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use strict;
use warnings;

use Cwd;
use Getopt::Std;
use File::Basename;
use FindBin;

my $Opts = {};
getopts( 'r:p:e:vud', $Opts );

my $Cwd         = cwd();
my $Verbose     = 1;
my $ExcludeRe   = $Opts->{e} ? qr/$Opts->{e}/ : undef;
my $Debug       = $Opts->{v} || 0;
my $RunDiff     = $Opts->{d} || 0;
my $PkgDir      = $Opts->{p} || cwd();
my $MasterRepo  = $Opts->{r} or die "Need repository!\n". usage();

### strip trailing slashes;
$MasterRepo =~ s|/$||;

my $CPV         = $Debug ? '-v' : '';
my $TestBin     = 'ptardiff';
my $PkgDirRe    = quotemeta( $PkgDir .'/' );
my $Repo        = $MasterRepo . '-' . basename( $PkgDir ) . '.' . $$;

### chdir there
chdir $PkgDir or die "Could not chdir to $PkgDir: $!";

### set up the repo dir from the master repo
{   print "Setting up working repo under '$Repo'..." if $Verbose;
    unless( -d $Repo ) {
        system( "mkdir -p $Repo" )
            and die "Could not create working repo '$Repo': $?";

    system( "cp -Rf $MasterRepo/* $Repo" )
        and die "Copying master repo to $Repo failed: $?";

    print "done\n" if $Verbose;

### copy over all files under lib/
{   print "Copying libdir..." if $Verbose;
    die "No lib/ directory found\n" unless -d 'lib';
    system( "cp -fR $CPV lib $Repo" ) and die "Copy of lib/ failed: $?";
    print "done\n" if $Verbose;

### find the directory to put the t/ and bin/ files under
my $RelTopDir;      # topdir from the repo root
my $TopDir;         # full path to the top dir
my $ModName;        # name of the module
my @ModFiles;       # the .PMs in this package
{   print "Creating top level dir..." if $Verbose;

    ### make sure we get the shortest file, so we dont accidentally get
    ### a subdir
    @ModFiles   =  sort { length($a) <=> length($b) }
                   map  { chomp; $_ }
                   grep { $ExcludeRe ? $_ !~ $ExcludeRe : 1 }
                   grep /\.p(?:m|od)$/,
                    `find $PkgDir/lib -type f`
                        or die "No TopDir detected\n";

    $RelTopDir  = $ModFiles[0];
    $RelTopDir  =~ s/^$PkgDirRe//;
    $RelTopDir  =~ s/\.p(m|od)$//;
    $TopDir     = "$Repo/$RelTopDir";

    ### create the dir if it's not there yet
    unless( -d $TopDir ) {
        system( "mkdir $TopDir" ) and die "Creating dir $TopDir failed: $?";

    ### the module name, like Foo::Bar
    ### slice syntax not elegant, but we need to remove the
    ### leading 'lib/' entry
    ### stupid temp vars! stupid perl! it doesn't do @{..}[0..-1] :(
    {   my @list = @{[split '/', $RelTopDir]};
        $ModName = join '::', @list[1 .. $#list];

    ### the .pm files in this package
    @ModFiles = map { s|^$PkgDirRe||; $_ } @ModFiles
        or die "Could not detect modfiles\n";

    print "done\n" if $Verbose;

my $TopDirRe = quotemeta( $TopDir . '/' );

### copy over t/ and bin/ directories to the $TopDir
my @TestFiles;
{   print "Copying t/* files to $TopDir..." if $Verbose;

   -d 't'
       ? system( "cp -fR $CPV t $TopDir" ) && die "Copy of t/ failed: $?"
       : warn "No t/ directory found\n";

