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=head1 NAME

Bio::Metabolic::Network - Perl extension for biochemical reaction networks


  use Bio::Metabolic::Network;

  my $net = Bio::Metabolic::Network->new($reaction1, $reaction2, ... );


This class implements objects representing biochemical reaction networks.
A reaction network is defined a number of biochemical reactions.

=head2 EXPORT



  String Conversion
    $string = "$network";
    print "\$network = '$network'\n";

    if ($network1 <= $network2)...

=head1 AUTHOR

Oliver Ebenhoeh,

=head1 SEE ALSO

Bio::Metabolic Bio::Metabolic::Substrate Bio::Metabolic::Substrate::Cluster Bio::Metabolic::Reaction.


package Bio::Metabolic::Network;

require 5.005_62;
use strict;
use warnings;

require Exporter;

use Bio::Metabolic::Substrate;
use Bio::Metabolic::Substrate::Cluster;
use PDL;
use PDL::Matrix;

#use Math::Symbolic;
#use Math::Symbolic::VectorCalculus;

#use PDL::Matrix::Extras;

use Carp;

use overload
  "\"\"" => \&network_to_string,
  "+"    => \&add_networks,
  "<="   => \&is_in,
  ">="   => sub {
    my $n1 = shift;
    my $n2 = shift;
    return ( $n2 <= $n1 );
  "==" => sub {
    my $n1 = shift;
    my $n2 = shift;
    return ( $n1 <= $n2 && $n2 <= $n1 );

our @ISA = qw(Exporter);

# Items to export into callers namespace by default. Note: do not export
# names by default without a very good reason. Use EXPORT_OK instead.
# Do not simply export all your public functions/methods/constants.

# This allows declaration	use Bio::Metabolic::Network ':all';
# If you do not need this, moving things directly into @EXPORT or @EXPORT_OK
# will save memory.
our %EXPORT_TAGS = (
    'all' => [


our @EXPORT_OK = ( @{ $EXPORT_TAGS{'all'} } );

our @EXPORT = qw(

our $VERSION = '0.07';

our %OutputFormat = (
    'substrate' => "%20s",
    'entry'     => "%5d"

# Below is stub documentation for your module. You better edit it!

=head1 METHODS

=head2 Constructor new

Returns a new Bio::Metabolic::Network object.
Passed arguments must be Bio::Metabolic::Reaction objects.

Every network object is associated with a matrx, the stoichiometric matrix. 
This matrix is defined by the reactions and gets determined upon creation.


sub new {
    my $pkg       = shift;
    my @reactions = @_ ? $_[0] =~ /ARRAY/ ? @{ $_[0] } : @_ : ();

    #  my $reactions = @_ ? shift : [ ];

    #  $reactions = [$reactions, @_] unless ref($reactions) =~ /ARRAY/;

    my $new_network = bless { reactions => \@reactions } => $pkg;

    return $new_network;

=head2 Method copy

Returns a clone of the network.
However, the references to the reactions point to exactly the same reactions.
If one gets modified, it effects all networks with that reaction.


sub copy {
    my $orig = shift;
    return ref($orig)->new( $orig->reactions );

=head2 Method reactions

Returns an arrayref of the reactions.


sub reactions {
    return shift->{'reactions'};

=head2 Method has_reaction

Argument is a reaction. Returns 1 if the network contains the raction, 0 otherwise.


sub has_reaction {
    my ( $network, $reaction ) = @_;

    my $nr    = 0;
    my @rlist = @{ $network->reactions };

    #  print "rlist has ".eval(@rlist)." elements\n";
    foreach my $netr (@rlist) {
        $nr++ if ( $netr == $reaction );

    return $nr;

=head2 Method add_reaction

Argument is a Bio::Metabolic::Reaction. 
Alters the object in-line, adding the reaction to the list.


sub add_reaction {
    my ( $network, $reaction ) = @_;

    unless ( $network->has_reaction($reaction) ) {
        push( @{ $network->reactions }, $reaction );

=head2 Method remove_reaction

Argument is a Bio::Metabolic::Reaction. 
Altering the object in-line, removeing the reaction from the network.
Return undef if network did not have the reaction, 1 on success.


sub remove_reaction {
    my ( $network, $reaction ) = @_;

    return undef unless $network->has_reaction($reaction);

    my $cut  = 0;
    my $netr = $network->reactions;
    my $cnt  = 0;
    while ( $cnt < @$netr ) {
        if ( $netr->[$cnt] == $reaction ) {
            splice( @$netr, $cnt, 1 );
        else {

    #  print "remove_reaction: $cut removed.\n";
    return $cut;

=head2 Method network_to_string

Returns a string representation of the network


sub network_to_string {
    my $network = shift;

    my @rlist  = @{ $network->reactions };
    my $nr     = @rlist;
    my $retstr = "$nr reactions:\n";
    foreach my $r (@rlist) {
        $retstr .= $r . "-------------------------------------------\n";
    return $retstr;

