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package perfSONAR_PS::Services::MP::PingER;

use version; our $VERSION = 0.09; 

=head1 NAME

perfSONAR_PS::Services::MP::PingER - A module that performs the tasks of an MP designed for the 
ping measurement under the framework of the PingER project


The purpose of this module is to create objects that contain all necessary information
to make ping measurements to various hosts. It supports a scheduler to perform the pings
as defined in the store.xml file (which is locally stored under $self->{'STORE'}).

Internally, two helper packages are part of this module: an Agent class, which performs the tests, 
a Scheduler class which organises the tests to be run, and a Config class which parses the STORE


    use perfSONAR_PS::Services::MP::PingER;

    my %conf = ();
    # definition of where the list of hosts and parameters to ping are located
    $conf{"METADATA_DB_TYPE"} = "file";
    $conf{"METADATA_DB_NAME"} = "";
    $conf{"METADATA_DB_FILE"} = "pinger-configuraiton.xml";

    # create a new instance of the MP
    my $mp = new perfSONAR_PS::MP::PingER( \%conf );
    # or:
    # $mp = new perfSONAR_PS::MP::PingER;
    # $mp->setConf(\%conf);

	# initiate the mp

=head1 API


# db storage
use perfSONAR_PS::DB::SQL::PingER;

# agent class for pinger
use perfSONAR_PS::Services::MP::Agent::PingER;

# config and schedulign
use perfSONAR_PS::Services::MP::Config::PingER;

use perfSONAR_PS::Client::LS::Remote;

# inherit from the the scheduler class to enable random waits between tests
use perfSONAR_PS::Services::MP::Scheduler;
use base 'perfSONAR_PS::Services::MP::Scheduler';

use fields qw( DATABASE LS_CLIENT eventTypes);

use Log::Log4perl qw(get_logger);
our $logger = get_logger("perfSONAR_PS::Services::MP::PingER");

# use this to identify the configuration element to pick up
our $basename = 'pingermp';

our $processName = 'perfSONAR-PS PingER MP';

=head2 new( $conf )

create a new MP instance from hash array $conf.

sub new {
	my $package = shift;
	my $self = $package->SUPER::new( @_ );
	$self->{'DATABASE'} = undef;
	$self->{'LS_CLIENT'} = undef; 
	$self->{eventTypes} =  perfSONAR_PS::Datatypes::EventTypes->new(); 
	return $self;

=head2 init( )

Set up the MP and configure the relevant handlers to use in order to enable 
on-demand measurements.

sub init
	my $self = shift;
	my $handler = shift;

	# check handler type
	$logger->logdie( "Handler is of incorrect type: $handler")
		unless ( UNIVERSAL::can( $handler, 'isa') && $handler->isa( 'perfSONAR_PS::RequestHandler' ) );

	eval {
		# setup defaults etc
		$self->configureConf( 'service_name', $processName, $self->getConf('service_name') );
		$self->configureConf( 'service_type', 'MP', $self->getConf('service_type') );
		$self->configureConf( 'service_description', $processName . ' Service', $self->getConf('service_description') );
    	        $self->configureConf( 'service_accesspoint', 'http://localhost:'.$self->{PORT}."/".$self->{ENDPOINT} , $self->getConf('service_accesspoint') );

		$self->configureConf( 'db_host', undef, $self->getConf('db_host') );
	        $self->configureConf( 'db_port', undef, $self->getConf('db_port') );
	        $self->configureConf( 'db_type', 'SQLite', $self->getConf('db_type') );
    	        $self->configureConf( 'db_name', 'pingerMA.sqlite3', $self->getConf('db_name') );

    	        $self->configureConf( 'db_username', undef, $self->getConf( 'db_username') );
    	        $self->configureConf( 'db_password', undef, $self->getConf( 'db_password') );
		# die if we don't have the confi file
		$self->configureConf( 'configuration_file', undef, $self->getConf('configuration_file'), 1 );

		# agent stuff
		$self->configureConf( 'max_worker_lifetime', 30, $self->getConf( 'max_worker_lifetime') || $self->{'CONF'}->{'max_worker_lifetime'} );
		$self->configureConf( 'max_worker_processes', 5, $self->getConf( 'max_worker_processes') || $self->{'CONF'}->{'max_worker_processes'} );

