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use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More qw/tests 29/;
#use Test::More qw/no_plan/;

BEGIN { use_ok('TX') };

my @list;
sub capture_list {
  push @list, $_[0] if length $_[0];

my $T=TX->new(delimiters=>[qw/<% %>/], path=>[qw!t/tmpl!], evalcache=>1);
my $v='keep';

is $T->include( 't1', {OUTPUT=>''}, v=>$v ), <<"EOF", 'output as string';

cmp_ok \&TX::include, '==', \&TX::__::include, 'TX::__::include defined';

  eval 'use Test::Output';
  $@ and skip 'Test::Output not installed', 1;

  stdout_is( sub {$T->include( 't1', v=>$v )}, <<"EOF", 'default output' );

$T->include( 't1', {OUTPUT=>\&capture_list}, v=>$v );
#use Data::Dumper; $Data::Dumper::Useqq=1; warn Dumper \@list;

my $expected=[
	      "=========\n  ",
	      "  [t1]",
	      "  [m1]".$v."[/m1]\n",
	      "  [m2]",
is_deeply \@list, $expected, 'output to function';

$T->include( 't1', v=>$v );
is_deeply \@list, $expected, 'default output to function';

$T->include( 't1', {PACKAGE=>'__DUMMY__'}, v=>$v );
is_deeply \@list, $expected, 'using PACKAGE=>__DUMMY__';
cmp_ok \&TX::include, '==', \&__DUMMY__::include, '__DUMMY__::include defined';

eval {
  local $SIG{__WARN__}=sub{};
  $T->include( 't1', {PACKAGE=>'__DUMMY2__'}, v=>$v );
is_deeply \@list, [
		   "=========\n  ",
		   "  [t1]",
		   "  [m1]".$v."[/m1]\n",
		  ], 'export_include=0';
like $@, qr/syntax error\b.+?\binclude\b/s, 'got syntax error';

cmp_ok ref($T->evalcache), 'eq', 'HASH', 'evalcache is a HASH';
cmp_ok scalar keys %{$T->evalcache}, '>', 0, 'and has entries';

$T->prepend='OUT 1/0;';
eval {$T->include( 't1', {OUTPUT=>\&capture_list}, v=>$v )};
is_deeply \@list, $expected, 'after setting prepend to 1/0';
cmp_ok $@, 'eq', '', 'no exception';


eval {$T->include( 't1', {OUTPUT=>\&capture_list}, v=>$v )};
is_deeply \@list, ["=========\n  "], 'after clearing cache';
like $@, qr/division by zero/, 'got exception';

# ADD_V NEW_V #####################################################

is $T->include( 't1', {OUTPUT=>''}, v=>$v ), <<"EOF", 'ADD_V';

is $T->include( 't1', {OUTPUT=>''}, v=>$v ), <<"EOF", 'NEW_V';

$T->include( 't1', {OUTPUT=>\&capture_list}, v=>$v );
#use Data::Dumper; $Data::Dumper::Useqq=1; warn Dumper \@list;

	   "=========\n  ",
	   "  [t1]",
	   "  [m1]w[/m1]\n",
	   "  [m2]",
is_deeply \@list, $expected, 'NEW_V: output to function';

cmp_ok @{$T->Fstack}+@{$T->Vstack}+@{$T->Ostack}+@{$T->Lstack}, '==', 0,
  'stacks cleared';

# auto reload #####################################################
my @cachel=@{$T->cache->{t1}};

$T->include( 't1', {OUTPUT=>''}, v=>$v );
is_deeply $T->cache->{t1}, \@cachel, 'template not reloaded';

rename 't/tmpl/t1.tmpl', 't/tmpl/t1.tmpl.old' or
  die "Cannot rename t/tmpl/t1.tmpl to t/tmpl/t1.tmpl.old: $!";
open my $fh, '>', 't/tmpl/t1.tmpl' or
  die "Cannot open t/tmpl/t1.tmpl for writing: $!";
print $fh do{local @ARGV=('t/tmpl/t1.tmpl.old'); <>} or
  die "Cannot write to t/tmpl/t1.tmpl: $!";
close $fh or
  die "Cannot write to t/tmpl/t1.tmpl: $!";

is $T->include( 't1', v=>$v ), <<"EOF", 't1 still yields the same result';

isnt $T->cache->{t1}->[0], $cachel[0], 'but it has been reloaded';

# binmode=utf8 ####################################################
my $string=$T->include
  ( {filename=>'huhu',
     template=>">>>\n<% OUT include 'lib#m3', {VMODE=>'KEEP'} %><<<\n"}, v=>$v );
cmp_ok length($string), '==', 30, 'length should be 28 but is 30 (expected)';


  ( {filename=>'huhu',
     template=>">>>\n<% OUT include 'lib#m3', {VMODE=>'KEEP'} %><<<\n"}, v=>$v );
cmp_ok length($string), '==', 28, 'length is now 28 (due to utf8 input mode)';

# exception objects ###############################################
undef $T->binmode;
undef $string;

$string=eval {
    ( {filename=>'huhu',
       template=>"###\n<% OUT include 'lib#m3', {VMODE=>'KEEP'}; die 'error' %>%%%\n"}, v=>$v );

ok !defined($string), 'undef result on error';
is $@, "Template Error in huhu(2): error at huhu line 2.\n",
   'error reported at line 2 in file "huhu"';

$string=eval {
    ( {filename=>'huhu',
       template=>"###\n<% OUT 'huhu'; include 'lib#m3', {VMODE=>'KEEP'}; die ['error'] %>%%%\n"}, v=>$v );

ok !defined($string), 'undef result on error';
ok ref($@) && $@->[0] eq 'error',
   'exception object passed down correctly';

# Local Variables:
# mode: cperl
# End: