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package AI::Prolog::Engine;
$REVISION = '$Id:,v 1.13 2005/08/06 23:28:40 ovid Exp $';
$VERSION = '0.2';
use strict;
use warnings;

use Scalar::Util qw/looks_like_number/;

use aliased 'AI::Prolog::Term';
use aliased 'AI::Prolog::Term::Cut';
use aliased 'AI::Prolog::Term::Number';
use aliased 'AI::Prolog::TermList';
use aliased 'AI::Prolog::TermList::Step';
use aliased 'AI::Prolog::TermList::Primitive';
use aliased 'AI::Prolog::KnowledgeBase';
use aliased 'AI::Prolog::Parser';
use aliased 'AI::Prolog::ChoicePoint';

use AI::Prolog::Engine::Primitives;

use constant OnceMark => 'OnceMark';

# The engine is what executes prolog queries.
# Author emeritus:  Dr. Michael Winikoff
# Translation to Perl:  Curtis "Ovid" Poe

# $prog An initial program - this will be extended
# $term The query to be executed

# This governs whether tracing is done
sub trace {
    my $self = shift;
    if (@_) {
        $self->{_trace} = shift;
        return $self;
    return $self->{_trace};

sub halt {
    my $self = shift;
    if (@_) {
        $self->{_halt} = shift;
        return $self;
    return $self->{_halt};

my $FORMATTED = 1;
sub formatted {
    my $self = shift;
    if (@_) {
        $FORMATTED = shift;
        return $self;
    return $FORMATTED;

sub raw_results {
    my $self = shift;
    if (@_) {
        $RAW_RESULTS = shift;
        if ($RAW_RESULTS) {
        return $self;
    return $RAW_RESULTS;

my $BUILTIN = 0;
sub _adding_builtins {
    my $self = shift;
    if (@_) {
        $BUILTIN = shift;
        return $self;
    return $BUILTIN;

sub new {
    my ($class, $term, $prog) = @_;
    my $self = bless {
        # The stack holds choicepoints and a list of variables
        # which need to be un-bound upon backtracking.
	    _stack          => [],
        _db             => KnowledgeBase->new, 
        _goal           => TermList->new($term,undef), # TermList
	    _call           => $term, # Term
        _run_called     => undef,
        _cp             => undef,
        _retract_clause => undef,
        _trace          => 0, # whether or not tracing is done
        _halt           => 0, # will stop the aiprolog shell
    } => $class;

    # to add a new primitive, use the binding operator (:=) to assign a unique
    # index to the primitive and add the corresponding definition to
    eval {
        $self->{_db} = Parser->consult(<<'        END_PROG', $prog);
            ne(X, Y) :- not(eq(X,Y)).
            if(X,Y,Z) :- once(wprologtest(X,R)) , wprologcase(R,Y,Z).
            wprologtest(X,yes) :- call(X). wprologtest(X,no). 
            wprologcase(yes,X,Y) :- call(X). 
            wprologcase(no,X,Y) :- call(Y).
            not(X)  :- if(X,fail,true). 
            or(X,Y) :- call(X).
            or(X,Y) :- call(Y).
            % the following are handled internally.  Don't use the
            % := operator.  Eventually, I'll make this a fatal error.
            % See AI::Prolog::Engine::Builtins to see the code for these
            !          :=  1.
            call(X)    :=  2. 
            fail       :=  3. 
            consult(X) :=  4.
            assert(X)  :=  5.
            retract(X) :=  7.
            retract(X) :- retract(X).
            listing    :=  8.
            listing(X) :=  9.
            print(X)   := 10.
            write(X)   := 10.
            println(X) := 11.
            writeln(X) := 11.
            nl         := 12. 
            trace      := 13.
            notrace    := 13.
            is(X,Y)    := 15.
            gt(X,Y)    := 16.
            lt(X,Y)    := 17.
            ge(X,Y)    := 19.
            le(X,Y)    := 20.
            halt       := 22.
            var(X)     := 23.
            %seq(X)     := 30.
            help       := 31.
            help(X)    := 32.
            gensym(X)  := 33.
            not(X) :- X, !, fail.
            %if(X, Yes, _ ) :- seq(X), !, seq(Yes).
            %if(X, _  , No) :- seq(No).
            %if(X, Yes) :- seq(X), !, seq(Yes).
            %if(X, _  ).
            %or(X,Y) :- seq(X).
            %or(X,Y) :- seq(Y).
            once(X) :- X , !.
    if ($@) {
        require Carp;
        Carp::croak("Engine->new failed.  Cannot parse default program: $@");
    $self->{_retract_clause} = $self->{_db}->get("retract/1");
    return $self;