=head2 Method add_networks

Adds an arbitrary number of networks, returning a new object containing all reactions that are
contained at least present in one of the networks.


sub add_networks {
    my @nets = @_;

    # this is due to an extra value passed by the overload Module
    pop(@nets) if ( ref( $nets[ @nets - 1 ] ) ne ref( $nets[0] ) );

    croak("add_network needs at least one network!") if @nets == 0;

    my $newnet = ref( $nets[0] )->new;

    foreach my $network (@nets) {
        foreach my $reaction ( @{ $network->reactions } ) {

    return $newnet;

=head2 Method is_in

$net1->is_in($net2) Returns 1 if all reactions in $net1 also occur in $net2,
i.e. if $net1 is a subnetwork of $net2.


sub is_in {
    my ( $net1, $net2 ) = @_;

    foreach my $reaction ( @{ $net1->reactions } ) {
        return 0 unless $net2->has_reaction($reaction);

    return 1;

=head2 Method dist

Provides a distance measure between networks. Returns the number of reactions that are
different in the two networks.


sub dist {
    my ( $net1, $net2 ) = @_;

    my @r1 = @{ $net1->reactions };
    my @r2 = @{ $net2->reactions };

    my $dist = @r1 > @r2 ? @r1 : @r2;
    foreach my $reaction (@r1) {
        $dist-- if $net2->has_reaction($reaction);

    return $dist;

=head2 Method substrates

Returns a Bio::Metabolic::Substrate::Cluster containing all substrates participating in at least
one reaction.

sub substrates {
    my $network = shift;

    my $cluster = Bio::Metabolic::Substrate::Cluster->new;

    return $cluster->add_clusters(
        map( $_->substrates, @{ $network->reactions } ) );

=head2 Method matrix

Returns the stoichiometric matrix of the network as a PD::Matrix object.


sub matrix {
    my $network = shift;

    $network->{matrix} = shift if @_;
    return $network->{matrix};

=head2 Method new_matrix

determines the stoichiometric matrix of the network defined by its reactions.


sub new_matrix {
    my $network = shift;

    my $reactions  = $network->reactions;
    my $substrates = $network->substrates;

    my @slist = $substrates->list;
    my $cols  = @$reactions;
    my $rows  = @slist;

    #  croak("cannot create matrix from nothing!") if $cols == 0 || $rows == 0;
    if ( $cols == 0 || $rows == 0 ) {
        $network->matrix( PDL::Matrix->null );
        return undef;

    my $matrix = mzeroes( $rows, $cols );

    for ( my $r = 0 ; $r < $cols ; $r++ ) {
        foreach my $substrate ( $reactions->[$r]->substrates->list ) {
            my $s = $substrates->which($substrate);

            $matrix->set( $s, $r,
                $matrix->at( $s, $r ) +
                  $reactions->[$r]->stoichiometry->{ $substrate->name } );


=head2 Method print_matrix

Prints the matrix in a way that describes which substrates are associated with which rows
and which reactions with which columns.


sub print_matrix {
    my $network = shift;

    my $m     = $network->matrix;
    my @slist = $network->substrates->list;

    # changed 7.11.02
    #  my ($cols,$rows) = $m->dims;
    my ( $rows, $cols ) = $m->mdims;

    my $retstr = sprintf( $OutputFormat{'substrate'}, "" );
    for ( my $r = 0 ; $r < $cols ; $r++ ) {
        $retstr .= sprintf( $OutputFormat{'entry'}, $r );
    $retstr .= "\n";

    for ( my $s = 0 ; $s < $rows ; $s++ ) {
        $retstr .= sprintf( $OutputFormat{'substrate'}, $slist[$s] . ": [" );
        for ( my $r = 0 ; $r < $cols ; $r++ ) {

            # changed 7.11.02
            #      $retstr .= sprintf($OutputFormat{'entry'},$m->at($r,$s));
            $retstr .= sprintf( $OutputFormat{'entry'}, $m->at( $s, $r ) );
        $retstr .= "]\n";

    return $retstr;

sub can_convert {
    my $network = shift;

    my @substrates = ();
    if (@_) {
        if ( ref( $_[0] ) eq 'Bio::Metabolic::Substrate::Cluster' ) {
            @substrates = shift->list;
        elsif ( ref( $_[0] ) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
            @substrates = @{ shift() };
        else {
            @substrates = @_;

    my @ex_indices = ();
    my $slist      = $network->substrates;
    foreach my $ext (@substrates) {
        push( @ex_indices, $slist->which($ext) ) if defined $slist->which($ext);

