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=head1 NAME

zoidbuiltins - Zoidberg's builtins


This is a listing of the default builtins of the Zoidberg shell.
Many of these are defined in the default plugins, so a modified shell
can have different builtin commands.


=over 4

=item alias

=item alias I<name>

=item alias I<name>=I<command>

=item alias I<name> I<command>

Make I<name> an alias to I<command>. Aliases work like macros
in the shell, this means they are substituted before the commnd
code is interpreted and can contain complex statements.

Without I<command> shows the alias defined for I<name> if any;
without arguments lists all aliases that are currently defined.

Aliases are simple substitutions at the start of a command string.
If you want something more intelligent like interpolating arguments
into a string define a builtin command; see L<hash>.

=item bg I<job_spec>

Run the job corresponding to I<jobspec> as an asynchronous background process.

Without argument uses the "current" job.

=item cd [-v|--verbose] [I<dir>|-|(+|-)I<hist_number>]

=item cd (-l|--list)

Changes the current working directory to I<dir>.
When used with a single dash changes to OLDPWD.

This command uses the environment variable 'CDPATH'. It serves as
a search path when the directory you want to change to isn't found
in the current directory.

This command also uses a directory history.
The '-number' and '+number' switches are used to change directory
to an positive or negative offset in this history.

=item dirs

Output the current dir stack.

TODO some options

Note that the dir stack is ont related to the dir history.
It was only implemented because historic implementations have it.

=item disown


=item eval I<cmd>

Eval I<cmd> like a shell command. Main use of this is to
run code stored in variables.

=item exec I<cmd>

Execute I<cmd>. This effectively ends the shell session,
process flow will B<NOT> return to the prompt.

=item export I<var>=I<value>

Set the environment variable I<var> to I<value>.

TODO explain how export moved varraibles between the perl namespace and the environment

=item false

A command that always returns an error without doing anything.

=item fc [-r][-e editor] [I<first> [I<last>]]

=item fc -l [-nr] [I<first> [I<last>]]

=item fc -s [I<old>=I<new>] [I<first> [I<last>]]

"Fix command", this builtin allows you to edit and re-execute commands
from the history. I<first> and I<last> are either command numbers or strings
matching the beginning of a command; a negative number is used to designate
commands by counting back from the current one. Use the '-l' option to list
the commands in the history, and the '-n' switch to surpress the command
numbers in the listing.The '-r' switch reverses the order of the commands.
The '-s' switch re-executes the commands without editing. 

I<first> and I<last> default to '-16' and '-1' when the '-l' option is given.
Otherwise I<first> defaults to '-1' and I<last> defaults to I<first>.

Note that the selection of the editor is not POSIX compliant
but follows bash, if no editor is given using the '-e' option
the environment variables 'FCEDIT' and 'EDITOR' are both checked,
if neither is set, B<vi> is used.
( According to POSIX we should use 'ed' by default and probably 
ignore the 'EDITOR' varaiable, but I don't think that is "What You Want" )

Following B<zsh> setting the editor to '-' is identical with using
the I<-s> switch.

Also note that B<fc> removes itself from the history and adds the resulting
command instead.

Typically B<r> is aliased to 'fc -s' so B<r> will re-execute the last
command, optionally followed by a substitution and/or a string to match
the begin of the command.

TODO: regex/glob substitution for '-s' switch; now only does string substitution.

=item fg I<job_spec>

Run the job corresponding to I<jobspec> as a foreground process.

Without argument uses the "current" job.

=item GetHistory

Returns the commandline history either as an array reference
or as an array.

I<This routine does not use the history file.>

=item hash I<location>

=item hash -r


Command to manipulate the commands hash and command lookup logic.

=item help [I<topic>|command I<command>]

Prints out a help text.

=item history [--type I<type>] [--read] [-n|--nonu] [-r|--reverse] [I<first> [I<last>]]

Returns (a part of) the history. By default it tries to find the commandline
history (depending on GetHistory), but the '--read' option forces reading the
history file. To get other log types, like 'pwd', use the '--type' option.
The '--nonu' option surpressees line numbering for the terminal output.