    @TestFiles =    map { chomp; s|^$TopDirRe||; $_ }
                    ### should we get rid of this file?
                    grep { $ExcludeRe && $_ =~ $ExcludeRe
                        ? do {  warn "Removing $_\n";
                                system("rm $_") and die "rm '$_' failed: $?";
                        : 1
                     } `find $TopDir/t -type f`
        or die "Could not detect testfiles\n";

    print "done\n" if $Verbose;

my @BinFiles;
BIN: {
    unless (-d 'bin') {
        print "No bin/ directory found\n" if $Verbose;
        last BIN;
    print "Copying bin/* files to $TopDir..." if $Verbose;

    system("cp -fR $CPV bin/* $TopDir/bin/") && die "Copy of bin/ failed: $?";

    @BinFiles = map { chomp; s|^$TopDirRe||; $_ }
                ### should we get rid of this file?
                grep { $ExcludeRe && $_ =~ $ExcludeRe
                    ? do {  warn "Removing $_\n";
                            system("rm $_") and die "rm '$_' failed: $?";
                    : 1
                 } `find $TopDir/bin -type f`
        or die "Could not detect binfiles\n";

    print "done\n" if $Verbose;

### add files where they are required
my @NewFiles;
{   for my $bin ( map { basename( $_ ) } @BinFiles ) {
        print "Registering $bin with system files...\n";

        ### fix installperl, so these files get installed by other utils
        ### ./installperl:    return if $name =~
        ### /^(?:cpan|instmodsh|prove|corelist|ptar|ptardiff|config_data)\z/;
        {   my $file = 'installperl';

            ### not there already?
            unless( `grep $TestBin $Repo/$file| grep $bin` ) {
                print "   Adding $bin to $file..." if $Verbose;

                ### double \\| required --> once for in this script, once
                ### for the cli
                system("$^X -pi -e 's/($TestBin\\|)/$bin|\$1/' $Repo/$file")
                    and die "Could not add $bin to $file: $?";
                print "done\n" if $Verbose;
            } else {
                print "    $bin already mentioned in $file\n" if $Verbose;

        ### fix utils.lst, so the new tools are mentioned
        {   my $file = 'utils.lst';

            ### not there already?
            unless( `grep $bin $Repo/$file` ) {
                print "    Adding $bin to $file..." if $Verbose;

                ### double \\| required --> once for in this script, once
                ### for the cli
                system("$^X -pi -e 's!($TestBin)!\$1\nutils/$bin!' $Repo/$file")
                    and die "Could not add $bin to $file: $?";
                print "done\n" if $Verbose;
            } else {
                print "    $bin already mentioned in $file\n" if $Verbose;

        ### make a $bin.PL file and fix it up
        {   my $src  = "utils/${TestBin}.PL";
            my $file = "utils/${bin}.PL";

            ### not there already?
            unless( -e "$Repo/$file" ) {
                print "    Creating $file..." if $Verbose;

                ### important part of the template looks like this
                ### (we'll need to change it):
                # my $script = File::Spec->catfile(
                #    File::Spec->catdir(
                #        File::Spec->updir, qw[lib Archive Tar bin]
                #    ), "");

                ### copy another template file
                system( "cp -f $Repo/$src $Repo/$file" )
                    and die "Could not create $file from $src: $?";

                ### change the 'updir' path
                ### make sure to escape the \[ character classes
                my $updir = join ' ', (split('/', $RelTopDir), 'bin');
                system( "$^X -pi -e'".
                        's/^(.*?File::Spec->updir, qw\[).+?(\].*)$/'.
                        "\$1 $updir \$2/' $Repo/$file"
                ) and die "Could not fix updir for $bin in $file: $?";

                ### change the name of the file from $TestBin to $bin
                system( "$^X -pi -e's/$TestBin/$bin/' $Repo/$file" )
                    and die "Could not update $file with '$bin' as name: $?";

                print "done\n" if $Verbose;

            } else {
                print "    $file already exists\n" if $Verbose;

            ### we've may just have created a new file, it will have to
            ### go into the manifest
            push @NewFiles, $file;

