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# line directives
# block directives
# field lines
# comments

    #$::RD_TRACE = 1;
    my (
	@sections,     # master data structure
	@lines,        # lines in each section
	%subs,         # validation subs
	@group,        # current group
	%groups,       # stored groups of fields
    my $context = 'line';	# start in line context by default
    my %formspec;
    # TODO: helper sub?
    sub alert ($) {
	warn '[' . (split(/::/, (caller(1))[3]))[-1] . '] ' . shift() . "\n";

	# clear out old data, so we don't end up with old data in new objects
	@lines    = ();
	@sections = ();
	%formspec = ();
    (list_def | description_def | group_def | note | fb_params | unknown_block_directive | line)(s)
	# grab the last section, if there is any
	if (@lines) {
	    push @sections,
		    id   => $section_id,
		    head => $section_head,
		    lines => [ @lines ],
	# make copies instead of taking references, again so we
	# don't end up with connections between objects
	$return = {
	    fb_params   => $formspec{fb_params},
	    title       => $formspec{title},
	    author      => $formspec{author},
	    description => $formspec{description},
	    lists       => { %lists },
	    patterns    => { %patterns },
	    subs        => { %subs },
	    groups      => { %groups },
	    sections    => [ @sections ],
	    ( @submit ? (submit => @submit == 1 ? $submit[0] : [ @submit ]) : () ),
	    reset       => $formspec{reset},

list_def: '!list' var_name (static_list | dynamic_list)
    { $lists{$item{var_name}} = [ @options ]; @options = () }

static_list: '{' /\s*/ option(s /\s*,\s*/) /,?/ /\s*/ '}'

dynamic_list: '&' <perl_codeblock>
    { warn "[Text::FormBuilder] Dynamic lists have been removed from the formspec grammar"; }

description_def: '!description' block
	warn "[Text::FormBuilder] Description redefined at input text line $thisline\n" if defined $formspec{description};
	$formspec{description} = $item{block};

group_def: '!group' { $context = 'group' } var_name '{' field_line(s) '}' { $context = 'line' }
	#warn "$item{var_name} group; context $context\n"
	$groups{$item{var_name}} = [ @group ];
	@group = ();

note: '!note' block  { push @lines, [ 'note', $item{block} ]; }

# curly-brace delimited block, that can contain properly
# nested curly braces, along with any other characters
# inner blocks return with the '{...}' so that nested
# blocks get the braces treated as literals
block: '{' <skip:''> block_content(s) '}' { join('', @{ $item[3] }) }
inner_block: '{' <skip:''> block_content(s) '}'  { '{' . join('', @{ $item[3] }) . '}' }
block_content: /[^\{\}]+?/ | inner_block

# square brace delimited block, that can contain properly
# nested square brackets, along with any other characters
# inner bracket blocks return with the '[...]' so that nested
# blocks get the braces treated as literals
bracket_block: '[' <skip:''> bracket_block_content(s) ']' { join('', @{ $item[3] }) }
inner_bracket_block: '[' <skip:''> bracket_block_content(s) ']' { '[' . join('', @{ $item[3] }) . ']'; }
bracket_block_content: /[^\[\]]+?/ | inner_bracket_block

# field lines are the subset of lines that are allowed in a !group directive
field_line: <skip:'[ \t]*'> ( field | comment | blank ) "\n"

line: <skip:'[ \t]*'> ( title | author | pattern_def | section_head | heading | submit | reset | group_field | field_group | unknown_directive | field | comment | blank ) /\n+/

title: '!title' /.*/
	warn "[Text::FormBuilder] Title redefined at input text line $thisline\n" if defined $formspec{title};
	$formspec{title} = $item[2];

author: '!author' /.*/
	warn "[Text::FormBuilder] Author redefined at input text line $thisline\n" if defined $formspec{author};
	$formspec{author} = $item[2];

pattern_def: '!pattern' var_name pattern
    { $patterns{$item{var_name}} = $item{pattern} }

pattern: /.*/

section_head: '!section' identifier /.*/
	#warn "starting section $item{identifier}\n";
	#warn "  with heading $item[3]\n" if $item[3];
	if (@lines) {
	    push @sections,
		    id   => $section_id,
		    head => $section_head,
		    lines => [ @lines ],
	$section_id = $item{identifier};
	$section_head = $item[3];
	@lines = ();

heading: '!head' /.*/    { push @lines, [ 'head', $item[2] ] }

submit: '!submit' string(s /\s*,\s*/)
	#warn scalar(@{ $item[2] }) . ' submit button(s)';
	push @submit, @{ $item[2] };

