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package App::Netdisco::Core::Macsuck;

use Dancer qw/:syntax :script/;
use Dancer::Plugin::DBIC 'schema';

use App::Netdisco::Util::PortMAC 'get_port_macs';
use App::Netdisco::Util::SanityCheck 'check_mac';
use App::Netdisco::Util::SNMP 'snmp_comm_reindex';
use Time::HiRes 'gettimeofday';

use base 'Exporter';
our @EXPORT = ();
our @EXPORT_OK = qw/
our %EXPORT_TAGS = (all => \@EXPORT_OK);

=head1 NAME



Helper subroutines to support parts of the Netdisco application.

There are no default exports, however the C<:all> tag will export all

=head1 EXPORT_OK

=head2 do_macsuck( $device, $snmp )

Given a Device database object, and a working SNMP connection, connect to a
device and discover the MAC addresses listed against each physical port
without a neighbor.

If the device has VLANs, C<do_macsuck> will walk each VALN to get the MAC
addresses from there.

It will also gather wireless client information if C<store_wireless_clients>
configuration setting is enabled.


sub do_macsuck {
  my ($device, $snmp) = @_;

  unless ($device->in_storage) {
      debug sprintf
        ' [%s] macsuck - skipping device not yet discovered',

  # would be possible just to use now() on updated records, but by using this
  # same value for them all, we _can_ if we want add a job at the end to
  # select and do something with the updated set (no reason to yet, though)
  my $now = 'to_timestamp('. (join '.', gettimeofday) .')';
  my $total_nodes = 0;

  # do this before we start messing with the snmp community string
  store_wireless_client_info($device, $snmp, $now);

  # cache the device ports to save hitting the database for many single rows
  my $device_ports = {map {($_->port => $_)} $device->ports->all}; 
  my $port_macs = get_port_macs($device);

  # get forwarding table data via basic snmp connection
  my $fwtable = { 0 => _walk_fwtable($device, $snmp, $port_macs, $device_ports) };

  # ...then per-vlan if supported
  my @vlan_list = _get_vlan_list($device, $snmp);
  foreach my $vlan (@vlan_list) {
      snmp_comm_reindex($snmp, $vlan);
      $fwtable->{$vlan} = _walk_fwtable($device, $snmp, $port_macs, $device_ports);

  # now it's time to call store_node for every node discovered
  # on every port on every vlan on this device.

  # reverse sort allows vlan 0 entries to be included only as fallback
  foreach my $vlan (reverse sort keys %$fwtable) {
      foreach my $port (keys %{ $fwtable->{$vlan} }) {
          if ($device_ports->{$port}->is_uplink) {
              debug sprintf
                ' [%s] macsuck - port %s is uplink, topo broken - skipping.',
                $device->ip, $port;

          debug sprintf ' [%s] macsuck - port %s vlan %s : %s nodes',
            $device->ip, $port, $vlan, scalar keys %{ $fwtable->{$vlan}->{$port} };

          foreach my $mac (keys %{ $fwtable->{$vlan}->{$port} }) {
              # remove vlan 0 entry for this MAC addr
              delete $fwtable->{0}->{$_}->{$mac}
                for keys %{ $fwtable->{0} };

              store_node($device->ip, $vlan, $port, $mac, $now);

  debug sprintf ' [%s] macsuck - %s forwarding table entries',
    $device->ip, $total_nodes;
  $device->update({last_macsuck => \$now});

=head2 store_node( $ip, $vlan, $port, $mac, $now? )

Writes a fresh entry to the Netdisco C<node> database table. Will mark old
entries for this data as no longer C<active>.

All four fields in the tuple are required. If you don't know the VLAN ID,
Netdisco supports using ID "0".

Optionally, a fifth argument can be the literal string passed to the time_last
field of the database record. If not provided, it defauls to C<now()>.


sub store_node {
  my ($ip, $vlan, $port, $mac, $now) = @_;
  $now ||= 'now()';

  schema('netdisco')->txn_do(sub {
    my $nodes = schema('netdisco')->resultset('Node');

    # TODO: probably needs changing if we're to support VTP domains
    my $old = $nodes->search(
        mac => $mac,
        vlan => $vlan,
        -bool => 'active',
        -not => {
          switch => $ip,
          port => $port,

    # lock rows,
    # and get the count so we know whether to set time_recent
    my $old_count = scalar $old->search(undef,
        columns => [qw/switch vlan port mac/],
        order_by => [qw/switch vlan port mac/],
        for => 'update',

    $old->update({ active => \'false' });

    my $new = $nodes->search(
        'me.switch' => $ip,
        'me.port' => $port,
        'me.mac' => $mac,
        order_by => [qw/switch vlan port mac/],
        for => 'update',

