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package WebService::Amazon::Route53::API::20110505;

use warnings;
use strict;

use Carp;
use URI::Escape;

use WebService::Amazon::Route53::API;
use parent 'WebService::Amazon::Route53::API';

sub new {
    my ($class, %args) = @_;

    my $self = $class->SUPER::new(%args);

    $self->{api_version} = '2011-05-05';
    $self->{api_url} = $self->{base_url} . $self->{api_version} . '/';

    return $self;

sub list_hosted_zones {
    my ($self, %args) = @_;
    my $url = $self->{api_url} . 'hostedzone';
    my $separator = '?';
    if (defined $args{'marker'}) {
        $url .= $separator . 'marker=' . uri_escape($args{'marker'});
        $separator = '&';
    if (defined $args{'max_items'}) {
        $url .= $separator . 'maxitems=' . uri_escape($args{'max_items'});
    my $response = $self->_request('GET', $url);
    if (!$response->{success}) {
    # Parse the returned XML data
    my $data = $self->{'xs'}->XMLin($response->{content},
        ForceArray => [ 'HostedZone' ]);
    my $zones = [];
    my $next_marker;
    foreach my $zone_data (@{$data->{HostedZones}->{HostedZone}}) {
        my $zone = {
            'id' => $zone_data->{Id},
            'name' => $zone_data->{Name},
            'caller_reference' => $zone_data->{CallerReference},
        if (exists $zone_data->{Config}) {
            $zone->{config} = {};
            if (exists $zone_data->{Config}->{Comment}) {
                $zone->{config}->{comment} = $zone_data->{Config}->{Comment};
        push(@$zones, $zone);
    if (exists $data->{NextMarker}) {
        $next_marker = $data->{NextMarker};
    return wantarray ? ($zones, $next_marker) : $zones;

sub get_hosted_zone {
    my ($self, %args) = @_;
    if (!defined $args{'zone_id'}) {
        carp "Required parameter 'zone_id' is not defined";
    my $zone_id = $args{'zone_id'};
    # Strip off the "/hostedzone/" part, if present
    $zone_id =~ s!^/hostedzone/!!;

    my $url = $self->{api_url} . 'hostedzone/' . $zone_id;
    my $response = $self->_request('GET', $url);
    if (!$response->{success}) {
    my $data = $self->{'xs'}->XMLin($response->{content},
        ForceArray => [ 'NameServer' ]);
    my $zone = {
        'id' => $data->{HostedZone}->{Id},
        'name' => $data->{HostedZone}->{Name},
        'caller_reference' => $data->{HostedZone}->{CallerReference}
    if (exists $data->{HostedZone}->{Config}) {
        $zone->{config} = {};
        if (exists $data->{HostedZone}->{Config}->{Comment}) {
            $zone->{config}->{comment} =
    return $zone;

sub find_hosted_zone {
    my ($self, %args) = @_;
    if (!defined $args{'name'}) {
        carp "Required parameter 'name' is not defined";
    if ($args{'name'} !~ /\.$/) {
        $args{'name'} .= '.';
    my $found_zone = 0;
    my $marker;
    ZONES: while (1) {
        my $zones = $self->list_hosted_zones(max_items => 100,
            marker => $marker);
        if (!defined $zones) {
            # We can assume $self->{error} is already set
        my $zone;
        foreach $zone (@$zones) {
            if ($zone->{name} eq $args{'name'}) {
                $found_zone = $zone;
                last ZONES;
        if (@$zones < 100) {
            # Less than 100 zones have been returned -- no more zones to get
            last ZONES;
        else {
            # Get the marker from the last returned zone
            ($marker = $zones->[@$zones-1]->{'id'}) =~ s!^/hostedzone/!!;
    return $found_zone;