reset: '!reset' string
	warn "[Text::FormBuilder] Reset button redefined at input text line $thisline\n" if defined $formspec{reset};
	$formspec{reset} = $item{string};

group_field: '!field' group_name name label(?)
	warn "WARNING line $thisline: The '!field' directive has been DEPRECATED. Use the 'name:GROUP' style instead.\n";
	push @lines, [ 'group', { name => $item{name}, label => $item{'label(?)'}[0], group => $item{group_name} } ];

group_name: /%[A-Z_]+/

# parameters that get passed to the FB constructor; these are serialized in YAML
fb_params: '!fb' block
    { $formspec{fb_params} .= $item{block}; }

field_group: name label(?) hint(?) group_type comment(?)
	#warn "[$thisline] comment = $item{'hint(?)'}[0]\n" if $item{'hint(?)'}[0];
	#warn "[$thisline] field $item{name} is $item{group_type}\n";
	push @lines, [ 'group', {
	    name    => $item{name},
	    label   => $item{'label(?)'}[0],
	    comment => $item{'hint(?)'}[0],
	    group   => $item{group_type},
	} ];

group_type: ':' var_name

# this is the real heart of the thing
field: name field_size(?) growable(?) label(?) hint(?) type(?) multi(?) other(?) default(?) option_list(?) validate(?) comment(?)
	my $field = {
	    name     => $item{name},
	    growable => $item{'growable(?)'}[0],
	    label    => $item{'label(?)'}[0],
	    comment  => $item{'hint(?)'}[0],
	    multiple => $item{'multi(?)'}[0],
	    type     => $item{'type(?)'}[0],
	    other    => $item{'other(?)'}[0],
	    value    => $item{'default(?)'}[0],
	    list     => $list_var,
	    validate => $item{'validate(?)'}[0],
	    required => $required,
	$$field{options} = [ @options ] if @options;
	$$field{rows} = $rows if defined $rows;
	$$field{cols} = $cols if defined $cols;
	$$field{size} = $size if defined $size;
	$$field{maxlength} = $maxlength if defined $maxlength;
	#warn "[$thisline] field $item{name}; context $context\n";
	if ($context eq 'group') {
	    push @group, $field;
	} else {
	    push @lines, [ 'field', $field ];
	$type = undef;
	$required = undef;
	$multiple = undef;
	$list_var = undef;
	$size = undef;
	$rows = undef;
	$cols = undef;
	$maxlength = undef;
	@options = ();
	#warn "$$field{name}: $field";
name: identifier

var_name: /[A-Z_]+/

field_size: '[' ( row_col | size ) ']'

size: /\d+/ bang(?)
    { $maxlength = $item[1] if $item[2][0]; $size = $item[1] }

bang: '!'

row_col: /\d+/ /,\s*/ /\d+/
    { $rows = $item[1]; $cols = $item[3] }

growable: '*' limit(?) { $item{'limit(?)'}[0] || 1 }

limit: /\d+/

label: '|' string { $item[2] }

hint: bracket_block

type: ':' builtin_field

builtin_field: /textarea|text|password|file|checkbox|radio|select|hidden|static/

multi: '*' { 1 }

other: '+' 'other' { 1 }

default: '=' string { $item[2] }

string: simple_multiword | quoted_string

# for simple multiword values not involving punctuation
simple_multiword: /\w/ <skip:''> /[\w\t ]*/ { $item[1] . $item[3] }

# my attempt at a single-quoted, non-interpolating string
# where the backslash can escape literal single quotes
quoted_string: "'" <skip:''> /(\\'|[^'])*/ "'"
    { $item[3] =~ s/\\'/'/g; $item[3] }

option_list: options | list_var
options: '{' option(s /\s*,\s*/) '}'

list_var: /@[A-Z_]+/ { $list_var = $item[1] }

option: string display_text(?)
    { push @options, { $item[1] => $item{'display_text(?)'}[0] } }

value: identifier

display_text: bracket_block

validate: '//' (optional_pattern | required_pattern)

optional_pattern: var_name '?'	{ $required = 0; $item[1] }

required_pattern: var_name { $required = 1; $item[1] }

comment: '#' /.*/

identifier: /\w+/

# skip unknown directives with a warning
unknown_directive: /\!\S*/ /.*/
    { warn "[Text::Formbuilder] Skipping unknown directive '$item[1]' at input text line $thisline\n"; }

unknown_block_directive: /\!\S*/ var_name(?) block
    { warn "[Text::Formbuilder] Skipping unknown block directive '$item[1]' at input text line $thisline\n"; }