use strict;
use warnings;

package Net::FreshBooks::API::Recurring;
$Net::FreshBooks::API::Recurring::VERSION = '0.24';
use Moose;
extends 'Net::FreshBooks::API::Base';
with 'Net::FreshBooks::API::Role::CRUD';
with 'Net::FreshBooks::API::Role::LineItem';

use Net::FreshBooks::API::Recurring::AutoBill;

for ( sort keys %{ _fields() } ) {
    has $_ => ( is => _fields()->{$_}->{is} ) if $_ ne 'autobill';

has 'autobill' => (
    is      => 'rw',
    builder => '_build_autobill',

sub _build_autobill {

    my $self = shift;
    return Net::FreshBooks::API::Recurring::AutoBill->new;

sub _fields {

    return {

        amount    => { is => 'ro' },
        client_id => { is => 'rw' },
        contacts  => {
            is           => 'rw',
            made_of      => 'Net::FreshBooks::API::Client::Contact',
            presented_as => 'array',
        currency_code => { is => 'rw' },
        date          => { is => 'rw' },
        discount      => { is => 'rw' },
        first_name    => { is => 'rw' },
        language      => { is => 'rw' },
        last_name     => { is => 'rw' },
        notes         => { is => 'rw' },
        organization  => { is => 'rw' },
        p_city        => { is => 'rw' },
        p_code        => { is => 'rw' },
        p_country     => { is => 'rw' },
        p_state       => { is => 'rw' },
        p_street1     => { is => 'rw' },
        p_street2     => { is => 'rw' },
        po_number     => { is => 'rw' },
        status        => { is => 'ro' },
        terms         => { is => 'rw' },
        vat_name      => { is => 'rw' },
        vat_number    => { is => 'rw' },

        # custom fields
        # autobill will need to be an object similar to InvoiceLine
        autobill => {
            is           => 'rw',
            made_of      => 'Net::FreshBooks::API::Recurring::AutoBill',
            presented_as => 'object',
        frequency => { is => 'rw' },
        lines     => {
            is           => 'rw',
            made_of      => 'Net::FreshBooks::API::InvoiceLine',
            presented_as => 'array',
        occurrences     => { is => 'rw' },
        recurring_id    => { is => 'ro' },
        return_uri      => { is => 'rw' },
        send_email      => { is => 'rw' },
        send_snail_mail => { is => 'rw' },
        stopped         => { is => 'rw' },



# ABSTRACT: FreshBooks Recurring Item access



=encoding UTF-8

=head1 NAME

Net::FreshBooks::API::Recurring - FreshBooks Recurring Item access

=head1 VERSION

version 0.24


    use Net::FreshBooks::API;
    use Net::FreshBooks::API::InvoiceLine;
    use DateTime;

    # You will not access this module directly, but rather fetch an object via
    # its parent class, Net::FreshBooks::API

    my $fb = Net::FreshBooks::API->new({ ... });

    # create a new client
    my $client = $fb->client->create(
        {   first_name   => 'Larry',
            last_name    => 'Wall',
            organization => 'Perl HQ',
            email        => '',

    # create a recurring item
    use Net::FreshBooks::API;

    my $line = Net::FreshBooks::API::InvoiceLine->new({
        name         => "Widget",
        description  => "Net::FreshBooks::API Widget",
        unit_cost    => '1.99',
        quantity     => 1,
        tax1_name    => "GST",
        tax1_percent => 5,
    # set up autobill
    my $autobill = Net::FreshBooks::API::Recurring::AutoBill->new;
    $autobill->gateway_name('PayPal Payflow Pro');
    $autobill->card->name('Tim Toady');
    $autobill->card->number('4111 1111 1111 1111');
    # use the client object from the previous example

    my $recurring_item = $fb->recurring->create({
        client_id   => $client->client_id,
        date        => DateTime->now->add( days => 2 )->ymd, # YYYY-MM-DD
        frequency   => 'monthly',
        lines       => [ $line ],
        autobill    => $autobill,
        notes       => 'Created by Net::FreshBooks::API',

    $recurring_item->po_number( 999 );

    See also L<Net::FreshBooks::API::Base> for other available methods, such
    as create, update, get, list and delete.

=head2 create

    my $recurring = $fb->recurring->create({...});

=head2 delete

    my $item = $recurring->get({ recurring_id => $recurring_id });

=head2 get

    my $item = $recurring->get({ recurring_id => $recurring_id });

=head2 update

    $referring->organization('Perl Foundation');

    # or more quickly
    $referring->update( { organization => 'Perl Foundation', } );

=head2 autobill

Returns a L<Net::FreshBooks::API::Recurring::AutoBill> object

    my $autobill = $recurring_item->autobill;
    $autobill->gateway_name('PayPal Payflow Pro');
    $autobill->card->name('Tim Toady');
    $autobill->card->number('4111 1111 1111 1111');

To delete an autobill profile, just set autobill to an empty string prior
to update.


=head2 list

Returns a L<Net::FreshBooks::API::Iterator> object.

    my $recurrings = $fb->recurring->list;
    while ( my $recurring = $recurrings->next ) {
        print $recurring->recurring_id, "\n";

=head2 lines

Returns an ARRAYREF of Net::FreshBooks::API::InvoiceLine objects

    foreach my $line ( @{ $recurring->lines } ) {
        print $line->amount, "\n";

=head1 AUTHOR

    Olaf Alders

=head1 CREDITS

Thanks to Edmund von der Burg for doing all of the hard work to get this
module going and for allowing me to act as a co-maintainer.

Thanks to Raybec Communications L<> for funding my
work on this module and for releasing it to the world.


This program is free software; you can redistribute
it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

=head1 AUTHORS

=over 4

=item *

Edmund von der Burg <>

=item *

Olaf Alders <>



This software is copyright (c) 2011 by Edmund von der Burg & Olaf Alders.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