sub create_hosted_zone {
    my ($self, %args) = @_;
    if (!defined $args{'name'}) {
        carp "Required parameter 'name' is not defined";
    if (!defined $args{'caller_reference'}) {
        carp "Required parameter 'caller_reference' is not defined";
    # Make sure the domain name ends with a dot
    if ($args{'name'} !~ /\.$/) {
        $args{'name'} .= '.';
    my $data = _ordered_hash(
        'xmlns' => $self->{base_url} . 'doc/'. $self->{api_version} . '/',
        'Name' => [ $args{'name'} ],
        'CallerReference' => [ $args{'caller_reference'} ],
        'HostedZoneConfig' => $args{'comment'} ? {
            'Comment' => [ $args{'comment'} ]
        } : undef,
    my $xml = $self->{'xs'}->XMLout($data, SuppressEmpty => 1, NoSort => 1,
        RootName => 'CreateHostedZoneRequest');
    $xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' . "\n" . $xml;
    my $response = $self->_request('POST', $self->{api_url} . 'hostedzone',
        { content => $xml });
    if (!$response->{success}) {
    $data = $self->{xs}->XMLin($response->{content},
        ForceArray => [ 'NameServer']);
    my $ret = {
        zone => {
            id => $data->{HostedZone}->{Id},
            name => $data->{HostedZone}->{Name},
            caller_reference => $data->{HostedZone}->{CallerReference}
        change_info => {
            id => $data->{ChangeInfo}->{Id},
            status => $data->{ChangeInfo}->{Status},
            submitted_at => $data->{ChangeInfo}->{SubmittedAt}
        delegation_set => {
            name_servers => $data->{DelegationSet}->{NameServers}->{NameServer}
    if (exists $data->{HostedZone}->{Config}) {
        $ret->{zone}->{config} = {};
        if (exists $data->{HostedZone}->{Config}->{Comment}) {
            $ret->{zone}->{config}->{comment} =
    return $ret;

sub delete_hosted_zone {
    my ($self, %args) = @_;
    if (!defined $args{'zone_id'}) {
        carp "Required parameter 'zone_id' is not defined";
    my $zone_id = $args{'zone_id'};
    # Strip off the "/hostedzone/" part, if present
    $zone_id =~ s!^/hostedzone/!!;

    my $response = $self->_request('DELETE',
        $self->{api_url} . 'hostedzone/' . $zone_id);
    if (!$response->{success}) {
    my $data = $self->{xs}->XMLin($response->{content});
    my $change_info = {
        id => $data->{ChangeInfo}->{Id},
        status => $data->{ChangeInfo}->{Status},
        submitted_at => $data->{ChangeInfo}->{SubmittedAt}
    return $change_info;

sub list_resource_record_sets {
    my ($self, %args) = @_;
    if (!defined $args{'zone_id'}) {
        carp "Required parameter 'zone_id' is not defined";
    my $zone_id = $args{'zone_id'};

    # Strip off the "/hostedzone/" part, if present
    $zone_id =~ s!^/hostedzone/!!;

    my $url = $self->{api_url} . 'hostedzone/' . $zone_id . '/rrset';
    my $separator = '?';
    if (defined $args{'name'}) {
        $url .= $separator . 'name=' . uri_escape($args{'name'});
        $separator = '&';
    if (defined $args{'type'}) {
        $url .= $separator . 'type=' . uri_escape($args{'type'});
        $separator = '&';
    if (defined $args{'identifier'}) {
        $url .= $separator . 'identifier=' . uri_escape($args{'identifier'});
        $separator = '&';

    if (defined $args{'max_items'}) {
        $url .= $separator . 'maxitems=' . uri_escape($args{'max_items'});
    my $response = $self->_request('GET', $url);
    if (!$response->{success}) {
    my $data = $self->{'xs'}->XMLin($response->{content},
        ForceArray => [ 'ResourceRecordSet', 'ResourceRecord' ]);
    my $record_sets = [];
    my $next_record;
    foreach my $set_data (@{$data->{ResourceRecordSets}->{ResourceRecordSet}}) {
        my $records = [];
        foreach my $record (@{$set_data->{ResourceRecords}->{ResourceRecord}}) {
            push(@$records, $record->{Value});
        my $record_set = {
            'name' => $set_data->{Name},
            'type' => $set_data->{Type},
            'ttl' => $set_data->{TTL},
            'records' => $records
        if (exists $set_data->{SetIdentifier}) {
            $record_set->{set_identifier} = $set_data->{SetIdentifier}
        if (exists $set_data->{Weight}) {
            $record_set->{weight} = $set_data->{Weight}
        # TODO: Add support for AliasTarget data
        push(@$record_sets, $record_set); 
    if (exists $data->{NextRecordName}) {
        $next_record = {
            name => $data->{NextRecordName},
            type => $data->{NextRecordType}
    return wantarray ? ($record_sets, $next_record) : $record_sets;

