The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
package App::Netdisco::Core::Discover;

use Dancer qw/:syntax :script/;
use Dancer::Plugin::DBIC 'schema';

use App::Netdisco::Util::Device
  qw/get_device match_devicetype is_discoverable/;
use App::Netdisco::Util::Permission 'check_acl_only';
use App::Netdisco::Util::FastResolver 'hostnames_resolve_async';
use App::Netdisco::Util::DNS ':all';
use App::Netdisco::JobQueue qw/jq_queued jq_insert/;
use NetAddr::IP::Lite ':lower';
use List::MoreUtils ();
use Scalar::Util 'blessed';
use Encode;
use Try::Tiny;
use NetAddr::MAC;

use base 'Exporter';
our @EXPORT = ();
our @EXPORT_OK = qw/
  store_device store_interfaces store_wireless
  store_vlans store_power store_modules
  store_neighbors discover_new_neighbors
our %EXPORT_TAGS = (all => \@EXPORT_OK);

=head1 NAME



A set of helper subroutines to support parts of the Netdisco application.

There are no default exports, however the C<:all> tag will export all

=head1 EXPORT_OK

=head2 set_canonical_ip( $device, $snmp )

Returns: C<$device>

Given a Device database object, and a working SNMP connection, check whether
the database object's IP is the best choice for that device. If not, update
the IP and hostname in the device object for the canonical IP.


sub set_canonical_ip {
  my ($device, $snmp) = @_;

  my $old_ip = $device->ip;
  my $new_ip = $old_ip;
  my $revofname = ipv4_from_hostname($snmp->name);

  if (setting('reverse_sysname') and $revofname) {
    if ($snmp->snmp_connect_ip( $new_ip )) {
      $new_ip = $revofname;
    else {
      debug sprintf ' [%s] device - cannot renumber to %s - SNMP connect failed',
        $old_ip, $revofname;

  if (scalar @{ setting('device_identity') }) {
    my @idmaps = @{ setting('device_identity') };
    my $devips = $device->device_ips->order_by('alias');

    ALIAS: while (my $alias = $devips->next) {
      next if $alias->alias eq $old_ip;

      foreach my $map (@idmaps) {
        next unless ref {} eq ref $map;

        foreach my $key (sort keys %$map) {
          # lhs matches device, rhs matches device_ip
          if (check_acl_only($device, $key)
                and check_acl_only($alias, $map->{$key})) {

            if ($snmp->snmp_connect_ip( $alias->alias )) {
              $new_ip = $alias->alias;
              last ALIAS;
            else {
              debug sprintf ' [%s] device - cannot renumber to %s - SNMP connect failed',
                $old_ip, $alias->alias;
    } # ALIAS

  return if $new_ip eq $old_ip;

  schema('netdisco')->txn_do(sub {
    # delete target device with the same vendor and serial number
      ip => $new_ip, vendor => $device->vendor, serial => $device->serial,

    # if target device exists then this will die
      or die "cannot renumber to: $new_ip"; # rollback

    debug sprintf ' [%s] device - changed IP to %s (%s)',
      $old_ip, $device->ip, ($device->dns || '');

=head2 store_device( $device, $snmp )

Given a Device database object, and a working SNMP connection, discover and
store basic device information.

The Device database object can be a fresh L<DBIx::Class::Row> object which is
not yet stored to the database.


sub store_device {
  my ($device, $snmp) = @_;

  my $ip_index   = $snmp->ip_index;
  my $interfaces = $snmp->interfaces;
  my $ip_netmask = $snmp->ip_netmask;

  my $localnet = NetAddr::IP::Lite->new('');

