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package perfSONAR_PS::Common;

=head1 NAME

perfSONAR_PS::Common - A module that provides common methods for performing simple, necessary actions
within the perfSONAR-PS framework.


This module is a catch all for common methods (for now) in the perfSONAR-PS framework.  As such there
is no 'common thread' that each method shares.  This module IS NOT an object, and the methods
can be invoked directly (and sparingly).

=head1 DETAILS

The API for this module aims to be simple; note that this is not an object and
each method does not have the 'self knowledge' of variables that may travel
between functions.

=head1 API

The API of perfSONAR_PS::Common offers simple calls to common activities in the
perfSONAR-PS framework.

use strict;
use warnings;
use Exporter;
use IO::File;
use Time::HiRes qw( gettimeofday );
use Log::Log4perl qw(get_logger :nowarn);
use XML::LibXML;

our $VERSION = 0.09;
use base 'Exporter';
our @EXPORT = ('readXML','defaultMergeMetadata',
           'countRefs', 'genuid', 'extract', 'reMap', 'consultArchive',
            'find', 'findvalue', 'escapeString', 'unescapeString',
             'makeEnvelope', 'mapNamespaces', 'mergeConfig', 'mergeNodes_general');

=head2 find($node, $query, $return_first)
    This function replicates the libxml "find" function. However, it formats
    the query to work around some oddities in the find implementation. It
    converts the xpath query to get rid of direct references like /nmwg:element
    and replaces them with /*[name()='nmwg:element"] which avoids spurious
    'undefined namespace' errors. It also wraps the find in an eval and returns
    'undef' if ->find throws an errors. If the $return_first is set to one, the
    function returns only the first node from the nodes found.
sub find {
    my ($node, $query, $return_first) = @_;
    my $logger = get_logger("perfSONAR_PS::Common");
    my $res;

    $logger->debug("Query(pre-process): $query");
    $query =~ s/\/([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9\.\-\_]+:[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9\.\-\_]+)\[/\/*[name()='$1' and /g;
    $query =~ s/\/([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9\.\-\_]+:[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9\.\-\_]+)/\/*[name()='$1']/g;
    $query =~ s/^([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9\.\-\_]+:[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9\.\-\_]+)\[/*[name()='$1' and /g;
    $query =~ s/^([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9\.\-\_]+:[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9\.\-\_]+)/*[name()='$1']/g;
    $logger->debug("Query(post-process): $query");

    eval {
        $res = $node->find($query);
    if ($@) {
        $logger->error("Error finding value($query): $@");

    if (defined $return_first and $return_first == 1) {
        return $res->get_node(1);

    return $res;

=head2 findvalue($node, $query)
    This function is analogous to the libxml "findvalue" function. However, it
    makes use of the 'find' function documented above. Unlike the libxml
    findvalue function, this function will only return the text contents of the
    first node found.
sub findvalue {
    my ($node, $xpath) = @_;

    my $found_node;

    $found_node = find($node, $xpath, 1);

    return if (not defined $found_node);

    return $found_node->textContent;

=head2 makeEnvelope($content)
   Wraps the specified content in a soap envelope and returns it as a string.
sub makeEnvelope {
    my($content) = @_;
    my $logger = get_logger("perfSONAR_PS::Common");
    my $string = "<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENC=\"\"\n";
    $string .= "                   xmlns:xsd=\"\"\n";
    $string .= "                   xmlns:xsi=\"\"\n";
    $string .= "                   xmlns:SOAP-ENV=\"\">\n";
    $string .= "  <SOAP-ENV:Header/>\n";
    $string .= "  <SOAP-ENV:Body>\n";
    $string .= $content;
    $string .= "  </SOAP-ENV:Body>\n";
    $string .= "</SOAP-ENV:Envelope>\n";
    return $string;