		# ls stuff
		$self->configureConf( 'enable_registration', '0', $self->getConf('enable_registration') );
	if ( $@ ) {
		$logger->logdie( "Configuration incorrect");
		return -1;

	# setup the config and schedule
	$logger->info( "Initialising PingER MP" );
	use Data::Dumper;
	$logger->debug( Dumper $self->{CONF} );	
        my $config = perfSONAR_PS::Services::MP::Config::PingER->new();
	$config->load( $self->getConf( 'configuration_file' ) );
       # set up the schedule with the list of tests
	$self->addTestSchedule( $config );
	# set max children for parent class
	$self->{MAXCHILDREN} = $self->getConf( 'max_worker_processes');
	# do not add any handlers as we do not want to support on-demand
	# tests yet.
	#$handler->addMessageHandler("SetupDataRequest", "", $self);

	# start the daemon manager for measurements
	return $self->run( $processName );

=head2 database

accessor/mutator for database instance

sub database
	my $self = shift;
	if ( @_ ) {
		$self->{DATABASE} = shift;
	$logger->debug( "database: " . $self->{DATABASE} ) ;
	return $self->{DATABASE};

=head2 configureConf

setup defaults and or new values for the modules configuration variables

sub configureConf
	my $self = shift;
	my $key = shift;
	my $default = shift;
	my $value = shift;
	my $fatal = shift; # if set, then if there is no value, will return -1
		if ( defined $value ) {
			if ( $value =~ /^ARRAY/ ) {
				my $index = scalar @$value - 1;
				#$logger->info( "VALUE: $value,  SIZE: $index");

				$value = $value->[$index];
				$logger->fatal( "Value for '$key' set to '$value'");
			$self->{CONF}->{$basename}->{$key} = $value;
		} else {
			if ( ! $fatal ) {
				if ( defined $default ) {	
					$self->{CONF}->{$basename}->{$key} = $default;
					$logger->warn( "Setting '$key' to '$default'");
				} else {
					$self->{CONF}->{$basename}->{$key} = undef;
					$logger->warn( "Setting '$key' to null");
			} else {
				$logger->logdie( "Value for '$key' is not set" );
	return 0;

=head2 getConf

returns the defined key on from teh configuration

sub getConf
	my $self = shift;
	my $key = shift;
	return $self->{'CONF'}->{$basename}->{$key};

=head2 ls

accessor/mutator for the lookup service

sub ls
	my $self = shift;
	if ( @_ ) {
		$self->{'LS_CLIENT'} = shift;
	return $self->{'LS_CLIENT'};

=head2 needLS

Do we want to register with the LS?

sub needLS($) {
	my $self = shift;
	return $self->getConf("enable_registration");

=head2 registerLS

Actually register with the LS information about the pinger mp service. 
in this case we only register the existance of the MP with teh LS.

sub registerLS($) 
	my $self = shift;

	$0 = $processName . ' LS Registration';
	$logger->info( "Registering PingER MP with LS");
	# create new client if required
	if ( ! defined $self->ls() ) {
		my $ls_conf = {
			'SERVICE_TYPE' => $self->getConf( 'service_type' ),
			'SERVICE_NAME' => $self->getConf( 'service_name'),
			'SERVICE_DESCRIPTION' => $self->getConf( 'service_description'),
			'SERVICE_ACCESSPOINT' => $self->getConf( 'service_accesspoint' ),
		my $ls = new perfSONAR_PS::Client::LS::Remote(
		$self->ls( $ls );

	# register nothing but the service instance with teh LS
	my @sendToLS = ();
	# add empty string to register MP
	push @sendToLS, '';
	# register with teh ls the info
	return $self->ls()->registerStatic(\@sendToLS);

=head2 parseMetadata()

Parses the configuration files to ready the schedule for tests

sub parseMetadata
	my $self = shift;
	return $self->SUPER::parseMetadata( @_ );

=head2 prepareMetadata()

Prepares the schedule from the parsed metadata

sub prepareMetadata
	my $self = shift;
	return $self->SUPER::prepareMetadata( @_ );

=head2 run

Starts the MP server to run forever the tests defined through init().

Iterating through the list of scheduled tests, it will create the relevant 
agents (which can be overridden with teh getAgent() method locally) to perform
the tests defined by their testid.

Each test will be forked off upto a maximum of $self->maxChildren() forks, and 
tests behind schedule will be delayed.