  # build device aliases suitable for DBIC
  my @aliases;
  foreach my $entry (keys %$ip_index) {
      my $ip = NetAddr::IP::Lite->new($entry)
        or next;
      my $addr = $ip->addr;

      next if $addr eq '';
      next if $ip->within($localnet);
      next if setting('ignore_private_nets') and $ip->is_rfc1918;

      my $iid = $ip_index->{$addr};
      my $port = $interfaces->{$iid};
      my $subnet = $ip_netmask->{$addr}
        ? NetAddr::IP::Lite->new($addr, $ip_netmask->{$addr})->network->cidr
        : undef;

      debug sprintf ' [%s] device - aliased as %s', $device->ip, $addr;
      push @aliases, {
          alias => $addr,
          port => $port,
          subnet => $subnet,
          dns => undef,

  debug sprintf ' resolving %d aliases with max %d outstanding requests',
      scalar @aliases, $ENV{'PERL_ANYEVENT_MAX_OUTSTANDING_DNS'};
  my $resolved_aliases = hostnames_resolve_async(\@aliases);

  # fake one aliases entry for devices not providing ip_index
  push @$resolved_aliases, { alias => $device->ip, dns => $device->dns }
    if 0 == scalar @aliases;

  # VTP Management Domain -- assume only one.
  my $vtpdomains = $snmp->vtp_d_name;
  my $vtpdomain;
  if (defined $vtpdomains and scalar values %$vtpdomains) {
      $device->set_column( vtp_domain => (values %$vtpdomains)[-1] );

  my $hostname = hostname_from_ip($device->ip);
  $device->set_column( dns => $hostname ) if $hostname;

  my @properties = qw/
    description uptime name
    layers ports mac
    ps1_type ps2_type ps1_status ps2_status
    fan slots
    vendor os os_ver

  foreach my $property (@properties) {
      $device->set_column( $property => $snmp->$property );

  $device->set_column( model  => Encode::decode('UTF-8', $snmp->model)  );
  $device->set_column( serial => Encode::decode('UTF-8', $snmp->serial) );
  $device->set_column( contact => Encode::decode('UTF-8', $snmp->contact) );
  $device->set_column( location => Encode::decode('UTF-8', $snmp->location) );

  $device->set_column( snmp_class => $snmp->class );
  $device->set_column( last_discover => \'now()' );

  schema('netdisco')->txn_do(sub {
    my $gone = $device->device_ips->delete;
    debug sprintf ' [%s] device - removed %d aliases',
      $device->ip, $gone;
    $device->update_or_insert(undef, {for => 'update'});
    debug sprintf ' [%s] device - added %d new aliases',
      $device->ip, scalar @aliases;

=head2 store_interfaces( $device, $snmp )

Given a Device database object, and a working SNMP connection, discover and
store the device's interface/port information.

The Device database object can be a fresh L<DBIx::Class::Row> object which is
not yet stored to the database.


sub store_interfaces {
  my ($device, $snmp) = @_;

  my $interfaces     = $snmp->interfaces;
  my $i_type         = $snmp->i_type;
  my $i_ignore       = $snmp->i_ignore;
  my $i_descr        = $snmp->i_description;
  my $i_mtu          = $snmp->i_mtu;
  my $i_speed        = $snmp->i_speed;
  my $i_mac          = $snmp->i_mac;
  my $i_up           = $snmp->i_up;
  my $i_up_admin     = $snmp->i_up_admin;
  my $i_name         = $snmp->i_name;
  my $i_duplex       = $snmp->i_duplex;
  my $i_duplex_admin = $snmp->i_duplex_admin;
  my $i_stp_state    = $snmp->i_stp_state;
  my $i_vlan         = $snmp->i_vlan;
  my $i_lastchange   = $snmp->i_lastchange;
  my $agg_ports      = $snmp->agg_ports;

  # clear the cached uptime and get a new one
  my $dev_uptime = $snmp->load_uptime;
  if (!defined $dev_uptime) {
      error sprintf ' [%s] interfaces - Error! Failed to get uptime from device!',

