The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
package Gearman::Worker;
use version;
$Gearman::Worker::VERSION = version->declare("2.004.003");

use strict;
use warnings;

use base "Gearman::Objects";

=head1 NAME

Gearman::Worker - Worker for gearman distributed job system


    use Gearman::Worker;
    my $worker = Gearman::Worker->new;
        host      => '',
        port      => 4730,
        socket_cb => sub {...},
        use_ssl   => 1,
        ca_file   => ...,
        cert_file => ...,
        key_file  => ...,
    $worker->register_function($funcname => $subref);
    $worker->work while 1;


I<Gearman::Worker> is a worker class for the Gearman distributed job system,
providing a framework for receiving and serving jobs from a Gearman server.

Callers instantiate a I<Gearman::Worker> object, register a list of functions
and capabilities that they can handle, then enter an event loop, waiting
for the server to send jobs.

The worker can send a return value back to the server, which then gets
sent back to the client that requested the job; or it can simply execute

=head1 USAGE

=head2 Gearman::Worker->new(%options)

Creates a new I<Gearman::Worker> object, and returns the object.

If I<%options> is provided, initializes the new worker object with the
settings in I<%options>, which can contain:

I<Gearman::Worker> is derived from L<Gearman::Objects>

=over 4

=item * job_servers

List of job servers. Value should be an array reference, hash reference
or scalar.
It will be ignored if this worker is running as a child
process of a gearman server.

=item * prefix

Calls I<prefix> (see below) to set the prefix / namespace.


=head2 $worker-E<gt>prefix($prefix)

Sets the namespace / prefix for the function names.  This is useful
for sharing job servers between different applications or different
instances of the same application (different development sandboxes for

The namespace is currently implemented as a simple tab separated
concatenation of the prefix and the function name.


=head2 Summation

This is an example worker that receives a request to sum up a list of

    use Gearman::Worker;
    use Storable qw( thaw );
    use List::Util qw( sum );
    my $worker = Gearman::Worker->new;
    $worker->register_function(sum => sub { sum @{ thaw($_[0]->arg) } });
    $worker->work while 1;

See the L<Gearman::Client> documentation for a sample client sending the
I<sum> job.

=head1 METHODS


use Carp          ();
use Gearman::Util ();
use Gearman::Job;
use Storable ();

use fields (
    'last_connect_fail',    # host:port -> unixtime
    'down_since',           # host:port -> unixtime
    'connecting',           # host:port -> unixtime connect started at
    'can',        # ability -> subref     (ability is func with optional prefix)
    'timeouts',   # ability -> timeouts
    'client_id',  # random identifier string, no whitespace
    'parent_pipe',  # bool/obj:  if we're a child process of a gearman server,
                    #   this is socket to our parent process.  also means parent
                    #   sock can never disconnect or timeout, etc..

sub new {
    my ($class, %opts) = @_;
    my $self = $class;
    $self = fields::new($class) unless ref $self;

        if ($opts{job_servers}) {
            warn join ' ', __PACKAGE__,
                'ignores job_servers if $ENV{GEARMAN_WORKER_USE_STDIO} is set';

            # delete job_servers to insure Gearman::Objects
            # does not treat correspondent object property
        } ## end if ($opts{job_servers})
    } ## end if ($ENV{GEARMAN_WORKER_USE_STDIO...})


        open my $sock, '+<&', \*STDIN
            or die "Unable to dup STDIN to socket for worker to use.";
        $self->{job_servers} = [$sock];
        $self->{parent_pipe} = $sock;

        die "Unable to initialize connection to gearmand"
            unless $self->_on_connect($sock);
    } ## end if ($ENV{GEARMAN_WORKER_USE_STDIO...})