Once an $agent has completed its collectMeasurements() call, the forked process
will call $self->storeData() in order to store the output of the $agent into
a MA or similar.


sub run
	my $self = shift;
	my $dbStatus = $self->setupDatabase();
	return $dbStatus
		if $dbStatus != 0;
	return $self->SUPER::run( @_ );

=head2 setupDatabase


sub setupDatabase
	my $self = shift;
	my $err = 0;
        # setup database  
  	$logger->debug( "initializing database " . $self->getConf("db_type") );
	if( $self->getConf("db_type") eq "SQLite" || $self->getConf("db_type") eq "mysql") {
		# setup DB  object
		eval {
		       my $dbo =  perfSONAR_PS::DB::SQL::PingER->new( {
				driver	=> $self->getConf( "db_type" ),
				database => $self->getConf( "db_name" ),
				host	=> $self->getConf( "db_host"),
				port	=> $self->getConf( "db_port"),
				username	=> $self->getConf( "db_username" ),
				password	=> $self->getConf( "db_password" ),
			my $status = $dbo->openDB(); 
			if( $status == 0 )  {
			  $self->database( $dbo );
			 } else {
			   $logger->fatal(" Failed to open DB" . $dbo->ERRORMSG );
			   return -1;
		if ( $@ ) {
			$logger->logdie( "Could not open database '" . $self->getConf( 'db_type') . "' for '"
				. $self->getConf( 'db_name') 
				. "' using '" . $self->getConf( 'db_username') ."'" . $@);
	} else {
		$logger->fatal( "Database type '" .  $self->getConf("db_type") . "' is not supported.");
		return -1;
	return 0;

=head2 storeData( $agent, $testid )

Does the relevant storage of data collected from the $agent for the test id
$testid. For PingER, we only care for storge into the SQL backend provided
by the $agent itself.

   0 = everything okay
  -1 = somethign went wrong

sub storeData
	my $self = shift;
	my $agent = shift;
	my $testid = shift;

	$logger->logdie( "Argument 'agent' is of wrong type")
		unless UNIVERSAL::can( $agent, 'isa' ) 
			&& $agent->isa( 'perfSONAR_PS::Services::MP::Agent::Base' );

	# remap the rtts and seqs
	my $rtts = undef;
	if ( ref $agent->results()->{'rtts'} eq 'ARRAY' ) {
		$rtts = join ',', @{$agent->results()->{'rtts'}};
		$logger->debug( "construcing array from rtts '$rtts'");

	my $seqs = undef;
	if ( ref $agent->results()->{'seqs'} eq 'ARRAY' ) {
		$seqs = join ',', @{$agent->results()->{'seqs'}};
		$logger->debug( "construcing array from seqs '$seqs'");


	# store results
	my $src = $self->database()->soi_host({ ip_name => $agent->source(), ip_number => $agent->sourceIp() });
	unless($src &&  $src =~ /^[\-\w]+\.[\-\w]+.[\-\w]+/) {
	    $logger->error(  "Failed to find or insert soi_host: " . $agent->source() . "  " . $agent->sourceIp() . " Reason: " .  $self->database()->ERRORMSG);
	    return -1;
	my $dst = $self->database()->soi_host({ ip_name => $agent->destination(),ip_number => $agent->destinationIp() });
	unless($dst  &&  $dst =~ /^[\-\w]+\.[\-\w]+.[\-\w]+/) {
	    $logger->error(  "Failed to find or insert soi_host:  " . $agent->destination() . "  " . $agent->destinationIp() . " Reason: " .  $self->database()->ERRORMSG);
	    return -1;

