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=head1 NAME

Perl::Tags - Generate (possibly exuberant) Ctags style tags for Perl sourcecode


        use Perl::Tags;
        my $naive_tagger = Perl::Tags::Naive->new( max_level=>2 );
            files => ['', ''],

Recursively follows C<use> and C<require> statements, up to a maximum
of C<max_level>.

The implemented tagger, C<Perl::Tags::Naive> is a more-or-less straight
ripoff, slightly updated, of the original pltags code, and is rather
naive.  It should be possible to subclass using something like C<PPI>
or C<Text::Balanced>, though be aware that this is alpha software and
the internals are subject to change (so get in touch to let me know
what you want to do and I'll try to help).


    * Recursive, incremental tagging.
    * parses `use_ok`/`require_ok` line from Test::More

=head1 USING with VIM

C<Perl::Tags> is designed to be used with vim.  My C<~/.vim/ftplugin/perl.vim>
contains the following:

    setlocal iskeyword+=:  " make tags with :: in them useful

    if ! exists("s:defined_functions")
    function s:init_tags()
        perl <<EOF
            use Perl::Tags;
            $naive_tagger = Perl::Tags::Naive->new( max_level=>2 );
                # only go one level down by default

    function s:do_tags(filename)
        perl <<EOF
            my $filename = VIM::Eval('a:filename');

            $naive_tagger->process(files => $filename, refresh=>1 );

            # we'll now do a global (for this PID) tags file which will get updated as you source dive.

            my $tagsfile="/tmp/tags_$$";

            # of course, it may not even output, for example, if there's nothing new to process
            $naive_tagger->output( outfile => $tagsfile );

    call s:init_tags() " only the first time

    let s:defined_functions = 1

    call s:do_tags(expand('%'))

=head1 METHODS


package Perl::Tags;
use strict; use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
use File::Spec;

use overload q("") => \&to_string;
our $VERSION = 0.23;

=head2 C<new>

L<Perl::Tags> is an abstract baseclass.  L<Perl::Tags::Naive> is provided
and can be instantiated with C<new>.

    $naive_tagger = Perl::Tags::Naive->new( max_level=>2 );

Accepts the following parameters

    max_level:    levels of "use" statements to descend into, default 2
    do_variables: tag variables?  default 1 (true)
    exts:         use the Exuberant extensions


sub new {
    my $class = shift;
    my %options = (
        max_level    => 2, # go into next file, but not down the whole tree
        do_variables => 1, 

    my $self = \%options;

    return bless $self, $class;

=head2 C<to_string>

A L<Perl::Tags> object will stringify to a textual representation of a ctags file.

    print $tagger;


sub to_string {
    my $self = shift;
    my $tags = $self->{tags} or return '';
    my %tags = %$tags;

    my $s; # to test

    my @lines;

    # the structure is an HoHoA of
    #   {tag_name}
    #       {file_name}
    #           [ tags ]
    #   where the file_name level is to allow us to prioritize tags from
    #   first-included files (on the basis that they may well be the files we
    #   want to see first.

    my $ord = $self->{order};
    my @names = sort keys %$tags;
    for (@names) {
        my $files = $tags{$_};
        push @lines, map { @{$files->{$_}} } 
            sort { $ord->{$a} <=> $ord->{$b} } keys %$files;
    return join "\n", @lines;

=head2 C<clean_file>

Delete all tags, but without touching the "order" seen, that way, if the tags are recreated, they will remain near the top
of the "interestingness" tree


sub clean_file {
    my ($self, $file) = @_;
    my $tags = $self->{tags} or die "Trying to clean '$file', but there's no tags";
    for my $name (keys %$tags) {
        delete $tags->{$name}{$file};
    delete $self->{seen}{$file};
    # we don't delete the {order} though

=head2 C<output>

Save the file to disk if it has changed.  (The private C<{is_dirty}> attribute
is used, as the tags object may be made up incrementally and recursively within
your IDE.