        ### add an entry to utils/Makefile for $bin
        {   my $file = "utils/Makefile";

            ### not there already?
            unless( `grep $bin $Repo/$file` ) {
                print "    Adding $bin entries to $file..." if $Verbose;

                ### $bin appears on 4 lines in this file, so replace all 4
                ### first, pl =
                system( "$^X -pi -e'/^pl\\s+=/ && s/(${TestBin}.PL)/".
                        "\$1 ${bin}.PL/' $Repo/$file"
                ) and die "Could not add $bin to the pl = entry: $?";

                ### next, plextract =
                system( "$^X -pi -e'/^plextract\\s+=/ " .
                        "&& s/(${TestBin})/\$1 $bin/' $Repo/$file"
                ) and die "Could not add $bin to the plextract = entry: $?";

                ### third, plextractexe =
                system( "$^X -pi -e'/^plextractexe\\s+=/ " .
                        "&& s!(\./${TestBin})!\$1 ./$bin!' $Repo/$file"
                ) and die "Could not add $bin to the plextractexe = entry: $?";

                ### last, the make directive $bin:
                system( "$^X -pi -e'/^(${TestBin}:.+)/; \$x=\$1 or next;" .
                        "\$x =~ s/$TestBin/$bin/g;" . '$_.=$/.$x.$/;' .
                        "' $Repo/$file"
                ) and die "Could not add $bin as a make directive: $?";

                print "done\n" if $Verbose;
            } else {
                print "    $bin already added to $file\n" if $Verbose;

        ### add entries to win32/Makefile and win32/
        ### they contain the following lines:
        # ./win32/            ..\utils\ptardiff       \
        # ./win32/        xsubpp instmodsh prove ptar ptardiff
        for my $file ( qw[win32/Makefile win32/] ) {
            unless ( `grep $bin $Repo/$file` ) {
                print "    Adding $bin entries to $file..." if $Verbose;

               system( "$^X -pi -e'/^(.+?utils.${TestBin}.+)/;".
                        '$x=$1 or next;' .
                        "\$x =~ s/$TestBin/$bin/g;" . '$_.=$x.$/;' .
                        "' $Repo/$file"
                ) and die "Could not add $bin to UTILS section in $file: $?\n";

                system( "$^X -pi -e's/( $TestBin)/\$1 $bin/' $Repo/$file" )
                    and die "Could not add $bin to $file: $?\n";

                print "done\n" if $Verbose;
            } else {
                print "    $bin already added to $file\n" if $Verbose;

        ### we need some entries in a vms specific file as well..
        ### except, i dont understand how it works or what it does, and it
        ### looks all a bit odd... so lets just print a warning...
        ### the entries look something like this:
        # ./vms/descrip_mms.template:utils4 = [.utils]
        #   [.utils] [.utils] [.utils]
        #   [.utils] [.utils] [.utils]
        # ./vms/descrip_mms.template:[.utils] : [.utils]ptardiff.PL
        #   $(ARCHDIR)
        {   my $file = 'vms/descrip_mms.template';

            unless( `grep $bin $Repo/$file` ) {
                print $/.$/;
                print "    WARNING! You should add entries like the following\n"
                    . "    to $file (Using $TestBin as an example)\n"
                    . "    Unfortunately I dont understand what these entries\n"
                    . "    do, so I wont change them automatically:\n\n";

                print `grep -nC1 $TestBin $Repo/$file`;
                print $/.$/;

            } else {
                print "    $bin already added to $file\n" if $Verbose;

