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use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
# See lib/ExtUtils/ for details of how to influence
# the contents of the Makefile that is written.
# If any modules outside of the core perl distribution are required,
# these should be included as a PREREQ_PM entry in WriteMakefile below, 
# as indicated in the example. This example requires the modules 
# MOD1 and MOD2 to be installed, with minimal versions 1 and 5,
# respectively. If the version number is 0, any version is sufficient.
# As well, if you wish to force a minimal perl version to run the
# script, insert a line, for example,
#   require 5.004;
# below.

              'NAME'	     => '',
              'DISTNAME'     => 'rcsfreeze',
              'VERSION_FROM' => '', # finds $VERSION
              'dist'         => {
                                 COMPRESS => 'gzip', 
                                 SUFFIX => 'gz' 
              'EXE_FILES' => [ '' ], # scripts to install
              # Uncomment and edit the following line to include required modules
              'PREREQ_PM' => { 
                              'Rcs'     => 0.09 , 
                              'IO::Dir' => 0

sub MY::postamble {
	podselect -sect README | pod2text >README