sub output {
    my $self = shift;
    my %options = @_;
    my $outfile = $options{outfile} or die "No file to write to";

    return unless $self->{is_dirty} || ! -e $outfile;

    open (my $OUT, '>', $outfile) or die "Couldn't open $outfile for write: $!";
    print $OUT $self;
    close $OUT or die "Couldn't close $outfile for write: $!";

    $self->{is_dirty} = 0;

=head2 C<process>

Scan one or more Perl file for tags

        files => [ '',  '' ] 
        files   => '',
        refresh => 1,


sub process {
    my $self = shift;
    my %options = @_;
    my $files = $options{files} || die "No file passed to process";
    my @files = ref $files ? @$files : ($files);

    $self->queue( map { 
                          { file=>$_, level=>1, refresh=>$options{refresh} } 
                      } @files);

    while (my $file = $self->popqueue) {
        $self->process_item( %options, %$file );
    return 1;

=head2 C<queue>, C<popqueue>

Internal methods managing the processing


sub queue {
    my $self = shift;
    for (@_) {
        push @{$self->{queue}}, $_ unless $_->{level} > $self->{max_level};

sub popqueue {
    my $self = shift;
    return pop @{$self->{queue}};

=head2 C<process_item>, C<process_file>

Do the heavy lifting for C<process> above.


sub process_item {
    my $self = shift;
    my %options = @_;
    my $file  = $options{file} || die "No file passed to proces";

    # make filename absolute, (this could become an option if appropriately refactored)
    # but because of my usage (tags_$PID file in /tmp) I need the absolute path anyway,
    # and it prevents the file being included twice under slightly different names
    # (unless you have 2 hardlinked copies, as I do for my .vim/ directory... bah)
    $file = File::Spec->rel2abs( $file ) ;

    if ($self->{seen}{$file}++) {
        return unless $options{refresh};
        $self->clean_file( $file );

    $self->{is_dirty}++; # we haven't yet been written out

    $self->{order}{$file} = $self->{curr_order}++ || 0;

    $self->{current} = {
        file          => $file,
        package_name  => '',
        has_subs      => 0,
        var_continues => 0,
        level         => $options{level},

    my @parsers = $self->get_parsers(); # function refs
    $self->process_file( $file, @parsers );

    return $self->{tags};

sub process_file {
    my ($self, $file, @parsers) = @_;

    open (my $IN, '<', $file) or die "Couldn't open file `$file`: $!\n";

    # default line by line parsing.  Or override it

    while (<$IN>) {
        my $statement = my $line = $_;
        PARSELOOP: for my $parser (@parsers) {
            my @tags = $parser->( $self, 
                                  $file );
            $self->register( $file, @tags );

=head2 C<register>

The parsing is done by a number of lightweight objects (parsers) which look
for subroutine references, variables, module inclusion etc.  When they are
successful, they call the C<register> method in the main tags object.


sub register {
    my ($self, $file, @tags) = @_;
    for my $tag (@tags) {
        $tag->on_register( $self ) or next;
        $tag->{pkg} ||=  $self->{current}{package_name};
        $tag->{exts} ||= $self->{exts};

        # and copy absolute file if requested
        # $tag->{file} = $file if $self->{absolute};

        my $name = $tag->{name};
        push @{ $self->{tags}{$name}{$file} }, $tag;

=head2 C<get_parsers>

Return the parses for this object.  Abstract, see L<Perl::Tags::Naive> below.


sub get_parsers {
    die "Tried to call get_parsers in virtual superclass\n";

package Perl::Tags::Naive;
our @ISA = qw/Perl::Tags/;

=head1 C<Perl::Tags::Naive>

A naive implementation.  That is to say, it's based on the classic C<> script
distributed with Perl, which is by and large a better bet than the results produced by
C<ctags>.  But a "better" approach may be to integrate this with PPI.