    # lock rows
    $new->search({vlan => [$vlan, 0, undef]})->first;

    # upgrade old schema
    $new->search({vlan => [0, undef]})->delete();

    # new data
      vlan => $vlan,
      active => \'true',
      oui => substr($mac,0,8),
      time_last => \$now,
      ($old_count ? (time_recent => \$now) : ()),

# return a list of vlan numbers which are OK to macsuck on this device
sub _get_vlan_list {
  my ($device, $snmp) = @_;

  return () unless $snmp->cisco_comm_indexing;

  my (%vlans, %vlan_names);
  my $i_vlan = $snmp->i_vlan || {};

  # get list of vlans in use
  while (my ($idx, $vlan) = each %$i_vlan) {
      # hack: if vlan id comes as 1.142 instead of 142
      $vlan =~ s/^\d+\.//;


  unless (scalar keys %vlans) {
      debug sprintf ' [%s] macsuck - no VLANs found.', $device->ip;
      return ();

  my $v_name = $snmp->v_name || {};
  # get vlan names (required for config which filters by name)
  while (my ($idx, $name) = each %$v_name) {
      # hack: if vlan id comes as 1.142 instead of 142
      (my $vlan = $idx) =~ s/^\d+\.//;

      # just in case i_vlan is different to v_name set

      $vlan_names{$vlan} = $name;

  debug sprintf ' [%s] macsuck - VLANs: %s', $device->ip,
    (join ',', sort keys %vlans);

  my @ok_vlans = ();
  foreach my $vlan (sort keys %vlans) {
      my $name = $vlan_names{$vlan} || '(unnamed)';

      if (ref [] eq ref setting('macsuck_no_vlan')) {
          my $ignore = setting('macsuck_no_vlan');

          if ((scalar grep {$_ eq $vlan} @$ignore) or
              (scalar grep {$_ eq $name} @$ignore)) {

              debug sprintf
                ' [%s] macsuck VLAN %s - skipped by macsuck_no_vlan config',
                $device->ip, $vlan;

      if (ref [] eq ref setting('macsuck_no_devicevlan')) {
          my $ignore = setting('macsuck_no_devicevlan');
          my $ip = $device->ip;

          if ((scalar grep {$_ eq "$ip:$vlan"} @$ignore) or
              (scalar grep {$_ eq "$ip:$name"} @$ignore)) {

              debug sprintf
                ' [%s] macsuck VLAN %s - skipped by macsuck_no_devicevlan config',
                $device->ip, $vlan;

      if (setting('macsuck_no_unnamed') and $name eq '(unnamed)') {
          debug sprintf
            ' [%s] macsuck VLAN %s - skipped by macsuck_no_unnamed config',
            $device->ip, $vlan;

      if ($vlan == 0 or $vlan > 4094) {
          debug sprintf ' [%s] macsuck - invalid VLAN number %s',
            $device->ip, $vlan;

      # check in use by a port on this device
      if (scalar keys %$i_vlan and not exists $vlans{$vlan}
            and not setting('macsuck_all_vlans')) {

          debug sprintf
            ' [%s] macsuck VLAN %s/%s - not in use by any port - skipping.',
            $device->ip, $vlan, $name;

      push @ok_vlans, $vlan;

  return @ok_vlans;

# walks the forwarding table (BRIDGE-MIB) for the device and returns a
# table of node entries.
sub _walk_fwtable {
  my ($device, $snmp, $port_macs, $device_ports) = @_;
  my $cache = {};

  my $fw_mac   = $snmp->fw_mac;
  my $fw_port  = $snmp->fw_port;
  my $fw_vlan  = $snmp->qb_fw_vlan;
  my $bp_index = $snmp->bp_index;
  my $interfaces = $snmp->interfaces;

  # to map forwarding table port to device port we have
  #   fw_port -> bp_index -> interfaces

  while (my ($idx, $mac) = each %$fw_mac) {
      my $bp_id = $fw_port->{$idx};
      next unless check_mac($device, $mac, $port_macs);

      unless (defined $bp_id) {
          debug sprintf
            ' [%s] macsuck %s - %s has no fw_port mapping - skipping.',
            $device->ip, $mac, $idx;

      my $iid = $bp_index->{$bp_id};

      unless (defined $iid) {
          debug sprintf
            ' [%s] macsuck %s - port %s has no bp_index mapping - skipping.',
            $device->ip, $mac, $bp_id;

      my $port = $interfaces->{$iid};

      unless (defined $port) {
          debug sprintf
            ' [%s] macsuck %s - iid %s has no port mapping - skipping.',
            $device->ip, $mac, $iid;

      # TODO: add proper port channel support!
      if ($port =~ m/ {
          debug sprintf
            ' [%s] macsuck %s - port %s is LAG member - skipping.',
            $device->ip, $mac, $port;

