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    print "1..0 # SKIP Live tests disabled due to NO_NETWORK_TESTING\n";
  eval {
        require IO::Socket::INET;
        my $s = IO::Socket::INET->new(
            PeerHost => "",
            Timeout  => 5,
        die "Can't connect: $@" unless $s;
  if ($@) {
        print "1..0 # SKIP Can't connect to\n";
        print $@;

use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More;
use Net::HTTP;

# Attempt to verify that RT#112313 (Hang in my_readline() when keep-alive => 1 and $reponse_size % 1024 == 0) is fixed

# To do that, we need responses (headers + body) that are even multiples of 1024 bytes. So we
# iterate over the same URL, trying to grow the response size incrementally...

# There's a chance this test won't work if, for example, the response body grows by one byte while
# the Content-Length also rolls over to one more digit, thus increasing the total response by two
# bytes.

# So, we check that the reponse growth is only one byte after each iteration and also test multiple
# times across the 1024, 2048 and 3072 boundaries...

sub try
    my $n = shift;

    # Need a new socket every time because we're testing with Keep-Alive...
    my $s = Net::HTTP->new(
        Host            => "",
        KeepAlive       => 1,
        PeerHTTPVersion => "1.1",
    ) or die "$@";

    $s->write_request(GET => '/headers',
        'User-Agent' => "Net::HTTP - $0",
        'X-Foo'      => ('x' x $n),

    # Wait until all data is probably available on the socket...
    sleep 1;

    my ($code, $mess, @headers) = $s->read_response_headers();

    my $body = '';
    while ($s->read_entity_body(my $buf, 1024))
        $body .= $buf;

    # Compute what is probably the total response length...
    my $total_len = length(join "\r\n", 'HTTP/1.1', "$code $mess", @headers, '', $body) - 1;

    # diag("$n - $code $mess => $total_len");
    # diag(join "\r\n", 'HTTP/1.1', "$code $mess", @headers, '', $body);

    $code == 200
        or die "$code $mess";

    return $total_len;

my $timeout = 15;
my $wiggle_room = 3;

local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die 'timeout' };

my $base_len = try(1);
ok($base_len < 1024, "base response length is less than 1024: $base_len");

for my $kb (1024, 2048, 3072)
    my $last;

    # Calculate range that will take us across the 1024 boundary...
    for my $n (($kb - $base_len - $wiggle_room) .. ($kb - $base_len + $wiggle_room))
        my $len = -1;

        eval {
            alarm $timeout;
            $len = try($n);

        ok(!$@, "ok for n $n -> response length $len")
            or diag("error: $@");

        # Verify that response length only increased by one since the whole test rests on that assumption...
        is($len - $last, 1, 'reponse length increased by 1') if $last;

        $last = $len;