=head2 readXML($file)
    Reads the file specified in '$file' and returns the XML contents in string
    form.  The <xml> tag will be extracted from the final returned string.
    Function will warn on error, and return an empty string.
sub readXML {
    my ($file)  = @_;
    my $logger = get_logger("perfSONAR_PS::Common");

    if(defined $file and $file ne "") {
        my $XML = new IO::File("<".$file);
        if(defined $XML) {
            my $xmlstring = "";
            while (<$XML>) {
                if(!($_ =~ m/^<\?xml.*/)) {
                    $xmlstring .= $_;
            return $xmlstring;
        } else {
            $logger->error("Cannot open file \"".$file."\".");
    } else {
        $logger->error("Missing argument.");

    return "";

=head2 chainMetadata($dom)
    Given a dom of objects, this function will continuously loop through
    performing a 'chaining' operation to share values between metadata objects.
    An example would be:

  <nmwg:metadata id="1" xmlns:nmwg="">
    <netutil:subject xmlns:netutil="" id="1">
      <nmwgt:interface xmlns:nmwgt="">
        <nmwgt:ifAddress type="ipv4"></nmwgt:ifAddress>

  <nmwg:metadata id="2" xmlns:nmwg="" metadataIdRef="1">
    <netutil:subject xmlns:netutil="" id="2">
      <nmwgt:interface xmlns:nmwgt="">

    Which would then become:

  <nmwg:metadata id="2">
    <netutil:subject xmlns:netutil="" id="1">
      <nmwgt:interface xmlns:nmwgt="">
        <nmwgt:ifAddress type="ipv4"></nmwgt:ifAddress>

    This chaining is useful for 'factoring out' large chunks of XML.

sub chainMetadata {
    my($dom) = @_;
    my $logger = get_logger("perfSONAR_PS::Common");

    if(defined $dom and $dom ne "") {
        my %mdChains = ();

        my $changes = 1;
        while($changes) {
            $changes = 0;
            foreach my $md ($dom->getElementsByTagNameNS("", "metadata")) {
                if($md->getAttribute("metadataIdRef")) {
                    if(!$mdChains{$md->getAttribute("metadataIdRef")}) {
                        $mdChains{$md->getAttribute("metadataIdRef")} = 0;
                    if($mdChains{$md->getAttribute("id")} != $mdChains{$md->getAttribute("metadataIdRef")}+1) {
                        $mdChains{$md->getAttribute("id")} = $mdChains{$md->getAttribute("metadataIdRef")}+1;
                        $changes = 1;

        my @sorted = sort {$mdChains{$a} <=> $mdChains{$b}} keys %mdChains;
        for(my $x = 0; $x <= $#sorted; $x++) {
            $mdChains{$sorted[$x]} = 0;
            foreach my $md ($dom->getElementsByTagNameNS("", "metadata")) {
                if($md->getAttribute("id") eq $sorted[$x]){
                    foreach my $md2 ($dom->getElementsByTagNameNS("", "metadata")) {
                        if($md->getAttribute("metadataIdRef") and
                                $md2->getAttribute("id") eq $md->getAttribute("metadataIdRef")){
                            defaultMergeMetadata($md2, $md);
    } else {
        $logger->error("Missing argument.");

    return $dom;

=head2 defaultMergeMetadata ($parent, $child)
    This function will try to merge the specified parent metadata into the
    child metadata. It will do this by first merging their subjects, then copying
    all the eventTypes from the parent into the child and then merging all the
    parameters blocks from the parent into the child.
sub defaultMergeMetadata {
    my ($parent, $child, $eventTypeEquivalenceHandler) = @_;
	my $logger = get_logger("perfSONAR_PS::Topology::Common");

    $logger->debug("Merging ".$parent->getAttribute("id")." with ".$child->getAttribute("id"));

    # verify that it's not a 'key' value
    if (defined find($parent, "./*[local-name()='key' and namespace-uri()='']", 1)) {
        throw perfSONAR_PS::Error_compat("error.common.merge", "Merging with a key metadata is invalid");

    if (defined find($child, "./*[local-name()='key' and namespace-uri()='']", 1)) {
        throw perfSONAR_PS::Error_compat("error.common.merge", "Merging with a key metadata is invalid");

    # verify that the subject elements are the same namespace
    my $parent_subjects = find($parent, "./*[local-name()='subject']", 0);
    if ($parent_subjects->size() > 1) {
        throw perfSONAR_PS::Error_compat("error.common.merge", "Metadata ".$parent->getAttribute("id")." has multiple subjects");
    my $parent_subject = find($parent, "./*[local-name()='subject']", 1);

    my $child_subjects = find($child, "./*[local-name()='subject']", 0);
    if ($child_subjects->size() > 1) {
        throw perfSONAR_PS::Error_compat("error.common.merge", "Metadata ".$child->getAttribute("id")." has multiple subjects");
    my $child_subject = find($child, "./*[local-name()='subject']", 1);

    if (not defined $child_subject and not defined $parent_subject) {
        $logger->debug("No subject in parent or child: ".$child->toString);

    if (defined $child_subject and defined $parent_subject) {
        if ($child_subject->namespaceURI ne $parent_subject->namespaceURI) {
            throw perfSONAR_PS::Error_compat("error.common.merge", "Metadata ".$child->getAttribute("id")." and ".$parent->getAttribute("id")." have subjects with different namespaces.");

        # Merge the subjects
        defaultMergeSubject($parent_subject, $child_subject);
    } elsif (defined $parent_subject) {
        # if the parent has a subject, but not the child, simply copy the subject from the parent

    # Copy over the event types
    my %parent_eventTypes = ();
    my %child_eventTypes = ();

    foreach my $ev ($parent->getChildrenByTagNameNS("", "eventType")) {
        my $eventType = $ev->textContent;
        $eventType =~ s/^\s+//;
        $eventType =~ s/\s+$//;
        $parent_eventTypes{$eventType} = $ev;
        $logger->debug("Found eventType $eventType in child");

    foreach my $ev ($child->getChildrenByTagNameNS("", "eventType")) {
        my $eventType = $ev->textContent;
        $eventType =~ s/^\s+//;
        $eventType =~ s/\s+$//;
        $child_eventTypes{$eventType} = $ev;
        $logger->debug("Found eventType $eventType in child");

    if (defined $eventTypeEquivalenceHandler) {
        my @parent_evs = keys %parent_eventTypes;
        my @child_evs = keys %child_eventTypes;

        my $common_evs = $eventTypeEquivalenceHandler->matchEventTypes(\@parent_evs, \@child_evs);

        foreach my $ev (keys %child_eventTypes) {
            my $old_ev = $child->removeChild($child_eventTypes{$ev});
            $child_eventTypes{$ev} = $old_ev;

        foreach my $ev (@{ $common_evs }) {
            if (not defined $child_eventTypes{$ev}) {
            } else {
    } else {
        if (scalar(keys %parent_eventTypes) > 0 or scalar(keys %child_eventTypes) > 0) {
            # if we have a child metadata with nothing in it and a parent with
            # something in it, copy all the parent's over.
            if (scalar(keys %child_eventTypes) == 0) {
                foreach my $ev (keys %parent_eventTypes) {
            # both the child and the parent have eventTypes so only save the ones in common
            elsif (scalar(keys %parent_eventTypes) > 0) {
                my $in_common = 0;

                foreach my $ev (keys %child_eventTypes) {
                    if (not defined $parent_eventTypes{$ev}) {
                    } else {
                        $in_common = 1;

                if (not $in_common) {
                    throw perfSONAR_PS::Error_compat("error.common.merge", "Metadata ".$child->getAttribute("id")." and ".$parent->getAttribute("id")." have no eventTypes in common");