  # used to track how many times the device uptime wrapped
  my $dev_uptime_wrapped = 0;

  # use SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB::snmpEngineTime if available to
  # fix device uptime if wrapped
  if (defined $snmp->snmpEngineTime) {
      $dev_uptime_wrapped = int( $snmp->snmpEngineTime * 100 / 2**32 );
      if ($dev_uptime_wrapped > 0) {
          info sprintf ' [%s] interface - device uptime wrapped %d times - correcting',
            $device->ip, $dev_uptime_wrapped;
          $device->uptime( $dev_uptime + $dev_uptime_wrapped * 2**32 );

  # build device interfaces suitable for DBIC
  my %interfaces;
  foreach my $entry (keys %$interfaces) {
      my $port = $interfaces->{$entry};

      if (not $port) {
          debug sprintf ' [%s] interfaces - ignoring %s (no port mapping)',
            $device->ip, $entry;

      if (scalar grep {$port =~ m/^$_$/} @{setting('ignore_interfaces') || []}) {
          debug sprintf
            ' [%s] interfaces - ignoring %s (%s) (config:ignore_interfaces)',
            $device->ip, $entry, $port;

      if (exists $i_ignore->{$entry}) {
          debug sprintf ' [%s] interfaces - ignoring %s (%s) (%s)',
            $device->ip, $entry, $port, $i_type->{$entry};

      my $lc = $i_lastchange->{$entry} || 0;
      if (not $dev_uptime_wrapped and $lc > $dev_uptime) {
          info sprintf ' [%s] interfaces - device uptime wrapped (%s) - correcting',
            $device->ip, $port;
          $device->uptime( $dev_uptime + 2**32 );
          $dev_uptime_wrapped = 1;

      if ($device->is_column_changed('uptime') and $lc) {
          if ($lc < $dev_uptime) {
              # ambiguous: lastchange could be sysUptime before or after wrap
              if ($dev_uptime > 30000 and $lc < 30000) {
                  # uptime wrap more than 5min ago but lastchange within 5min
                  # assume lastchange was directly after boot -> no action
              else {
                  # uptime wrap less than 5min ago or lastchange > 5min ago
                  # to be on safe side, assume lastchange after counter wrap
                  debug sprintf
                    ' [%s] interfaces - correcting LastChange for %s, assuming sysUptime wrap',
                    $device->ip, $port;
                  $lc += $dev_uptime_wrapped * 2**32;

      $interfaces{$port} = {
          port         => $port,
          descr        => $i_descr->{$entry},
          up           => $i_up->{$entry},
          up_admin     => $i_up_admin->{$entry},
          mac          => $i_mac->{$entry},
          speed        => $i_speed->{$entry},
          mtu          => $i_mtu->{$entry},
          name         => Encode::decode('UTF-8', $i_name->{$entry}),
          duplex       => $i_duplex->{$entry},
          duplex_admin => $i_duplex_admin->{$entry},
          stp          => $i_stp_state->{$entry},
          type         => $i_type->{$entry},
          vlan         => $i_vlan->{$entry},
          pvid         => $i_vlan->{$entry},
          is_master    => 'false',
          slave_of     => undef,
          lastchange   => $lc,

  # must do this after building %interfaces so that we can set is_master
  foreach my $sidx (keys %$agg_ports) {
      my $slave  = $interfaces->{$sidx} or next;
      my $master = $interfaces->{ $agg_ports->{$sidx} } or next;
      next unless exists $interfaces{$slave} and exists $interfaces{$master};

      $interfaces{$slave}->{slave_of} = $master;
      $interfaces{$master}->{is_master} = 'true';

  schema('netdisco')->resultset('DevicePort')->txn_do_locked(sub {
    my $gone = $device->ports->delete({keep_nodes => 1});
    debug sprintf ' [%s] interfaces - removed %d interfaces',
      $device->ip, $gone;
    $device->update_or_insert(undef, {for => 'update'});
    $device->ports->populate([values %interfaces]);
    debug sprintf ' [%s] interfaces - added %d new interfaces',
      $device->ip, scalar values %interfaces;

=head2 store_wireless( $device, $snmp )

Given a Device database object, and a working SNMP connection, discover and
store the device's wireless interface information.

