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package Lingua::EO::Numbers;

use 5.008_001;
use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
use Readonly;
use Regexp::Common qw( number );

use base qw( Exporter );
our @EXPORT_OK = qw( num2eo num2eo_ordinal );
our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( all => \@EXPORT_OK );

our $VERSION = '0.03';

# up to 999,999 vigintillion (long scale) supported
Readonly my $MAX_INT_DIGITS => 126;

Readonly my $EMPTY_STR      => q{};
Readonly my $SPACE          => q{ };
Readonly my $ORDINAL_SUFFIX => q{a};
Readonly my $PLURAL_SUFFIX  => q{j};

Readonly my @NAMES1 => qw< nul unu du tri kvar kvin ses sep ok naŭ >;
Readonly my @NAMES2 => $EMPTY_STR, qw< dek cent >;
Readonly my @GROUPS => (
    undef, qw< mil miliono miliardo >,
    map { $_ . 'iliono' } qw<
        b tr kvadr kvint sekst sept okt non dec undec duodec tredec
        kvatuordec kvindec seksdec septendec oktodec novemdec vigint

Readonly my %WORDS => (
    ',' => 'komo',
    '-' => 'negativa',
    '+' => 'positiva',
    inf => 'senfineco',
    NaN => 'ne nombro',

# convert number to words
sub num2eo {
    my ($number) = @_;
    my @names;

    return unless defined $number;
    return $WORDS{NaN} if $number eq 'NaN';

    if ($number =~ m/^ ( [-+] )? inf $/ix) {
        # infinity
        push @names, $1 ? $WORDS{$1} : (), $WORDS{inf};
    elsif ($number =~ m/^ $RE{num}{real}{-radix=>'[,.]'}{-keep} $/x) {
        my ($sign, $int, $frac) = ($2, $4, $6);

        return if length $int > $MAX_INT_DIGITS;

        # sign and integer
        unshift @names, $WORDS{$sign} || (), _convert_int($int);

        # fraction
        if (defined $frac && $frac ne $EMPTY_STR) {
            push @names, (
                map { $NAMES1[$_] } split $EMPTY_STR, $frac,
    else {

    return join $SPACE, @names;

# convert number to ordinal words
sub num2eo_ordinal {
    my ($number) = @_;
    my $name = num2eo($number);

    return unless defined $name;

    for ($name) {
        s{ (?: oj? | a ) \b }{}gx; # remove word suffixes
        tr{ }{-};

    return $name . $ORDINAL_SUFFIX;

# convert integers to words
sub _convert_int {
    my ($int) = @_;
    my @number_groups = _split_groups($int);
    my @name_groups;
    my $group_count = 0;

    for my $group (reverse @number_groups) {
        # skip zeros unless it is the only digit
        next GROUP if $group == 0 && $int != 0;

        my $type = $GROUPS[$group_count];

        # pluralize nouns
        if ($type && $type ne $GROUPS[1] && $group > 1) {
            $type .= $PLURAL_SUFFIX;

        my @names = do {
            # use thousand instead of one thousand
            if ($group == 1 && $type eq $GROUPS[1]) { () }

            # groups for billions and greater contain thousands sub-groups
            elsif (length $group > 3) { _convert_int(   $group ) }
            else                      { _convert_group( $group ) }

        unshift @name_groups, @names, $type ? $type : ();
    continue {

    return @name_groups;

# split integer into groups for use with thousands, millions, etc.
# the first 3 groups contain 3 digits and the rest contain 6 digits
sub _split_groups {
    my ($int) = @_;
    my $group_length = 3;
    my @groups;

    while ($int =~ s[ ( .{1,$group_length} ) $ ][]x) {
        unshift @groups, $1;
    continue {
        if (@groups == 4) {
            $group_length = 6;

    return @groups;

# the actual integer to word conversion
# this expects an integer group of 1 to 3 digits
sub _convert_group {
    my ($int) = @_;
    my @digits = split $EMPTY_STR, defined $int ? $int : $EMPTY_STR;
    my $digit_count = 0;
    my @names;

    for my $digit (reverse @digits) {
        # skip zero unless it is the only digit
        next DIGIT if $digit == 0 && $int != 0;

        # leave off one for ten and hundred
        unshift @names, (
            $digit == 1 && $digit_count ? $EMPTY_STR : $NAMES1[$digit]
        ) . $NAMES2[$digit_count];
    continue {

    return @names;



=encoding utf8

=head1 NAME

Lingua::EO::Numbers - Convert numbers into Esperanto words

=head1 VERSION

This document describes Lingua::EO::Numbers version 0.03.


    use 5.010;
    use Lingua::EO::Numbers qw( num2eo );

    for my $nombro (reverse 0 .. 99) {
        say ucfirst num2eo($nombro), ' boteloj da biero sur la muro.';


    Naŭdek naŭ boteloj da biero sur la muro.
    Naŭdek ok boteloj da biero sur la muro.
    Naŭdek sep boteloj da biero sur la muro.
    Nul boteloj da biero sur la muro.


This module provides functions to convert numbers into words in Esperanto, a
constructed international auxiliary language created by L. L. Zamenhof and
published in 1887.

This module currently supports the standard Esperanto decimal separator (",")
or the standard Perl one (".") and does not support any thousands separator.
The option to set the supported decimal and thousands separators may be added
in the future.


The following functions are provided but are not exported by default.

=over 4

=item num2eo EXPR

If EXPR looks like a number, the text describing the number is returned.  Both
integers and real numbers are supported, including negatives.  Special values
such as "inf" and "NaN" are also supported.

=item num2eo_ordinal EXPR

If EXPR looks like an integer, the text describing the number in ordinal form
is returned.  The behavior when passing a non-integer value is undefined.


The returned string is UTF-8 encoded.  If EXPR is a value that does not look
like a number or is not currently supported by this module, C<undef> is

The C<:all> tag can be used to import all functions.

    use Lingua::EO::Numbers qw( :all );

=head1 TODO

=over 4

=item * support exponential notation

=item * option for setting the input decimal separator

=item * option for setting the input thousands separator


=head1 SEE ALSO

L<Lingua::EO::Numbers::EO>, L<Lingua::Conlang::Numbers>,
L<>, L<utf8>,

=head1 AUTHOR

Nick Patch <>


MORIYA Masaki (Gardejo) created the Esperanto translation of this document.


Copyright 2009, 2010 Nick Patch

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as Perl itself.