### binary files must be encoded!
### XXX use the new ''
{   my $pack = "$Repo/";

    ### encodes binary files for us
    -e $pack or die "Need $pack to encode binary files!";

    ### chdir, so uupacktool writes relative files properly
    ### into it's header...
    my $curdir = cwd();
    chdir($Repo) or die "Could not chdir to '$Repo': $!";

    for my $aref ( \@ModFiles, \@TestFiles, \@BinFiles ) {
        for my $file ( @$aref ) {
            my $full = -e $file                 ? $file              :
                       -e "$RelTopDir/$file"    ? "$RelTopDir/$file" :
                       die "Can not find $file in $Repo or $TopDir\n";

            if( -f $full && -s _ && -B _ ) {
                print "Binary file $file needs encoding\n" if $Verbose;

                my $out = $full . '.packed';

                ### does the file exist already?
                ### and doesn't have +w
                if( -e $out && not -w _ ) {
                    system("chmod +w $out")
                        and die "Could not set chmod +w to '$out': $!";

                ### -D to remove the original
                system("$^X $pack -D -p $full $out")
                    and die "Could not encode $full to $out";

                $file .= '.packed';

    chdir($curdir) or die "Could not chdir back to '$curdir': $!";

### update the manifest
{   my $file        = $Repo . '/MANIFEST';
    my @manifest;
    {   open my $fh, "<$file" or die "Could not open $file: $!";
        @manifest    = <$fh>;
        close $fh;

    ### fill it with files from our package
    my %pkg_files;
    for ( @ModFiles ) {
        $pkg_files{$_}              = "$_\t$ModName\n";

    for ( @TestFiles ) {
        $pkg_files{"$RelTopDir/$_"} = "$RelTopDir/$_\t$ModName tests\n"

    for ( @BinFiles ) {
        $pkg_files{"$RelTopDir/$_"} = "$RelTopDir/$_\tthe ".
                                            basename($_) ." utility\n";

    for ( @NewFiles ) {
        $pkg_files{$_}              = "$_\tthe ".
                                        do { m/(.+?)\.PL$/; basename($1) } .
                                        " utility\n"

    ### remove all the files that are already in the manifest;
    delete $pkg_files{ [split]->[0] } for @manifest;

    print "Adding the following entries to the MANIFEST:\n" if $Verbose;
    print "\t$_" for sort values %pkg_files;
    print $/.$/;

    push @manifest, values %pkg_files;

    {   chmod 0755, $file;
        open my $fh, ">$file" or die "Could not open $file for writing: $!";
        #print $fh sort { lc $a cmp lc $b } @manifest;
        ### XXX stolen from pod/buildtoc:sub do_manifest
        print $fh
            map  { $_->[0] }
            sort { $a->[1] cmp $b->[1] || $a->[0] cmp $b->[0] }
            map  { my $f = lc $_; $f =~ s/[^a-z0-9\s]//g; [ $_, $f ] }

        close $fh;

### would you like us to show you a diff?
if( $RunDiff ) {
    my $diff = $Repo; $diff =~ s/$$/patch/;

    ### weird RV ;(
    my $master = basename( $MasterRepo );
    my $repo   = basename( $Repo );
    my $chdir  = dirname( $MasterRepo );

    ### the .patch file is added by an rsync from the APC
    ### but isn't actually in the p4 repo, so exclude it
    my $cmd = "cd $chdir; diff -ruN --exclude=.patch $master $repo > $diff";

    print "Running: '$cmd'\n";

    print "Generating diff..." if $Verbose;

    system( $cmd );
        #and die "Could not write diff to '$diff': $?";
    die "Could not write diff to '$diff'" unless -e $diff && -s _;

    print "done\n" if $Verbose;
    print "\nDiff can be applied with patch -p1 in $MasterRepo\n\n";
    print "  Diff written to: $diff\n\n" if $Verbose;

sub usage {
    my $me = basename($0);
    return qq[

Usage: $me -r PERL_REPO_DIR [-p PACKAGE_DIR] [-v] [-d] [-e REGEX]

  -r    Path to perl-core repository
  -v    Run verbosely
  -e    Perl regex matching files that shouldn't be included
  -d    Create a diff as patch file
  -p    Path to the package to add. Defaults to cwd()

