use warnings;
use strict;
use Test::More;

use lib 't/local';
use LocalServer;

    delete @ENV{ qw( IFS CDPATH ENV BASH_ENV ) };
    use_ok( 'WWW::Mechanize' );

my $server = LocalServer->spawn;
isa_ok( $server, 'LocalServer' );

    my $history;
    my $mech = WWW::Mechanize->new;
    isa_ok( $mech, 'WWW::Mechanize', 'Created object' );

    is( scalar @{$mech->{page_stack}}, 0, 'Page stack starts empty' );
    is( $mech->history_count,          0, 'No history count to start' );
    is( $mech->history(0),         undef, 'No 0th history item yet' );

    ok( $mech->get($server->url)->is_success, 'Got start page' );
    is( scalar @{$mech->{page_stack}}, 0, 'Page stack empty after first get' );
    $history = $mech->history(0);
    is( $history->{req}->url, $server->url, "0th history is last request");
    is( $mech->history(1),         undef, 'No 1th history item yet' );

    is( $mech->history_count,          1, 'One history count after first get' );
    is( scalar @{$mech->{page_stack}}, 1, 'Pushed item onto page stack' );
    is( $mech->history_count,          2, 'Two history count after push' );
    is( scalar @{$mech->{page_stack}}, 2, 'Pushed item onto page stack' );
    is( $mech->history_count,          3, 'Three history count after push' );
    is( scalar @{$mech->{page_stack}}, 1, 'Popped item from page stack' );
    is( $mech->history_count,          2, 'History count back to 2 post pop' );
    is( scalar @{$mech->{page_stack}}, 0, 'Popped item from page stack' );
    is( $mech->history_count,          1, 'History count back to 1 post pop' );
    is( scalar @{$mech->{page_stack}}, 0, 'Cannot pop beyond end of page stack' );
    is( $mech->history_count,          1, 'History count stable at 1' );

    my $mech = WWW::Mechanize->new;
    isa_ok( $mech, 'WWW::Mechanize', 'Created object' );

    is( scalar @{$mech->{page_stack}}, 0, 'Page stack starts empty' );
    ok( $mech->get($server->url)->is_success, 'Got start page' );
    is( scalar @{$mech->{page_stack}}, 0, 'Page stack starts empty' );
    is( scalar @{$mech->{page_stack}}, 0, 'Pushing has no effect' );