    # Copy over any parameter blocks
    my %params = ();
    foreach my $params_elm ($child->getChildrenByTagNameNS("*", "parameters")) {
        $params{$params_elm->namespaceURI} = $params_elm;

    foreach my $params_elm ($parent->getChildrenByTagNameNS("*", "parameters")) {
        if (defined $params{$params_elm->namespaceURI}) {
            defaultMergeParameters($params_elm, $params{$params_elm->namespaceURI});
        } else {


=head2 defaultMergeParameters($parent, $child)
    This function simply does a simple merge of the parent and child subject
    element. If an element exists in the parent and not the child, it will be
    added. If an element exists in both, an attempt will be made to merge them.
    The only special case elements are parameter elements where the 'name'
    attribute is checked to verify the equivalence. In all other case, the
    elements name and namespace will be compared and if they're the same, the
    function assumes that the child's should supercede the parent's.
sub defaultMergeSubject {
    my ($subject_parent, $subject_child) = @_;
	my $logger = get_logger("perfSONAR_PS::Topology::Common");

	my %comparison_attrs = (
		parameter => ( name => '' ),

    my $new_subj = mergeNodes_general($subject_parent, $subject_child);



=head2 defaultMergeParameters($parent, $child)
    This function takes parent and child parameter blocks and adds each
    parameter element from the parent into the child. If a parameter by the
    same name and namespace already exists in the child, the function will
    merge the two parameters. In the case of a parameter with only a 'value'
    attribute and no body, the child's will simply replace the parent. In the
    case that elements exist as children below the parameter, the parameters
    will be merged.
sub defaultMergeParameters {
    my ($params_parent, $params_child) = @_;
	my $logger = get_logger("perfSONAR_PS::Topology::Common");

    my %params = ();

    # look up all the parameters in the parent block
    foreach my $param ($params_parent->getChildrenByTagNameNS("*", "parameter")) {
        my $name = $param->getAttribute("name");
        my $ns = $param->namespaceURI;

        $logger->debug("Found parameter $name in namespace $ns in parent");

        if (not $name) {
            throw perfSONAR_PS::Error_compat("error.common.merge", "Attempting to merge a parameter with a missing 'name' attribute");

        $params{$ns} = () if (not defined $params{$ns});
        $params{$ns}->{$name} = $param;

    # go through the set of parameters in the child block, merging parameter
    # elements if they exist in both the child and the parent
    foreach my $param ($params_child->getChildrenByTagNameNS("*", "parameter")) {
        my $name = $param->getAttribute("name");
        my $ns = $param->namespaceURI;

        $logger->debug("Found parameter $name in namespace $ns in child");

        if (not $name) {
            throw perfSONAR_PS::Error_compat("error.common.merge", "Attempting to merge a parameter with a missing 'name' attribute");

        if (defined $params{$ns}->{$name}) {
            $logger->debug("Merging parameter $name in namespace $ns with parameter in parent");

            $params{$ns} = () if (not defined $params{$ns});
            my $new_param = mergeNodes_general($params{$ns}{$name}, $param);
            delete $params{$ns}->{$name};

    # add any parameters that exist in the parent and not in the child
    foreach my $ns (keys %params) {
        foreach my $name (keys %{ $params{$ns} }) {


=head2 mergeNodes_general($old_node, $new_node, $attrs)

	Takes two LibXML nodes containing structures and merges them together.
	The $attrs variable is a pointer to a hash describing which attributes
    on an element node should be compared to define equality. If an element's
    name is not defined in the hash, the element is simply replaced if one of
    the same name and namespace is found.

	To have links compared based on their 'id' attribute, you would specify $attrs as such:

	my %attrs = (
		link => ( id => '' );
sub mergeNodes_general {
	my ($old_node, $new_node, $comparison_attrs) = @_;
	my $logger = get_logger("perfSONAR_PS::Topology::Common");

	if ($old_node->getType != $new_node->getType) {
		$logger->warn("Inconsistent node types, old ".$old_node->getType. " vs new ".$new_node->getType . ", simply replacing old with new");
		return $new_node->cloneNode(1);

	if ($new_node->getType == 3) { # text node
		return $new_node->cloneNode(1);

	if ($new_node->getType != 1) {
		$logger->warn("Received unknown node type: ".$new_node->getType.", returning new node");
		return $new_node->cloneNode(1);

	if ($new_node->localname ne $old_node->localname) {
		$logger->warn("Received inconsistent node names: ".$old_node->localname." and ".$new_node->getType.", returning new node");
		return $new_node;

	my $ret_node = $old_node->cloneNode(1);

	my @new_attributes = $new_node->getAttributes();

	foreach my $attribute (@new_attributes) {
		if ($attribute->getType == 2) {
			$ret_node->setAttribute($attribute->getName, $attribute->getValue);
		} else {
			$logger->warn("Unknown attribute type, ".$attribute->getType.", skipping");

	my %elements = ();

	foreach my $elem ($ret_node->getChildNodes) {
		next if (!defined $elem->localname);
		$elements{$elem->localname} = () if (!defined $elements{$elem->localname});
		push @{ $elements{$elem->localname} }, $elem;

	foreach my $elem ($new_node->getChildNodes) {
		my $is_equal;

		if ($elem->getType == 3) {
			# Since we don't know which text node it is, we have to
			# remove all of them... sigh...
			foreach my $tn ($ret_node->getChildNodes) {
				if ($tn->getType == 3) {


		next if (!defined $elem->localname);

		my $old_elem;
		if (defined $comparison_attrs->{$elem->localname} and defined $elements{$elem->localname}) {
			my $i = 0;

			foreach my $tmp_elem (@{ $elements{$elem->localname} }) {

                # skip elements from different namespaces
                next if ($elem->namespaceURI ne $tmp_elem->namespaceURI);

				$is_equal = 1;

                $logger->debug("Comparison attributes: ".Dumper($comparison_attrs->{$elem->localname}));

                if (not defined $comparison_attrs->{$elem->localname}->{'*'}) {
                    foreach my $attr (keys %{ $comparison_attrs->{$elem->localname} }) {
                        my $old_attr = $tmp_elem->getAttributes($attr);
                        my $new_attr = $elem->getAttributes($attr);

                        if (defined $old_attr and defined $new_attr) {
                            # if the attribute exists in both the old node and the new node, compare them
                            if ($old_attr->getValue ne $new_attr->getValue) {
                                $is_equal = 0;
                        } elsif (defined $old_attr or defined $new_attr) {
                            # if the attribute exists in one or the other, obviously they cannot be equal
                            $is_equal = 0;

				if ($is_equal) {
					$old_elem = $tmp_elem;
					splice(@{ $elements{$elem->localname} }, $i, 1);

		} elsif (defined $elements{$elem->localname}) {
			$old_elem = pop(@{ $elements{$elem->localname} });

		my $new_child;

		if (defined $old_elem) {
			$new_child = mergeNodes_general($old_elem, $elem, $comparison_attrs);
		} else {
			$new_child = $elem->cloneNode(1);


	$logger->debug("Merged Node: ".$ret_node->toString);

	return $ret_node;

=head2 countRefs($id, $dom, $uri, $element, $attr)
    Given a ID, and a series of 'struct' objects and a key 'value' to search on, this function
    will return a 'count' of the number of times the id was seen as a reference
    to the objects.  This is useful for eliminating 'dead' blocks that may not
    contain a trigger. The function will return -1 on error.
sub countRefs {
    my($id, $dom, $uri, $element, $attr) = @_;
    my $logger = get_logger("perfSONAR_PS::Common");

    if((defined $id and $id ne "") and
            (defined $dom and $dom ne "") and
            (defined $uri and $uri ne "") and
            (defined $element and $element ne "") and
            (defined $attr and $attr ne "")) {
        my $flag = 0;
        foreach my $d ($dom->getElementsByTagNameNS($uri, $element)) {
            if($id eq $d->getAttribute($attr)) {
        return $flag;
    } else {
        $logger->error("Missing argument(s).");
    $logger->debug("0 Refernces Found");
    return -1;

