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use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
use strict;
use Config;

# Suppress warnings about parameters we allow the user to specify.
$ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Recognized_Att_Keys{CXX} = 1;
$ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Recognized_Att_Keys{XAPIAN_CONFIG} = 1;

my $builddir;

my $srcdir = $0;
if ($srcdir =~ s!/[^/]*$!!) {
    chomp($builddir = `pwd`);
    chdir $srcdir;

my $xapian_config;
my $CC;

open ARGS, '>', 'makefile-pl-args' or die $!;
for (@ARGV) {
    print ARGS $_, "\n";
    if (/^XAPIAN_CONFIG=(.*)/) {
	$xapian_config = $1;
    } elsif (/^CXX=(.*)/) {
	$CC = $1;
close ARGS or die $!;

if (!defined $xapian_config && exists $ENV{XAPIAN_CONFIG}) {
    $xapian_config = $ENV{XAPIAN_CONFIG};
    push @ARGV, "XAPIAN_CONFIG=$xapian_config";
$xapian_config ||= 'xapian-config';

if (!defined $CC && exists $ENV{CXX}) {
    $CC = $ENV{CXX};
    push @ARGV, "CXX=$CC";
$CC ||= 'g++';

my $LD = '$(CC)';
if ($^O eq 'cygwin' and $CC eq 'g++') {
    # Cygwin packages of Perl < 5.9.5 used "ld2" for $Config{ld} and
    # $Config{lddlflags} didn't contain -shared so we need to specify
    # this explicitly.  Perl >= 5.9.5 package do away with "ld2", but
    # it should be harmless to specify "-shared" there.
    $LD = 'g++ -shared';

my $xver = `$xapian_config --version`;
if ($xver eq '') {
    print STDERR <<END;
$xapian_config not found.

You need Xapian installed before you can build Search::Xapian.  If you have
installed Xapian from a package, you will also need to install the correspoding
-dev or -devel package.  If Xapian is installed but xapian-config isn't on your
PATH you can tell Makefile.PL this by running it like so:

    perl Makefile.PL XAPIAN_CONFIG=/path/to/xapian-config
    # Perversely, the CPAN automatic testing script expects exit status 0 to
    # indicate "can't build because of missing dependencies" (which it
    # distinguishes from "all OK" by seeing if Makefile is generated).  So we
    # exit with status 0 in this case to avoid being spammed with useless
    # "bug" reports from testers without Xapian installed.
$xver =~ s/.*\s//; # "xapian 1.0.4" -> "1.0.4"

my $inc = `$xapian_config --cxxflags`;

my $libsvar = 'LIBS';
my $libs = `$xapian_config --libs 2> /dev/null`;
my ($xapian_config_dir) = $xapian_config =~ /^(.*?)[^\/]*$/;
if ($? || ($xapian_config_dir ne '' && -f "${xapian_config_dir}Makefile")) {
    # Assume we're being asked to build against an uninstalled xapian-core.
    my $libtool = "${xapian_config_dir}libtool";
    unless (-x $libtool) {
	die "You've asked me to link against what appears to be an uninstalled xapian-core tree, but I can't find libtool in that tree\n";

    # We can't pass a .la file in LIBS since MakeMaker "knows better" and
    # ignores it.  Passing it in LDLOADLIBS works, but generates a warning.
    # We can avoid the warning by setting LDLOADLIBS using 'macro'.
    $libsvar = 'macro';
    $libs = `$xapian_config --ltlibs`;
    $libs = {'LDLOADLIBS' => $libs};
    $LD = "$libtool --tag=CXX --mode=link $CC -avoid-version -module -no-install";
    $CC = "$libtool --mode=compile $CC";