sub change_resource_record_sets {
    my ($self, %args) = @_;
    if (!defined $args{'zone_id'}) {
        carp "Required parameter 'zone_id' is not defined";
    if (!defined($args{changes}) && !(defined($args{action}) &&
        defined($args{name}) && defined($args{type}) && 
            (defined($args{records}) || defined($args{value}))))
        carp "Either the 'changes', or the 'action', 'name', 'type', " .
            "and 'records'/'value' paremeters must be defined";
    my $zone_id = $args{'zone_id'};
    # Strip off the "/hostedzone/" part, if present
    $zone_id =~ s!^/hostedzone/!!;
    my $changes;
    if (defined $args{'changes'}) {
        $changes = $args{'changes'};
    else {
        # Simplified syntax for single changes
        delete $args{'zone_id'};
        $changes = [ \%args ];
    my $data = _ordered_hash(
        'xmlns' => $self->{base_url} . 'doc/' . $self->{api_version} . '/',
        'ChangeBatch' => {
            'Comment' => $args{'comment'} ? [
            ] : undef,
            'Changes' => [
                    'Change' => []
    foreach my $change (@$changes) {
        my $change_data = _ordered_hash(
            'Action' => [ uc $change->{action} ],
            'ResourceRecordSet' => _ordered_hash(
                'Name' => [ $change->{name} ],
                'Type' => [ $change->{type} ],
                'TTL' => [ $change->{ttl} ],
                'ResourceRecords' => [
                        'ResourceRecord' => []
        if (exists $change->{records}) {
            foreach my $value (@{$change->{records}}) {
                    ->{ResourceRecord}}, { 'Value' => [ $value ] });
        elsif (exists $change->{value}) {
                ->{ResourceRecord}}, { 'Value' => [ $change->{value} ] });
        push(@{$data->{ChangeBatch}->{Changes}[0]->{Change}}, $change_data);
    my $xml = $self->{'xs'}->XMLout($data, SuppressEmpty => 1, NoSort => 1,
        RootName => 'ChangeResourceRecordSetsRequest');
    $xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' . "\n" . $xml;
    my $response = $self->_request('POST', 
        $self->{api_url} . 'hostedzone/' . $zone_id . '/rrset', 
        { content => $xml });
    if (!$response->{success}) {

    $data = $self->{xs}->XMLin($response->{content});
    my $change_info = {
        id => $data->{ChangeInfo}->{Id},
        status => $data->{ChangeInfo}->{Status},
        submitted_at => $data->{ChangeInfo}->{SubmittedAt}
    return $change_info;




=encoding UTF-8

=head1 NAME


=head1 VERSION

version 0.101

=head1 METHODS

=head2 new

Creates a new instance of WebService::Amazon::Route53::API::20110505.

This method should not be used directly -- instead, call
L<WebService::Amazon::Route53>->new and pass the desired API version as the
C<version> argument.

=head2 list_hosted_zones

Gets a list of hosted zones.

Called in scalar context:

    $zones = $r53->list_hosted_zones(max_items => 15);

Called in list context:

    ($zones, $next_marker) = $r53->list_hosted_zones(marker => '456ZONEID',
                                                     max_items => 15);


=over 4

=item * marker

Indicates where to begin the result set. This is the ID of the last hosted zone
which will not be included in the results.

=item * max_items

The maximum number of hosted zones to retrieve.


Returns: A reference to an array of hash references, containing zone data.

    $zones = [
            'id' => '/hostedzone/123ZONEID',
            'name' => '',
            'caller_reference' => 'ExampleZone',
            'config' => {
                'comment' => 'This is my first hosted zone'
            'id' => '/hostedzone/456ZONEID',
            'name' => '',
            'caller_reference' => 'ExampleZone2',
            'config' => {
                'comment' => 'This is my second hosted zone'

When called in list context, it also returns the next marker to pass to a
subsequent call to C<list_hosted_zones> to get the next set of results. If this
is the last set of results, next marker will be C<undef>.

=head2 get_hosted_zone

Gets hosted zone data.

    $zone = get_hosted_zone(zone_id => '123ZONEID');


=over 4

=item * zone_id

B<(Required)> Hosted zone ID.


Returns: A reference to a hash containing zone data. Example:

    $zone = {
        'id' => '/hostedzone/123ZONEID'
        'name' => '',
        'caller_reference' => 'ExampleZone',
        'config' => {
            'comment' => 'This is my first hosted zone'

=head2 find_hosted_zone

Finds the first hosted zone with the given name.

    $zone = $r53->find_hosted_zone(name => '');


=over 4

=item * name

B<(Required)> Hosted zone name.


Returns: A reference to a hash containing zone data (see L<"get_hosted_zone">),
or C<0> if there is no hosted zone with the given name.

=head2 create_hosted_zone

Creates a new hosted zone.

    $response = $r53->create_hosted_zone(name => '',
                                         caller_reference => 'example.com_01');


=over 4

=item * name

B<(Required)> New hosted zone name.

