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#!/usr/bin/env perl
# -*- cperl -*-

# $Id: xsh,v 2.9 2007-04-24 15:02:20 pajas Exp $

package main;
use strict;

use FindBin;
use lib ("$FindBin::RealBin", "$FindBin::RealBin/../lib", "$FindBin::Bin","$FindBin::Bin/../lib", "$FindBin::Bin/lib", "$FindBin::RealBin/lib" );

#use Getopt::Std;
use Getopt::Long;
use Pod::Usage;
use vars qw($opt_q $opt_w $opt_i $help $opt_V $opt_E $opt_e $opt_d
            $opt_c $opt_s $opt_f $opt_g $opt_v $opt_t $opt_T $opt_a
            $opt_l $opt_n $opt_p $opt_P $usage $manpage $opt_HTML $opt_F
            $opt_XML $input $output $process $format $opt_C $opt_D $REVISION);

use IO::Handle;

use XML::XSH2 qw(&xsh_set_output &xsh_get_output &xsh &xsh_init
		&xsh_pwd &set_quiet &set_debug &xsh_context_var
		&set_compile_only_mode &xsh_set_script &xsh_context_node);

  my $optparser=new Getopt::Long::Parser(config => ["bundling"]);
			 "arguments|a" => \$opt_a,
			 "files|F" => \$opt_F,
			 "stdin|t" => \$opt_t,
			 "compile|c" => \$opt_c,
			 "quiet|q" => \$opt_q,
			 "validation|v" => \$opt_v,
			 "format" => \$format,
			 "no-validation|w" => \$opt_w,
			 "debug|d" => \$opt_d,
			 "dump|D=s" => \$opt_D,
			 "no-init|f" => \$opt_f,
			 "help|h" => \$help,
			 "version|V" => \$opt_V,
			 "interactive|i" => \$opt_i,
			 "input|I=s" => \$input,
			 "output|O=s" => \$output,
			 "commands|C" => \$opt_C,
			 "process|P=s" => \$process,
			 "non-interactive|n" => \$opt_n,
			 "pipe|p" => \$opt_p,
			 "html|H" => \$opt_HTML,
			 "xml|X" => \$opt_XML,
			 "trace-grammar|T" => \$opt_T,
			 "benchmark|B" => \$XML::XSH2::Functions::BENCHMARK,
			 "query-encoding|E=s" => \$opt_E,
			 "encoding|e=s" => \$opt_e,
			 "load|l=s" => \$opt_l,
			 "usage|u"        => \$usage,
			 "man"        => \$manpage,
			) or $usage=1;
#  getopts('atscqvwdfhVinTE:e:l:pP');
  $REVISION=q($Revision: 2.9 $);

if ($process and ($input or $output)) {
  print STDERR "Options -P is incompatible with -I and -O!\n";
if ($opt_F and ($process or $input or $output)) {
  print STDERR "Options -F is incompatible with -I, -O, and -P!\n";

# Help and usage
if ($usage) {
  pod2usage(-msg => 'xsh - XML Editing Shell');
#  exit 0;
if ($help) {
  pod2usage(-exitstatus => 0, -verbose => 1);
if ($manpage) {
  pod2usage(-exitstatus => 0, -verbose => 2);

#die "Incompatible options: -a, -C\n" if $opt_a+$opt_C > 1;

my $string;
$opt_a=1 if $opt_F;
if (!$opt_C and !$opt_F and !$opt_a and $opt_l eq "" and -f $ARGV[0]) {
  # suppose the 1st argument is a script,
  # and the rest is its parameters
  $opt_l = shift @ARGV;
} elsif ($opt_C and ($opt_F or $opt_a)) {
  $string  = shift @ARGV;
} elsif ($opt_F and !$opt_l) {
  $string  = shift @ARGV;
} elsif ($opt_a) {
} else {
  # suppose the arguments are XSH commands
  $string=join " ",@ARGV;

die "Incompatible options: --html, --xml\n" if $opt_XML+$opt_HTML > 1;
if ($opt_HTML) {
} elsif ($opt_XML) {

if ($opt_p) {

unless ($opt_n || $opt_i) {
  $opt_i=((-t STDIN) && !$opt_l && !$string) ? 1 : 0;

require Term::ReadLine if $opt_i;

if ($opt_V) {
  my $rev=$REVISION;
  my $funcrev=$XML::XSH2::Functions::REVISION;
  print "XSH2 $XML::XSH2::Functions::VERSION\n".
    " - XML::XSH2::Functions revision $funcrev\n".
    " - Interactive XSH Shell revision $rev\n";
  exit 1;