# Filter out some gcc options which g++ doesn't support.
my $CCFLAGS = $Config{'ccflags'};
# Perl is built with -Wdeclaration-after-statement on RHEL5 - this isn't
# meaningful for C++ - it only emits a warning but it's easy to fix.
$CCFLAGS =~ s/(?:^|\s+)-Wdeclaration-after-statement(?:\s+|$)/ /;
# The generated code causes "variable may be used uninitialized" warnings
# if Perl was built with -Wall.
$CCFLAGS =~ s/(^|\s+)-Wall(\s+|$)/$1-Wall -Wno-uninitialized$2/;

# See lib/ExtUtils/ for details of how to influence
# the contents of the Makefile that is written.
    'NAME'		=> 'Search::Xapian',
    'VERSION_FROM'	=> '', # finds $VERSION
    'PREREQ_PM'		=> {}, # e.g., Module::Name => 1.1
    ($] >= 5.005 ?    ## Add these new keywords supported since 5.005
      (ABSTRACT_FROM => '', # retrieve abstract from module
       AUTHOR     => 'Alex Bowley <>') : ()),
#       AUTHOR     => 'Alex Bowley <>') : ()),
    $libsvar		=> $libs, # e.g., '-lm'
    'DEFINE'		=> '', # e.g., '-DHAVE_SOMETHING'
    'CC'		=> $CC,
    'LD'		=> $LD,
    'INC'		=> $inc, # e.g., '-I/usr/include/other'
    'XSOPT'		=> '-C++',
    # 'typemap'		is implicitly added to this list.
    'TYPEMAPS'		=> [''],
    # Add "make check" as alias for "make test".
    # Make sure that we rebuild the Makefile if the version number changes.
    'depend'		=> { 'check' => 'test', 'Makefile' => '' },

my $VERSION = "unknown";
open F, "Makefile" or die $!;
while (<F>) {
    if (/^VERSION\s*=\s*(\S*)/) {
	$VERSION = $1;
close F;

my ($BASEVERSION) = $VERSION =~ /^([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)/;
if ($xver !~ /^\Q$BASEVERSION\E(?:_svn[0-9]+)?$/) {
    # There's no chance that we'll work with xapian-core 0.x.y.
    my $no_chance = ($xver =~ /^0/);
    my $msg;
    if ($no_chance) {
	$msg = "Xapian version $xver is incompatible with Search::Xapian $VERSION\n";
    } else {
	$msg = "Xapian version $xver may be incompatible with Search::Xapian $VERSION\n";

	# Don't let automated testers continue, as we don't want bogus failure
	# reports due to builds with incompatible versions.
	print $msg;
	# Remove Makefile since "exit status 0 without generating Makefile"
	# is taken to indicate "can't build because of missing dependencies"
	# by CPAN test building scripts.
	unlink "Makefile";
	exit 0;
    if ($no_chance) {
	unlink "Makefile";
	die $msg;
    warn "Warning: $msg";

my @bad;
for my $file (qw(Changes README)) {
    open F, $file or next;
    my $ok;
    while (<F>) {
	if (/\b\Q$VERSION\E\b/) {
	    $ok = 1;
    close F;
    if (!$ok) {
	push @bad, $file;
if (scalar @bad) {
    unlink "Makefile";
    die(join(",",@bad).": No mention of current version: $VERSION\n");

# If we're doing a fake VPATH build, add a stub Makefile which forwards all
# invocations (.DEFAULT is a GNU-make-ism).
if (defined $builddir) {
    open M, '>', "$builddir/Makefile~" or die $!;
    print M <<"EOF";
\t\$(MAKE) -C "$srcdir" \$\@

.PHONY: all Search-Xapian-$VERSION.tar.gz

dist tardist Search-Xapian-$VERSION.tar.gz:
\t\$(MAKE) -C "$srcdir" \$\@
\trm -f Search-Xapian-$VERSION.tar.gz
\tcp "$srcdir"/Search-Xapian-$VERSION.tar.gz .

    close M or die $!;
    rename "$builddir/Makefile~", "$builddir/Makefile" or die $!;

sub MY::postamble {
  return "\$(XS_FILES): ".join(" ", <XS/*.xs>)."\n\ttouch \$(XS_FILES)";