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#!/usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;

use Data::Dump qw( dump );
use DateTime;
use Test::More;
use Test::Exception;

use Net::FreshBooks::API;
use Net::FreshBooks::API::Client::Contact;
use Test::WWW::Mechanize;

plan -r 't/'
    && require( 't/' )
    ? ( tests => 28 )
    : (
    skip_all => 'Set FB_LIVE_TESTS to true in your %ENV to run live tests' );

my $test_email = FBTest->get( 'test_email' ) || die;

# create the FB object
my $fb = Net::FreshBooks::API->new(
    {   auth_token   => FBTest->get( 'auth_token' ),
        account_name => FBTest->get( 'account_name' ),
ok $fb, "created the FB object";


# create a new client
my $client = $fb->client->create(
    {   first_name   => 'Jack',
        last_name    => 'Test',
        organization => 'Test Corp',
        email        => $test_email,
ok $client, "Created a new client";

# check that the client exists
    my $retrieved_client
        = $fb->client->list( { email => $test_email, } )->next;
    is $retrieved_client->client_id, $client->client_id,
        "Client has been stored on FB";

# update the client - check that the changes stick
isnt $client->organization, 'foobar', 'organization is not foobar';
$client->organization( 'foobar' );
is $client->organization, 'foobar', 'organization is foobar';
ok $client->update, "update the client";
    my $retrieved_client
        = $fb->client->get( { client_id => $client->client_id, } );
    is $retrieved_client->organization, 'foobar',
        "Client has been updated on FB";

foreach my $alpha ( 'a' .. 'e' ) {

    ok( $client->add_contact(
            {   username   => 'net' . time() . $alpha,
                first_name => 'Net',
                last_name  => $alpha,
                email      => '',
                phone1     => 1112223333,
                phone2     => 4445556666,
        "can add contact"
my $dt = DateTime->now();
$client->organization( $dt->ymd . '-' . $dt->hms );

ok( $client->update, "can update client" );

my $updated = $fb->client->get( { client_id => $client->client_id } );

foreach my $contact ( @{ $updated->contacts } ) {
            "contact: %s (%s)",
            $contact->last_name, $contact->contact_id
cmp_ok( scalar @{ $client->contacts }, '==', 5, "5 contacts created" );

# create an invoice for this client
my $return_uri = '';

my $invoice = $fb->invoice(
    {   client_id  => $client->client_id,
        return_uri => $return_uri,

        # number    => time,

ok $invoice, "got a new invoice";
ok !$invoice->invoice_id, "no invoice_id yet";

# add a line to the invoice
    {   name        => 'test line',
        description => 'this is the test line',
        unit_cost   => 100,
        quantity    => 4,

# save the invoice
ok $invoice->create, "Create the invoice on FB";

# check that the invoice has not been sent
is $invoice->status, 'draft', "invoice status is 'draft'";

my $mech = Test::WWW::Mechanize->new;
$mech->get_ok( $invoice->links->client_view );
$mech->content_lacks( ' this is the test line ',
    "Invoice not available to client" );

# send the invoice so that it is available
ok $invoice->send_by_email, "Send the invoice";

diag( "verbose: " . $fb->verbose );

# Check that the invoice is now viewable
is $invoice->status, 'sent', "invoice status is 'sent'";
$mech->get_ok( $invoice->links->client_view );
$mech->content_contains( 'this is the test line',
    "Invoice is now available to client" );

#diag("view invoice: " . $invoice->links->client_view);

throws_ok {
        {   invoice_id => $invoice->invoice_id,
            client_id  => $client->client_id,
            amount     => ' 1.00 '
qr/Payment from credit cannot exceed available credit/, 'error msg parsed';

my $payment = $fb->payment;
$payment->die_on_server_error( 0 );

lives_ok {
        {   invoice_id => $invoice->invoice_id,
            client_id  => $client->client_id,
            amount     => ' 1.00 '
'does not die when die is disabled';

# can we get the invoice from the API?

my $retrieved = $fb->invoice->get( { invoice_id => $invoice->invoice_id } );
ok( $retrieved, "got an invoice back from freshbooks" );
cmp_ok( $retrieved->return_uri, 'eq', $return_uri,
    "return uri correctly set" );

#diag( dump $retrieve );