$::RD_ERRORS = 1; # Make sure the parser dies when it encounters an error
$::RD_WARN   = 1; # Enable warnings. This will warn on unused rules &c.
$::RD_HINT   = 1; # Give out hints to help fix problems.
$::RD_TRACE   = $opt_T; # Give out hints to help fix problems.

my $module;
#if ($opt_g) {
#  $module="XML::XSH2::GDOMECompat";
#} else {
XML::XSH2::Functions::set_encoding($opt_e) if $opt_e;
XML::XSH2::Functions::set_qencoding($opt_E) if $opt_E;
$XML::XSH2::Functions::DUMP = $opt_D;

my $doc=XML::XSH2::Functions::create_doc('$scratch',"scratch",'xml','scratch.xml');

# recode arguments using query encoding
$_=XML::XSH2::Functions::toUTF8($XML::XSH2::Functions::QUERY_ENCODING,$_) for (@ARGV,@XML::XSH2::Map::ARGV);

# XPath variant of perlish {@ARGV} ($ARGV[1] is the first arg though)
$XML::XSH2::Map::ARGV = XML::LibXML::NodeList->new(map { XML::XSH2::Functions::cast_value_to_objects($_) } @XML::XSH2::Map::ARGV);

if ($opt_w) {
} elsif ($opt_v) {

if ($format) {
  print "FORMAT: $XML::XSH2::Map::INDENT $XML::XSH2::Map::KEEP_BLANKS\n";

my $l;

unless ($opt_f) {
  eval {
    my $ini = "$ENV{HOME}/.xsh2rc";
    if (-r $ini) {
      open my $INI, '<:bytes',$ini || die "cannot open $ini";
      close $INI;
  if ($@) {
    print STDERR "Error occured while reading ~/.xsh2rc\n";
    print STDERR "$@\n";

if ($opt_i) {
  unless ($opt_q) {
    my $rev=$REVISION;
    $rev=" xsh - XML Editing Shell version $XML::XSH2::Functions::VERSION\n";
    print STDERR "-"x length($rev),"\n";
    print STDERR $rev;
    print STDERR "-"x length($rev),"\n\n";
    print STDERR "Copyright (c) 2002 Petr Pajas.\n";
    print STDERR "This is free software, you may use it and distribute it under\n";
    print STDERR "either the GNU GPL Version 2, or under the Perl Artistic License.\n";
} else {

if ($process ne "") {

if ($opt_p) {
  $input  ||= '-';
  $output ||= '-';

foreach ($input, $output) {

print STDERR "\$INPUT_FILENAME := '$input'\n" if $opt_d;
print STDERR "\$INPUT := open \$INPUT_FILENAME\n" if $opt_d;
if ($input) {
  xsh("\$INPUT := open \$INPUT_FILENAME;");
if ($output) {

if ($opt_l) {
  open(my $load,'<:bytes',"$opt_l") || do { print STDERR "Error loading $opt_l: $!\n"; exit 1 };
  my $s = join "",<$load>;
  close $load;
  if ($opt_F) {
    $string= '' unless defined($string);
    xsh("for \$INPUT_FILENAME in {\@ARGV} { \$INPUT := open \$INPUT_FILENAME; do { $s\n};\n$string\n}");
    undef $string;
    exit unless $opt_i;
  } else {

if ($string) {
  print "xsh> $string\n" if ($opt_i and not $opt_q);
  if ($opt_F) {
    $string = "for \$INPUT_FILENAME in {\@ARGV} { \$INPUT := open \$INPUT_FILENAME; $string }";
    print "xsh> $string\n" if ($opt_i and not $opt_q);
    exit unless $opt_i;
  } else {
    print "xsh> $string\n" if ($opt_i and not $opt_q);
  print "\n" if ($opt_i and not $opt_q);

my $term;
sub _term { $term };