    $self->{last_connect_fail} = {};
    $self->{down_since}        = {};
    $self->{can}               = {};
    $self->{timeouts}          = {};
    $self->{client_id} = join('', map { chr(int(rand(26)) + 97) } (1 .. 30));

    return $self;
} ## end sub new

=head2 reset_abilities

tell all the jobservers that this worker can't do anything


sub reset_abilities {
    my $self = shift;
    my $req  = _rc("reset_abilities");
    foreach my $js (@{ $self->{job_servers} }) {
        my $jss = $self->_get_js_sock($js)
            or next;

        unless (_send($jss, $req)) {
            $self->_uncache_sock($js, "err_write_reset_abilities");
    } ## end foreach my $js (@{ $self->{...}})

    $self->{can}      = {};
    $self->{timeouts} = {};
} ## end sub reset_abilities

=head2 _uncache_sock($js, $reason)

close TCP connection


sub _uncache_sock {
    my ($self, $js, $reason) = @_;

    # we can't reconnect as a child process, so all we can do is die and hope our
    # parent process respawns us...
    die "Error/timeout talking to gearman parent process: [$reason]"
        if $self->{parent_pipe};

    # normal case, we just close this TCP connection and we'll reconnect later.
    # delete cached sock
    $self->_sock_cache($js, undef, 1);
} ## end sub _uncache_sock

=head2 work(%opts)

Endless loop takes a job and wait for the next one.
You can pass "stop_if", "on_start", "on_complete" and "on_fail" callbacks in I<%opts>.


my %job_done;

sub work {
    my ($self, %opts) = @_;
    my $stop_if     = delete($opts{stop_if}) || sub {0};
    my $complete_cb = delete $opts{on_complete};
    my $fail_cb     = delete $opts{on_fail};
    my $start_cb    = delete $opts{on_start};
    die "Unknown opts" if %opts;

    my $grab_req     = _rc("grab_job");
    my $presleep_req = _rc("pre_sleep");

    my $last_job_time;

    my $on_connect = sub {
        return _send($_[0], $presleep_req);

    my %js_map = map { $self->_js_str($_) => $_ } $self->job_servers;

    # "Active" job servers are servers that have woken us up and should be
    # queried to see if they have jobs for us to handle. On our first pass
    # in the loop we contact all servers.
    my %active_js = map { $_ => 1 } keys(%js_map);

    # ( js => last_update_time, ... )
    my %last_update_time;

    while (1) {

        # "Jobby" job servers are the set of server which we will contact
        # on this pass through the loop, because we need to clear and use
        # the "Active" set to plan for our next pass through the loop.
        my @jobby_js = keys %active_js;

        %active_js = ();

        my $js_count  = @jobby_js;
        my $js_offset = int(rand($js_count));
        my $is_idle   = 0;

        for (my $i = 0; $i < $js_count; $i++) {
            my $js_index = ($i + $js_offset) % $js_count;
            my $js_str   = $jobby_js[$js_index];
            my $js       = $js_map{$js_str};
            my $jss      = $self->_get_js_sock($js, on_connect => $on_connect)
                or next;

            # TODO: add an optional sleep in here for the test suite
            # to test gearmand server going away here.  (SIGPIPE on
            # send_req, etc) this testing has been done manually, at
            # least.

            unless (_send($jss, $grab_req)) {
                if ($!{EPIPE} && $self->{parent_pipe}) {

                    # our parent process died, so let's just quit
                    # gracefully.
                } ## end if ($!{EPIPE} && $self...)

                $self->_uncache_sock($js, "grab_job_timeout");
                delete $last_update_time{$js_str};
            } ## end unless (_send($jss, $grab_req...))

            # if we're a child process talking over a unix pipe, give more
            # time, since we know there are no network issues, and also
            # because on failure, we can't "reconnect".  all we can do is
            # die and hope our parent process respawns us.
            my $timeout = $self->{parent_pipe} ? 5 : 0.50;
            unless (Gearman::Util::wait_for_readability($jss->fileno, $timeout))
                $self->_uncache_sock($js, "grab_job_timeout");
                delete $last_update_time{$js_str};
            } ## end unless (Gearman::Util::wait_for_readability...)

