The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
#!/usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;

our $home;

  use FindBin;

  $home = ($ENV{NETDISCO_HOME} || $ENV{HOME});

  # try to find a localenv if one isn't already in place.
  if (!exists $ENV{PERL_LOCAL_LIB_ROOT}) {
      use File::Spec;
      my $localenv = File::Spec->catfile($FindBin::RealBin, 'localenv');
      exec($localenv, $0, @ARGV) if -f $localenv;
      $localenv = File::Spec->catfile($home, 'perl5', 'bin', 'localenv');
      exec($localenv, $0, @ARGV) if -f $localenv;

      die "Sorry, can't find libs required for App::Netdisco.\n"
        if !exists $ENV{PERLBREW_PERL};

  use Path::Class;

  # stuff useful locations into @INC and $PATH
  unshift @INC,
    dir($FindBin::RealBin, 'lib')->stringify;

  use Config;
  $ENV{PATH} = $FindBin::RealBin . $Config{path_sep} . $ENV{PATH};

use App::Netdisco;
use Dancer ':script';
use Dancer::Plugin::DBIC 'schema';

use Try::Tiny;

=head1 NAME

netdisco-db-deploy - Database deployment for Netdisco

=head1 USAGE

This script upgrades or initialises a Netdisco database schema.

Pre-existing requirements are that there be a database table created and a
user with rights to create tables in that database. Both the table and user
name must match those configured in your environment YAML file (default

Simply run this script, which connects to the database and runs without user
interaction. If there's no Nedisco schema, it is deployed. If there's an
unversioned schema then versioning is added, and updates applied.  Otherwise
only necessary updates are applied to an already versioned schema.


=over 4

=item *

Version 1 is a completely empty database schema with no tables

=item *

Version 2 is the "classic" Netdisco database schema as of Netdisco 1.1

=item *

Version 5 (and onwards) adds patches for Netdisco 1.2



my $schema = schema('netdisco');

# installs the dbix_class_schema_versions table with version "1"
# which corresponds to an empty schema
if (not $schema->get_db_version) {
    $schema->txn_do(sub { $schema->install(1) });

# test for existing schema at public release version, set v=2 if so
try {
    $schema->storage->dbh_do(sub {
      my ($storage, $dbh) = @_;
      $dbh->selectrow_arrayref("SELECT * FROM device WHERE 0 = 1");

    $schema->_set_db_version({version => 2})
      if $schema->get_db_version == 1;

# upgrade from whatever dbix_class_schema_versions says, to $VERSION
# except that get_db_version will be 0 at first deploy
my $db_version = ($schema->get_db_version || 1);
my $target_version = $schema->schema_version;

# one step at a time, in case user has applied local changes already
for (my $i = $db_version; $i < $target_version; $i++) {
    try {
        $schema->upgrade_single_step($i, $i + 1);
    catch {
        $schema->_set_db_version({version => $i + 1});

exit 0;