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# $Id: 11-escapedchars.t 949 2011-10-31 13:58:38Z willem $		 -*-perl-*-

use Test::More; 
use strict;

use Net::DNS qw(name2labels) ;
use Net::DNS::Packet qw(dn_expand);

# Perl 5.005 actually produces a warning during the run of the script
if ( $] < 5.006 ){
    diag ("\n\n\nWith this version of perl Net::DNS may give unpredictable results when dealing with\n".
	  "labels with non ascii or escaped data in them.\n".
	  "For instance domain names such as olaf\\\n".
	  "or \\255\\\n\n\n");
    plan skip_all => "Escaping does not work with perl version $]" ;
    plan tests => 134;
# We test al sorts of escaped non-ascii characters. 
# This is all to be protocol conform... so to speak.

# The collection of tests is somewhat of a hodgepodge that tried to
# assess sensitivity to combinations of characters that the regular
# expressions and perl itself are sensitive to. (like \\\\\.\..)
# Development versions of the code tried to split a domain name in
# invidual labels by a regular expression. It made no sense to remove
# the more ackward tests as they have to pass anyway ...

my $message="Using the ";
$message.= $Net::DNS::HAVE_XS? " XS compiled ":" perl implemented ";
$message.="dn_expand function ";
diag ($message);

my $had_xs=$Net::DNS::HAVE_XS; 

my ($in,$out);

# Note that in perl the \\ in a presentation format can only be achieved
# through \\\\ .

# The hex codes are the names in wireformat:
# length octet. content octets, length octet, content , NULL octet

# Below are test combos, 1st and 2nd array elements are
# representations of the name. The output of the perl functions should
# yield the 2nd presentation (eg \037 gets presented as % )

# The 3rd element is a label count.
# The 4th element represents the number of octets per label
# The 5th element is a hexdump of the domain name in wireformat

# The optional 6th element is a boolean instructing to use the perl
# based dn_expand.  This because the conversion between the native
# dn_expand output to a perl varialbe provides some problems.

my @testcombos=(
#Wire:            4 b l a 0xff 3 f o o 3 o r g 0		  

#Wire:            3 b l a 4 f o . o 3 o r g 0		  
#Wire:            5 b l a 0x00 0 3 f o o 3 o r g 0		  
	 "05626c61003003666f6f036f726700"  ,
#Wire:            3 b l a 3 f o o 3 o r g 0   ignoring backslash on input	  
	#drops the \

#Wire:            5 b l a ( * 3 f o o 3 o r g 0		  
#Wire:            2 \ a  3 f o o 0		  

#Wire:            1 \   3 f o o 0		  
#Wire:            2 a  . 3 f o o 0		  

	 2, [5,3],
#Wire:            5 a . f o o 3 o r g 0		  
	 "05612e666f6f036f726700" ,

#Wire:            1  . 3 f o o 3 o r g 0		  
	 "012e03666f6f036f726700" ,


	[ # all non \w characters :-) 


foreach my $testinput (@testcombos){
	# test back and forth

	my @labels=name2labels( $testinput->[0]);

#	is (labels2name(@labels), $testinput->[1],"consistent name2labels labels2name for ". $testinput->[0]);

	# test number of labels
	is (@labels,$testinput->[2],"consistent labelcount ($testinput->[2])");
	# test number of elements within label.
	my $i=0;
	# Test length of each individual label
	while ($i<$testinput->[2]){
		is (length $labels[$i], $testinput->[3]->[$i],
		    "labellength for label $i equals ".$testinput->[3]->[$i]);

	my $wire=Net::DNS::RR->_name2wire($testinput->[0]); 

	my $wireinhex=unpack("H*",$wire);
	is( $wireinhex,$testinput->[4], "Wireinhex for ".$testinput->[0] );
	# And now call DN_EXPAND
	my ($name,$offset);

	my $had_xs=$Net::DNS::HAVE_XS;