sub query {
    my ($self, $query)   = @_;
    $self->{_stack}      = [];
    $self->{_run_called} = undef;
    $self->{_goal}       = TermList->new($query);
    $self->{_call}       = $query;
    return $self;

sub _stack    { shift->{_stack} }
sub _db       { shift->{_db}    }
sub _goal     { shift->{_goal}  }
sub _call     { shift->{_call}  }

sub dump_goal {
    my ($self) = @_;
    if ($self->{_goal}) {
        _print("\n= Goals: "  .$self->{_goal}->to_string);
        _print("\n==> Try:  " .$self->{_goal}->next_clause->to_string."\n")
            if $self->{_goal}->next_clause;
    else {
        _print("\n= Goals: null\n");

sub results {
    my $self = shift;
    if ($self->{_run_called}) {
        return unless $self->backtrack;
    else {
        $self->{_run_called} = 1;

sub _run {
    my ($self)   = @_;
    my $stackTop = 0;

    while (1) {
        $stackTop = @{$self->{_stack}};

        if ($self->{_goal} && $self->{_goal}->isa(Step)) {
            $self->{_goal} = $self->{_goal}->next;
            if ($self->{_goal}) {
            $self->{_step_flag} = 1;
        $self->dump_goal if $self->{_trace};
        $self->step      if $self->{_step_flag};
        unless ($self->{_goal}) {
            # we've succeeded.  return results
            if ($self->formatted) {
                return $self->_call->to_string;
            else {
                my @results = $self->_call->to_data;
                return $self->raw_results ? $results[1]
                     :                      $results[0]
        unless ($self->{_goal} && $self->{_goal}{term}) {
            require Carp;
            Carp::croak("Engine->run fatal error.  goal->term is null!");
        unless ($self->{_goal}->{next_clause}) {
            my $predicate  = $self->{_goal}{term}->predicate;
            _warn("WARNING:  undefined predicate ($predicate)\n");
            next if $self->backtrack; # if we backtracked, try again
            return;                   # otherwise, we failed

        my $clause = $self->{_goal}->{next_clause};
        if (my $next_clause = $clause->{next_clause}) {
            push @{$self->{_stack}} => $self->{_cp} = ChoicePoint->new(
        my $vars = [];
        my $curr_term  = $clause->{term}->refresh($vars);
        if ($curr_term->unify( $self->{_goal}->term, $self->{_stack} )) {
            $clause = $clause->{next};
            if ($clause && $clause->isa(Primitive)) {
                if (! $self->do_primitive($self->{_goal}->{term}, $clause)
                    && ! $self->backtrack) {
            elsif (! $clause) { # matching against fact
                $self->{_goal} = $self->{_goal}->{next};
                if ($self->{_goal}) {
            else { # replace goal by clause body
                my ($p, $p1, $ptail); # termlists
                for (my $i = 1; $clause; $i++) {
                    # will there only be one CUT?
                    if ($clause->{term} eq Term->CUT) {
                        $p = TermList->new(Cut->new($stackTop));
                    else {
                        $p = TermList->new($clause->{term}->refresh($vars));

                    if ($i == 1) {
                        $p1 = $ptail = $p;
                    else {
                        $ptail = $p; # XXX ?
                    $clause = $clause->{next};
                $self->{_goal} = $p1;
        else { # unify failed.  Must backtrack
            return unless $self->backtrack;

sub backtrack {
    my $self = shift;
    _print(" <<== Backtrack: \n") if $self->{_trace};
    while (@{$self->{_stack}}) {
        my $o = pop @{$self->{_stack}};

        if (UNIVERSAL::isa($o, Term)) {
        elsif (UNIVERSAL::isa($o, ChoicePoint)) {
            $self->{_goal} = $o->{goal};
            # XXX This could be very dangerous if we accidentally try
            # to assign a term to itself!  See ChoicePoint->next_clause
            return 1;

sub _print { # convenient testing hook
    print @_;

sub _warn { # convenient testing hook
    warn @_;

use constant RETURN   => 2;

sub do_primitive { # returns false if fails
    my ($self, $term, $c) = @_;
    my $primitive = AI::Prolog::Engine::Primitives->find($c->ID)
        or die sprintf "Cannot find primitive for %s (ID: %d)\n", $term->to_string, $c->ID;
    return unless my $result = $primitive->($self, $term, $c);
    return 1 if RETURN == $result;
    $self->{_goal} = $self->{_goal}->next;
    if ($self->{_goal}) {
    return 1; 



=head1 NAME

AI::Prolog::Engine - Run queries against a Prolog database.


 my $engine = AI::Prolog::Engine->new($query, $database).
 while (my $results = $engine->results) {
     print "$result\n";


C<AI::Prolog::Engine> is a Prolog engine implemented in Perl.

