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#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w

=head1  NAME


    this is CGI::Ajax based script for pinger landmarks webadmin configuration
      pinger monitoring configuration  webinterface
     first virtual page is to see domains and add/remove/update them,
     second virtual page is to add/remove/update nodes  of the particular domain
     third virtual page is to configure ping test parameters for monitoring of the paricular node/domain
     every page is Ajaxed, means its interactively updates webpage while you are entering and its not a multi-page 
     use "Save" button to save new config in file ( it will effectively update landmarks XML   )
=head1 AUTHORS

     Maxim Grigoriev,   2007	     


use strict;
use FindBin qw($Bin);
use lib "$Bin/../../../lib";
use CGI qw/:standard/;
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
use Data::Dumper;
use CGI::Session;
use CGI::Ajax;
use HTML::Template;
use IO::File;
use File::Copy;
use Storable qw(lock_retrieve lock_store);
use Log::Log4perl qw(get_logger :levels);
use Config::General;
use perfSONAR_PS::Datatypes::v2_0::pingertopo::Topology;
use perfSONAR_PS::Datatypes::v2_0::pingertopo::Topology::Domain;
use perfSONAR_PS::Datatypes::v2_0::pingertopo::Topology::Domain::Node;
use perfSONAR_PS::Datatypes::v2_0::nmtb::Topology::Domain::Node::Name;
use perfSONAR_PS::Datatypes::v2_0::nmwg::Topology::Domain::Node::Parameters;
use perfSONAR_PS::Datatypes::v2_0::nmwg::Topology::Domain::Node::Parameters::Parameter;
use perfSONAR_PS::Datatypes::v2_0::nmtl3::Topology::Domain::Node::Port;
use constant URNBASE => 'urn:ogf:network';

use constant BASEDIR => '/home/netadmin/LHCOPN/psps/branches/merge/modules/perfSONAR_PS-Services-PingER-v0.01/webadmin';
Log::Log4perl->init( BASEDIR . "/etc/logger.conf" );
our $CONFIG_FILE = BASEDIR . '/etc/GeneralSystem.conf'; 

$ENV{PATH} = '/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/bin';
our %GENERAL_CONFIG = %{ loadConfig() };
my $this_script = "$GENERAL_CONFIG{admin_server}/secure-cgi/";
my $logger      = get_logger("configure");

#   although this is  the CGI script, but there is no HTML here
#   all html layout is defined by templates,   style defined by CSS
#   and interactive dynamic features exposed by javascript/Ajax
my $cgi     = CGI->new();
my $SESSION = new CGI::Session( "driver:File;serializer:Storable",
    $cgi, { Directory => '/tmp' } );    ## to keep our session
my $COOKIE =
  ? $cgi->cookie('PINGERSESID')
  : $cgi->cookie( 'PINGERSESID' => $SESSION->id );    ########   get cookie
#### to make it interactive ( registering perl calls as javascript functions)
my $ajax = CGI::Ajax->new(
    'updateGlobal'  => \&updateGlobal,
    'updateNode'    => \&updateNode,
    'configureNode' => \&configureNode,
    'saveConfigs'   => \&saveConfigs,
    'resetit'       => \&resetit

#### These our global vars, there is no way to escape them since CGI::Ajax doesnt support structured data ( JSON ?)
my $TOPOLOGY_OBJ     = undef;
###check if we saved previous session
    $logger->debug(" .........Session expired...............  $COOKIE");
    $SESSION = new CGI::Session( "driver:File;serializer:Storable",
        undef, { Directory => '/tmp' } );
    $COOKIE = $cgi->cookie( 'PINGERSESID' => $SESSION->id );
    storeSESSION($SESSION) unless fromFile();
else {
    $TOPOLOGY_OBJ = perfSONAR_PS::Datatypes::v2_0::pingertopo::Topology->new(
        { xml => $LANDMARKS_CONFIG } );

  HTML::Template->new( filename => $GENERAL_CONFIG{what_template}->{header} );
    'Title' => "$GENERAL_CONFIG{MYDOMAIN} Pinger MP Configuration Manager" );
  HTML::Template->new( filename => $GENERAL_CONFIG{what_template}->{footer} );
######## global view
my $myhtml =
  . displayGlobal()
  . $TEMPLATE_FOOTER->output();    ##### get html
                                   # $ajax->DEBUG($DEBUG);
                                   # $ajax->JSDEBUG($DEBUG);
print $ajax->build_html( $cgi, $myhtml,
    { '-Expires' => '1d', '-cookie' => $COOKIE } );

=head2 isParam 

  returns true if argument string among supported pigner test parameters
  otherwise returns undef


sub isParam {
    my ($name) = @_;
    return 1  if $name =~ /^(packetSize|count|packetInterval|measurementPeriod|ttl|measurementOffset|ipAddress|type|hostName)/;

=head2 fromFile

   get landmarks from file into the object
   returns 0 if ok or dies


sub fromFile {

    eval {
        local ( $/, *FH );
        open( FH, $file ) or $logger->logdie(" Failed to load landmarks $file");
        my $text = <FH>;
        $TOPOLOGY_OBJ =  perfSONAR_PS::Datatypes::v2_0::pingertopo::Topology->new(
            { xml => $text } );
        $LANDMARKS_CONFIG = $text;
        close FH;
	$logger->debug( " Loaded topology " . Dumper  $TOPOLOGY_OBJ );
    if ($@) {
        $logger->error( " Failed to load landmarks $file into object" . $@ );
        return 1;
    return 0;

=head2 displayResponse


sub displayResponse {
    my $message = shift;
    return "Last Action Status: " . $message;


=head2  storeSESSION

    store current session params


sub storeSESSION {
    my ($sess) = @_;
    $sess->param( "DOMAINS", $TOPOLOGY_OBJ->asString );

=head2  saveConfigs

  update XML files ( Template for MP and    restart MP daemon)


sub saveConfigs {
    my ($input) = shift;
    return displayGlobal(), "Wrong Request"
      unless $input && $input =~ /^Save\ MP landmarks XML$/;
    my $tmp_file = "/tmp/temp_LANDMARKS." . $SESSION;
    my $fd       = new IO::File(">$tmp_file")
      or croak( "Failed to open file $tmp_file" . $! );
    print $fd $TOPOLOGY_OBJ->asString;
    move( $tmp_file, $GENERAL_CONFIG{LANDMARKS} );
    ### manage_proc('ServerDaemon', 1);
    ###  sleep  3;
    ###   eval {
    ###       system($server_MP)
    ###   };
    ###  if($@) {
    ###       return  ("!!! Failed to start MP Daemon  " . $@);
    ###   } elsif( !manage_proc('ServerDaemon', undef)) {
    ###       return  ("!!! Daemon seems to be started but there is no PID ");
    ###   } else {
    return displayGlobal(), displayResponse("MP landmarks XML file was Saved"),  '&nbsp;';

=head2  resetit

   reset  web interface


sub resetit {
    my ($input) = shift;
    return displayGlobal(), "Wrong Request" unless $input && $input eq 'Reset';
    storeSESSION($SESSION) unless fromFile();
    return displayGlobal(), displayResponse(" MP landmarks XML configuration was reset "), '&nbsp;';


=head2 displayGlobal

   prints global view

              $TOPOLOGY_OBJ - topology objects tree with domains to be monitored from XML template file
   return:  $html - HTML string


sub displayGlobal {
    my $TEMPLATEg = HTML::Template->new(filename => $GENERAL_CONFIG{what_template}->{'Domains'});
    my @table2display = ();
    my %domain_names  = ();
    foreach my $domain ( @{ $TOPOLOGY_OBJ->domain } ) {
        my $urn = $domain->id;
        if ($urn) {
            my ($dname) = $urn =~ /\:domain\=([^\:]+)/;
            my $nodes = $domain->node;
            my @nodenames = ();
            foreach my $node ( @{$nodes} ) {
                push @nodenames,
                  { node_name => $node->name->text, urn => $node->id }
                  if $node->name;
            $domain_names{$dname} = {
                "domain_name" => $dname,
                "urn"         => $domain->id,
                Nodes         => \@nodenames

    foreach my $domain ( sort keys %domain_names ) {
        push @table2display, $domain_names{$domain};
    ###$logger->debug(" ------------------- Domains: " . Dumper  \@table2display);
    $TEMPLATEg->param( "Domains" => \@table2display );
    @table2display = ();

    return $TEMPLATEg->output();