The Device database object can be a fresh L<DBIx::Class::Row> object which is
not yet stored to the database.


sub store_wireless {
  my ($device, $snmp) = @_;

  my $ssidlist = $snmp->i_ssidlist;
  return unless scalar keys %$ssidlist;

  my $interfaces = $snmp->interfaces;
  my $ssidbcast  = $snmp->i_ssidbcast;
  my $ssidmac    = $snmp->i_ssidmac;
  my $channel    = $snmp->i_80211channel;
  my $power      = $snmp->dot11_cur_tx_pwr_mw;

  # build device ssid list suitable for DBIC
  my @ssids;
  foreach my $entry (keys %$ssidlist) {
      (my $iid = $entry) =~ s/\.\d+$//;
      my $port = $interfaces->{$iid};

      if (not $port) {
          debug sprintf ' [%s] wireless - ignoring %s (no port mapping)',
            $device->ip, $iid;

      push @ssids, {
          port      => $port,
          ssid      => $ssidlist->{$entry},
          broadcast => $ssidbcast->{$entry},
          bssid     => $ssidmac->{$entry},

  schema('netdisco')->txn_do(sub {
    my $gone = $device->ssids->delete;
    debug sprintf ' [%s] wireless - removed %d SSIDs',
      $device->ip, $gone;
    debug sprintf ' [%s] wireless - added %d new SSIDs',
      $device->ip, scalar @ssids;

  # build device channel list suitable for DBIC
  my @channels;
  foreach my $entry (keys %$channel) {
      my $port = $interfaces->{$entry};

      if (not $port) {
          debug sprintf ' [%s] wireless - ignoring %s (no port mapping)',
            $device->ip, $entry;

      push @channels, {
          port    => $port,
          channel => $channel->{$entry},
          power   => $power->{$entry},

  schema('netdisco')->txn_do(sub {
    my $gone = $device->wireless_ports->delete;
    debug sprintf ' [%s] wireless - removed %d wireless channels',
      $device->ip, $gone;
    debug sprintf ' [%s] wireless - added %d new wireless channels',
      $device->ip, scalar @channels;

=head2 store_vlans( $device, $snmp )

Given a Device database object, and a working SNMP connection, discover and
store the device's vlan information.

The Device database object can be a fresh L<DBIx::Class::Row> object which is
not yet stored to the database.


sub store_vlans {
  my ($device, $snmp) = @_;

  my $v_name  = $snmp->v_name;
  my $v_index = $snmp->v_index;

  # build device vlans suitable for DBIC
  my %v_seen = ();
  my @devicevlans;
  foreach my $entry (keys %$v_name) {
      my $vlan = $v_index->{$entry};
      next unless defined $vlan and $vlan;

      push @devicevlans, {
          vlan => $vlan,
          description => $v_name->{$entry},
          last_discover => \'now()',

  my $i_vlan            = $snmp->i_vlan;
  my $i_vlan_membership = $snmp->i_vlan_membership;
  my $i_vlan_type       = $snmp->i_vlan_type;
  my $interfaces        = $snmp->interfaces;

  # build device port vlans suitable for DBIC
  my @portvlans = ();
  foreach my $entry (keys %$i_vlan_membership) {
      my %port_vseen = ();
      my $port = $interfaces->{$entry};
      next unless defined $port;

      my $type = $i_vlan_type->{$entry};

      foreach my $vlan (@{ $i_vlan_membership->{$entry} }) {
          next unless defined $vlan and $vlan;
          next if ++$port_vseen{$vlan} > 1;

          my $native = ((defined $i_vlan->{$entry}) and ($vlan eq $i_vlan->{$entry})) ? "t" : "f";
          push @portvlans, {
              port => $port,
              vlan => $vlan,
              native => $native,
              vlantype => $type,
              last_discover => \'now()',

          next if $v_seen{$vlan};