            my $res;
            do {
                my $err;
                $res = Gearman::Util::read_res_packet($jss, \$err);
                unless ($res) {
                    $self->_uncache_sock($js, "read_res_error");
                    delete $last_update_time{$js_str};
            } while ($res->{type} eq "noop");

            if ($res->{type} eq "no_job") {
                unless (_send($jss, $presleep_req)) {
                    delete $last_update_time{$js_str};
                    $self->_uncache_sock($js, "write_presleep_error");
                $last_update_time{$js_str} = time;
            } ## end if ($res->{type} eq "no_job")

            unless ($res->{type} eq "job_assign") {
                my $msg = "Uh, wasn't expecting a $res->{type} packet.";

                if ($res->{type} eq "error") {
                    $msg .= " [${$res->{blobref}}]\n";
                    $msg =~ s/\0/ -- /g;
                die $msg;
            } ## end unless ($res->{type} eq "job_assign")

            ${ $res->{blobref} } =~ s/^(.+?)\0(.+?)\0//
                or die "Uh, regexp on job_assign failed";
            my ($handle, $ability) = ($1, $2);
            my $job = Gearman::Job->new(
                func   => $ability,
                argref => $res->{blobref},
                handle => $handle,
                jss    => $jss,
                js     => $js

            my $jobhandle = join("//", $js_str, $job->handle);
            $start_cb->($jobhandle) if $start_cb;

            my $handler = $self->{can}{$ability};
            my $ret     = eval { $handler->($job); };
            my $err     = $@;
            warn "Job '$ability' died: $err" if $err;

            $last_update_time{$js_str} = $last_job_time = time();
            if ($err) {

                #TODO should be work_exception replaced by work_fail?
                # see 75b65e1
                my $exception_req
                    = _rc("work_exception",
                    _join0($handle, Storable::nfreeze(\$err)));
                unless (_send($jss, $exception_req)) {
                    $self->_uncache_sock($js, "write_res_error");
            } ## end if ($err)

            if (!defined $job_done{ $job->handle }) {
                if (defined $ret) {
                    $self->send_work_complete($job, $ret);
                else {
            } ## end if (!defined $job_done...)

            my $done = delete $job_done{ $job->handle };
            if ($done->{command} eq "work_complete") {
                $complete_cb->($jobhandle, $ret) if $complete_cb;
            else {
                $fail_cb->($jobhandle, $err) if $fail_cb;

            unless ($done->{result}) {
                $self->_uncache_sock($js, "write_res_error");

            $active_js{$js_str} = 1;
        } ## end for (my $i = 0; $i < $js_count...)

        my @jss;

        foreach my $js_str (keys(%js_map)) {
            my $jss
                = $self->_get_js_sock($js_map{$js_str},
                on_connect => $on_connect)
                or next;
            push @jss, [$js_str, $jss];
        } ## end foreach my $js_str (keys(%js_map...))

        $is_idle = 1;
        my $wake_vec = '';

        foreach my $j (@jss) {
            (undef, my $_jss) = @{$j};
            my $fd = $_jss->fileno;
            vec($wake_vec, $fd, 1) = 1;

        my $timeout = keys(%active_js) ? 0 : (10 + rand(2));

        # chill for some arbitrary time until we're woken up again
        my $nready = select(my $wout = $wake_vec, undef, undef, $timeout);

        if ($nready) {
            foreach my $j (@jss) {
                my ($js_str, $jss) = @{$j};
                my $fd = $jss->fileno;
                $active_js{$js_str} = 1
                    if vec($wout, $fd, 1);
            } ## end foreach my $j (@jss)
        } ## end if ($nready)

        $is_idle = 0 if keys %active_js;

        return if $stop_if->($is_idle, $last_job_time);

        my $update_since = time - (15 + rand 60);

        while (my ($js_str, $last_update) = each %last_update_time) {
            $active_js{$js_str} = 1 if $last_update < $update_since;
    } ## end while (1)

} ## end sub work

=head2 $worker->register_function($funcname, $subref)

=head2 $worker->register_function($funcname, $timeout, $subref)

Registers the function C<$funcname> as being provided by the worker
C<$worker>, and advertises these capabilities to all of the job servers
defined in this worker.

