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#!/usr/bin/env perl

# 1.5.2
# Copyright (C) 2005-2007 by Phil Christensen

package Options;

use strict;
use warnings;

require Exporter;

our @ISA = qw(Exporter);

our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( 'all' => [ qw(
) ] );

our @EXPORT_OK = ( @{ $EXPORT_TAGS{'all'} } );

our @EXPORT = qw(

our $VERSION = '1.5.2';

=head1 NAME

Options - Yet another Perl module to provide support for command-line option parsing and usage generation.


    use Options;
    $options = new Options(params => [
                                ['port',   'p', undef,       'The port to connect to.'],
                                ['host',   'h', 'localhost', 'The host to connect to.']
                           flags =>  [
                                ['secure', 's', 'Use SSL for encryption.'],
                                ['quit',   'q', 'Quit after connecting.'],
                                ['help',   'h', 'Display this usage guide.'],
    # Parse the default option source (@ARGV)
    %results = $options->get_options();
    # Provide usage


 Options 1.5.2


Options was created to somewhat emulate the syntax of the Twisted Python's
usage library. It provides a parser for command-line options that is integrated
with an automatic usage generator. Support exists for both flags and parameters,
in long and short form, required parameters, and default params.


=over 4

=item * C<< new Options() >>

Create a new instance of the Options class. To do so, pass the constructor
two optional, named arguments. 'params' are command-line switches with
arguments, while flags are boolean switches. (duh.)

Each argument consists of an anonymous array reference which contains
an anonymous array for each option you wish to support.

Params arrays must be four elements long, consisting of the long and short
versions of the switch, a default value, and a description to be printed in
the usage guide. If the default value is specified as "undef", it becomes a
required value, and the program will not continue without it. Options without
defaults can specify the empty string ("") to omit the default.

Flags arrays are simpler, and omit the default element.


sub new{
	my $self = {};
	my $class = shift;
	bless $self, $class;
	my %passed_params = @_;
		$self->{'params'} = $passed_params{'params'};
		$self->{'params'} = [];
		$self->{'flags'} = $passed_params{'flags'};
		$self->{'flags'} = [];
	$self->{'exit'} = 1;
	return $self;

=over 4

=item * C<< $options->get_options() >>

This method is called with no arguments, and begins the parsing of
the global variable C<@ARGV>, or an array passed as the first argument
to the function. When finished, it returns a hash where the
keys are the long option names, and the values are the result of the
parse, i.e., strings for params, and boolean values (1 or 0 actually)
for flag-type options.

If the parser encounters an unknown flag, or a bare word without a
recognized switch before it, these are left in the C<$options-E<gt>{'unrecognized'}> array in the
order they are found.

If no array was passed in (i.e., C<@ARGV> was parsed), the unrecognized items
are left in C<@ARGV> so that a script can do additional processing.

If the result is missing a required parameter, the module prints the
usage table, and calls C<exit(1)>.


sub get_options{
	my $self = shift;
	my @args = @_;
		@args = @ARGV;
	my @unrecognized = ();
	my %results = ();
	for(my $i = 0; $i <= $#args; $i++){
		my $item = $args[$i];
		if($item =~ m/^(\-{1,2})(.*)$/){
			my $item_text = $2;
			my $result;
			if($1 eq '--'){
				$result = $self->_is_supported_option($item_text, 1);
			elsif(length($item_text) == 1){
				$result = $self->_is_supported_option($item_text, 0);
				no warnings;
				my @flags = split(undef, $item_text);
				use warnings;
				foreach my $flag (@flags){
					$result = $self->_is_supported_option($flag, 0);
					# if this is a valid flag, it can be grouped
						if(scalar(@{$result->[1]}) == 3){
							push @args, "-$flag";
							my $param = $result->[1][1];
							$self->_found_error("Parameter '$param' found in grouped flags '-$item_text'.");
						$self->_found_error("'$flag' is not a supported flag.");
				my $type = $result->[0];
				my @option = @{$result->[1]};
				if($type eq 'params'){
					if($args[$i + 1] and $args[$i + 1] !~ m/^\-{1,2}(.*)/){
						my $current = $results{$option[0]};
						my $arg = $args[++$i];
							if(ref($current) eq 'ARRAY'){
								my @list = @$current;
								push(@list, $arg);
								$results{$option[0]} = \@list;
							elsif(ref($current) eq ''){
								$results{$option[0]} = [$current, $arg];
							$results{$option[0]} = $arg;
						$self->_found_error("Missing argument for '$option[0]' parameter.");
					$results{$option[0]} = 1;
				push(@unrecognized, $item);
			push(@unrecognized, $item);
	#then check and see if any required params were missing, and fill in defaults
	foreach my $item (@{$self->{'params'}}){
		my @option = @{$item};
				$results{$option[0]} = $option[2];
				$self->_found_error("Missing required option '$option[0]'");
		@ARGV = @unrecognized;
	$self->{'unrecognized'} = @unrecognized;
	$self->{'results'} = \%results;
	return %results;