      SKIP: {
	    skip "No dn_expand_xs available", 1 unless $had_xs;
	    is ($name,$testinput->[1],"DN_EXPAND (xs) consistent");
	is ($name,$testinput->[1],"DN_EXPAND (pp) consistent");

	if  ($had_xs  && !$Net::DNS::DN_EXPAND_ESCAPES ){
		diag ("\ndisabling XS based dns_expand for a moment.");
		$Net::DNS::HAVE_XS=0 ;

#;\\		IN	TXT
#\\	10	IN	TXT	"WildCard Match"

	my $UUencodedPacket='
c8 d5 85 00 00 01 00 01  00 01 00 01 02 5c 5c 02 
65 67 09 73 65 63 72 65  74 2d 77 67 03 6f 72 67 
00 00 10 00 01 c0 0c 00  10 00 01 00 00 00 0a 00 
0f 0e 57 69 6c 64 43 61  72 64 20 4d 61 74 63 68 
c0 0f 00 02 00 01 00 00  02 58 00 05 02 6e 73 c0 
0f c0 4c 00 01 00 01 00  00 02 58 00 04 0a 00 35 
	$UUencodedPacket =~ s/\s*//g;
	my $packetdata = pack('H*',$UUencodedPacket);
	my $packet     = Net::DNS::Packet->new(\$packetdata);
	is( ($packet->answer)[0]->name,'\\\\\\\\',"Correctly dealt escaped backslash from wireformat \\\\");

# Now testing for the real esotheric stuff.
# domain names can contain NULL and space characters (on the wire)
# these should be properly expanded

# This only works if the dn_expand_XS()  is NOT used.

# The UUencoded packet contains a captured packet with this content:

#;\000.n\	IN	TXT

#\000.n 0	IN	TXT	"NULL byte ownername"
#      ^ SPACE !!!


	$UUencodedPacket ='
 a6 58 85 00 00 01 00 01  00 01 00 01 01 00 04 6e  
 20 6c 6c 02 65 67 09 73  65 63 72 65 74 2d 77 67  
 03 6f 72 67 00 00 10 00  01 c0 0c 00 10 00 01 00  
 00 00 00 00 14 13 4e 55  4c 4c 20 62 79 74 65 20  
 6f 77 6e 65 72 6e 61 6d  65 c0 13 00 02 00 01 00  
 00 02 58 00 05 02 6e 73  c0 13 c0 55 00 01 00 01  
 00 00 02 58 00 04 0a 00  35 d0                    
	$UUencodedPacket =~ s/\s*//g;
	$packetdata = pack('H*',$UUencodedPacket);
	$packet     = Net::DNS::Packet->new(\$packetdata);
	is( ($packet->answer)[0]->name,'\000.n\\',"Correctly dealt with NULL bytes in domain names");

#slightly modified \\ instead of \\\\
#  That is escaped backslash space
c8 d5 85 00 00 01 00 01  00 01 00 01 02 5c 20 02 
65 67 09 73 65 63 72 65  74 2d 77 67 03 6f 72 67 
00 00 10 00 01 c0 0c 00  10 00 01 00 00 00 0a 00 
0f 0e 57 69 6c 64 43 61  72 64 20 4d 61 74 63 68 
c0 0f 00 02 00 01 00 00  02 58 00 05 02 6e 73 c0 
0f c0 4c 00 01 00 01 00  00 02 58 00 04 0a 00 35 

	$UUencodedPacket =~ s/\s*//g;
	$packetdata = pack('H*',$UUencodedPacket);
	$packet     = Net::DNS::Packet->new(\$packetdata);

	is( ($packet->answer)[0]->name,'\\\\\\',"Correctly dealt escaped backslash from wireformat \\");
	if ( $had_xs && !$Net::DNS::HAVE_XS ){
		diag("\nContinuing to use the XS based dn_expand()\n") ;