C<$subref> must be a subroutine reference that will be invoked when the
worker receives a request for this function. It will be passed a
L<Gearman::Job> object representing the job that has been received by the

C<$timeout> is an optional parameter specifying how long the jobserver will
wait for your subroutine to give an answer. Exceeding this time will result
in the jobserver reassigning the task and ignoring your result. This prevents
a gimpy worker from ruining the 'user experience' in many situations.

B<return> C<< _register_all(can_do request) >>


sub register_function {
    my $self    = shift;
    my $func    = shift;
    my $timeout = shift unless (ref $_[0] eq 'CODE');
    my $subref  = shift;

    my $ability = $self->func($func);

    my $req;
    if (defined $timeout) {
        $req = _rc("can_do_timeout", _join0($ability, $timeout));
        $self->{timeouts}{$ability} = $timeout;
    else {
        $req = _rc("can_do", $ability);

    $self->{can}{$ability} = $subref;

    return $self->_register_all($req);
} ## end sub register_function

=head2 unregister_function($funcname)

send cant_do C<$funcname> request to L<job_servers>

B<return> C<< _register_all(cant_do) >>


sub unregister_function {
    my ($self, $func) = @_;
    my $ability = $self->func($func);
    delete $self->{can}{$ability};

    my $req = _rc("cant_do", $ability);
    return $self->_register_all($req);
} ## end sub unregister_function

=head2 job_servers(@servers)

Override L<Gearman::Objects> method to skip job server initialization if
wokring with L<Gearman::Server>.

Calling this method will do nothing in a worker that is running as a child
process of a gearman server.


sub job_servers {
    my $self = shift;
    $ENV{GEARMAN_WORKER_USE_STDIO} && return $self->{job_servers};

    return $self->SUPER::job_servers(@_);
} ## end sub job_servers

=head2 send_work_complete($job, $v)

notify the server (and listening clients) that job completed successfully


sub send_work_complete {
    return shift->_finish_job_request("work_complete", @_);

=head2 send_work_data($job, $data)

Use this method to update the client with data from a running job.


sub send_work_data {
    my ($self, $job, $data) = @_;
    return $self->_job_request("work_data", $job,
        ref($data) ? ${$data} : $data);

=head2 send_work_warning($job, $message)

Use this method to send a warning C<$message> to the server (and any listening clients) with regard to the running C<job>.


sub send_work_warning {
    my ($self, $job, $msg) = @_;
    return $self->_job_request("work_warning", $job, $msg);

# =head2 send_work_exception($job, $exception)

# Use this method to notify the server (and any listening clients) that the C<job> failed with the given C<$exception>.

# =cut

# sub send_work_exception {
#     my ($self, $job, $exc) = @_;
#     return $self->_job_request("work_exception", $job, $exc);
# }

=head2 send_work_fail($job, [$message])

Use this method to notify the server (and any listening clients) that the job failed.


sub send_work_fail {
    my ($self) = shift;
    return $self->_finish_job_request("work_fail", @_);

=head2 send_work_status($job, $numerator, $denominator)

Use this method to send periodically to the server status update for long running jobs to update the percentage


sub send_work_status {
    my ($self, $job, $numerator, $denominator) = @_;
    return $self->_job_request("work_status", $job, $numerator, $denominator);

# _finish_job_request($cmd, $job, [$v])
# send some data or message to the client for finished job
# $cmd = work_complete || work_fail
sub _finish_job_request {
    my ($self, $cmd, $job, $v) = @_;
    my $res = $self->_job_request($cmd, $job, ref($v) ? ${$v} : $v);

