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package App::Netdisco::Util::SNMP;

use Dancer qw/:syntax :script/;
use App::Netdisco::Util::Device qw/get_device check_acl check_no/;

use SNMP::Info;
use Try::Tiny;
use Path::Class 'dir';

use base 'Exporter';
our @EXPORT = ();
our @EXPORT_OK = qw/
  snmp_connect snmp_connect_rw snmp_comm_reindex
our %EXPORT_TAGS = (all => \@EXPORT_OK);

=head1 NAME



A set of helper subroutines to support parts of the Netdisco application.

There are no default exports, however the C<:all> tag will export all

=head1 EXPORT_OK

=head2 snmp_connect( $ip )

Given an IP address, returns an L<SNMP::Info> instance configured for and
connected to that device. The IP can be any on the device, and the management
interface will be connected to.

If the device is known to Netdisco and there is a cached SNMP community
string, this will be tried first, and then other community string(s) from the
application configuration will be tried.

Returns C<undef> if the connection fails.


sub snmp_connect { _snmp_connect_generic(@_, 'read') }

=head2 snmp_connect_rw( $ip )

Same as C<snmp_connect> but uses the read-write community string(s) from the
application configuration file.

Returns C<undef> if the connection fails.


sub snmp_connect_rw { _snmp_connect_generic(@_, 'write') }

sub _snmp_connect_generic {
  my ($ip, $mode) = @_;
  $mode ||= 'read';

  # get device details from db
  my $device = get_device($ip);

  my %snmp_args = (
    DestHost => $device->ip,
    Retries => (setting('snmpretries') || 2),
    Timeout => (setting('snmptimeout') || 1000000),
    NonIncreasing => (setting('nonincreasing') || 0),
    BulkWalk => ((defined setting('bulkwalk_off') && setting('bulkwalk_off'))
                 ? 0 : 1),
    BulkRepeaters => (setting('bulkwalk_repeaters') || 20),
    MibDirs => [ _build_mibdirs() ],
    IgnoreNetSNMPConf => 1,
    Debug => ($ENV{INFO_TRACE} || 0),

  # an override for bulkwalk
  $snmp_args{BulkWalk} = 0 if check_no($device, 'bulkwalk_no');

  # further protect against buggy Net-SNMP, and disable bulkwalk
  if ($snmp_args{BulkWalk}
      and ($SNMP::VERSION eq '5.0203' || $SNMP::VERSION eq '5.0301')) {

      warning sprintf
        "[%s] turning off BulkWalk due to buggy Net-SNMP - please upgrade!",
      $snmp_args{BulkWalk} = 0;

  # use existing or new device class
  my @classes = ('SNMP::Info');
  if ($device->snmp_class) {
      unshift @classes, $device->snmp_class;
  else {
      $snmp_args{AutoSpecity} = 1;

  # TODO: add version force support
  # use existing SNMP version or try 3, 2, 1
  my @versions = reverse (1 .. ($device->snmp_ver || setting('snmpver') || 3));

  # get the community string(s)
  my @communities = _build_communities($device, $mode);

  my $info = undef;
  VERSION: foreach my $ver (@versions) {
      next unless $ver;

      CLASS: foreach my $class (@classes) {
          next unless $class;

          COMMUNITY: foreach my $comm (@communities) {
              next if $ver eq 3 and exists $comm->{community};
              next if $ver ne 3 and !exists $comm->{community};

              my %local_args = (%snmp_args, Version => $ver);
              $info = _try_connect($device, $class, $comm, $mode, \%local_args);
              last VERSION if $info;

  return $info;

sub _try_connect {
  my ($device, $class, $comm, $mode, $snmp_args) = @_;
  my %comm_args = _mk_info_commargs($comm);
  my $info = undef;

  try {
        sprintf '[%s] try_connect with ver: %s, class: %s, comm: %s',
        $snmp_args->{DestHost}, $snmp_args->{Version}, $class,
        ($comm->{community} || "v3user:$comm->{user}");
      eval "require $class";

      $info = $class->new(%$snmp_args, %comm_args);
      $info = ($mode eq 'read' ? _try_read($info, $device, $comm)
                               : _try_write($info, $device, $comm));

      # first time a device is discovered, re-instantiate into specific class
      if ($info and $info->device_type ne $class) {
          $class = $info->device_type;
            sprintf '[%s] try_connect with ver: %s, new class: %s, comm: %s',
            $snmp_args->{DestHost}, $snmp_args->{Version}, $class,
            ($comm->{community} || "v3user:$comm->{user}");

          eval "require $class";
          $info = $class->new(%$snmp_args, %comm_args);
  catch {
      debug $_;

  return $info;

sub _try_read {
  my ($info, $device, $comm) = @_;

  undef $info unless (
    (not defined $info->error)
    and defined $info->uptime
    and ($info->layers or $info->description)
    and $info->class

  if ($device->in_storage) {
      # read strings are tried before writes, so this should not accidentally
      # store a write string if there's a good read string also in config.
      $device->update({snmp_comm => $comm->{community}})
        if exists $comm->{community};
        {snmp_auth_tag => $comm->{tag}}) if $comm->{tag};
  else {
      $device->set_column(snmp_comm => $comm->{community})
        if exists $comm->{community};

  return $info;

sub _try_write {
  my ($info, $device, $comm) = @_;