          # also add an unnamed vlan to the device
          push @devicevlans, {
              vlan => $vlan,
              description => (sprintf "VLAN %d", $vlan),
              last_discover => \'now()',

  schema('netdisco')->txn_do(sub {
    my $gone = $device->vlans->delete;
    debug sprintf ' [%s] vlans - removed %d device VLANs',
      $device->ip, $gone;
    debug sprintf ' [%s] vlans - added %d new device VLANs',
      $device->ip, scalar @devicevlans;

  schema('netdisco')->txn_do(sub {
    my $gone = $device->port_vlans->delete;
    debug sprintf ' [%s] vlans - removed %d port VLANs',
      $device->ip, $gone;
    debug sprintf ' [%s] vlans - added %d new port VLANs',
      $device->ip, scalar @portvlans;

=head2 store_power( $device, $snmp )

Given a Device database object, and a working SNMP connection, discover and
store the device's PoE information.

The Device database object can be a fresh L<DBIx::Class::Row> object which is
not yet stored to the database.


sub store_power {
  my ($device, $snmp) = @_;

  my $p_watts  = $snmp->peth_power_watts;
  my $p_status = $snmp->peth_power_status;

  if (!defined $p_watts) {
      debug sprintf ' [%s] power - 0 power modules', $device->ip;

  # build device module power info suitable for DBIC
  my @devicepower;
  foreach my $entry (keys %$p_watts) {
      push @devicepower, {
          module => $entry,
          power  => $p_watts->{$entry},
          status => $p_status->{$entry},

  my $interfaces = $snmp->interfaces;
  my $p_ifindex  = $snmp->peth_port_ifindex;
  my $p_admin    = $snmp->peth_port_admin;
  my $p_pstatus  = $snmp->peth_port_status;
  my $p_class    = $snmp->peth_port_class;
  my $p_power    = $snmp->peth_port_power;

  # build device port power info suitable for DBIC
  my @portpower;
  foreach my $entry (keys %$p_ifindex) {
      my $port = $interfaces->{ $p_ifindex->{$entry} };
      next unless $port;

      my ($module) = split m/\./, $entry;

      push @portpower, {
          port   => $port,
          module => $module,
          admin  => $p_admin->{$entry},
          status => $p_pstatus->{$entry},
          class  => $p_class->{$entry},
          power  => $p_power->{$entry},


  schema('netdisco')->txn_do(sub {
    my $gone = $device->power_modules->delete;
    debug sprintf ' [%s] power - removed %d power modules',
      $device->ip, $gone;
    debug sprintf ' [%s] power - added %d new power modules',
      $device->ip, scalar @devicepower;

  schema('netdisco')->txn_do(sub {
    my $gone = $device->powered_ports->delete;
    debug sprintf ' [%s] power - removed %d PoE capable ports',
      $device->ip, $gone;
    debug sprintf ' [%s] power - added %d new PoE capable ports',
      $device->ip, scalar @portpower;

=head2 store_modules( $device, $snmp )

Given a Device database object, and a working SNMP connection, discover and
store the device's module information.

The Device database object can be a fresh L<DBIx::Class::Row> object which is
not yet stored to the database.


sub store_modules {
  my ($device, $snmp) = @_;

  my $e_index = $snmp->e_index;

  if (!defined $e_index) {
      schema('netdisco')->txn_do(sub {
        my $gone = $device->modules->delete;
        debug sprintf ' [%s] modules - removed %d chassis modules',
          $device->ip, $gone;

          ip => $device->ip,
          index => 1,
          parent => 0,
          name => 'chassis',
          class => 'chassis',
          pos => -1,
          # too verbose and link doesn't work anyway
          # description => $device->description,
          sw_ver => $device->os_ver,
          serial => $device->serial,
          model => $device->model,
          fru => \'false',
          last_discover => \'now()',

        sprintf ' [%s] modules - 0 chassis components (added one pseudo for chassis)',


  my $e_descr   = $snmp->e_descr;
  my $e_type    = $snmp->e_type;
  my $e_parent  = $snmp->e_parent;
  my $e_name    = $snmp->e_name;
  my $e_class   = $snmp->e_class;
  my $e_pos     = $snmp->e_pos;
  my $e_hwver   = $snmp->e_hwver;
  my $e_fwver   = $snmp->e_fwver;
  my $e_swver   = $snmp->e_swver;
  my $e_model   = $snmp->e_model;
  my $e_serial  = $snmp->e_serial;
  my $e_fru     = $snmp->e_fru;

  # build device modules list for DBIC
  my @modules;
  foreach my $entry (keys %$e_index) {
      push @modules, {
          index  => $e_index->{$entry},
          type   => $e_type->{$entry},
          parent => $e_parent->{$entry},
          name   => Encode::decode('UTF-8', $e_name->{$entry}),
          class  => $e_class->{$entry},
          pos    => $e_pos->{$entry},
          hw_ver => Encode::decode('UTF-8', $e_hwver->{$entry}),
          fw_ver => Encode::decode('UTF-8', $e_fwver->{$entry}),
          sw_ver => Encode::decode('UTF-8', $e_swver->{$entry}),
          model  => Encode::decode('UTF-8', $e_model->{$entry}),
          serial => Encode::decode('UTF-8', $e_serial->{$entry}),
          fru    => $e_fru->{$entry},
          description => Encode::decode('UTF-8', $e_descr->{$entry}),
          last_discover => \'now()',

  schema('netdisco')->txn_do(sub {
    my $gone = $device->modules->delete;
    debug sprintf ' [%s] modules - removed %d chassis modules',
      $device->ip, $gone;
    debug sprintf ' [%s] modules - added %d new chassis modules',
      $device->ip, scalar @modules;

=head2 store_neighbors( $device, $snmp )

returns: C<@to_discover>

Given a Device database object, and a working SNMP connection, discover and
store the device's port neighbors information.

Entries in the Topology database table will override any discovered device
port relationships.

The Device database object can be a fresh L<DBIx::Class::Row> object which is
not yet stored to the database.

A list of discovererd neighbors will be returned as [C<$ip>, C<$type>] tuples.


sub store_neighbors {
  my ($device, $snmp) = @_;
  my @to_discover = ();

  # first allow any manually configured topology to be set
  _set_manual_topology($device, $snmp);

  if (!defined $snmp->has_topo) {
      debug sprintf ' [%s] neigh - neighbor protocols are not enabled', $device->ip;
      return @to_discover;

  my $interfaces = $snmp->interfaces;
  my $c_if       = $snmp->c_if;
  my $c_port     = $snmp->c_port;
  my $c_id       = $snmp->c_id;
  my $c_platform = $snmp->c_platform;
  my $c_cap      = $snmp->c_cap;

  # v4 and v6 neighbor tables
  my $c_ip = ($snmp->c_ip || {});
  my %c_ipv6 = %{ ($snmp->can('hasLLDP') and $snmp->hasLLDP)
    ? ($snmp->lldp_ipv6 || {}) : {} };

  # remove keys with undef values, as c_ip does
  delete @c_ipv6{ grep { not defined $c_ipv6{$_} } keys %c_ipv6 };
  # now combine them, v6 wins
  $c_ip = { %$c_ip, %c_ipv6 };

  foreach my $entry (sort (List::MoreUtils::uniq( (keys %$c_ip), (keys %$c_cap) ))) {
      if (!defined $c_if->{$entry} or !defined $interfaces->{ $c_if->{$entry} }) {
          debug sprintf ' [%s] neigh - port for IID:%s not resolved, skipping',
            $device->ip, $entry;

      my $port = $interfaces->{ $c_if->{$entry} };
      my $portrow = schema('netdisco')->resultset('DevicePort')
          ->single({ip => $device->ip, port => $port});

      if (!defined $portrow) {
          info sprintf ' [%s] neigh - local port %s not in database!',
            $device->ip, $port;

      my $remote_ip   = $c_ip->{$entry};
      my $remote_ipad = NetAddr::IP::Lite->new($remote_ip);
      my $remote_port = undef;
      my $remote_type = Encode::decode('UTF-8', $c_platform->{$entry} || '');
      my $remote_id   = Encode::decode('UTF-8', $c_id->{$entry});
      my $remote_cap  = $c_cap->{$entry} || [];