    # set job done flag because work method check it
    $job_done{ $job->handle } = { command => $cmd, result => $res };

    return $res;
} ## end sub _finish_job_request

# _job_request($cmd, $job, [$v])
# send some data to the client for the running job
sub _job_request {
    my ($self, $cmd, $job, $v) = @_;
    my $req = _rc($cmd, $v ? _join0($job->handle, $v) : $job->handle);

    return _send($job->{jss}, $req);
} ## end sub _job_request

# _register_all($req)
sub _register_all {
    my ($self, $req) = @_;

    my $count       = 0;
    my @job_servers = $self->job_servers();
    foreach my $js (@job_servers) {
        my $jss = $self->_get_js_sock($js)
            or next;

        unless (_send($jss, $req)) {
            $self->_uncache_sock($js, "write_register_func_error");
    } ## end foreach my $js (@job_servers)

    return $count && $count == scalar(@job_servers);
} ## end sub _register_all

# _get_js_sock($js, %opts)
sub _get_js_sock {
    my ($self, $js, %opts) = @_;
    $js || return;

    my $js_str     = $self->_js_str($js);
    my $on_connect = delete $opts{on_connect};

    # Someday should warn when called with extra opts.

    warn "getting job server socket: $js_str" if $self->debug;

    # special case, if we're a child process of a gearman::server
    # parent process, talking over a unix pipe...
    return $self->{parent_pipe} if $self->{parent_pipe};

    if (my $sock = $self->_sock_cache($js)) {
        return $sock if getpeername($sock);

        # delete cached sock
        $self->_sock_cache($js, undef, 1);
    } ## end if (my $sock = $self->...)

    my $now        = time;
    my $down_since = $self->{down_since}{$js_str};
    if ($down_since) {
        warn "job server down since $down_since" if $self->debug;

        my $down_for = $now - $down_since;
        my $retry_period = $down_for > 60 ? 30 : (int($down_for / 2) + 1);
        if ($self->{last_connect_fail}{$js_str} > $now - $retry_period) {
    } ## end if ($down_since)

    warn "connecting to '$js_str'" if $self->debug;

    my $sock = $self->socket($js, 1);
    unless ($sock) {
        $self->{down_since}{$js_str} ||= $now;
        $self->{last_connect_fail}{$js_str} = $now;

    } ## end unless ($sock)

    delete $self->{last_connect_fail}{$js_str};
    delete $self->{down_since}{$js_str};


    $self->_sock_cache($js, $sock);

    my $ok = $on_connect ? $on_connect->($sock) : $self->_on_connect($sock);
    unless ($ok) {

        # delete
        $self->_sock_cache($js, undef, 1);
    } ## end unless ($ok)

    return $sock;
} ## end sub _get_js_sock

# _on_connect($sock)
# Housekeeping things to do on connection to a server. Method call
# with one argument being the 'socket' we're going to take care of.
# returns true on success, false on failure.
sub _on_connect {
    my ($self, $sock) = @_;

    my $cid_req = _rc("set_client_id", $self->{client_id});
    return unless _send($sock, $cid_req);

    # get this socket's state caught-up
    foreach my $ability (keys %{ $self->{can} }) {
        my $timeout = $self->{timeouts}->{$ability};
        unless ($self->_set_ability($sock, $ability, $timeout)) {
    } ## end foreach my $ability (keys %...)

    return 1;
} ## end sub _on_connect

# _set_ability($sock, $ability, [$timeout])
sub _set_ability {
    my ($self, $sock, $ability, $timeout) = @_;
    my $req;
    if (defined $timeout) {
        $req = _rc("can_do_timeout", _join0($ability, $timeout));
    else {
        $req = _rc("can_do", $ability);
    return _send($sock, $req);
} ## end sub _set_ability

# _send($jss, $req)
# send C<$req> to C<$jss>
sub _send {
    my ($jss, $req) = @_;
    return Gearman::Util::send_req($jss, \$req);

# _rc($cmd, [@val])
sub _rc {
    return Gearman::Util::pack_req_command(@_);

# _join0(@v)
sub _join0 {
    return join("\0", @_);



Gearman workers can be run as child processes of a parent process
which embeds L<Gearman::Server>.  When such a parent process
fork/execs a worker, it sets the environment variable
GEARMAN_WORKER_USE_STDIO to true before launching the worker. If this
variable is set to true, then the L<job_servers|job_servers(@servers)> function and option for
new() are ignored and the unix socket bound to STDIN/OUT are used
instead as the IO path to the gearman server.