The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
package Locale::Country::Multilingual;
$Locale::Country::Multilingual::VERSION = '0.25';
use strict;
use warnings;

use base 'Class::Data::Inheritable';

use 5.008;

use Symbol;
use File::Spec;
use Carp;

__PACKAGE__->mk_classdata(dir => (__FILE__ =~ /(.+)\.pm/)[0]);
__PACKAGE__->mk_classdata(languages => {});

use constant CODE => 0;
use constant COUNTRY => 1;
use constant LOCALE_CODE_ALPHA_2 => 0;
use constant LOCALE_CODE_ALPHA_3 => 1;
use constant LOCALE_CODE_NUMERIC => 2;
use constant MAP_LOCALE_CODE_STR_TO_IDX => {

croak __PACKAGE__->dir, ": $!"
    unless -d __PACKAGE__->dir;

sub import {
    my $class = shift;

    return unless @_;

    my $opts = ref($_[-1]) eq 'HASH' ? pop : {};


    $class->_load_data($_) for @_;

sub new {
    my $class = shift;
    my %args;

    %args = @_ if @_;
    return bless {
        use_io_layer => 0,
    }, $class;

sub set_lang {
    my $self = shift;

    $self->{'lang'} = shift if @_;

sub assert_lang {
    my $self = shift;

    foreach (@_) {
        eval { $self->_load_data($_) }
            and return $_;
    return undef;

sub code2country {
    my $self = shift;
    my $code = shift
        or return;

    return if $code =~ /\W/;

    my $lang = shift || $self->{lang} || 'en';
    my $language = $self->_load_data($lang);

    if ($code =~ /^\d+$/) {
        return $language->[CODE]->[LOCALE_CODE_NUMERIC]->{$code + 0};
    } elsif (length($code) == 2) {
        return $language->[CODE]->[LOCALE_CODE_ALPHA_2]->{uc($code)};
    } elsif (length($code) == 3) {
        return $language->[CODE]->[LOCALE_CODE_ALPHA_3]->{uc($code)};

sub country2code {
    my ($self, $country, $codeset, $lang) = @_;

    return undef unless defined $country;
    $country = lc($country);

    $lang ||= $self->{lang} || 'en';
    my $language = $self->_load_data($lang);

    return $language->[COUNTRY]
        ->[MAP_LOCALE_CODE_STR_TO_IDX->{$codeset || 'LOCALE_CODE_ALPHA_2'} || 0]

sub all_country_codes {
    my ($self, $codeset) = @_;

    my $lang ||= $self->{lang} || 'en';
    my $language = $self->_load_data($lang);

    return keys %{
        ->[MAP_LOCALE_CODE_STR_TO_IDX->{$codeset || 'LOCALE_CODE_ALPHA_2'} || 0]

sub all_country_names {
    my ($self, $lang) = @_;

    $lang ||= $self->{lang} || 'en';
    my $language = $self->_load_data($lang);

    return values %{ $language->[CODE]->[LOCALE_CODE_ALPHA_2] };

sub _load_data {
    my $self = shift;
    my $lang = lc shift;

    my $languages = $self->languages;
    my $language = $languages->{$lang};

    return $language if ref $language;        # already set

    ($lang, my $fh) = $self->_open_dat($lang);
    binmode $fh, ':utf8'
        if $self->use_io_layer or ref($self) and $self->{use_io_layer};

    $language = $languages->{$lang} = [[], []];

    my $codes = $language->[CODE];
    my $countries = $language->[COUNTRY];
    while (my $line = <$fh>) {
        chomp $line;
        my ($alpha2, $alpha3, $numeric, @countries) = split(/:/, $line);
        next unless ($alpha2);
        $codes->[LOCALE_CODE_ALPHA_2]->{$alpha2} = $countries[0];
        $codes->[LOCALE_CODE_ALPHA_3]->{$alpha3} = $countries[0] if ($alpha3);
        $codes->[LOCALE_CODE_NUMERIC]->{$numeric + 0} = $countries[0] if ($numeric);
        foreach my $country (@countries) {
            $countries->[LOCALE_CODE_ALPHA_2]->{"\L$country"} = $alpha2;
            $countries->[LOCALE_CODE_ALPHA_3]->{"\L$country"} = $alpha3 if ($alpha3);
            $countries->[LOCALE_CODE_NUMERIC]->{"\L$country"} = $numeric if ($numeric);
    close $fh;        # be a nice kid

    return $language;

sub _open_dat {
    my $self = shift;
    my $filename = shift || '';
    my $fh = gensym;        # required before Perl 5.6
    my @errors;
    my $lang;                # stores the actual name used for loading

    # backwards compatibility
    if ($filename eq 'cn') {
        $filename = 'zh';        # zh is simplified Han Chinese (hans)
    elsif ($filename eq 'tw') {
        $filename = 'zh-tw';        # zh-tw is traditional Han Chinese (hant)