      # IP Phone and WAP detection type fixup
      if (scalar @$remote_cap or $remote_type) {
          my $phone_flag = grep {match_devicetype($_, 'phone_capabilities')}
          my $ap_flag    = grep {match_devicetype($_, 'wap_capabilities')}

          if ($phone_flag or match_devicetype($remote_type, 'phone_platforms')) {
              $remote_type = 'IP Phone: '. $remote_type
                if $remote_type !~ /;
          elsif ($ap_flag or match_devicetype($remote_type, 'wap_platforms')) {
              $remote_type = 'AP: '. $remote_type;

          $portrow->update({remote_type => $remote_type});

      if ($portrow->manual_topo) {
          info sprintf ' [%s] neigh - %s has manually defined topology',
            $device->ip, $port;

      next unless $remote_ip;

      # a bunch of heuristics to search known devices if we don't have a
      # useable remote IP...

      if ($remote_ip eq '' or
          $remote_ipad->within(NetAddr::IP::Lite->new(''))) {

          if ($remote_id) {
              my $devices = schema('netdisco')->resultset('Device');
              my $neigh = $devices->single({name => $remote_id});
              info sprintf
                ' [%s] neigh - bad address %s on port %s, searching for %s instead',
                $device->ip, $remote_ip, $port, $remote_id;

              if (!defined $neigh) {
                  my $mac = NetAddr::MAC->new(mac => $remote_id);
                  if ($mac and not $mac->errstr) {
                      $neigh = $devices->single({mac => $mac->as_ieee});

              # some HP switches send as remote_ip if no ip address
              # on default vlan for HP switches remote_ip looks like
              # "myswitchname(012345-012345)"
              if (!defined $neigh) {
                  (my $tmpid = $remote_id) =~ s/.*\(([0-9a-f]{6})-([0-9a-f]{6})\).*/$1$2/;
                  my $mac = NetAddr::MAC->new(mac => $tmpid);
                  if ($mac and not $mac->errstr) {
                      info sprintf
                        '[%s] neigh - found neighbor %s by MAC %s',
                        $device->ip, $remote_id, $mac->as_ieee;
                      $neigh = $devices->single({mac => $mac->as_ieee});

              if (!defined $neigh) {
                  (my $shortid = $remote_id) =~ s/\..*//;
                  $neigh = $devices->single({name => { -ilike => "${shortid}%" }});

              if ($neigh) {
                  $remote_ip = $neigh->ip;
                  info sprintf ' [%s] neigh - found %s with IP %s',
                    $device->ip, $remote_id, $remote_ip;
              else {
                  info sprintf ' [%s] neigh - could not find %s, skipping',
                    $device->ip, $remote_id;
          else {
              info sprintf ' [%s] neigh - skipping unuseable address %s on port %s',
                $device->ip, $remote_ip, $port;

      # what we came here to do.... discover the neighbor(s)
      foreach my $n ((ref $remote_ip) ? @$remote_ip : ($remote_ip)) {
          debug sprintf
            ' [%s] neigh - adding neighbor %s, type [%s], on %s to discovery queue',
            $device->ip, $n, ($remote_type || ''), $port;
          push @to_discover, [$n, $remote_type];

      # devices seeing multiple neighbors on the port
      # pick the highest IP for the neighbor, which results in preferring IPv6
      if (ref [] eq ref $remote_ip) {
          debug sprintf
            ' [%s] neigh - port %s has multiple neighbors, picking highest',
            $device->ip, $port;

