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package Data::Morph::Role::Backend;
$Data::Morph::Role::Backend::VERSION = '1.140400';
use MooseX::Role::Parameterized;
use MooseX::Types::Moose(':all');
use MooseX::Params::Validate;

#ABSTRACT: Provides a role to consume to develop specialized backends

parameter input_type =>
    isa => 'Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint',
    required => 1,

parameter set_val =>
    isa => CodeRef,
    required => 1,

parameter get_val =>
    isa => CodeRef,
    required => 1,


    requires 'epilogue';

    my $p = shift;

    has new_instance =>
        is => 'ro',
        isa => CodeRef,
        required => 1,

    has input_type =>
        is => 'ro',
        isa => 'Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint',
        default => sub { $p->input_type },

    method generate_instance => sub
        my ($self, $input) = @_;
        return $self->new_instance->($input);

    method retrieve => sub
        my ($self, $object, $key, $post) = pos_validated_list
            {isa => __PACKAGE__},
            {isa => $p->input_type},
            {isa => Maybe[Str]},
            {isa => CodeRef, optional => 1},

        if(!defined($key) && defined($post))
            return $post->();

        my $val = $p->get_val->($object, $key);
        $val = $post->($val) if defined($post);
        return $val;

    method store => sub
        my ($self, $object, $val, $key, $pre) = pos_validated_list
            {isa => __PACKAGE__},
            {isa => $p->input_type},
            {isa => Any},
            {isa => Str},
            {isa => CodeRef, optional => 1}

        $val = $pre->($val) if defined($pre);
        $p->set_val->($object, $key, $val);



=head1 NAME

Data::Morph::Role::Backend - Provides a role to consume to develop specialized backends

=head1 VERSION

version 1.140400


    package Data::Morph::Backend::Object;
    use Moose;
    use MooseX::Types::Moose(':all');
    use MooseX::Params::Validate;
    use namespace::autoclean;

    sub epilogue { }

    with 'Data::Morph::Role::Backend' =>
        input_type => Object,
        get_val => sub
            my ($obj, $key) = @_;
            return $obj->$key;
        set_val => sub
            my ($obj, $key, $val) = @_;



This module provides a simple composable behavior that backend authors must
consume and fill out so that it operates seamlessly within a Data::Morph


=head2 input_type

    isa: Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint
    required: 1

To properly constrain L</store> and L</retrieve>, a type constraint must be
made available. This must match what L</new_instance> generates.

=head2 set_val

    isa: CodeRef, required: 1

This coderef should implement a set accessor to the type configured in
L</input_type>. The coderef will receive the instance, the key, and the value
as arguments and be executed in a void context.

=head2 get_val

    isa: CodeRef, required: 1

This coderef should implement a get accessor to the type configured in
L</input_type>. The coderef will receive the instance and the key as arguments.
The return value will then be used by the system.


=head2 epilogue

This method is required for all backends (even if it is a no-op). Once
processing is complete this method will be called with the final, populated
instance. If additional processing should take place on the instance as a whole
rather on individual properties of it, do it here.


=head2 new_instance

    is: ro, isa: CodeRef, required: 1

Each backend should provide a coderef or require one upon construction that is
an instance factory. The instances returned must match L</input_type>. The
instance factory will receive the raw input as the only argument to allow for
dynamic instance creation.

=head2 input_type

    is: ro, isa: Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint, default: role parameter

This attribute is provided so that users of the backend can process different
types other than the default provided at role consumption


=head2 generate_instance

This method access L</new_instance> and invokes it with the provided raw input
as an argument, returning its return value

=head2 retrieve

    (INSTANCE, Maybe[Str], CodeRef?)

This method is what fetches the value from the instance using L</get_val>. The
optional coderef parameter is what is passed in from the map if it is defined
for a read operation. The coderef must be called with the return value from
L</get_val>. And its return value returned.

If an undefined key is given but a coderef is defined, the result from the
coderef will be returned

=head2 store

    (INSTANCE, Any, Str, CodeRef?)

This method takes the Defined value and sets it into the instance using the Str
key. The optional coderef parameter is what is passed if defined in the map in
a write operation. If it is provided, it must be called with the value and its
return value ultimately used in the storage operation, L</set_val>

=head1 AUTHOR

Nicholas R. Perez <>


This software is copyright (c) 2011 by Nicholas R. Perez <>.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