=head2 genuid()
    Generates a random number.
sub genuid {
    my $r = int(rand(16777216))+1048576;
    return $r;

=head2 extract($node)
    Returns a 'value' from a xml element, either the value attribute or the
    text field.
sub extract {
    my($node, $clean) = @_;
    my $logger = get_logger("perfSONAR_PS::Common");
    if(defined $node and $node ne "") {
        if($node->getAttribute("value")) {
            return $node->getAttribute("value");
        } else {
            my $value = $node->textContent;
            if($clean) {
                $value =~ s/\s*//g;
            if($value) {
                return $value;
    return "";

=head2 mapNamespaces($node, \%namespaces)
    Fills in a uri -> prefix mapping of the namespaces.
sub mapNamespaces {
    my ($node, $namespaces) = @_;
    my $logger = get_logger("perfSONAR_PS::Common");

    my $uri = $node->namespaceURI();
    my $prefix = $node->prefix();
    if(defined $prefix and $prefix ne "" and $uri) {
        if(not defined $namespaces->{$uri}) {
            $namespaces->{$uri} = $prefix;
            $node->ownerDocument->getDocumentElement->setNamespace($uri, $prefix, 0);
    } elsif ((not defined $prefix or $prefix eq "") and defined $uri) {
        if (defined $namespaces->{$uri}) {
            $node->setNamespace($uri, $namespaces->{$uri}, 1);
    if($node->hasChildNodes()) {
        foreach my $c ($node->childNodes) {
            if($node->nodeType != 3) {
                mapNamespaces($c, $namespaces);


=head2 reMap(\%{$rns}, \%{$ns}, $dom_node)
    Re-map the nodes namespace prefixes to known prefixes (to not screw with
    the XPath statements that will occur later).
sub reMap {
    my($requestNamespaces, $namespaces, $node, $set_owner_prefix) = @_;
    my $logger = get_logger("perfSONAR_PS::Common");

    if($node->prefix and $node->namespaceURI()) {
        if(!$requestNamespaces->{$node->namespaceURI()}) {
            $requestNamespaces->{$node->namespaceURI()} = $node->prefix;
            if ($set_owner_prefix) {
                $node->ownerDocument->getDocumentElement->setNamespace($node->namespaceURI(), $node->prefix, 0);
            $logger->debug("Setting namespace \"".$node->namespaceURI()."\" with prefix \"".$node->prefix."\".");
        if(!($namespaces->{$node->prefix})) {
            foreach my $ns (keys %{$namespaces}) {
                if($namespaces->{$ns} eq $node->namespaceURI()) {
                    $node->setNamespace($namespaces->{$ns}, $ns, 1);
                    if ($set_owner_prefix) {
                        $node->ownerDocument->getDocumentElement->setNamespace($namespaces->{$ns}, $ns, 0);
                    $logger->debug("Re-mapping namespace \"".$namespaces->{$ns}."\" to prefix \"".$ns."\".");
    } elsif ($node->namespaceURI()) {
        if (defined $requestNamespaces->{$node->namespaceURI()}) {
            $logger->debug("Setting namespace \"".$node->namespaceURI()."\" with prefix \"".$requestNamespaces->{$node->namespaceURI()}."\".");
            $node->setNamespace($node->namespaceURI(), $requestNamespaces->{$node->namespaceURI()}, 1);
        } else {
            my $new_prefix;
            foreach my $ns (keys %{$namespaces}) {
                if($namespaces->{$ns} eq $node->namespaceURI()) {
                    $new_prefix = $ns;

            if (not $new_prefix) {
                $logger->debug("No prefix for namespace ".$node->namespaceURI().": generating one");
                do {
                    $new_prefix = "pref".(genuid()%1000);
                } while (defined $namespaces->{$new_prefix});

