The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.

-- admin table - Queue for admin tasks sent from front-end for back-end processing.

    job         serial,
    entered     TIMESTAMP DEFAULT now(),
    started     TIMESTAMP,
    finished    TIMESTAMP,
    device      inet,
    port        text,
    action      text,
    subaction   text,
    status      text,
    username    text,
    userip      inet,
    log         text,
    debug       boolean

CREATE INDEX idx_admin_entered ON admin(entered);
CREATE INDEX idx_admin_status  ON admin(status);
CREATE INDEX idx_admin_action  ON admin(action);

    ip           inet PRIMARY KEY,
    creation     TIMESTAMP DEFAULT now(),
    dns          text,
    description  text,
    uptime       bigint,
    contact      text,
    name         text,
    location     text,
    layers       varchar(8),
    ports        integer,
    mac          macaddr,
    serial       text,
    model        text,
    ps1_type     text,
    ps2_type     text,
    ps1_status   text,
    ps2_status   text,
    fan          text,
    slots        integer,
    vendor       text,      
    os           text,
    os_ver       text,
    log          text,
    snmp_ver     integer,
    snmp_comm    text,
    snmp_class   text,
    vtp_domain   text,
    last_discover TIMESTAMP,
    last_macsuck  TIMESTAMP,
    last_arpnip   TIMESTAMP

-- Indexing for speed-ups
CREATE INDEX idx_device_dns    ON device(dns);
CREATE INDEX idx_device_layers ON device(layers);
CREATE INDEX idx_device_vendor ON device(vendor);
CREATE INDEX idx_device_model  ON device(model);

CREATE TABLE device_ip (
    ip          inet,
    alias       inet,
    subnet      cidr,
    port        text,
    dns         text,
    creation    TIMESTAMP DEFAULT now(),
    PRIMARY KEY(ip,alias)

-- Indexing for speed ups
CREATE INDEX idx_device_ip_ip      ON device_ip(ip);
CREATE INDEX idx_device_ip_alias   ON device_ip(alias);
CREATE INDEX idx_device_ip_ip_port ON device_ip(ip,port);

CREATE TABLE device_module (
    ip            inet not null,
    index         integer,
    description   text,
    type          text,
    parent        integer,
    name          text,
    class         text,
    pos           integer,
    hw_ver        text,
    fw_ver        text,
    sw_ver        text,
    serial        text,
    model         text,
    fru           boolean,
    creation      TIMESTAMP DEFAULT now(),
    last_discover TIMESTAMP,
    PRIMARY KEY(ip,index)

CREATE TABLE device_port (
    ip          inet,
    port        text,
    creation    TIMESTAMP DEFAULT now(),
    descr       text,
    up          text,
    up_admin    text,
    type        text,
    duplex      text,
    duplex_admin text,
    speed       text, 
    name        text,
    mac         macaddr,
    mtu         integer,
    stp         text,
    remote_ip   inet,
    remote_port text,
    remote_type text,
    remote_id   text,
    vlan        text,
    pvid        integer,
    lastchange  bigint,
    PRIMARY KEY(port,ip) 

CREATE INDEX idx_device_port_ip ON device_port(ip);
CREATE INDEX idx_device_port_remote_ip ON device_port(remote_ip);
-- For the duplex mismatch finder :
CREATE INDEX idx_device_port_ip_port_duplex ON device_port(ip,port,duplex);
CREATE INDEX idx_device_port_ip_up_admin ON device_port(ip,up_admin);
CREATE INDEX idx_device_port_mac ON device_port(mac);

CREATE TABLE device_port_log (
    id          serial, 
    ip          inet,
    port        text,
    reason      text,
    log         text, 
    username    text,
    userip      inet,
    action      text,
    creation    TIMESTAMP DEFAULT now()

CREATE INDEX idx_device_port_log_1 ON device_port_log(ip,port);
CREATE INDEX idx_device_port_log_user ON device_port_log(username);

CREATE TABLE device_port_power (
    ip          inet,
    port        text,
    module      integer,
    admin       text,
    status      text,
    class       text,
    power       integer,
    PRIMARY KEY(port,ip)

CREATE TABLE device_port_ssid (
    ip          inet,
    port        text,
    ssid        text,
    broadcast   boolean,
    bssid       macaddr

CREATE INDEX idx_device_port_ssid_ip_port ON device_port_ssid(ip,port);

CREATE TABLE device_port_vlan (
    ip          inet,
    port        text,
    vlan        integer,
    native      boolean not null default false,
    creation    TIMESTAMP DEFAULT now(),
    last_discover TIMESTAMP DEFAULT now(),
    vlantype    text,
    PRIMARY KEY(ip,port,vlan)

CREATE TABLE device_port_wireless (
    ip          inet,
    port        text,
    channel     integer,
    power       integer

CREATE INDEX idx_device_port_wireless_ip_port ON device_port_wireless(ip,port);