The C<new()> function actually bootstraps some Prolog code onto your program to
give you access to the built in predicates listed in the
L<AI::Prolog::Builtins|AI::Prolog::Builtins> documentation.

This documentation is provided for completeness.  You probably want to use


=head2 C<new($query, $database)>

This creates a new Prolog engine.  The first argument must be of type
C<AI::Prolog::Term> and the second must be a database created by

 my $database = Parser->consult($some_prolog_program);
 my $query    = Term->new('steals(badguy, X).');
 my $engine   = Engine->new($query, $database);
 while (my $results = $engine->results) {
    print $results, $/;

The need to have a query at the same time you're instantiating the engine is a
bit of a drawback based upon the original W-Prolog work.  I will likely remove
this drawback in the future.

=head2 C<formatted([$boolean])>

The default value of C<formatted> is true.  This method, if passed a true
value, will cause C<results> to return a nicely formatted string representing
the output of the program.  This string will loosely correspond with the
expected output of a Prolog program.

If false, all calls to C<result> will return Perl data structures instead of
nicely formatted output.

If called with no arguments, this method returns the current C<formatted>

 Engine->formatted(1); # turn on formatting
 Engine->formatted(0); # turn off formatting (default)
 if (Engine->formatted) {
     # test if formatting is enabled

B<Note>: if you choose to use the L<AI::Prolog|AI::Prolog> interface instead of
interacting directly with this class, that interface will set C<formatted> to
false.  You will have to set it back in your code if you do not wish this

 use AI::Prolog;
 my $logic = AI::Prolog->new($prog_text);
 AI::Logic::Engine->formatted(1); # if you want formatted to true
 while (my $results = $logic->results) {
    print "$results\n";

=head2 C<raw_results([$boolean])>

The default value of C<raw_results> is false.  Setting this property to a true
value automatically sets C<formatted> to false.  C<results> will return the raw
data structures generated by questions when this property is true.
 Engine->raw_results(1); # turn on raw results
 Engine->raw_results(0); # turn off raw results (default)
 if (Engine->raw_results) {
     # test if raw results is enabled

=head2 C<trace($boolean)>

Set this to a true value to turn on tracing.  This will trace through the
engine's goal satisfaction process while it's running.  This is very slow.

 Engine->trace(1); # turn on tracing
 Engine->trace(0); # turn off tracing


=head2 C<results()>

This method will return the results from the last run query, one result at a
time.  It will return false when there are no more results.  If C<formatted> is
true, it will return a string representation of those results:

 while (my $results = $engine->results) {
    print "$results\n";

If C<formatted> is false, C<$results> will be an object with methods matching
the variables in the query.  Call those methods to access the variables:

 $engine->query('steals(badguy, STUFF, VICTIM).');
 while (my $r = $engine->results) {
     printf "badguy steals %s from %s\n", $r->STUFF, $r->VICTIM;

If necessary, you can get access to the full, raw results by setting
C<raw_results> to true.  In this mode, the results are returned as an array
reference with the functor as the first element and an additional element for
each term.  Lists are represented as array references.

 $engine->query('steals(badguy, STUFF, VICTIM).');
 while (my $r = $engine->results) {
    # do stuff with $r in the form:
    # ['steals', 'badguy', $STUFF, $VICTIM]

=head2 C<query($query)>

If you already have an engine object instantiated, call the C<query()> method
for subsequent queries.  Internally, when calling C<new()>, the engine
bootstraps a set of Prolog predicates to provide the built ins.  However, this
process is slow.  Subsequent queries to the same engine with the C<query()>
method can double the speed of your program.
 my $engine   = Engine->new($query, $database);
 while (my $results = $engine->results) {
    print $results, $/;
 $query = Term->new("steals(ovid, X).");
 while (my $results = $engine->results) {
    print $results, $/;

=head1 BUGS

A query using C<[HEAD|TAIL]> syntax does not bind properly with the C<TAIL>
variable when returning a result object.  This is due to a bug in
L<AI::Prolog::Term|AI::Prolog::Term>'s C<_to_data()> method.

Solutions:  use C<raw_results> and parse the resulting data structure yourself
or restructure you query to not require the C<[HEAD|TAIL]> syntax.

=head1 AUTHOR

Curtis "Ovid" Poe, E<lt>moc tod oohay ta eop_divo_sitrucE<gt>

Reverse the name to email me.

This work is based on W-Prolog,,
by Dr. Michael Winikoff.  Many thanks to Dr. Winikoff for granting me
permission to port this.


Copyright 2005 by Curtis "Ovid" Poe

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as Perl itself. 