    # be tolerant on language identifier format as long as language comes
    # first, optionally followed by region:
    # "en_GB", "en-gb", "EN -> GB" is all the same.
    for (my @lang = split /[^A-Za-z]+/, $filename; @lang; pop @lang) {
        $lang = join('-', @lang);
        $filename = File::Spec->catfile($self->dir, "$lang.dat");
        open $fh, $filename
            and return $lang => $fh
            or push @errors, "$filename: $!";
    # succeed or die
    croak join(', ', @errors);



=encoding utf-8

=head1 NAME

Locale::Country::Multilingual - Map ISO codes to localized country names

=head1 VERSION

version 0.25


    use Locale::Country::Multilingual {use_io_layer => 1};

    my $lcm = Locale::Country::Multilingual->new();
    my $country = $lcm->code2country('JP');        # $country gets 'Japan'
    $country = $lcm->code2country('CHN');       # $country gets 'China'
    $country = $lcm->code2country('250');       # $country gets 'France'
    my $code    = $lcm->country2code('Norway');    # $code gets 'NO'

    $lcm->set_lang('zh'); # set default language to Chinese
    $country = $lcm->code2country('CN');        # $country gets '中国'
    $code    = $lcm->country2code('日本');      # $code gets 'JP'

    my @codes   = $lcm->all_country_codes();
    my @names   = $lcm->all_country_names();

    # more heavy call
    my $lang = 'en';
    $country = $lcm->code2country('CN', $lang);        # $country gets 'China'
    $lang = 'zh';
    $country = $lcm->code2country('CN', $lang);        # $country gets '中国'

    my $CODE = 'LOCALE_CODE_ALPHA_2'; # by default
    $code    = $lcm->country2code('Norway', $CODE);    # $code gets 'NO'
    $code    = $lcm->country2code('Norway', $CODE);    # $code gets 'NOR'
    $code    = $lcm->country2code('Norway', $CODE);    # $code gets '578'
    $code    = $lcm->country2code('挪威', $CODE, 'zh');    # with lang=zh

    $lang = 'zh';
    @codes   = $lcm->all_country_codes($CODE);         # return codes with 3alpha
    @names   = $lcm->all_country_names($lang);         # get all Chinese Countries Names


C<Locale::Country::Multilingual> is an OO replacement for
L<Locale::Country|Locale::Country>, and supports country names in several

=head2 Language Codes

A language is selected by a two-letter language code as described by
ISO 639-1 L<>.
This code can be amended by a two-letter region code, that is described by
ISO 3166-1 L<>.
This combination of language and region is also described in RFC 4646
L<> and RFC 4647
L<>, and is commonly used for
HTTP 1.1 L<> and the POSIX
L<setlocale(3)> function. Codes can be given in small or capital letters
and be divided by an arbitrary string of none-letter ASCII bytes (but
C<"-"> or C<"_"> is recommended).

=head2 Language Selection Fallback

In case a language code contains a region, language selection falls back to
the two-letter language code if no specific language file for the region
exists. Example: For C<"zh_CN"> selection will fall back to C<"zh"> since
there is no file F<"zh-cn.dat"> - actually C<"zh.dat"> happens to contain
the country names in Simplified (Han) Chinese.


=head2 ISO Compliance

C<ISO-3166> defines I<country> codes in upper case letters. C<ISO-639>
defines I<language> codes in lower case letters. This facilitates
differentiation between language and country codes.

Beginning with release version 0.20 method L</country2code> returns country
codes in capital letters. On the input side all methods accept country and
language codes in any case for maximum convenience.

This document uses upper case letters for country codes and lower case
letters for language codes.

=head2 Unicode Support

Unicode implementation before release 0.07 was broken. In fact it still is
for the benefit of downwards compatibility, but can be fixed by using the
C<use_io_layer> option. If you use this module without C<use_io_layer>,
then your code is broken.

Beginning with release 0.30 C<use_io_layer> will be enabled by default.

Beginning with release 0.40 C<use_io_layer> will be removed.

=head2 Deprecated Languages

Releases before 0.09 of this module offered languages C<"cn"> and C<"tw">.
Those were replaced by C<"zh"> and C<"zh-tw"> to comply with the ISO 639
standard and RFC 2616. C<"cn"> and C<"tw"> are still supported, but will be
removed in a near future - probably in release 0.30.

=head1 METHODS

=head2 import

  use Locale::Country::Multilingual 'en', 'fr', {use_io_layer => 1};

The C<import> class method is called when a module is C<use>'d.
Language files can be pre-loaded at compile time, by specifying their
language codes. This can be useful when several processes are forked
from the main application, e.g. in an Apache C<mod_perl> environment -
language data that is loaded before forking is shared by all processes and
thus saving memory.

The last argument can be a reference to a hash of options.

The only option ATM is C<use_io_layer> and works for Perl 5.8 and higher. See
for more information.

=head2 new

  $lcm = Locale::Country::Multilingual->new;
  $lcm = Locale::Country::Multilingual->new(
    lang => 'es',
    use_io_layer => 1,

Constructor method. Accepts optional list of named arguments:

=over 4

=item lang

The language to use. See L</AVAILABLE LANGAUGES> for what codes are

=item use_io_layer

Set this C<true> if you need correct encoding behavior. See
for more information.