CREATE TABLE device_power (
    ip          inet,
    module      integer,
    power       integer,
    status      text,
    PRIMARY KEY(ip,module)

CREATE TABLE device_vlan (
    ip          inet,
    vlan        integer,
    description text,
    creation    TIMESTAMP DEFAULT now(),
    last_discover TIMESTAMP DEFAULT now(),
    PRIMARY KEY(ip,vlan)

    id          serial,
    creation    TIMESTAMP DEFAULT now(),
    class       text,
    entry       text,
    logfile     text

    mac         macaddr,
    switch      inet,
    port        text,
    vlan        text default '0',
    active      boolean,
    oui         varchar(8),
    time_first  timestamp default now(),
    time_recent timestamp default now(),
    time_last   timestamp default now(),
    PRIMARY KEY(mac,switch,port,vlan) 

-- Indexes speed things up a LOT
CREATE INDEX idx_node_switch_port_active ON node(switch,port,active);
CREATE INDEX idx_node_switch_port ON node(switch,port);
CREATE INDEX idx_node_switch      ON node(switch);
CREATE INDEX idx_node_mac         ON node(mac);
CREATE INDEX idx_node_mac_active  ON node(mac,active);
-- CREATE INDEX idx_node_oui         ON node(oui);

CREATE TABLE node_ip (
    mac         macaddr,
    ip          inet,
    active      boolean,
    time_first  timestamp default now(),
    time_last   timestamp default now(),
    PRIMARY KEY(mac,ip)

-- Indexing speed ups.
CREATE INDEX idx_node_ip_ip          ON node_ip(ip);
CREATE INDEX idx_node_ip_ip_active   ON node_ip(ip,active);
CREATE INDEX idx_node_ip_mac         ON node_ip(mac);
CREATE INDEX idx_node_ip_mac_active  ON node_ip(mac,active);

CREATE TABLE node_monitor (
    mac         macaddr,
    active      boolean,
    why         text,
    cc          text,
    date        TIMESTAMP DEFAULT now(),
    PRIMARY KEY(mac)

-- node_nbt - Hold Netbios information for each node.

CREATE TABLE node_nbt (
    mac         macaddr PRIMARY KEY,
    ip          inet,
    nbname      text,
    domain      text,
    server      boolean,
    nbuser      text,
    active      boolean,
    time_first  timestamp default now(),
    time_last   timestamp default now()

-- Indexing speed ups.
CREATE INDEX idx_node_nbt_mac         ON node_nbt(mac);
CREATE INDEX idx_node_nbt_nbname      ON node_nbt(nbname);
CREATE INDEX idx_node_nbt_domain      ON node_nbt(domain);
CREATE INDEX idx_node_nbt_mac_active  ON node_nbt(mac,active);

-- Add "vlan" column to node table
-- ALTER TABLE node ADD COLUMN vlan text default '0';

alter table node drop constraint node_pkey;
alter table node add primary key (mac, switch, port, vlan);

CREATE TABLE node_wireless (
    mac         macaddr,
    ssid        text default '',
    uptime      integer,
    maxrate     integer,
    txrate      integer,
    sigstrength integer,
    sigqual     integer,
    rxpkt       integer,
    txpkt       integer,
    rxbyte      bigint,
    txbyte      bigint,
    time_last   timestamp default now(),
    PRIMARY KEY(mac,ssid)

-- Add "ssid" column to node_wireless table
-- ALTER TABLE node_wireless ADD ssid text default '';

alter table node_wireless drop constraint node_wireless_pkey;
alter table node_wireless add primary key (mac, ssid);

    oui         varchar(8) PRIMARY KEY,
    company     text

-- process table - Queue to coordinate between processes in multi-process mode.

CREATE TABLE process (
    controller  integer not null,
    device      inet not null,
    action      text not null,
    status      text,
    count       integer,
    creation    TIMESTAMP DEFAULT now()

CREATE TABLE sessions (
    id          char(32) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
    creation    TIMESTAMP DEFAULT now(),
    a_session   text

CREATE TABLE subnets (
    net cidr NOT NULL,
    creation timestamp default now(),
    last_discover timestamp default now(),
    PRIMARY KEY(net)

-- Add "topology" table to augment manual topo file
CREATE TABLE topology (
    dev1   inet not null,
    port1  text not null,
    dev2   inet not null,
    port2  text not null

-- This table logs login and logout / change requests for users

CREATE TABLE user_log (
    entry           serial,
    username        varchar(50),
    userip          inet,
    event           text,
    details         text,
    creation        TIMESTAMP DEFAULT now()

    username        varchar(50) PRIMARY KEY,
    password        text,
    creation        TIMESTAMP DEFAULT now(),
    last_on         TIMESTAMP,
    port_control    boolean DEFAULT false,
    ldap            boolean DEFAULT false,
    admin           boolean DEFAULT false,
    fullname        text,
    note            text