=head2 Subclassing

See L<TodoTagger> in the C<t/> directory of the distribution for a fully
working example (tested in <t/02_subclass.t>).  You may want to reuse parsers
in the ::Naive package, or use all of the existing parsers and add your own.

    package My::Tagger;
    use Perl::Tags;
    our @ISA = qw( Perl::Tags::Naive );

    sub get_parsers {
        my $self = shift;
        return (
            $self->can('todo_line'),     # a new parser
            $self->SUPER::get_parsers(), # all ::Naive's parsers
            # or maybe...
            $self->can('variable'),      # one of ::Naive's parsers

    sub todo_line { 
        # your new parser code here!
    sub package_line {
        # override one of ::Naive's parsers

Because ::Naive uses C<can('parser')> instead of C<\&parser>, you
can just override a particular parser by redefining in the subclass. 

=head2 C<get_parsers>

The following parsers are defined by this module.

=over 4


sub get_parsers {
    my $self = shift;
    return (

=item C<trim>

A filter rather than a parser, removes whitespace and comments.


sub trim {
    # naughtily work on arg inplace
    $_[1] =~ s/#.*//;  # remove comment.  Naively
    $_[1] =~ s/^\s*//; # Trim spaces
    $_[1] =~ s/\s*$//;


=item C<variable>

Tags definitions of C<my>, C<our>, and C<local> variables.
Unlike C<>, we don't yet handle continuations for this
or for other  parsers (e.g.

    my ( $var1,
         $var2 );   # <--- $var2 won't be tagged

Returns a L<Perl::Tags::Tag::Var> if found


sub variable {
    # don't handle continuing thingy for now
    my ($self, $line, $statement, $file) = @_;

    return unless $self->{do_variables}; 
        # I'm not sure I see this as all that useful

    if ($self->{var_continues} || $statement =~/^(my|our|local)\b/) {

        $self->{current}{var_continues} = ! ($statement=~/;$/);
        $statement =~s/=.*$//; 
            # remove RHS with extreme prejudice
            # and also not accounting for things like
            # my $x=my $y=my $z;

        my @vars = $statement=~/[\$@%]((?:\w|:)+)\b/g;

        # use Data::Dumper;
        # print Dumper({ vars => \@vars, statement => $statement });

        return map { 
                name => $_,
                file => $file,
                line => $line,
                linenum => $.,
        } @vars;

=item C<package_line>

Parse a package declaration, returning a L<Perl::Tags::Tag::Package> if found.


sub package_line {
    my ($self, $line, $statement, $file) = @_;

    if ($statement=~/^package\s+((?:\w|:)+)\b/) {
        return (
                name => $1,
                file => $file,
                line => $line,
                linenum => $.,

=item C<sub_line>

Parse the declaration of a subroutine, returning a L<Perl::Tags::Tag::Sub> if found.


sub sub_line {
    my ($self, $line, $statement, $file) = @_;
    if ($statement=~/sub\s+(\w+)\b/) {
        return (
                name => $1,
                file => $file,
                line => $line,
                linenum => $.,


=item C<use_line>

Parse a use, require, and also a use_ok line (from Test::More).
Uses a dummy tag (L<Perl::Tags::Tag::Recurse> to do so).


sub use_line {
    my ($self, $line, $statement, $file) = @_;

    my @ret;
    if ($statement=~/^(?:use|require)(_ok\(?)?\s+(.*)/) {
        my @packages = split /\s+/, $2; # may be more than one if base
        @packages = ($packages[0]) if $1; # if use_ok ecc. from Test::More

        for (@packages) {
            $1 and push @ret, Perl::Tags::Tag::Recurse->new( 
                name => $1, 
                line=>'dummy' );
    return @ret;


=head1 C<Perl::Tags::Tag>

A superclass for tags


package Perl::Tags::Tag;

use overload q("") => \&to_string;

=head2 C<new>

Returns a new tag object


sub new {
    my $class = shift;
    my %options = @_;

    $options{type} = $class->type;

    # chomp and escape line
    chomp (my $line = $options{line});

    $line =~ s{\\}{\\\\}g;
    $line =~ s{/}{\\/}g;

    my $self = bless {
        name   => $options{name},
        file   => $options{file},
        type   => $options{type},
        is_static => $options{is_static},
        line   => $line,
        linenum => $options{linenum},
        exts   => $options{exts}, # exuberant?
        pkg    => $options{pkg},  # package name
    }, $class;

    return $self;