    #  print "deleting rows (".join(',',@ex_indices).")\n";
    my $reduced = $network->matrix->copy;

    #  print "reduced matrix is : $reduced\n";

    my $kernel = $reduced->kernel();

    #  print "kernel is $kernel\n";
    return undef if $kernel->isempty;

    #  my ($kerneldim,$nor) = $kernel->dims();

    my $convert = $network->matrix x $kernel;

    #  print "convert: $convert\n";
    foreach my $ext (@ex_indices) {

        # changed 8.11.02
        #    my $res = $convert->slice(":,($ext)");
        my $res = $convert->slice("($ext),:");
        return undef if ( $res->where( $res != 0 )->isempty );

    return $kernel;

sub is_elementary {
    my $net = shift;

    my $kernel = $net->can_convert(@_);

    return undef unless defined($kernel);

    my @kdims = $kernel->mdims;

    return undef if $kdims[1] != 1;

    return undef if which( $kernel->slice(":,(0)") == 0 )->nelem > 0;

    my $conversion = $net->matrix x $kernel;
    my @cdims      = $conversion->mdims;

    return undef
      if which( $conversion->slice(":,(0)") == 0 )->nelem == $cdims[0];

    return $kernel;

# construction site!!!!!!

#sub conservation_rules {
#  my $network = shift;

#  my $externals = ref($_[0]) =~ /Bio::Metabolic::Substrate::Cluster/ ? $_[0] :
#    Bio::Metabolic::Substrate::Cluster->new(@_);

#  my $st = $network->matrix->copy;
#  my $slist = $network->substrates;

#  my @ext_indeces = ();
#  foreach my $ext ($externals->list) {
#    push (@ext_indeces,$slist->which($ext));
#  }

#  $slist->remove_substrates($externals->list);

#  my $redt = $st->cutrows(@ext_indeces)->xchg(0,1);

#  my $crules = $redt->kernel;
##  print "kernel:\n $crules\n";
#  my @crdims = $crules->dims;
##  print "dimensions: (".join(',',@crdims).")\n";

#  my @rules = ();
#  for (my $i=0;$i<$crdims[0];$i++) {
##    print "generating rule with substrates: ".join(',',$slist->list)."\n";
#    push (@rules, Bio::Metabolic::ConservationRule->get_or_new($slist,$crules->slice("($i),:")));
#  }

#  return wantarray ? @rules : \@rules;

sub fix_influx {
  my $network = shift;
  my $substrate = shift;
  my $influx = shift;

#  print "infinte source is: $INFINITE_SOURCE\n";
#  print "ref: ".ref($INFINITE_SOURCE)."\n";
#  print "substrate is: $substrate\n";
#  print "ref: ".ref($substrate)."\n";

  my $in_reaction = Bio::Metabolic::Reaction->get_or_new("influx_".$substrate->name,[$INFINITE_SOURCE],[$substrate]);

#  print "reaction created: $in_reaction\n";



sub fix_outflux {
  my $network = shift;
  my $substrate = shift;
  my $outflux = shift;

  my $out_reaction = Bio::Metabolic::Reaction->get_or_new("outflux_".$substrate->name,[$substrate],[$INFINITE_SOURCE]);



sub assemble {
  # call: Network->assemble([{'c'=>6},{'c'=1}], $net_db)
  # or: $net->assemble([{'c'=>6},{'c'=1}], $net_db)
  my $network = shift;
  my $externals = shift;
  my $database = shift;

  if (!ref($network)) {
    my $pkg = $network;
    $network = $pkg->new();
    my @rlist = $database->fetch_all_reactions;

  return $network if defined($network->can_convert($externals));

  my $substrates = $network->substrates;

  my ($cols,$rows) = $network->matrix->dims;
  my @posext = ();
  for (my $r=0;$r<$rows;$r++) {
    if (which($network->matrix->slice(":,($r)") != 0)->nelem != 0) {
      push (@posext, $substrates->[$r]);

  my @rchoice;
  if (@posext == 0) {
    @rchoice = $database->fetch_all_reactions;
  } else {
    my $rsub = $posext[int(rand(@posext))];
    @rchoice = $database->fetch_reaction_with_substrate($rsub);


  return $network->assemble($externals, $database);

# experimental area for drawing the motherfuckers!

#sub makegraphs {
#  my $network = shift;

#  my ($in_sub, $out_sub) = ref($_[0]) =~ /ARRAY/ ? @{$_[0]} : @_;

#  my $netgraphs = Bio::Metabolic::Network::Graph->new_from_network($network, $in_sub, $out_sub);
#  print "new graph generated (".eval(@$netgraphs)." designs)\n";

#  my @graphs = ();

#  $|=1;
#  foreach my $ng (@$netgraphs) {
#    print ".";
#    push (@graphs, $ng->to_GD);
#  }
#  print "\n";
#  $|=0;

#  return wantarray ? @graphs : \@graphs;