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#    ____  ____  _____              _    ____ ___   ____
#   |  _ \|  _ \|  ___|  _   _     / \  |  _ \_ _| |___ \
#   | |_) | | | | |_    (_) (_)   / _ \ | |_) | |    __) |
#   |  __/| |_| |  _|    _   _   / ___ \|  __/| |   / __/
#   |_|   |____/|_|     (_) (_) /_/   \_\_|  |___| |_____|
#   A Perl Module Chain to faciliate the Creation and Modification
#   of High-Quality "Portable Document Format (PDF)" Files.
#   Copyright Martin Hosken <>
#   No warranty or expression of effectiveness, least of all regarding
#   anyone's safety, is implied in this software or documentation.
#   This specific module is licensed under the Perl Artistic License.
#   $Id:,v 2.0 2005/11/16 02:16:00 areibens Exp $
package PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Coverage;

=head1 TITLE

PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Coverage - Opentype coverage and class definition objects


Coverage tables and class definition objects are virtually identical concepts
in OpenType. Their difference comes purely in their storage. Therefore we can
say that a coverage table is a class definition in which the class definition
for each glyph is the corresponding index in the coverage table. The resulting
data structure is that a Coverage table has the following fields:

=item cover

A boolean to indicate whether this table is a coverage table (TRUE) or a
class definition (FALSE)

=item val

A hash of glyph ids against values (either coverage index or class value)

=item fmt

The storage format used is given here, but is recalculated when the table
is written out.

=item count

A count of the elements in a coverage table for use with add. Each subsequent
addition is added with the current count and increments the count.

=head1 METHODS


=head2 new($isCover [, vals])

Creates a new coverage table or class definition table, depending upon the
value of $isCover. if $isCover then vals may be a list of glyphs to include in order.
If no $isCover, then vals is a hash of glyphs against class values.


sub new
    my ($class) = shift;
    my ($isCover) = shift;
    my ($self) = {};

    $self->{'cover'} = $isCover;
    $self->{'count'} = 0;
    if ($isCover)
        my ($v);
        foreach $v (@_)
        { $self->{'val'}{$v} = $self->{'count'}++; }
    { $self->{'val'} = {@_}; }
    bless $self, $class;

=head2 read($fh)

Reads the coverage/class table from the given file handle


sub read
    my ($self, $fh) = @_;
    my ($dat, $fmt, $num, $i, $c);

    $fh->read($dat, 4);
    ($fmt, $num) = unpack("n2", $dat);
    $self->{'fmt'} = $fmt;

    if ($self->{'cover'})
        if ($fmt == 1)
            $fh->read($dat, $num << 1);
            map {$self->{'val'}{$_} = $i++} unpack("n*", $dat);
        } elsif ($fmt == 2)
            $fh->read($dat, $num * 6);
            for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++)
                ($first, $last, $c) = unpack("n3", substr($dat, $i * 6, 6));
                map {$self->{'val'}{$_} = $c++} ($first .. $last);
    } elsif ($fmt == 1)
        $fh->read($dat, 2);
        $first = $num;
        ($num) = unpack("n", $dat);
        $fh->read($dat, $num << 1);
        map {$self->{'val'}{$first++} = $_} unpack("n*", $dat);
    } elsif ($fmt == 2)
        $fh->read($dat, $num * 6);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++)
            ($first, $last, $c) = unpack("n3", substr($dat, $i * 6, 6));
            map {$self->{'val'}{$_} = $c} ($first .. $last);

=head2 out($fh, $state)

Writes the coverage/class table to the given file handle. If $state is 1 then
the output string is returned rather than being output to a filehandle.


sub out
    my ($self, $fh, $state) = @_;
    my ($g, $eff, $grp, $out);
    my ($shipout) = ($state ? sub {$out .= $_[0];} : sub {$fh->print($_[0]);});
    my (@gids) = sort {$a <=> $b} keys %{$self->{'val'}};

    $fmt = 1; $grp = 1;
    for ($i = 1; $i <= $#gids; $i++)
        if ($self->{'val'}{$gids[$i]} < $self->{'val'}{$gids[$i-1]} && $self->{'cover'})
            $fmt = 2;
        } elsif ($gids[$i] == $gids[$i-1] + 1)
        { $eff++; }
        { $grp++; }
    if ($self->{'cover'})
    { $fmt = 2 if ($eff / $grp > 4); }
    { $fmt = 2 if ($grp > 1); }

    if ($fmt == 1 && $self->{'cover'})
        my ($last) = 0;
        &$shipout(pack('n2', 1, scalar @gids));
        &$shipout(pack('n*', @gids));
    } elsif ($fmt == 1)
        my ($last) = $gids[0];
        &$shipout(pack("n3", 1, $last, $gids[-1] - $last + 1));
        foreach $g (@gids)
            if ($g > $last + 1)
            { &$shipout(pack('n*', 0 x ($g - $last - 1))); }
            &$shipout(pack('n', $self->{'val'}{$g}));
            $last = $g;
    } else
        my ($start, $end, $ind, $numloc, $endloc, $num);
        &$shipout(pack("n2", 2, 0));
        $numloc = $fh->tell() - 2 unless $state;

        $start = 0; $end = 0; $num = 0;
        while ($end < $#gids)
            if ($gids[$end + 1] == $gids[$end] + 1
                && $self->{'val'}{$gids[$end + 1]}
                        == $self->{'val'}{$gids[$end]}
                           + ($self->{'cover'} ? 1 : 0))

            &$shipout(pack("n3", $gids[$start], $gids[$end],
            $start = $end + 1;
        &$shipout(pack("n3", $gids[$start], $gids[$end],
        if ($state)
        { substr($out, 2, 2) = pack('n', $num); }
            $endloc = $fh->tell();
            $fh->seek($numloc, 0);
            $fh->print(pack("n", $num));
            $fh->seek($endloc, 0);
    return ($state ? $out : $self);

=head2 $c->add($glyphid)

Adds a glyph id to the coverage table incrementing the count so that each subsequent addition
has the next sequential number. Returns the index number of the glyphid added


sub add
    my ($self, $gid) = @_;

    return $self->{'val'}{$gid} if (defined $self->{'val'}{$gid});
    $self->{'val'}{$gid} = $self->{'count'};
    return $self->{'count'}++;

=head2 $c->out_xml($context)

Outputs this coverage/class in XML


sub out_xml
    my ($self, $context, $depth) = @_;
    my ($fh) = $context->{'fh'};

    $fh->print("$depth<" . ($self->{'cover'} ? 'coverage' : 'class') . ">\n");
    foreach $gid (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %{$self->{'val'}})
        $fh->printf("$depth$context->{'indent'}<gref glyph='%s' val='%s'/>\n", $gid, $self->{'val'}{$gid});
    $fh->print("$depth</" . ($self->{'cover'} ? 'coverage' : 'class') . ">\n");

sub release
{ return( $_[0] ); }

=head1 AUTHOR

Martin Hosken See L<PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Font> for copyright and