	my $md = $self->database()->soi_metadata( { ip_name_src => $src, ip_name_dst => $dst,  
					'transport'	  => 'ICMP',
					'packetSize'  => $agent->packetSize(),
					'count'		  => $agent->count(),
					'packetInterval' => $agent->interval(),
					'ttl'		  => $agent->ttl(),
	if(!$md ||   $md < 0) {
	    $logger->error(  "Failed to find or insert  soi_metadata: ". $agent->packetSize()  . "  " . $agent->count()  . "  " .$agent->interval()  . "  " . $agent->ttl(). " Reason: " .  $self->database()->ERRORMSG);
	    return -1;
	my $data = $self->database()->insertData( { metaID =>$md, 
					'timestamp' => $agent->results()->{'startTime'},
					# rtt
					'minRtt'	=> $agent->results()->{'minRtt'},
					'maxRtt'	=> $agent->results()->{'maxRtt'},
					'meanRtt'	=> $agent->results()->{'meanRtt'},
					# ipd
					'minIpd'	=> $agent->results()->{'minIpd'},
					'meanIpd'	=> $agent->results()->{'meanIpd'},
					'maxIpd'	=> $agent->results()->{'maxIpd'},
					# jitter
					'iqrIpd'	=> $agent->results()->{'iqrIpd'},
					'medianRtt' => $agent->results()->{'medianRtt'},
					# other
					'duplicates' => $agent->results()->{'duplicates'},
					'outOfOrder' => $agent->results()->{'outOfOrder'},
					# loss
					'lossPercent'	=> $agent->results()->{'lossPercent'},
					'clp'	=> $agent->results()->{'clp'},

					# raw
					'rtts'	=> $rtts,
					'seqNums'	=> $seqs,
	if($data == -1 ){
	   $logger->error(  "Failed to find or insert  insertdata: " . $md . ", " . $agent->results()->{'startTime'} . ",  " .  $agent->results()->{'meanRtt'} . " Reason: " .  $self->database()->ERRORMSG );
	    return -1;
	return 0;

=head2 getAgent( $test )

Creates and returns a PingER Agent to run the given $test; must set the 
relevant data structures so that calling $agent->collectMeasurements() will
actually run the test provided.

$test is expected to be a hash of key/values for the ping test

sub getAgent {
	my $self = shift;
	my $test = shift; 
	$logger->logdie( "Missing argument test hash")
		unless defined $test;

	# get the appropiate agent and init it.
	my $agent = perfSONAR_PS::Services::MP::Agent::PingER->new();
	# determine if we want to use the destination IP or the DNS
	$agent->destination( $test->{destination} );
	$agent->destinationIp( $test->{destinationIp} );
	$agent->count( $test->{count} );
	$agent->packetSize( $test->{packetSize} );
	$agent->ttl( $test->{ttl} );
	$agent->interval( $test->{interval} );
	# timeouts
	$agent->timeout( $self->getConf('max_worker_lifetime') );
	return $agent;

=head2 handleMessageBegin

Do something with the message.

sub handleMessageBegin($$$$$$$$) {
	my ($self, $ret_message, $messageId, $messageType, $msgParams, $request, $retMessageType, $retMessageNamespaces);
	return 0;

=head2 handleMessageEnd

Do something with the message.

sub handleMessageEnd($$$$$$$$) {
	my ($self, $ret_message, $messageId);
	return 0;


=head2 handleEvent

deal with on-demand measurements through here

sub handleEvent($$$$$$$$$)
    my ($self, @args) = @_;
    my $parameters = validate(@args,
                output => 1,
                messageId => 1,
                messageType => 1,
                messageParameters => 1,
                eventType => 1,
                subject => 1,
                filterChain => 1,
                data => 1,
                rawRequest => 1,
                doOutputMetadata => 1,
	 # shoudl do some validation on the eventType
	 ${ $parameters->{"doOutputMetadata"} } = 0;
	# shoudl do some validation on the eventType
	$logger->debug( "\n\n\nOUTPUT: " . $parameters->{"output"} . " / " . $parameters->{"rawRequest"});
	if ( $parameters->{"messageType"} eq "MetadataKeyRequest") {
		#return $self->maMetadataKeyRequest($output, $md, $raw_request, $message_parameters);
	} else {
		#return $self->maSetupDataRequest($output, $md, $raw_request, $message_parameters);
	$logger->debug( 'handle event ' .   $parameters->{"rawRequest"});
	my $response = $self->handleRequest( $parameters->{"rawRequest"} );
	$parameters->{"output"}->addExistingXMLElement( $response->getDOM() );

	return 0;

=head1 SEE ALSO


To join the 'perfSONAR-PS' mailing list, please visit:

The perfSONAR-PS subversion repository is located at: 
Questions and comments can be directed to the author, or the mailing list. 

=head1 VERSION

$Id: 242 2007-06-19 21:22:24Z zurawski $

=head1 AUTHOR

Yee-Ting Li, E<lt>ytl@slac.stanford.eduE<gt>


Copyright (C) 2007 by Internet2

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.8 or,
at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.