  # SNMP v1/2 R/W must be able to read as well (?)
  $info = _try_read($info, $device, $comm)
    if exists $comm->{community};
  return unless $info;

  $info->set_location( $info->load_location )
    or return undef;

  if ($device->in_storage) {
      # one of these two cols must be set
      $device->update_or_create_related('community', {
        ($comm->{tag} ? (snmp_auth_tag => $comm->{tag}) : ()),
        (exists $comm->{community} ? (snmp_comm_rw => $comm->{community}) : ()),

  return $info;

sub _mk_info_commargs {
  my $comm = shift;
  return () unless ref {} eq ref $comm and scalar keys %$comm;

  return (Community => $comm->{community})
    if exists $comm->{community};

  my $seclevel = (exists $comm->{auth} ?
                  (exists $comm->{priv} ? 'authPriv' : 'authNoPriv' )
                  : 'noAuthNoPriv');

  return (
    SecName => $comm->{user},
    SecLevel => $seclevel,
    AuthProto => uc (eval { $comm->{auth}->{proto} } || 'MD5'),
    AuthPass  => (eval { $comm->{auth}->{pass} } || ''),
    PrivProto => uc (eval { $comm->{priv}->{proto} } || 'DES'),
    PrivPass  => (eval { $comm->{priv}->{pass} } || ''),

sub _build_mibdirs {
  my $home = (setting('mibhome') || dir(($ENV{NETDISCO_HOME} || $ENV{HOME}), 'netdisco-mibs'));
  return map { dir($home, $_)->stringify }
             @{ setting('mibdirs') || _get_mibdirs_content($home) };

sub _get_mibdirs_content {
  my $home = shift;
  # warning 'Netdisco SNMP work will be slow - loading ALL MIBs. Consider setting mibdirs.';
  my @list = map {s|$home/||; $_} grep {-d} glob("$home/*");
  return \@list;

sub _build_communities {
  my ($device, $mode) = @_;
  $mode ||= 'read';

  my $config = (setting('snmp_auth') || []);
  my $stored_tag = eval { $device->community->snmp_auth_tag };
  my $snmp_comm_rw = eval { $device->community->snmp_comm_rw };
  my @communities = ();

  # first try last-known-good
  push @communities, {read => 1, community => $device->snmp_comm}
    if defined $device->snmp_comm and $mode eq 'read';

  # first try last-known-good
  push @communities, {read => 1, write => 1, community => $snmp_comm_rw}
    if $snmp_comm_rw and $mode eq 'write';

  # new style snmp config
  foreach my $stanza (@$config) {
      # user tagged
      my $tag = '';
      if (1 == scalar keys %$stanza) {
          $tag = (keys %$stanza)[0];
          $stanza = $stanza->{$tag};

          # corner case: untagged lone community
          if ($tag eq 'community') {
              $tag = $stanza;
              $stanza = {community => $tag};

      # defaults
      $stanza->{tag} ||= $tag;
      $stanza->{read} = 1 if !exists $stanza->{read};
      $stanza->{only} ||= ['any'];
      $stanza->{only} = [$stanza->{only}] if ref '' eq ref $stanza->{only};

      die "error: config: snmpv3 stanza in snmp_auth must have a tag\n"
        if not $stanza->{tag}
           and !exists $stanza->{community};

      if ($stanza->{$mode} and check_acl($device, $stanza->{only})) {
          if ($stored_tag and $stored_tag eq $stanza->{tag}) {
              # last known-good by tag
              unshift @communities, $stanza
          else {
              push @communities, $stanza

  # legacy config (note: read strings tried before write)
  if ($mode eq 'read') {
      push @communities, map {{
        read => 1,
        community => $_,
      }} @{setting('community') || []};
  else {
      push @communities, map {{
        read  => 1,
        write => 1,
        community => $_,
      }} @{setting('community_rw') || []};

  return @communities;

=head2 snmp_comm_reindex( $snmp, $device, $vlan )

Takes an established L<SNMP::Info> instance and makes a fresh connection using
community indexing, with the given C<$vlan> ID. Works for all SNMP versions.


sub snmp_comm_reindex {
  my ($snmp, $device, $vlan) = @_;
  my $ver  = $snmp->snmp_ver;

  if ($ver == 3) {
      my $prefix = '';
      my @comms = _build_communities($device, 'read');
      foreach my $c (@comms) {
          next unless $c->{tag}
            and $c->{tag} eq (eval { $device->community->snmp_auth_tag } || '');
          $prefix = $c->{context_prefix} and last;
      $prefix ||= 'vlan-';
      $snmp->update(Context => ($prefix . $vlan));
  else {
      my $comm = $snmp->snmp_comm;
      $snmp->update(Community => $comm . '@' . $vlan);