          $remote_ip = [reverse sort {NetAddr::IP::Lite->new($a)
                          <=> NetAddr::IP::Lite->new($b)} @$remote_ip]->[0];

      $remote_port = $c_port->{$entry};
      if (defined $remote_port) {
          # clean weird characters
          $remote_port =~ s/[^\d\/\.,()\w:-]+//gi;
      else {
          info sprintf ' [%s] neigh - no remote port found for port %s at %s',
            $device->ip, $port, $remote_ip;

          remote_ip   => $remote_ip,
          remote_port => $remote_port,
          remote_type => $remote_type,
          remote_id   => $remote_id,
          is_uplink   => \"true",
          manual_topo => \"false",

      # update master of our aggregate to be a neighbor of
      # the master on our peer device (a lot of iffs to get there...).
      # & cannot use ->neighbor prefetch because this is the port insert!
      if (defined $portrow->slave_of) {

          my $peer_device = get_device($remote_ip);
          my $master = schema('netdisco')->resultset('DevicePort')->single({
            ip => $device->ip,
            port => $portrow->slave_of

          if ($peer_device and $peer_device->in_storage and $master
              and not ($portrow->is_master or defined $master->slave_of)) {

              my $peer_port = schema('netdisco')->resultset('DevicePort')->single({
                ip   => $peer_device->ip,
                port => $portrow->remote_port,

                  remote_ip => ($peer_device->ip || $remote_ip),
                  remote_port => ($peer_port ? $peer_port->slave_of : undef ),
                  is_uplink => \"true",
                  is_master => \"true",
                  manual_topo => \"false",

  return @to_discover;

# take data from the topology table and update remote_ip and remote_port
# in the devices table. only use root_ips and skip any bad topo entries.
sub _set_manual_topology {
  my ($device, $snmp) = @_;

  schema('netdisco')->txn_do(sub {
    # clear manual topology flags
      ->search({ip => $device->ip})->update({manual_topo => \'false'});

    my $topo_links = schema('netdisco')->resultset('Topology')
      ->search({-or => [dev1 => $device->ip, dev2 => $device->ip]});
    debug sprintf ' [%s] neigh - setting manual topology links', $device->ip;

    while (my $link = $topo_links->next) {
        # could fail for broken topo, but we ignore to try the rest
        try {
            schema('netdisco')->txn_do(sub {
              # only work on root_ips
              my $left  = get_device($link->dev1);
              my $right = get_device($link->dev2);

              # skip bad entries
              return unless ($left->in_storage and $right->in_storage);

                ->single({port => $link->port1})
                  remote_ip => $right->ip,
                  remote_port => $link->port2,
                  remote_type => undef,
                  remote_id   => undef,
                  is_uplink   => \"true",
                  manual_topo => \"true",

                ->single({port => $link->port2})
                  remote_ip => $left->ip,
                  remote_port => $link->port1,
                  remote_type => undef,
                  remote_id   => undef,
                  is_uplink   => \"true",
                  manual_topo => \"true",

=head2 discover_new_neighbors( $device, $snmp )

Given a Device database object, and a working SNMP connection, discover and
store the device's port neighbors information.

Entries in the Topology database table will override any discovered device
port relationships.

The Device database object can be a fresh L<DBIx::Class::Row> object which is
not yet stored to the database.

Any discovered neighbor unknown to Netdisco will have a C<discover> job
immediately queued (subject to the filtering by the C<discover_*> settings).


sub discover_new_neighbors {
  my @to_discover = store_neighbors(@_);

  # only enqueue if device is not already discovered,
  # discover_* config permits the discovery
  foreach my $neighbor (@to_discover) {
      my ($ip, $remote_type) = @$neighbor;

      my $device = get_device($ip);
      next if $device->in_storage;

      if (not is_discoverable($device, $remote_type)) {
          debug sprintf
            ' queue - %s, type [%s] excluded by discover_* config',
            $ip, ($remote_type || '');

        device => $ip,
        action => 'discover',
        subaction => 'with-nodes',
