The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.

# We suppose that perl _mostly_ works at this moment, so may use
# sophisticated testing.

    chdir 't' if -d 't';
    @INC = '../lib';              # pick up only this build's lib
    $ENV{PERL5LIB} = '../lib';    # so children will see it too

my $torture; # torture testing?

use Test::Harness;
use strict;

$Test::Harness::switches = "";    # Too much noise otherwise
$Test::Harness::Verbose++ while @ARGV && $ARGV[0] eq '-v' && shift;

if ($ARGV[0] && $ARGV[0] eq '-torture') {
    $torture = 1;

# Let tests know they're running in the perl core.  Useful for modules
# which live dual lives on CPAN.

#fudge DATA for now.
my %datahandle = qw(
		lib/bigint.t		1
		lib/bigintpm.t		1
		lib/bigfloat.t	 	1
		lib/bigfloatpm.t	1
		op/gv.t			1
		lib/complex.t		1
		lib/ph.t		1
		lib/soundex.t		1
		op/misc.t		1
		op/runlevel.t		1
		op/tie.t		1
		op/lex_assign.t		1

foreach (keys %datahandle) {
     unlink "$_.t";

my (@tests, $re);

# [.VMS]TEST.COM calls harness with empty arguments, so clean-up @ARGV
@ARGV = grep $_ && length( $_ ) => @ARGV;

sub _populate_hash {
    return map {$_, 1} split /\s+/, $_[0];

if ($ARGV[0] && $ARGV[0]=~/^-re/) {
    if ($ARGV[0]!~/=/) {
        $re=join "|",@ARGV;
    } else {

if (@ARGV) {
    if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
	@tests = map(glob($_),@ARGV);
    else {
	@tests = @ARGV;
} else {
    unless (@tests) {
	push @tests, <base/*.t>;
        push @tests, <comp/*.t>;
        push @tests, <cmd/*.t>;
        push @tests, <run/*.t>;
        push @tests, <io/*.t>;
        push @tests, <op/*.t>;
        push @tests, <uni/*.t>;
        push @tests, <mro/*.t>;
        push @tests, <lib/*.t>;
        push @tests, <japh/*.t> if $torture;
	push @tests, <win32/*.t> if $^O eq 'MSWin32';
	use Config;
	my %skip;
	    my %extensions = _populate_hash $Config{'extensions'};
	    my %known_extensions = _populate_hash $Config{'known_extensions'};
	    foreach (keys %known_extensions) {
		$skip{$_}++ unless $extensions{$_};
	use File::Spec;
	my $updir = File::Spec->updir;
	my $mani  = File::Spec->catfile(File::Spec->updir, "MANIFEST");
	if (open(MANI, $mani)) {
	    my @manitests = ();
	    my $ext_pat = $^O eq 'MSWin32' ? '(?:win32/)?ext' : 'ext';
	    while (<MANI>) { # similar code in t/TEST
		if (m!^($ext_pat/(\S+)/+(?:[^/\s]+\.t|test\.pl)|lib/\S+?(?:\.t|test\.pl))\s!) {
		    my ($test, $extension) = ($1, $2);
		    if (defined $extension) {
			$extension =~ s!/t$!!;
			# XXX Do I want to warn that I'm skipping these?
			next if $skip{$extension};
		    push @manitests, File::Spec->catfile($updir, $test);
	    close MANI;
	    # Sort the list of test files read from MANIFEST into a sensible
	    # order instead of using the order in which they are listed there
	    push @tests, sort { lc $a cmp lc $b } @manitests;
	} else {
	    warn "$0: cannot open $mani: $!\n";
	push @tests, <Module_Pluggable/*.t>;
	push @tests, <pod/*.t>;
	push @tests, <x2p/*.t>;
if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
    s,\\,/,g for @tests;
@tests=grep /$re/, @tests 
    if $re;
Test::Harness::runtests @tests;
exit(0) unless -e "../testcompile";

my $dhwrapper = <<'EOT';
open DATA,"<".__FILE__;
until (($_=<DATA>) =~ /^__END__/) {};

@tests = map {
         my $new = $_;
	 if ($datahandle{$_} && !( -f "$new.t") ) {
             $new .= '.t';
             local(*F, *T);
             open(F,"<$_") or die "Can't open $_: $!";
             open(T,">$new") or die "Can't open $new: $!";
             print T $dhwrapper, <F>;
             close F;
             close T;
         } @tests;


Test::Harness::runtests @tests;
foreach (keys %datahandle) {
     unlink "$_.t";