            $node->setNamespace($node->namespaceURI(), $new_prefix, 1);
            if ($set_owner_prefix) {
                $node->ownerDocument->getDocumentElement->setNamespace($node->namespaceURI(), $new_prefix, 0);
            $logger->debug("Re-mapping namespace \"".$node->namespaceURI()."\" to prefix \"".$new_prefix."\".");
            $requestNamespaces->{$node->namespaceURI()} = $new_prefix;
    if($node->hasChildNodes()) {
        foreach my $c ($node->childNodes) {
            if($node->nodeType != 3) {
                $requestNamespaces = reMap($requestNamespaces, $namespaces, $c, $set_owner_prefix);
    return $requestNamespaces;

=head2 consultArchive($host, $port, $endpoint, $request)
    This function can be used to easily consult a measurement archive. It's a
    thin wrapper around the sendReceive function in the perfSONAR_PS::Transport
    module.  You specify the host, port and endpoint for the MA you wish to
    consult and the request you wish to send. The function sends the request to
    the MA, parses the response and returns to you the LibXML element
    corresponding to the nmwg:message portion of the response. The return value
    an array of the form ($status, $res) where status is 0 means the function
    was able to send the request and get a properly formed response and -1 on
    failure. $res contains the LibXML element on success and an error message
    on failure.
sub consultArchive {
    my ($host, $port, $endpoint, $request) = @_;
    my $logger = get_logger("perfSONAR_PS::Common");

    # start a transport agent
    my $sender = new perfSONAR_PS::Transport($host, $port, $endpoint);

    my $envelope = makeEnvelope($request);
    my $error;
    my $start_time = time;
    my $response = $sender->sendReceive($envelope, "", \$error);
    my $end_time = time;

    $logger->debug("Time to make request: ".($end_time - $start_time));

    if ($error ne "") {
        my $msg = "Error while sending request to server: $error";
        return (-1, $msg);

    if (not defined $response or $response eq "") {
        my $msg = "No response received from status service";
        return (-1, $msg);

    my $doc;
    eval {
        my $parser = XML::LibXML->new();
        $doc = $parser->parse_string($response);
    if ($@) {
        my $msg = "Couldn't parse response: $@";
        return (-1, $msg);

    my $nodeset = find($doc, "//nmwg:message", 0);
    if($nodeset->size <= 0) {
        my $msg = "Message element not found in response";
        return (-1, $msg);
    } elsif($nodeset->size > 1) {
        my $msg = "Too many message elements found in response";
        return (-1, $msg);

    my $nmwg_msg = $nodeset->get_node(1);

    return (0, $nmwg_msg);

=head2 escapeString($string)
    This function does some basic XML character escaping. Replacing < with
    &lt;, & with &amp;, etc.
sub escapeString {
    my ($input) = @_;

    $input =~ s/&/&amp;/g;
    $input =~ s/</&lt;/g;
    $input =~ s/>/&gt;/g;
    $input =~ s/'/&apos;/g;
    $input =~ s/"/&quot;/g;

    return $input;

=head2 unescapeString($string)
    This function does some basic XML character escaping. Replacing &lt; with
    <, &amp; with &, etc.
sub unescapeString {
    my ($input) = @_;

    $input =~ s/&lt;/</g;
    $input =~ s/&gt;/>/g;
    $input =~ s/&apos;/'/g;
    $input =~ s/&quot;/"/g;
    $input =~ s/&amp;/&/g;

    return $input;

=head2 mergeConfig($base, $specific)
    Merges the configurations in $base and $specific.
sub mergeConfig {
    my ($base, $specific) = @_;
    my $logger = get_logger("perfSONAR_PS::Common");

    my %elements = (
            port => 1,
            endpoint => 1 );

    my $ret_config = mergeHash($base, $specific, \%elements);

    return $ret_config;

