The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
use 5.6.0;

use strict;
use warnings;

use lib 't/lib';

my $base = 'http://localhost';

use RestTest;
use DBICTest;
use URI;
use Test::More tests => 17;
use Test::WWW::Mechanize::Catalyst 'RestTest';
use HTTP::Request::Common;
use JSON::Any;

my $mech = Test::WWW::Mechanize::Catalyst->new;
ok(my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema(), 'got schema');

my $artist_list_url = "$base/api/rpc/artist/list";
my $cd_list_url = "$base/api/rpc/cd/list";

foreach my $req_params ({ 'list_prefetch' => '["cds"]' }, { 'list_prefetch' => 'cds' }) {
	my $uri = URI->new( $artist_list_url );
	my $req = GET( $uri, 'Accept' => 'text/x-json' );
	cmp_ok( $mech->status, '==', 200, 'search with simple prefetch request okay' );
	my $rs = $schema->resultset('Artist')->search(undef, { prefetch => ['cds'] });
	my @rows = $rs->all;
	my $expected_response = { list => \@rows, success => 'true' };
	my $response = JSON::Any->Load( $mech->content);
	#use Data::Dumper; warn Dumper($response, $expected_response);
	is_deeply( $expected_response, $response, 'correct data returned for search with simple prefetch specified as param' );

foreach my $req_params ({ 'list_prefetch' => '{"cds":"tracks"}' }, { 'list_prefetch.cds' => 'tracks' }) {
	my $uri = URI->new( $artist_list_url );
	my $req = GET( $uri, 'Accept' => 'text/x-json' );
	cmp_ok( $mech->status, '==', 200, 'search with multi-level prefetch request okay' );
	my $rs = $schema->resultset('Artist')->search(undef, { prefetch => {'cds' => 'tracks'} });
	my @rows = $rs->all;
	my $expected_response = { list => \@rows, success => 'true' };
	my $response = JSON::Any->Load( $mech->content);
	#use Data::Dumper; warn Dumper($response, $expected_response);
	is_deeply( $expected_response, $response, 'correct data returned for search with multi-level prefetch specified as param' );

foreach my $req_params ({ 'list_prefetch' => '["artist"]' }, { 'list_prefetch' => 'artist' }) {
	my $uri = URI->new( $cd_list_url );
	my $req = GET( $uri, 'Accept' => 'text/x-json' );
	cmp_ok( $mech->status, '==', 400, 'prefetch of artist not okay' );

	my $expected_response = map { { $_->get_columns } } $schema->resultset('CD')->all;
	my $response = JSON::Any->Load( $mech->content);
	#use Data::Dumper; warn Dumper($response, $expected_response);
    is($response->{success}, 'false', 'correct message returned' );
	like($response->{messages}->[0], qr/not an allowed prefetch in:/, 'correct message returned' );

	my $uri = URI->new( $cd_list_url );
	$uri->query_form({ 'list_prefetch' => 'tracks', 'list_ordered_by' => 'title', 'list_count' => 2, 'list_page' => 1 });
	my $req = GET( $uri, 'Accept' => 'text/x-json' );
	if (cmp_ok( $mech->status, '==', 400, 'order_by on non-unique col with paging returns error' )) {
		my $response = JSON::Any->Load( $mech->content);
		is_deeply( $response, { messages => ['a database error has occured.'], success => 'false' },
            'error returned for order_by on non-existing col with paging' );