=item * caller_reference

B<(Required)> A unique string that identifies the request.


Returns: A reference to a hash containing new zone data, change description,
and name servers information. Example:

    $response = {
        'zone' => {
            'id' => '/hostedzone/123ZONEID'
            'name' => '',
            'caller_reference' => 'example.com_01',
            'config' => {}
        'change_info' => {
            'id' => '/change/123CHANGEID'
            'submitted_at' => '2011-08-30T23:54:53.221Z',
            'status' => 'PENDING'
        'delegation_set' => {
            'name_servers' => [

=head2 delete_hosted_zone

Deletes a hosted zone.

    $change_info = $r53->delete_hosted_zone(zone_id => '123ZONEID');


=over 4

=item * zone_id

B<(Required)> Hosted zone ID.


Returns: A reference to a hash containing change information. Example:

    $change_info = {
        'id' => '/change/123CHANGEID'
        'submitted_at' => '2011-08-31T00:04:37.456Z',
        'status' => 'PENDING'

=head2 list_resource_record_sets

Lists resource record sets for a hosted zone.

Called in scalar context:

    $record_sets = $r53->list_resource_record_sets(zone_id => '123ZONEID');

Called in list context:

    ($record_sets, $next_record) =
        $r53->list_resource_record_sets(zone_id => '123ZONEID');


=over 4

=item * zone_id

B<(Required)> Hosted zone ID.

=item * name

The first domain name (in lexicographic order) to retrieve.

=item * type

DNS record type of the next resource record set to retrieve.

=item * identifier

Set identifier for the next source record set to retrieve. This is needed when
the previous set of results has been truncated for a given DNS name and type.

=item * max_items

The maximum number of records to be retrieved. The default is 100, and it's the
maximum allowed value.


Returns: A reference to an array of hash references, containing record set data.

    $record_sets = [
            name => '',
            type => 'MX'
            ttl => 86400,
            records => [
            name => '',
            type => 'NS',
            ttl => 172800,
            records => [

When called in list context, it also returns a reference to a hash, containing
information on the next record which can be passed to a subsequent call to
C<list_resource_record_sets> to get the next set of records (using the C<name>
and C<type> parameters). Example:

    $next_record = {
        name => '',
        type => 'A'

If this is the last set of records, next record will be C<undef>.

=head2 change_resource_record_sets

Makes changes to DNS record sets.

    $change_info = $r53->change_resource_record_sets(zone_id => '123ZONEID',
            changes => [
                # Delete the current A record
                    action => 'delete',
                    name => '',
                    type => 'A',
                    ttl => 86400,
                    value => ''
                # Create a new A record with a different value
                    action => 'create',
                    name => '',
                    type => 'A',
                    ttl => 86400,
                    value => ''
                # Create two new MX records
                    action => 'create',
                    name => '',
                    type => 'MX',
                    ttl => 86400,
                    records => [

If there is just one change to be made, you can use the simplified call syntax,
and pass the change parameters directly, instead of using the C<changes>

    $change_info = $r53->change_resource_record_sets(zone_id => '123ZONEID',
                                                     action => 'delete',
                                                     name => '',
                                                     type => 'A',
                                                     ttl => 86400,
                                                     value => '');


=over 4

=item * zone_id

B<(Required)> Hosted zone ID.

=item * changes

B<(Required)> A reference to an array of hashes, describing the changes to be
made. If there is just one change, the array may be omitted and change
parameters may be passed directly.


Change parameters:

=over 4

=item * action

B<(Required)> The action to perform (C<"create"> or C<"delete">).

=item * name

B<(Required)> The name of the domain to perform the action on.

=item * type

B<(Required)> The DNS record type.

=item * ttl

The DNS record time to live (TTL), in seconds.

=item * records

A reference to an array of strings that represent the current or new record
values. If there is just one value, you can use the C<value> parameter instead.

=item * value

Current or new DNS record value. For multiple record values, use the C<records>


Returns: A reference to a hash containing change information. Example:

    $change_info = {
        'id' => '/change/123CHANGEID'
        'submitted_at' => '2011-08-31T00:04:37.456Z',
        'status' => 'PENDING'

=head2 error

Returns the last error.

    $error = $r53->error;

Returns: A reference to a hash containing the type, code, and message of the
last error. Example:

    $error = {
        'type' => 'Sender',
        'message' => 'FATAL problem: UnsupportedCharacter encountered at  ',
        'code' => 'InvalidDomainName'

=head1 AUTHOR

Michal Wojciechowski <>


This software is copyright (c) 2011 by Michal Wojciechowski.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
