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package MongoDB::Async::Pool;
our $VERSION = '0.2';

use MongoDB::Async;
use Scalar::Util qw/weaken/;
use strict;
use Devel::GlobalDestruction;
use EV;
use Coro;

=head1 NAME

MongoDB::Async::Pool - Pool of connections


You can't use one connection in several coro's because one coro can try send query while other coro waiting for response from already running query. Creating new connection for every coroutine might be slow, so this module caches connections for you.

	my $pool = MongoDB::Async::Pool->new({}, { timeout => 0, max_conns => 50 });
	async { 
		my $big_data = $pool->get->testdb->testcoll->find({ giveme => 'large dataset'})->data;
	async { 
		my $big_data = $pool->get->testdb->testcoll->find({ giveme => 'another large dataset'})->data;
	#it's good idea to cache connection in variable if you going to use it several times
	async {	
		my $connection = $pool->get;
		# do queries

=head1 METHODS

=head2 new({ MongoDB::Async::MongoClient args }, { MongoDB::Async::Pool attrs });

Creates pool of L<MongoDB::Async::Connection> objects

=head2 $pool->get;

Returns L<MongoDB::Async::MongoClient> object from pool or creates new connection if pool is empty. Might block current coro until some coro return connection if pool is empty and "max_conns" connections currently in use. You needn't think about returning object to pool, it`ll be returned on DESTROY 


=head3 ->max_conns , ->max_conns(new value)

Max connection count. ->get will block current coroutine when max_conns reached. Not recomended to change it in runtime. Default: 0 - no limit

=head3 ->timeout , ->timeout(new value)
One unused connection will be closed every "timeout" sec. 0 - don`t close Default: 10. Requries running EV::loop

=head3 ->connections_in_use

=head3 ->connections_in_pool


sub connections_in_use {$_[0]->{connections_in_use}}
sub connections_in_pool {$_[0]->{connections_in_pool}}

sub max_conns { 
	my $retval = $_[0]->{max_conns}; 
	if(defined $_[1]){
		$_[0]->{max_conns} = $_[1];
		$_[0]->{max_conns_sem} = $_[0]->{max_conns} ? Coro::Semaphore->new($_[0]->{max_conns}) : undef;
sub timeout { 
	my $self = $_[0];
	my $retval = $self->{timeout};
	if(defined $_[1]){
		$self->{timeout_watcher} =
			$self->{timeout} ? 
				(EV::timer $self->{timeout}, $self->{timeout}, sub {
					my $conn;
					if( $conn = shift @{$self->{pool}}){
						delete $conn->{_parent_pool}
					} else {
					$self->{connections_in_pool} = int @{$self->{pool}};

sub new {
	my $self = bless( ($_[2] || {}), $_[0] );
	$self->{conn_args} = $_[1] || {};
	$self->timeout($self->{timeout} // 0);
	$self->max_conns($self->{max_conns} // 0);
	$self->{connections_in_use} = 0;
	$self->{connections_in_pool} = 0;
	$self->{pool} = [];

sub pop {
	my ($self) = @_;
	$self->{max_conns_sem}->down if $self->{max_conns_sem};
	my $conn;
	unless( $conn = pop @{$self->{pool}} ){
		$conn = MongoDB::Async::MongoClient->new($self->{conn_args});
		$conn->{_parent_pool} = $self;
		weaken( $conn->{_parent_pool} );
		$self->{init}->($conn) if($self->{init});
	$self->{connections_in_pool} = int @{$self->{pool}};
	return $conn;

sub return {
	my ($self, $conn) = @_;
	push @{$self->{pool}}, $conn;
	$self->{timeout_watcher}->start if $self->{timeout_watcher};
	$self->{max_conns_sem}->up if $self->{max_conns_sem};

*get = \&pop;
*AUTOLOAD = \&pop;
