::Directive internal routines ################

# Returns a system error if a directive argument check fails.
# May also be useful to plug-in directives.
# Arguments: parser, name, source, lineno, args, lit text, 
#            expected # of args possibly appended with '+' to indicate # is min
# Returns: DOM if the check fails
sub arg_check {
    my ($parser, $name, $source, $lineno, $args, $lit, $exp) = @_;

    my ($exp_num, $min) = $exp =~ /(\d+)([+])?/;
    my (@args) = split(/\s+/, $args);
    my $got = @args;
    return system_msg($parser, $name, 3, $source, $lineno,
		      "$exp_num argument(s) required, $got supplied.", $lit)
	unless $got >= $exp_num && $min || $got == $exp_num;

# Returns a system message specifying a bad option.
# May also be useful to plug-in directives.
# Arguments: parser, directive name, option name, option value, level, source, 
#            line number, message, optional literal block
# Returns: system_message DOM
sub bad_option {
    my($parser, $name, $opt, $val, $level, $source, $lineno, $msg, $lit) = @_;

    my $valstr = $val eq '' ? "None" : "'$val'";
	($parser, $name, $level, $source, $lineno,
	 qq(invalid option value: (option: "$opt"; value: $valstr)\n$msg),

# Returns a system message DOM if the option value does not parse as one
# of an enumerated list.
# May also be useful to plug-in directives.
# Arguments: parser, directive name, option name, option value, ref to array of
#            enum names, source, line number, literal
# Returns: error DOM or None
sub check_enum_option {
    my($parser, $name, $opt, $val, $vallist, $source, $lineno, $lit) = @_;

    my $search = join("|", @$vallist);
    if ($val !~ /^($search)$/i) {
	my @list = map(qq("$_"), @$vallist);
	$list[-1] =~ s/^/or /;
	my $list = join(', ',@list);
	return bad_option($parser, $name, $opt, $val, 3, $source, $lineno,
			  qq(must supply an argument; choose from $list.),
	    if $val eq '';
	return bad_option($parser, $name, $opt, $val, 3, $source, $lineno,
			  qq("$val" unknown; choose from $list.), $lit);

# Returns a system message DOM if the option value does not parse as a
# field list.  May also be useful to plug-in directives.
# Arguments: parser, directive name, option name, option value,
#            complete option string, source, line number, literal
# Returns: error DOM or None
sub check_fieldlist_option {
    my ($parser, $name, $opt, $val, $option, $source, $lineno, $lit) = @_;
    return bad_option($parser, $name, $opt, $option, 3, $source, $lineno,
		      "invalid literal for fieldlist.", $lit)
	unless $val =~ /^ *($Text::Restructured::FIELD_LIST)/mo;

# Returns a system message DOM if the option value does not parse as integer.
# May also be useful to plug-in directives.
# Arguments: parser, directive name, option name, option value,
#            complete option string, source, line number, literal,
#            optional argument indicating minimum OK value (0 or 1)
# Returns: error DOM or None
sub check_int_option {
    my($parser, $name, $opt, $val, $option, $source, $lineno, $lit, $pos) = @_;
    $pos = '' unless defined $pos;
    return bad_option($parser, $name, $opt, $option, 3, $source, $lineno,
		      "invalid literal for int(): None.", $lit)
	if $val eq '';
    return bad_option($parser, $name, $opt, $option, 3, $source, $lineno,
		      "invalid literal for int(): $val.", $lit)
	unless $val =~ /^(-\s*)?\d+$/;
    return bad_option($parser, $name, $opt, $option, 3, $source, $lineno,
		      "negative value; must be positive or zero.", $lit)
	if $pos eq '0' && $val =~ /^-\s*\d+$/;
    return bad_option($parser, $name, $opt, $option, 3, $source, $lineno,
		      "negative or zero value; must be positive.", $lit)
	if $pos eq '1' && $val < 1;

# Returns a system message DOM if any of the options in the option hash are
# not in the legal option list array.
# May also be useful to plug-in directives.
# Arguments: parser, directive name, reference to option hash, reference to array
#            of legal option names, source, line number, literal
sub check_option_names {
    my ($parser, $name, $options, $optlist, $source, $lineno, $lit) = @_;

    my @badoptions = grep(/ /, sort keys %$options);
    return system_msg($parser, $name, 3, $source, $lineno,
		      qq(invalid option data: extension option field name may not contain multiple words.),
	if @badoptions;

    my %optlist;
    @optlist{@$optlist} = (1) x @$optlist;
    @badoptions = grep(! $optlist{$_}, sort keys %$options);
    return system_msg($parser, $name, 3, $source, $lineno, 
		      qq(unknown option: "$badoptions[0]".), $lit)
	if @badoptions;


# Returns a system message DOM if the option value is empty.
# May also be useful to plug-in directives.
# Arguments: parser, directive name, option name, option value,
#            source, line number, literal
# Returns: error DOM or none
sub check_required_option {
    my($parser, $name, $opt, $val, $source, $lineno, $lit) = @_;

    return bad_option($parser, $name, $opt, $val, 3, $source, $lineno,
		      qq(argument required but none supplied.), $lit)
	if $val eq '';