# mergeHash($base, $specific, $skip_elements)
#   Internal function that merges $base and $specific into a unified hash. The
#   elements from the $specific hash will be used whenever a collision occurs.
#   $skip_elements is a hash containing the set of keys whose values should be
#   ignored.
sub mergeHash {
	my ($base, $specific, $skip_elements) = @_;
	my $logger = get_logger("perfSONAR_PS::Common");

	my $new = duplicateHash($base, $skip_elements);

	foreach my $key (keys %{ $specific }) {
		if (defined $skip_elements->{$key}) {

		if (ref $specific->{$key} eq "HASH") {
			if (not defined $new->{$key}) {
				$new->{$key} = duplicateHash($specific->{$key}, $skip_elements);
			} else {
				$new->{$key} = mergeHash($new->{$key}, $specific->{$key}, $skip_elements);
		} else {
			$new->{$key} = $specific->{$key};

	return $new;

# duplicateArray($array, $skip_elements)
#   Internal function that duplicates the specified hash. It ignores hash
#   elements with the keys specified in the $skip_elements.
sub duplicateHash {
	my ($hash, $skip_elements) = @_;
	my $logger = get_logger("perfSONAR_PS::Common");

	my %new = ();

	foreach my $key (keys %{ $hash }) {
		if (defined $skip_elements->{$key}) {

		if (ref $hash->{$key} eq "HASH") {
			$new{$key} = duplicateHash($hash->{$key}, $skip_elements);
		} elsif (ref $hash->{$key} eq "ARRAY") {
			$new{$key} = duplicateArray($hash->{$key}, $skip_elements);
		} else {
			$new{$key} = $hash->{$key};

	return \%new;

# duplicateArray($array, $skip_elements)
#   Internal function that duplicates the specified array. When duplicating
#   hash elements in the array, the elements specified in skip_elements will be
#   skipped.
sub duplicateArray {
	my ($array, $skip_elements) = @_;

	my @old_array = @{ $array };
	my @new = ();
	for(my $i = 0; $i <= $#old_array; $i++) {
		if (ref $old_array[$i] eq "ARRAY") {
			$new[$i] = duplicateArray($old_array[$i], $skip_elements);
		} elsif (ref $old_array[$i] eq "HASH") {
			$new[$i] = duplicateHash($old_array[$i], $skip_elements);
		} else {
			$new[$i] = $old_array[$i];

	return \@new;

=head2 convertISO($iso)
    Given the time in ISO format, conver to 'unix' epoch seconds.
sub convertISO {
    my($iso) = @_;
    my $logger = get_logger("perfSONAR_PS::Common");
    if(defined $iso and $iso ne "") {
        my ($date_portion, $time_portion) = split(/T/, $iso);
        my($year, $mon, $day) = split(/-/, $date_portion);
        my($hour, $min, $sec) = split(/:/, $time_portion);
        my $frac = "";
        ($sec, $frac) = split(/\./, $sec);
        my $zone = $frac;
        $frac =~ s/\D+//g;
        $zone =~ s/\d+//g;
        if($zone eq "Z") {
            return timegm($sec,$min,$hour,$day,$mon-1,$year-1900);
        else {
            return timelocal($sec,$min,$hour,$day,$mon-1,$year-1900);
    } else {
        $logger->error("Missing argument.");
        return "N/A";


=head1 SEE ALSO

L<Exporter>, L<IO::File>, L<XML::XPath>, L<Time::HiRes>, L<Log::Log4perl>

To join the 'perfSONAR-PS' mailing list, please visit:

The perfSONAR-PS subversion repository is located at:

Questions and comments can be directed to the author, or the mailing list.

=head1 VERSION


=head1 AUTHOR

Aaron Brown <>, Jason Zurawski,

=head1 LICENSE

You should have received a copy of the Internet2 Intellectual Property Framework along
with this software.  If not, see <>


Copyright (c) 2004-2007, Internet2 and the University of Delaware

All rights reserved.


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