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    // we use the metadata loaded into the stash to create window tabs
    // each tab is one table
    // all tabs are in the same "form" wrt ajax submission

    // most of the messing about is to get the right form field types
    // also readonly, validation

    [% SET tab_order = [ '' ] %]
    [% FOREACH col IN %]
      [% NEXT UNLESS$col.extra('rel_type') == 'belongs_to' %]
      [% tab_order.push( col ) %]
    [% END %]

    var tabs = [
      [% FOREACH orig_col IN tab_order %]
        [% SET tbl =$orig_col.extra('ref_table') || cpac_table %]
        [% SET conf = cpac.c.$cpac_db.t.$tbl %]
        [% SET meta = cpac.m.t.$tbl %]

        [% NEXT IF conf.create_allowed == 'no' OR conf.update_allowed == 'no' %]
        [% ',' IF orig_col != '' %]{
            [% IF orig_col == '' %]
              title: '[% conf.display_name %]'
            [% ELSE %]
              title: 'New [%$orig_col.extra('display_name') %]'
              ,xtype: 'fieldset'
              ,checkboxToggle: true
              ,checkboxName: 'checkbox.[% orig_col %]'
              ,collapsed: true
            [% END %]

            ,items: [
              [% SET count = 1 %]
              [% FOREACH field IN conf.cols %]
              [% NEXT IF meta.f.$field.extra('is_reverse') OR meta.f.$field.extra('masked_by') %]
              [% NEXT IF orig_col != '' AND meta.f.$field.extra('is_proxy') %]
                [% ',' IF count > 1 %]{
                  [% IF orig_col == '' %]
                    [% IF count == 1 %]
                    name: 'cpac__id'
                    ,id: 'cpac__id'
                    ,xtype: 'hidden'
                    [% END %]
                    name: '[% field | replace('\'', '\\\'') %]'
                    ,id: '[% field | replace('\'', '\\\'') %]'
                  [% ELSE %]
                    name: '[% orig_col %].[% field | replace('\'', '\\\'') %]'
                    ,id: '[% orig_col %].[% field | replace('\'', '\\\'') %]'
                  [% END %]

                  [%= SET count = count + 1 %]
                  [% IF meta.f.$field.is_auto_increment %]
                    ,xtype: 'hidden'
                  }[% NEXT %]
                  [% END -%]

                  ,fieldLabel: '[% conf.headings.$field %]'
                  ,anchor: '-20'
                  ,autoHeight: true
                  [%= IF meta.f.$field.default_value.defined %]
                    ,value: '[% meta.f.$field.default_value | replace('\'', '\\\'') %]'
                  [% END %]

                  [%= IF NOT meta.f.$field.is_nullable
                        AND (NOT meta.f.$field.default_value.defined OR meta.f.$field.default_value) %]
                    ,allowBlank: false
                  [% END %]

                  [%= IF meta.f.$field.is_foreign_key %]
                    ,xtype: 'combo'
                    ,displayField: 'stringified'
                    ,valueField: 'dbid'
                    [% IF orig_col == '' %]
                    ,hiddenName: 'combobox.[% field | replace('\'', '\\\'') %]'
                    [% ELSE %]
                    ,hiddenName: 'combobox.[% orig_col %].[% field | replace('\'', '\\\'') %]'
                    [% END %]
                    ,loadingText: 'Searching...'
                    ,forceSelection: true
                    ,selectOnFocus: true
                    ,typeAhead: false
                    ,pageSize: 5
                    ,triggerAction: 'all'
                    ,store: new ({
                        url: '[% c.uri_for(
                        ) %]'
                        ,root: 'rows'
                        ,totalProperty: 'total'
                        ,fields: [ 'dbid', 'stringified' ]
                        ,listeners: {
                            beforeload: function(store, options) {
                                var start = options.params.start;
                                var limit = options.params.limit;
                       = Math.floor(start / limit) + 1;
                                options.params.fkname = '[% field %]';
                                return true;
                    // allow clearing of value
                    ,listeners: {
                        blur : function() {
                            if (this.allowBlank && this.getRawValue() === '') {
                  [% ELSE %]
                    [% SET localxtype = meta.f.$field.extra('extjs_xtype') OR "textarea" %]
                    ,xtype: '[% localxtype %]'

                    [%= SWITCH localxtype %]
                    [% CASE 'timefield' %]
                    ,format: 'H:i:s'
                    [% CASE 'datefield' %]
                    ,format: 'Y-m-d'
                    [% CASE 'xdatetime' %]
                    ,otherToNow: false
                    ,dateFormat: 'Y-m-d'
                    ,timeFormat: 'H:i:s'
                    [% CASE 'textarea' %]
                    ,grow: true
                    ,growMin: 0
                    ,growMax: 200
                    ,autoHeight: true
                    [% END %]
                  [% END %]
              [% END %]
      [% END %]