=head2 C<type>, C<modify_options>

Abstract methods


sub type {
    die "Tried to call 'type' on virtual superclass";

sub modify_options { return } # no change

=head2 C<to_string>

A tag stringifies to an appropriate line in a ctags file.


sub to_string {
    my $self = shift;

    my $name = $self->{name} or die;
    my $file = $self->{file} or die;
    my $line = $self->{line} or die;
    my $linenum = $self->{linenum};
    my $pkg  = $self->{pkg} || '';

    my $tagline = "$name\t$file\t/^$line\$/";

    # Exuberant extensions
    if ($self->{exts}) {
        $tagline .= qq(;"\t$self->{type});
        $tagline .= "\tline:$linenum";
        $tagline .= ($self->{is_static} ? "\tfile:" : '');
        $tagline .= ($self->{pkg} ? "\tclass:$self->{pkg}" : '');
    return $tagline;

=head2 C<on_register>

Allows tag to meddle with process when registered with the main tagger object.
Return false if want to prevent registration (true normally).`


sub on_register {
    # my $self = shift;
    # my $tags = shift;
    # .... do stuff in subclasses

    return 1;  # or undef to prevent registration

=head1 C<Perl::Tags::Tag::Package>

=head2 C<type>: p

=head2 C<modify_options>

Sets static=0

=head2 C<on_register>

Sets the package name


package Perl::Tags::Tag::Package;
our @ISA = qw/Perl::Tags::Tag/;

    # QUOTE:
        # Make a tag for this package unless we're told not to.  A
        # package is never static.

sub type { 'p' }

sub modify_options {
    my $self = shift;
    $self->{is_static} = 0;

sub on_register {
    my ($self, $tags) = @_;
    $tags->{current}{package_name} = $self->{name};

=head1 C<Perl::Tags::Tag::Var>

=head2 C<type>: v

=head2 C<on_register>

        Make a tag for this variable unless we're told not to.  We
        assume that a variable is always static, unless it appears
        in a package before any sub.  (Not necessarily true, but
        it's ok for most purposes and Vim works fine even if it is
            - comments


package Perl::Tags::Tag::Var;
our @ISA = qw/Perl::Tags::Tag/;

sub type { 'v' }

    # QUOTE:

sub on_register {
    my ($self, $tags) = @_;
    $self->{is_static} = ( $tags->{current}{package_name} || $tags->{current}{has_subs} ) ? 1 : 0;

    return 1;
=head1 C<Perl::Tags::Tag::Sub>

=head2 C<type>: s

=head2 C<on_register>

        Make a tag for this sub unless we're told not to.  We assume
        that a sub is static, unless it appears in a package.  (Not
        necessarily true, but it's ok for most purposes and Vim works
        fine even if it is incorrect)
            - pltags comments


package Perl::Tags::Tag::Sub;
our @ISA = qw/Perl::Tags::Tag/;

sub type { 's' }

sub on_register {
    my ($self, $tags) = @_;
    $tags->{current}{has_subs}++ ;
    $self->{is_static}++ unless $tags->{current}{package_name};

    return 1;

=head1 C<Perl::Tags::Tag::Recurse>

=head2 C<type>: dummy

=head2 C<on_register>

Recurse adding this new module to the queue.


package Perl::Tags::Tag::Recurse;
our @ISA = qw/Perl::Tags::Tag/;

use Module::Locate qw/locate/;

sub type { 'dummy' }

sub on_register {
    my ($self, $tags) = @_;

    my $name = $self->{name};
    my $path;
    eval {
        $path = locate( $name ); # or warn "Couldn't find path for $module";
    # return if $@;
    return unless $path;
    $tags->queue( { file=>$path, level=>$tags->{current}{level}+1 , refresh=>0} );
    return; # don't get added



    osfameron (2006) -

For support, try emailing me or grabbing me on irc on

This was originally ripped off, as distributed with vim
and available from L<>
Version 2.3, 28 February 2002
Written by Michael Schaap <>. 

This is licensed under the same terms as Perl itself.  (Or as Vim if you prefer).
