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package SNA::Network::Algorithm::PageRank;

use strict;
use warnings;

require Exporter;
use base qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT = qw(calculate_pageranks calculate_weighted_pageranks);

use List::Util qw(sum);

=head1 NAME

SNA::Network::Algorithm::PageRank - implementation of the PageRank algorithm


    use SNA::Network;

    my $net = SNA::Network->new();

=head1 METHODS

The following methods are added to L<SNA::Network>.

=head2 calculate_pageranks

Calculates PageRank values for all nodes.
Stores the values under the hash entry B<pagerank> for each node object.

You can pass named parameters to control the algorithm:
B<iterations> specifies the number of iterations to use, and defaults to 20.
B<damping> specifies the damping factor of PageRank and defaults to 0.15.


sub calculate_pageranks {
	my ($self, %params) = @_;
	my $iterations = $params{iterations} || 20;
	my $damping = $params{damping};
	$damping = 0.15 unless defined $damping;

	my $num_nodes = int $self->nodes;

	# sink nodes (nodes without successors) result into a random jumo
	my @sink_nodes = grep { $_->out_degree == 0 } $self->nodes;
	# start with 1.0 for each node
	foreach my $node ($self->nodes) {
		$node->{pagerank} = 1.0;

	# iterative approximation
	for (1 .. $iterations) {
		my $sinks_pr = sum 0, map { $_->{pagerank} } @sink_nodes;
		my $pr_from_sinks = $sinks_pr / $num_nodes;
		my $flowing_pr = $num_nodes - $sinks_pr;
		my $pr_from_jumps = $flowing_pr * $damping / $num_nodes;
		foreach my $node ($self->nodes) {
			my $incoming_pr = sum map {
				(1 - $damping) * $_->{pagerank} / $_->out_degree
			} $node->incoming_nodes;
			$incoming_pr ||= 0;
			$node->{new_pr} = $pr_from_jumps + $pr_from_sinks + $incoming_pr;
		# copy new values
		foreach my $node ($self->nodes) {
			$node->{pagerank} = $node->{new_pr};

=head2 calculate_weighted_pageranks

Intuitive extension of PageRank to weighted networks.

Same as above, but treating edge weights as relative probabilities
for the node transitions.
Stores the values under the hash entry B<pagerank> for each node object,
the same key as above!

You can pass the same parameters as above.

On a weighted network, you usually want this method's values'.


sub calculate_weighted_pageranks {
	my ($self, %params) = @_;
	my $iterations = $params{iterations} || 20;
	my $damping = $params{damping};
	$damping = 0.15 unless defined $damping;

	my $num_nodes = int $self->nodes;

	# sink nodes (nodes without successors) result into a random jumo
	my @sink_nodes = grep { $_->out_degree == 0 } $self->nodes;
	# start with 1.0 for each node
	foreach my $node ($self->nodes) {
		$node->{pagerank} = 1.0;

	# iterative approximation
	for (1 .. $iterations) {
		my $sinks_pr = sum 0, map { $_->{pagerank} } @sink_nodes;
		my $pr_from_sinks = $sinks_pr / $num_nodes;
		my $flowing_pr = $num_nodes - $sinks_pr;
		my $pr_from_jumps = $flowing_pr * $damping / $num_nodes;
		foreach my $node ($self->nodes) {
			my $incoming_pr = (1 - $damping) * sum map {
				$_->source->{pagerank} * $_->weight / $_->source->weighted_out_degree
			} $node->incoming_edges;
			$incoming_pr ||= 0;
			$node->{new_pr} = $pr_from_jumps + $pr_from_sinks + $incoming_pr;
		# copy new values
		foreach my $node ($self->nodes) {
			$node->{pagerank} = $node->{new_pr};

=head1 AUTHOR

Darko Obradovic, C<< <dobradovic at> >>

=head1 BUGS

Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<bug-sna-network-node at>, or through
the web interface at L<>.  I will be notified, and then you'll
automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.

=head1 SUPPORT

You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc SNA::Network

You can also look for information at:

=over 4

=item * RT: CPAN's request tracker


=item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation


=item * CPAN Ratings


=item * Search CPAN





Copyright 2009 Darko Obradovic, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.


1; # End of SNA::Network::Algorithm::PageRank