      # this uses the cached $ports resultset to limit hits on the db
      my $device_port = $device_ports->{$port};

      unless (defined $device_port) {
          debug sprintf
            ' [%s] macsuck %s - port %s is not in database - skipping.',
            $device->ip, $mac, $port;

      # check to see if the port is connected to another device
      # and if we have that device in the database.

      # we have several ways to detect "uplink" port status:
      #  * a neighbor was discovered using CDP/LLDP
      #  * a mac addr is seen which belongs to any device port/interface
      #  * (TODO) admin sets is_uplink_admin on the device_port

      if ($device_port->is_uplink) {
          if (my $neighbor = $device_port->neighbor) {
              debug sprintf
                ' [%s] macsuck %s - port %s has neighbor %s - skipping.',
                $device->ip, $mac, $port, $neighbor->ip;
          elsif (my $remote = $device_port->remote_ip) {
              debug sprintf
                ' [%s] macsuck %s - port %s has undiscovered neighbor %s',
                $device->ip, $mac, $port, $remote;
              # continue!!
          else {
              debug sprintf
                ' [%s] macsuck %s - port %s is detected uplink - skipping.',
                $device->ip, $mac, $port;

      if (exists $port_macs->{$mac}) {
          my $switch_ip = $port_macs->{$mac};
          if ($device->ip eq $switch_ip) {
              debug sprintf
                ' [%s] macsuck %s - port %s connects to self - skipping.',
                $device->ip, $mac, $port;

          debug sprintf ' [%s] macsuck %s - port %s is probably an uplink',
            $device->ip, $mac, $port;
          $device_port->update({is_uplink => \'true'});

          # when there's no CDP/LLDP, we only want to gather macs at the
          # topology edge, hence skip ports with known device macs.
          next unless setting('macsuck_bleed');


  return $cache;

=head2 store_wireless_client_info( $device, $snmp, $now? )

Given a Device database object, and a working SNMP connection, connect to a
device and discover 802.11 related information for all connected wireless

If the device doesn't support the 802.11 MIBs, then this will silently return.

If the device does support the 802.11 MIBs but Netdisco's configuration
does not permit polling (C<store_wireless_clients> must be true) then a debug
message is logged and the subroutine returns.

Otherwise, client information is gathered and stored to the database.

Optionally, a third argument can be the literal string passed to the time_last
field of the database record. If not provided, it defauls to C<now()>.


sub store_wireless_client_info {
  my ($device, $snmp, $now) = @_;
  $now ||= 'now()';

  my $cd11_txrate = $snmp->cd11_txrate;
  return unless $cd11_txrate and scalar keys %$cd11_txrate;

  if (setting('store_wireless_clients')) {
      debug sprintf ' [%s] macsuck - gathering wireless client info',
  else {
      debug sprintf ' [%s] macsuck - dot11 info available but skipped due to config',

  my $cd11_rateset = $snmp->cd11_rateset();
  my $cd11_uptime  = $snmp->cd11_uptime();
  my $cd11_sigstrength = $snmp->cd11_sigstrength();
  my $cd11_sigqual = $snmp->cd11_sigqual();
  my $cd11_mac     = $snmp->cd11_mac();
  my $cd11_port    = $snmp->cd11_port();
  my $cd11_rxpkt   = $snmp->cd11_rxpkt();
  my $cd11_txpkt   = $snmp->cd11_txpkt();
  my $cd11_rxbyte  = $snmp->cd11_rxbyte();
  my $cd11_txbyte  = $snmp->cd11_txbyte();
  my $cd11_ssid    = $snmp->cd11_ssid();

  while (my ($idx, $txrates) = each %$cd11_txrate) {
      my $rates = $cd11_rateset->{$idx};
      my $mac   = $cd11_mac->{$idx};
      next unless defined $mac; # avoid null entries
            # there can be more rows in txrate than other tables

      my $txrate  = defined $txrates->[$#$txrates]
        ? int($txrates->[$#$txrates])
        : undef;

      my $maxrate = defined $rates->[$#$rates]
        ? int($rates->[$#$rates])
        : undef;

      schema('netdisco')->txn_do(sub {
          ->search({ 'me.mac' => $mac })
            txrate  => $txrate,
            maxrate => $maxrate,
            uptime  => $cd11_uptime->{$idx},
            rxpkt   => $cd11_rxpkt->{$idx},
            txpkt   => $cd11_txpkt->{$idx},
            rxbyte  => $cd11_rxbyte->{$idx},
            txbyte  => $cd11_txbyte->{$idx},
            sigqual => $cd11_sigqual->{$idx},
            sigstrength => $cd11_sigstrength->{$idx},
            ssid    => ($cd11_ssid->{$idx} || 'unknown'),
            time_last => \$now,
          }, {
            order_by => [qw/mac ssid/],
            for => 'update',
