# -*- mode: perl; perl-indent-level: 2 -*-

use lib qw(. ..);
use Memoize 0.45 qw(memoize unmemoize);
# $Memoize::Storable::Verbose = 0;

eval {require Memoize::Storable};
if ($@) {
  print "1..0\n";
  exit 0;

sub i {

sub c119 { 119 }
sub c7 { 7 }
sub c43 { 43 }
sub c23 { 23 }
sub c5 { 5 }

sub n {

eval {require Storable};
if ($@) {
  print "1..0\n";
  exit 0;

print "1..4\n";

if (eval {require File::Spec::Functions}) {
} else {
  *catfile = sub { join '/', @_ };
$tmpdir = $ENV{TMP} || $ENV{TMPDIR} ||  '/tmp';  
$file = catfile($tmpdir, "storable$$");
1 while unlink $file;
tryout('Memoize::Storable', $file, 1);  # Test 1..4
1 while unlink $file;

sub tryout {
  my ($tiepack, $file, $testno) = @_;

  tie my %cache => $tiepack, $file
    or die $!;

  memoize 'c5', 
  SCALAR_CACHE => [HASH => \%cache],

  my $t1 = c5();	
  my $t2 = c5();	
  print (($t1 == 5) ? "ok $testno\n" : "not ok $testno\n");
  print (($t2 == 5) ? "ok $testno\n" : "not ok $testno\n");
  unmemoize 'c5';

  # Now something tricky---we'll memoize c23 with the wrong table that
  # has the 5 already cached.
  memoize 'c23', 
  SCALAR_CACHE => [HASH => \%cache],
  my $t3 = c23();
  my $t4 = c23();
  print (($t3 == 5) ? "ok $testno\n" : "not ok $testno\n");
  print (($t4 == 5) ? "ok $testno\n" : "not ok $testno\n");
  unmemoize 'c23';