The arguments I<first> and I<last> can either be a positive or negative integer,
representing the command number or reverse offset, or a string matching the begin
of the command. If only one integer is given I<last> defaults to '-1'; if only one
string is given I<last> defaults to I<first>. As a bonus you can supply a regex
reference instead of a string when using the perl interface.

Note that unlike B<fc> the B<history> command is not specified by posix and
the implementation varies widely for different shells. In zoid, B<fc> is build on
top of B<history>, so options for B<history> are chosen consistently with B<fc>.

=item jobs [-l,--list|-p,--pgids] I<job_spec ...>

Lists current jobs.

If job specs are given as arguments only lists those jobs.

The --pgids option only lists the process group ids for the jobs
without additional information.

The --list option gives more verbose output, it adds the process group id
of the job and also shows the stack of commands pending for this job.

This command is not POSIX compliant. It uses '-l' in a more verbose
way then specified by POSIX. If you wat to make sure you have POSIX
compliant verbose output try: C<jobs -l | {! /^\t/}g>.

=item kill -l

=item kill [-w | -s I<sigspec>|-n I<signum>|-I<sigspec>] (I<pid>|I<job_spec>)

Sends a signal to a process or a process group.
By default the "TERM" signal is used.

The '-l' option list all possible signals.

The -w or --wipe option is zoidberg specific. It not only kills the job, but also
wipes the list that would be executed after the job ends.

=item log I<string> I<type>

Adds I<string> to the history file with the current timestamp
and the supplied I<type> tag. The type defaults to "log".
If the type is set to "hist" the entry will become part of the
command history after the history file is read again.

=item newgrp


=item popd I<dir>

Pops a directory from the dir stack and B<cd>s to that directory.

TODO some options

=item pushd I<dir>

Push I<dir> on the dir stack.

TODO some options

=item pwd

Prints the current PWD.

=item read [-r] I<var1> I<var2 ..>

Read a line from STDIN, split the line in words 
and assign the words to the named enironment variables.
Remaining words are stored in the last variable.

Unless '-r' is specified the backslash is treated as
an escape char and is it possible to escape the newline char.

=item readline

Returns a line of input.

=item reload I<module> [I<module>, ..]

=item reload I<file> [I<file>, ..]

Force (re-)loading of a module file. Typically used for debugging modules,
where you reload the module after each modification to test it interactively.

TODO: recursive switch that scans for 'use' statements

=item select

Given a list of items presents the user with a menu and returns
the choice made or undef.

=item set [+-][abCefnmnuvx]

=item set [+o|-o] I<option>

Set or unset a shell option. Although sometimes confusing
a '+' switch unsets the option, while the '-' switch sets it.

Short options correspond to the following names:

	a  =>  allexport  *
	b  =>  notify
	C  =>  noclobber
	e  =>  errexit    *
	f  =>  noglob
	m  =>  monitor    *
	n  =>  noexec     *
	u  =>  nounset    *
	v  =>  verbose
	x  =>  xtrace     *
	*) Not yet supported by the rest of the shell

See L<zoiduser> for a description what these and other options do.

FIXME takes also hash arguments

=item setenv I<var> I<value>

Like B<export>, but with a slightly different syntax.

=item SetHistory

Takes either an array or an array reference and uses that
as new commandline history.

I<This routine does not alter the history file.>

=item source I<file>

Run the B<perl> script I<file>. This script is B<NOT> the same
as the commandline syntax. Try using L<Zoidberg::Shell> in these

=item symbols [-a|--all] [I<class>]

Output a listing of symbols in the specified class.
Class defaults to the current perl namespace, by default

All symbols are prefixed by their sigil ('$', '@', '%', '&'
or '*') where '*' is used for filehandles.

By default sub classes (hashes containing '::')
and special symbols (symbols without letters in their name)
are hidden. Use the --all switch to see these.

=item true

A command that never fails and does absolutely nothing.

=item umask


=item unalias I<name>

Remove an alias definition.

=item unsetenv I<var>

Set I<var> to undefined.

=item wait


=item which [-a|--all|-m|--module] ITEM

Finds ITEM in PATH or INC if the -m or --module option was used.
If the -a or --all option is used all it doesn't stop after the first match.

TODO it should identify aliases

TODO what should happen with contexts other then CMD ?


=head1 SEE ALSO

L<zoiduser>(1), L<perl>(1), L<>