if ($opt_i) {
  $term = new Term::ReadLine('xsh');
    [sub { 
       my ($exit_code,$term)=@_;
       if ($term->can('GetHistory')) {
	 eval {
	   print STDERR "saving $XML::XSH2::Functions::HISTFILE\n";
	   open my $HIST,'>:bytes', $XML::XSH2::Functions::HISTFILE || die "cannot open $XML::XSH2::Functions::HISTFILE";
	   print $HIST join("\n",$term->GetHistory());
	   close $HIST;
	   print STDERR "done\n";
	 if ($@) {
	   print STDERR "Error occured while writing to $XML::XSH2::Functions::HISTFILE\n";
	   print STDERR "$@\n";

  eval {
    if (-r $XML::XSH2::Functions::HISTFILE) {
      open my $HIST,'<:bytes',$XML::XSH2::Functions::HISTFILE;
      $term->addhistory(map { chomp; $_ } <$HIST>);
      close $HIST;
  if ($@) {
    print STDERR "Error occured while reading from $XML::XSH2::Functions::HISTFILE\n";
    print STDERR "$@\n";

#  XML::XSH2::Completion::cpl();
  if ($term->ReadLine eq "Term::ReadLine::Gnu") {
    $term->Attribs->{attempted_completion_function} = \&XML::XSH2::Completion::gnu_complete;
    $term->Attribs->{completion_entry_function} = sub { return () };
    $term->Attribs->{completer_word_break_characters} = " =\t\n\r\"'`;|&})[{(]";
    $term->Attribs->{horizontal_scroll_mode} = 0;
  } else {
    $readline::rl_completion_function = 'XML::XSH2::Completion::perl_complete';
    $readline::rl_completer_word_break_characters = " =\t\n\r\"'`;|&})[{(]";
  xsh_set_output($term->OUT) if ($term->OUT);
  unless ("$opt_q") {
    print STDERR "Using terminal type: ",$term->ReadLine,"\n";
      print STDERR "Hint: Type `help' or `help | less' to get more help.\n";
  while (defined ($l=get_line($term,prompt(),''))) {
    while ($l=~/\\+\s*$/) {
      my $a=get_line($term,'> ',undef);
      if (defined($a)) {
      } else {
    if ($l=~/\S/) {
      eval { xsh($l); };
      warn $@ if $@;
#      $term->addhistory($l);
  print STDERR "Good bye!\n" if $opt_i and not "$opt_q";
} elsif ((!$opt_p and $string eq "" and $opt_l eq "") or $opt_t) {
  binmode STDIN,':bytes';
  my $s = join "",<STDIN>;
  close STDIN;

if ($output) {
  xsh('save --file $OUTPUT_FILENAME $INPUT');

# get a line of input from ReadLine
# if ^C interruption by user occures return $retonint
sub get_line {
  my ($term,$prompt,$retonint)=@_;
  my $line;
  $SIG{INT}=sub { die 'TRAP-SIGINT'; };
  eval {
    $line = $term->readline($prompt);
  if ($@) {
    if ($@ =~ /TRAP-SIGINT/) {
      print "\n" unless $term->ReadLine eq 'Term::ReadLine::Perl'; # clear screen
      return $retonint;
    } else {
      print STDERR $@,"\n";
  return $line;

# \n - newline
# \r - linefeed
# \\ - backslash
# \nnn - octal character number
# (may include non-printable control chars for terminal control)

# %% percent sign
# %h short hostname
# %H long hostname

# %s shell name (basename of $0)
# %t     the current time in 24-hour HH:MM:SS format
# %T     the current time in 12-hour HH:MM:SS format
# %@     the current time in 12-hour am/pm format
# %A     the current time in 24-hour HH:MM format

# %u     the username of the current user
# %v     the version of XSH (e.g., 2.1.0)
# %V     the revision number of XSH

# %w    working directory (in the filesystem)
# %W    basename of %w

# %p    XPath location of the current node
# %P    XPath location of the current node without a document variable
# %l    XPath location of the current node with ID-shortucts
# %L    XPath location of the current node with ID-shortucts but without a document variable
# %n    name of the current node
# %N    local name of the current node
# %c    cannonical XPath name of the current node
# %y    type of the current node (element,attribute,...)
# %i    ID of the current node
# %d    current document variable

  our %prompt_char = (
    n => "\n",
    "\\" => "\\",  
    t => "\t",
    r => "\r",
    f => "\f",
    b => "\b",
    a => "\a",
    e => "\e" 
sub prompt {
  my $prompt = $XML::XSH2::Functions::PROMPT;