=over 4

=item * C<< $options->get_result(option) >>

Although C<get_options()> returns a hash, and that is an
acceptable way to use the results, this function provides
some level of convenience when dealing with options that
may return a reference to a list of results for that option.
When called in a list context, this will return a list of
results, even if only one argument was provided.
However, calling it in a scalar context when there are
multiple arguments will be, shall we say, disappointing.


sub get_result{
	my $self = shift;
	my $option = shift;
	my %results = %{$self->{'results'}};
	my $result = $results{$option};
	if(ref($result) eq 'ARRAY'){
		my @result = @$result;
		return @result;
		return (wantarray ? ($result) : $result);

=over 4

=item * C<< $options->print_usage($optional_message) >>

Options will automatically display usage information if a required
parameter is omitted, but this method can be used to implement a
C<--help> parameter.


sub print_usage{
	my $self = shift;
	my $reason = shift;
		$reason = '';
	my $usage_fh;
		$usage_fh = $self->{'usage_fh'};
		$usage_fh = \*STDERR;
	my $app = $self->{'last_args'}[0];
		$app = $0;
	print $usage_fh "$reason\n\n";
	print $usage_fh "Usage: $app [options]\n";
	print $usage_fh "Options:\n";
	my $item;
	my @rows = ();
	my $max_width = 0;
	my $flags = $self->{'flags'};
	foreach $item (@$flags){
		my @parts = @$item;
		my $first_col = "  -$parts[1], --$parts[0]";
		if(length($first_col) > $max_width){
			$max_width = length($first_col);
		my $row = [$first_col, $parts[2]];
		push(@rows, $row);
	my $params = $self->{'params'};
	foreach $item (@$params){
		my @parts = @$item;
		my $first_col = "  -$parts[1], --$parts[0]";
		if(length($first_col) > $max_width){
			$max_width = length($first_col);
		my $default = (defined($parts[2]) && $parts[2] ne '' ? "[default: $parts[2]]" : "");
		my $required = (defined($parts[2]) ? "" : "[required]");
		my $row = [$first_col, "$parts[3] $default   $required"];
		push(@rows, $row);
	foreach $item (@rows){
		my @row = @$item;
		print $usage_fh _pad($row[0], $max_width + 2), $row[1], "\n";

=head1 ADVANCED USAGE has a couple of hidden hooks that you may find useful when using
the module in different ways.

The first allows you to control the default behavior when an error occurs:

    $options->{'exit'} = 0;

When this flag has been set to 0, C<get_options()> will no longer call
C<exit(1)> after printing the usage when an error occurs. Instead it will
simply call C<die($reason)>, which you can trap in an C<eval> block.

The second (and more interesting) hook also allows you to specify a subroutine
reference to execute when an error occurs in C<get_options()>. For example, the
following code will replicate the default behavior of C<get_options()>:

    $options->{'error_handler'} = sub {
        # the Options instance
        $self = shift;
        # what caused the error
        $error_msg = shift;
        # Do whatever you need to do here, possibly
        # including calling print_usage()
        # Returning true would ignore all errors, and attempt
        # to parse as much as possible, whereas false will
        # exit immediately with an error code of 1
        return 0;

Finally, if you want to do something else with the output of C<print_usage()>,
you can have it sent to any filehandle object you have kicking around.

For example, if you're on Perl 5.8.6, you can use the StringIO services to
retrieve a string version of the usage text:

	open(STRINGIO, '+>', \$usage_text) or die $!;
	$options->{'usage_fh'} = \*STRINGIO;
	@usage_lines = <$options->{'usage_fh'}>;
	# don't forget to close the handle

=head1 AUTHOR

Phil Christensen, E<lt>phil@bubblehouse.orgE<gt>


Copyright (C) 2005-2007 by Phil Christensen

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.6 or,
at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.


# A private internal function that checks to see if a specified
# option will be sought on the command line (i.e., whether this
# instance was constructed with a given option)
sub _is_supported_option{
	my $self = shift;
	my $option = shift;
	my $is_long = shift;
	foreach my $key('params', 'flags'){
		my $options = $self->{$key};
		foreach my $item (@$options){
			my @parts = @$item;
				if($parts[0] eq $option){
					return [$key, $item];
				no warnings;
				my @letters = split(undef, $option);
				use warnings;
				foreach my $letter (@letters){
					if($parts[1] eq $letter){
						return [$key, $item];
	return 0;

# A private internal function to assist in making the
# usage guide come out all pretty-looking.
sub _pad{
	my $text = shift;
	my $length = shift;
	if($length > length($text)){
		return $text . (" " x ($length - length($text)));
	return $text;

sub _found_error{
	my $self = shift;
	my $reason = shift;
	my $error_handler = $self->{'error_handler'};
	my $result;
		$result = $error_handler->($self, $reason);
		$result = 0;