#slightly modified \\ instead of \\\\
	my $UUencodedPacket='
c8 d5 85 00 00 01 00 01  00 01 00 01 02 5c 65 02 
65 67 09 73 65 63 72 65  74 2d 77 67 03 6f 72 67 
00 00 10 00 01 c0 0c 00  10 00 01 00 00 00 0a 00 
0f 0e 57 69 6c 64 43 61  72 64 20 4d 61 74 63 68 
c0 0f 00 02 00 01 00 00  02 58 00 05 02 6e 73 c0 
0f c0 4c 00 01 00 01 00  00 02 58 00 04 0a 00 35 

	$UUencodedPacket =~ s/\s*//g;
	my $packetdata = pack('H*',$UUencodedPacket);
	my $packet     = Net::DNS::Packet->new(\$packetdata);

	is( ($packet->answer)[0]->name,'\\\\',"Correctly dealt escaped backslash from wireformat \\");

#slightly modified \\\ instead of \\
c8 d5 85 00 00 01 00 01  00 01 00 01 02 5c 65 02 
65 67 09 73 65 63 72 65  74 2d 77 67 03 6f 72 67 
00 00 10 00 01 c0 0c 00  10 00 01 00 00 00 0a 00 
0f 0e 57 69 6c 64 43 61  72 64 20 4d 61 74 63 68 
c0 0f 00 02 00 01 00 00  02 58 00 05 02 6e 73 c0 
0f c0 4c 00 01 00 01 00  00 02 58 00 04 0a 00 35 

	$UUencodedPacket =~ s/\s*//g;
	$packetdata = pack('H*',$UUencodedPacket);
	$packet     = Net::DNS::Packet->new(\$packetdata);

	$UUencodedPacket =~ s/\s*//g;
	$packetdata = pack('H*',$UUencodedPacket);
	$packet     = Net::DNS::Packet->new(\$packetdata);
	is( ($packet->answer)[0]->name,'\\\\',"Correctly dealt escaped backslash from wireformat \\\");

	my $testrr=Net::DNS::RR->new(
		name => '\\',
		type         => 'TXT',
		txtdata      => '"WildCard Match"',
		ttl          =>  10,
		class        => "IN",

	my $class = "IN"; 
	my $ttl = 43200; 
	my $name = 'def0au&'; 

	my @rrs = ( 
		{ #[0] 
			name => '\..bla\', 
			type => 'A', 
			address => '', 
		}, { #[2]
			name => $name,
			type => 'AFSDB', 
			subtype => 1, 
			hostname =>'', 
		{ #[3]
			name => '\\',
			type         => 'CNAME',
			cname        => 'cname-cn\',
		{   #[4]
			name => $name,
			type         => 'DNAME',
			dname        => 'dn\',
		{	#[9]
			name => $name,
			type         => 'MINFO',
			rmailbx      => 'minfo\',
			emailbx      => 'minfo\',

		{	#[13]
			name => $name,
			type         => 'NS',
			nsdname      => '\',

		{	#[19]
			name => $name,
			type         => 'SOA',
			mname        => 'soa-mn\',
			rname        => 'soa\',
			serial       => 12345,
			refresh      => 7200,
			retry        => 3600,
			expire       => 2592000,
			minimum      => 86400,

# Create the packet.
	undef $packet;
	$packet = Net::DNS::Packet->new($name);
	ok($packet,         'Packet created');

	foreach my $data (@rrs) {
				      ttl  => $ttl,

# Re-create the packet from data.

	my $data = $packet->data;
	ok($data,            'Packet has data after pushes');

	undef $packet;
	$packet = Net::DNS::Packet->new(\$data);

	ok($packet,          'Packet reconstructed from data');

	my @answer = $packet->answer;

	ok(@answer && @answer == @rrs, 'Packet returned correct answer section');

	while (@answer and @rrs) {
		my $data = shift @rrs;
		my $rr   = shift @answer;
		my $type = $data->{'type'};
		foreach my $meth (keys %{$data}) {
			is($rr->$meth(), $data->{$meth}, "$type - $meth() correct");
		my $rr2 = Net::DNS::RR->new($rr->string);
		is($rr2->string, $rr->string,   "$type - Parsing from string works");