  $prompt =~ s{%(.)}{
    if ($1 eq '%') {
    elsif ($1 eq 'P') {
    elsif ($1 eq 'L') {
    elsif ($1 eq 'p') {
      my $pwd = xsh_pwd(undef,0);
      my $var = xsh_context_var();
    elsif ($1 eq 'l') {
      my $pwd = xsh_pwd(undef,1);
      my $var = xsh_context_var();
      if ( $var ne "" and $pwd =~ s{^id\(}{xsh:id2($var,} ) {
      } else {
    elsif ($1 eq 'i') {
    elsif ($1 eq 'd') {
    elsif ($1 eq 'n') {
      my $node = xsh_context_node();
      if ($node and $node->can('getName')) {
	eval { $node->getName };
      } else {
    elsif ($1 eq 'N') {
      my $node = xsh_context_node();
      if ($node and $node->can('localname')) {
      } else {
    elsif ($1 eq 'c') {
    elsif ($1 eq 'y') {
    elsif ($1 eq 'h') {
       require Sys::Hostname;
       my $host = Sys::Hostname::hostname();
    elsif ($1 eq 'H') {
       require Sys::Hostname;
    elsif ($1 eq 's') {
      my $shell = $0;
    elsif ($1 eq 't') {
      my ($s,$m,$h)= localtime(time);
    elsif ($1 eq 'T') {
      my ($s,$m,$h)=localtime(time);
      sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d",($h < 13 ? $h : $h-12), $m, $s);
    elsif ($1 eq 'A') {
      my ($s,$m,$h)=localtime(time);
      sprintf("%02d:%02d",$h, $m);
    elsif ($1 eq '@') {
      my ($s,$m,$h)=localtime(time);
      sprintf("%02d:%02d",($h < 13 ? $h : $h-12), $m);
	($h>12 ? 'pm' : 'am');
    elsif ($1 eq 'u') {
      scalar getpwuid($<)
    elsif ($1 eq 'v') {
    elsif ($1 eq 'V') {
      my $rev = $XML::XSH2::Functions::REVISION;
      $rev =~ s{.*:\s*|\s*\$\E}{}g;
    elsif ($1 eq 'w') {
      require Cwd;
    elsif ($1 eq 'W') {
      require Cwd;
      my $cwd = Cwd::getcwd();
      $cwd =~ s{.*/}{};
    } else {
  $prompt = eval { XML::XSH2::Functions::_expand($prompt) };
  if ($@) {
    my $err = $@;
    chomp $err;
    $err =~ s/ at .*//;
    warn $err."\n";
    return 'prompt-error>';
  $prompt =~ s{\\(\d{3})|\\(.)}{
    defined($1) ? chr(oct($1)) :
  return $prompt;



=head1 xsh

xsh - XML Editing Shell


  xsh [options] script_or_command
  xsh [options] -al script [arguments ...]
  xsh [options] -aC command [arguments ...]
  xsh [options] -p commands < input.xml > output.xml
  xsh [options] -I input.xml -O output.xml commands
  xsh [options] -P file.xml commands
  xsh [options] -cD ...

  xsh -u          for usage
  xsh -h          for help
  xsh --man       for the manual page


XSH is an shell-like language for XPath-oriented editing, querying and
manipulation of XML and HTML files (with read-only support for DocBook
SGML). C<xsh> can work as an interactive shell (with full command-line
support such as history, TAB-completion, etc.) or as an off-line
interpreter for batch processing of XML files.


See L<XSH2 manual page|XSH2> or
L<> for a complete
XSH language reference.

For a quick help, type C<xsh help> (just C<help> on xsh prompt).

Type C<xsh help commands> to get list of available XSH commands and
C<xsh help B<command>> with B<command> replaced by a XSH command name
to get help on a particular command.


Run C<xsh help Prompt> to get information on how to setup the XSH2
shell prompt.

=head1 OPTIONS

=over 8

=item B<--load|-l> script-file

Load and execute given XSH script (the script is executed before all
other commands provided on the command-line, but after executed

=item B<--commands|-C>

Indicate, that the command-line arguments are XSH commands.