# Returns a system message DOM if the option value does not parse as a
# positive measure of a defined unit.
# May also be useful to plug-in directives.
# Arguments: parser, directive name, option name, option value,
#            source, line number, literal, list of extra units
# Returns: error DOM or none
# Uses globals: @Text::Restructured::UNITS
# Causes side-effects: option value has whitespace removed if valid
sub check_units_option {
    my($parser, $name, $opt, $val, $source, $lineno, $lit, @extra_units) = @_;

    my $search = join("|", @Text::Restructured::UNITS, @extra_units);
    # N.B. The following substitution must have a side-effect on $val
    if ($_[3] !~ s/^(\d+(?:\.\d*)?|\.\d+)\s*($search)\s*$/$1$2/i) {
	return bad_option($parser, $name, $opt, $val, 3, $source, $lineno,
			  qq(must supply an argument.), $lit)
	    if $val eq '';
	my $units = join ' ', map(qq("$_"), @Text::Restructured::UNITS,
 	return bad_option($parser, $name, $opt, $val, 3, $source, $lineno,
 			  qq(not a positive measure of one of the following units:\n$units.),

# Adds a handler for a directive.  Used by plug-in directives to 
# register a routine to call for a given directive name.
# Arguments: directive name, reference to directive subroutine
sub handle_directive {
    my($name, $sub) = @_;

    $Text::Restructured::DIRECTIVES{lc $name} = $sub;

# Parses the text of a directive into its arguments, options, and contents.
# May also be useful to plug-in directives.
# Arguments: Parser obj, Directive text, literal text, source, lineno,
#            reference to array of allowed options (optional)
#            required # of arguments appended with '+' if minimum (optional),
# Returns: Error DOM or `directive arguments hash ref`_
sub parse_directive {
    my ($parser, $dtext, $lit, $source, $lineno, $opts_p, $req_arg) = @_;

    my ($pre, $directive, $body) = $dtext =~ /(\s*)([\w\.-]+)\s*:: *(.*)/s;
    my $dname = $directive;
    $directive =~ tr/[A-Z].-/[a-z]__/;

    # Parse the body into arguments, options, and content
    my $args;
    if ((my @s = split /(^ *($Text::Restructured::FIELD_LIST|::)|\n\n)/mo, $body, 2) > 1) {
	$args = $s[0];
	$body = "$s[1]$s[-1]";
    else {
	$args = $body;
	$body = '';

    my $content_lineno = $lineno + ($args =~ tr/\n//);
    $args =~ s/^\n//;
    $args =~ s/^   //mg;
    $args =~ s/\n$//;
    my $spaces = "   ";
    my %options;
    $body =~ s/^$spaces//mg;
    my $err = 0;
    my $options;
    if ((my @s = split /^(\n+)/m, $body, 2) > 1) {
	$options = "$s[0]";
	my $pre = "$s[0]$s[1]";
	$body = "$s[-1]";
	$content_lineno += ($pre =~ tr/\n//);
    else {
	$options = $body;
	$body = '';
    my @options = split /^(?=:)/m, $options;
    my $option;
    foreach $option (@options) {
	my ($opt,$val) = $option =~ /^:([^:\n]*): *(.*)/s;
	return system_msg($parser, $directive, 3, $source, $lineno,
			  "invalid option block.", $lit)
	    if $opt eq '';
	if (defined $options{$opt}) {
	    $err = 1;
	    return system_msg
		($parser, $directive, 3, $source, $lineno,
		 qq(invalid option data: duplicate option "$opt".), $lit);
	chomp $val;
	if ($val =~ /^(?!\A)( *)/m) {
	    my $spaces = $1;
	    $val =~ s/^$spaces//gm;
	$options{$opt} = $val;
#print "[$args][",join(',',map("$_=>$options{$_}",sort keys %options)),"][$body]\n";

    # Do any optional checks
    if (defined $req_arg) {
	my $err = arg_check($parser, $dname, $source, $lineno, $args, $lit,
	return $err if $err;
    if (defined $opts_p) {
	my $err = check_option_names($parser, $dname, \%options, $opts_p,
				     $source, $lineno, $lit);
	return $err if $err;

    my $dhash = {name=>$dname, args=>$args, content=>$body,
    $dhash->{options} = \%options if %options;
    return $dhash;

# Returns a canonically formatted version of the last system error.
# Arguments: None
# Returns: error string
sub system_error {
    return "[Errno " . ($!+0) . "] $!";

# Returns a DOM object for a system message, with 'Error in "name" directive"
# prepended to the message.
# May also be useful to plug-in directives.
# Arguments: parser obj, directive name, level, source, lineno,
#            message, literal string, attribute pairs
sub system_msg {
    my ($parser, $name, $level, $source, $lineno, $msg, $lit, %attr) = @_;
    return $parser->system_message
	($level, $source, $lineno,
	 qq(Error in "$name" directive:\n$msg), $lit, %attr);
