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#!/usr/bin/env perl

our $home;

  # try really hard to find a localenv if one isn't already in place.
  $home = ($ENV{NETDISCO_HOME} || $ENV{HOME});

  if (!exists $ENV{PERL_LOCAL_LIB_ROOT}) {
      use File::Spec;
      my $localenv = File::Spec->catfile($FindBin::RealBin, 'localenv');
      exec($localenv, $0, @ARGV) if -f $localenv;
      $localenv = File::Spec->catfile($home, 'perl5', 'bin', 'localenv');
      exec($localenv, $0, @ARGV) if -f $localenv;

      die "Sorry, can't find libs required for App::Netdisco.\n"
        if !exists $ENV{PERLBREW_PERL};

use FindBin;
use Path::Class;

  # stuff useful locations into @INC and $PATH
  my $location = $FindBin::RealBin;

  unshift @INC,
    dir($location, 'lib')->stringify;

  use Config;
  $ENV{PATH} = $location . $Config{path_sep} . $ENV{PATH};

use App::Netdisco;
use Dancer ':script';
use Dancer::Plugin::DBIC 'schema';

use App::Netdisco::Util::Permission ':all';

my $settings = setting( 'rancid' );
my $down_age = $settings->{ 'down_age' } || '1 hour';
my $rancidhome = $settings->{ 'rancid_home' } || '/var/rancid';
my $by_ip = {};
foreach my $g (@{$settings->{ 'by_ip' }}) {
  $by_ip->{$g} = 1;

my @devices = schema('netdisco')->resultset('Device')->search({},
    '+columns' => {
      old => \"age(now(), last_discover) > interval '$down_age'"

my $groups = $settings->{ 'groups' };
my $list = {};

foreach my $d (@devices) {
  my $old = $d->get_column( 'old' );
  my $devgroup = 'other';
  foreach my $g (keys %$groups) {
    if (check_acl( $d, $groups->{$g} )) {
      $devgroup = $g;
  push(@{$list->{$devgroup}}, $d);

# If netdisco vendor name and rancid vendor name
# do not map 1:1, map it here.
foreach my $group (keys %$list) {
  open(ROUTER, ">${rancidhome}/${group}/router.db") || die "${rancidhome}/${group}/router.db: $!\n";
  foreach my $dev (sort {$a->ip cmp $b->ip} @{$list->{$group}}) {
    my $vendor = $dev->vendor;
    my $name;
    if ($VENDORMAP{$vendor}) {
      $vendor = $VENDORMAP{$vendor};
    if ($by_ip->{$group}) {
      $name = $dev->ip;
    } else {
      $name = ($dev->dns || $dev->name);
    printf ROUTER "%s:%s:%s\n", $name, $vendor,
      $dev->get_column( 'old' ) ? "down" : "up";

=head1 NAME

netdisco-rancid-export - Generate RANCID Group Configuration


This script requires some configuration to be added to your Netdisco
"C<~/environments/deployment.yml>" file, for example:

   rancid_home:  /var/lib/rancid
   down_age:     '1 day'
   by_ip:        [ other ]
     switch:     [ 'name:.*[Ss][Ww].*' ]
     rtr:        [ 'name:[rR]tr.*' ]
     ap:         [ 'name:[aA][pP].*' ]

=head2 C<rancid_home>

The location to write RANCID Group configuration files into. A subdirectory
for each Group will be created.

=head2 C<down_age>

This should be the same or greater than the interval between regular discover
jobs on your network. Devices which have not been discovered within this time
will be marked as "C<down>" to RANCID.

=head2 C<groups>

This dictionary maps RANCID Group names with configuration which will match
devices in the Netdisco database. The configuration is the same as any of
Netdisco's "C<*_only>" settings, and accepts IP, prefix, device property.

=head2 C<by_ip>

List of RANCID Groups which will have Device IPs written to the RANCID
configuration file, instead of DNS or SNMP host names.

=head1 SEE ALSO

=over 4

=item *