=item B<--arguments|-a>

Indicate, that the command-line arguments are should be passed to the
script via C<@ARGV> (in C<XML::XSH2::Map> namespace). If used with
C<--commands> or without C<--load>, the first argument should contain XSH commands and the
rest are the passed to via C<@ARGV>.

=item B<--files|-F>

Indicate, that the command-line arguments should be treated as input
filenames. If used with C<--commands> or without C<--load>, the first
argument should contain XSH commands. A XSH script specified with
C<--load> or XSH commands specified with C<--commands> (or both in
this order) are evaluated repeatedly on each input file. For example,

  $ xsh -l script.xsh -FC command file1.xml file2.xml ...

is equivalent to

  $ xsh --stdin -aC command file1.xml file2.xml ...
   for $INPUT_FILENAME in { @ARGV } {
     $INPUT := open $INPUT_FILENAME;
     . "script.xsh";

=item B<--stdin|-t>

Don't display command-prompt even if run from a terminal, expecting
XSH commands in the standard input.

=item B<--compile|-c>

Compile the XSH source and report errors, only. No commands are
actually executed.

=item B<--dump|-D>

Compiles XSH source(s) into a stand-alone Perl script which can 
be executed simply with 

  perl [script-arguments ... ]

The compiled Perl script still requires XML::XSH2 modules to
be installed, but since it is already precompiled and also because
loading of XSH grammar parser is not required, it starts almost
instantly, compared to its XSH source.

Note that the compiled script includes init file (unless C<-f> flag
was used), and it also preserves run-time flag settings used during
the compilation.

Use C<-c> to suppress execution of the compiled script.

=item B<--quiet|-q>

Quiet mode: suppress all unnecessary informatory ouptut.

=item B<--format>

Start with indent 1 (on) and keep_blanks 0 (off)
to allow nice indenting of the XML output.

=item B<--validation|-v>

Start with validation, load_ext_dtd, parser_expands_entities
and parser_completes_attributes 1 (on).

=item B<--no-validation|-w>

Start with validation, load_ext_dtd, parser_expands_entities
and parser_completes_attributes 0 (off).

=item B<--debug|-d>

Print some debug messages.

=item B<--no-init|-f>

Ignore ~/.xsh2rc

=item B<--version|-V>

Print XSH version info and exit.

=item B<--interactive|-i>

Start interactive mode with xsh command prompt. By default, the
interactive mode is only started if C<xsh> is running from a terminal
and neither XSH commands nor a script are given on the command-line.

=item B<--non-interactive|-n>

Force non-interactive mode.

=item B<--pipe|-p>

This is a special mode in which xsh acts as a pipe-line processing
tool.  In this mode, first the standard input is read and opened as a
document _ (underscore), then all XSH commands given in ~/.xsh2rc,
command-line and given XSH scripts are applied and finally the
(possibly modified) document _ is dumped back on the standard output.
It is equivallent to C<-I - -O -> and C<-P ->.

=item B<--input|-I> filename

Preload given file as a document with ID _ upon startup.

=item B<--output|-O> filename

Try to saves document with ID _ into given file before XSH ends.

=item B<--process|-P> filename

A convenient shortcut for C<-I filename -O filename>.

=item B<--html|-H>

Make XSH expect HTML documents by default in all open/save operations.

=item B<--xml|-X>

This option is included only for completeness sake.
Make XSH expect XSH documents by default in all open/save operations
(this is the default).

=item B<--trace-grammar|-T>

This option allows tracing the way XSH language parser processes your

=item B<--query-encoding|-E> encoding

Set the encoding that used in the XSH scripts (or keyboard input).

=item B<--encoding|-e> encoding

Set the encoding that should be used for XSH output.

=item B<--usage|-u>

Print a brief help message on usage and exits.

=item B<--help|-h>

Prints the help page and exits.

=item B<--man>

Displays the help as manual page.


=head1 AUTHOR

Petr Pajas <>

Copyright 2000-2003 Petr Pajas, All rights reserved.

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<XSH2>, L<XML::XSH2>, L<XML::XSH2::Compile>, L<XML::LibXML>, L<XML::XUpdate>, L<>