=head2 set_lang


Set the current language. Only argument is a language code as described in
the L</DESCRIPTION> above.

See L</AVAILABLE LANGAUGES> for what codes are accepted.

This method does not actually load the language data. Use L</assert_lang>
if you really need to know for sure if a language is supported.

=head2 assert_lang

  $lang = $lcm->assert_lang('es', 'it', 'fr');

Tries to load any of the given languages. Returns the language code for
the first language that was successfully loaded. Returns C<undef> if none
of the given languages could be loaded. Actually loads the language data,
but does not L<set the language|/set_lang>, so you probably want to use it
this way:

  $lang = $lcm->assert_lang(qw/es it fr en/)
    and $lcm->set_lang($lang)
    or die "unable to load any language\n";

=head2 code2country

  $country = $lcm->code2country('GB');
  $country = $lcm->code2country('GB', 'zh');

Turns an ISO 3166-1 code into a country name in the current language.
The default language is C<"en">.

Accepts either two-letter or a three-letter code or a 3 digit numerical code.

A language might be given as second argument to set the output language only
for this call - it does not change the current language, that was set with

Returns the country name.

This method L<croaks|Carp> if the language is not available.

=head2 country2code

  $code = $lcm->country2code(
    'République tchèque', 'LOCALE_CODE_ALPHA_2', 'fr'

Take a country name and return the two-letter code when available.
Aside from being case-insensitive the country must be written exactly the
way how L</code2country> returns it.

The second argument is optional and can be one of C<"LOCALE_CODE_ALPHA_2">,

The third argument is the language to use for the country name and is
optional too.

Returns an ISO-3166 code or C<undef> if search fails.

This method L<croaks|Carp> if the language is not available.

=head2 all_country_codes

  @countrycodes = $lcm->all_country_codes;
  @countrycodes = $lcm->all_country_codes($codeset);

Returns an unsorted list of all ISO-3166 codes.

The argument is optional and can be one of C<"LOCALE_CODE_ALPHA_2">,

=head2 all_country_names

  @countrynames = $lcm->all_country_names;
  @countrynames = $lcm->all_country_names('fr');

Returns an unsorted list of country names in the current or given locale.


=over 4

=item en English

=item bg Bulgarian

=item bn Bengali

=item ca Catalan

=item cs Czech

=item cy Welsh

=item da Danish

=item de German

=item dz Dzongkha

=item el Greek

=item eo Esperanto

=item es Spanish

=item et Estonian

=item eu Basque

=item fa Persian

=item fi Finnish

=item fo Faroese

=item fr French

=item ga Irish

=item gl Galician

=item gu Gujarati

=item he Hebrew

=item hi Hindi

=item hr Croatian

=item hu Hungarian

=item hy Armenian

=item id Indonesian

=item ii Sichuan Yi

=item is Icelandic

=item it Italian

=item ja Japanese

=item ka Georgian

=item km Central Khmer

=item kn Kannada

=item ko Korean

=item ln Lingala

=item lo Lao

=item lt Lithuanian

=item lv Latvian

=item mk Macedonian

=item ml Malayalam

=item mn Mongolian

=item ms Malay

=item mt Maltese

=item my Burmese

=item nb Norwegian Bokmål

=item ne Nepali

=item nl Dutch

=item nn Norwegian Nynorsk

=item no Norwegian

=item pl Polish

=item ps Pushto

=item pt Portuguese

=item ro Romanian

=item ru Russian

=item se Northern Sami

=item sk Slovak

=item sl Slovenian

=item so Somali

=item sq Albanian

=item sr Serbian

=item sv Swedish

=item sw Swahili

=item ta Tamil

=item te Telugu

=item th Thai

=item to Tonga

=item tr Turkish

=item uk Ukrainian

=item ur Urdu

=item uz Uzbek

=item vi Vietnamese

=item zh (zh-cn) Chinese Simp.

=item zh-tw Chinese Trad.


Language files are more or less (in-)complete and fall back to English.
Corrections, additions and more languages are highly appreciated.


=over 4

=item GitHub



=head1 SEE ALSO

ISO 639 L<>,
ISO 3166 L<>,
RFC 2616 L<>
RFC 4646 L<>,
RFC 4647 L<>,
Unicode CLDR Project L<>


Thanks to michele ongaro for Italian/Spanish/Portuguese/German/French/Japanese dat files.

Thanks to Andreas Marienborg for Norwegian dat file.

Thanks to all contributors of the Unicode CLDR Project.


Part of the data used for this module is generated from data provided by
the CLDR project. See the LICENSE.cldr in this distribution for details
on the CLDR data's license.

=head1 AUTHORS

=over 4

=item *

Bernhard Graf <>

=item *

Fayland Lam <>

=item *

Greg Oschwald <>



This software is copyright (c) 2014 by Fayland Lam.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.



# ABSTRACT: Map ISO codes to localized country names