=head2  configureNode 

   configre node  callback id=configureLink<TMPL_VAR NAME=urn>, $urn 


sub configureNode {
    my ( $id, $urn, $input_button ) = @_;
    my $node_obj = findNode( { urn => $urn } );
    if (   $id =~ /^ConfigureNode/
        && $urn
        && $node_obj
        && $input_button eq 'Configure Node' )
        return displayNode($node_obj), displayResponse(' OK ');
    else {
        return '&nbsp;',displayResponse(" !!!BAD Configure Node CALL=$id or urn=$urn  or button=$input_button !!! ");

=head2 displayNode

   prints Node view

              $node - topology objects tree with node
   return:  $html - HTML string


sub displayNode {
    my $node = shift;
    my $TEMPLATEn =
        filename => $GENERAL_CONFIG{what_template}->{'Nodes'} );
    my @params   = ();
    my $node_urn = $node->id;
    push @params, { urn => $node_urn, what => 'hostName', valuen => $node->hostName} if $node->hostName;
    my $test_params = $node->parameters;
    foreach my $param ( @{ $test_params->parameter } ) {
        push @params,
            urn    => $node_urn,
            what   => $param->name,
            valuen => $param->text
          if $param->name && isParam( $param->name );
    my $port     = $node->port;
    my $port_urn = $port->id;
    if ( $port->ipAddress ) {
        push @params,
            urn    => $port_urn,
            what   => 'ipAddress',
            valuen => $port->ipAddress->text
        my $type = $port->ipAddress->type ? $port->ipAddress->type : 'IPv4';
        push @params, { urn => $port_urn, what => 'type', valuen => $type };
    my ($domain_name) = $node_urn =~ /domain\=([^\:]+)/;
    $TEMPLATEn->param( "domain_name" => $domain_name );
    $TEMPLATEn->param( "node_name"   => $node->name->text );
    $TEMPLATEn->param( "urn"         => $node_urn );
    $TEMPLATEn->param( "nodeparams"  => \@params );
    return $TEMPLATEn->output();

=head2 updateNode

  update Domain Node info


sub updateNode {
    my ( $action, $urn, $param1 ) = @_;
    my $response        = "OK";
    my %validation_regs = (
        packetSize        => '^\d{1,5}$',
        count             => '^\d{1,4}$',
        packetInterval    => '^\d{1,4}$',
        measurementPeriod => '^\d{1,4}$',
        ttl               => '^\d{1,4}$',
        measurementOffset => '^\d{1,4}$',
        ipAddress         => '^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$',
        type              => '^IPv[4|6]$',
        hostName          => '^[\w\.\-]+$'
    my ( $node_urn, $port_name ) =  $urn =~ /^(.+\:node\=[\w\-\.]+)(?:\:port\=([\w\-\.]+))?$/;
    my $node = findNode( { urn => $node_urn } );
    my ($param_name) = $action =~ /^update\_(\w+)/;
    if ( $urn && $node && $param1 && isParam($param_name)  )
          my $item = $1;
          if ( $param1 =~ /$validation_regs{$item}/o ) {
              if ( $item =~ /ipAddress|type/ ) {
                  my $port_obj = $node->port;
                  if ( $port_obj && $port_obj->id eq $urn ) {
                      if ( $item eq 'ipAddress' ) {
                          $port_obj->id( $node_urn . ":port=$param1" );
                      else {
                  else {
                      $response =
                        " !!!!!! Port $urn  not found:$action   $param1   !!! ";
              elsif ( $item eq 'hostName' ) {
              else {
                  my $test_params = $node->parameters;
                  foreach my $parameter ( @{ $test_params->parameter } ) {
                        if ( $parameter->name eq $param_name );

          else {
              $response = " !!!BAD NODE PARAM:$action  $urn  $param1    !!! ";

    elsif ( !$node ) {
          $response = " !!! NODE not found:$action  $urn  $param1   !!! ";
    else {
          $response = " !!!BAD NODE CONFIG CALL:$action  $urn  $param1   !!! ";
    if ( $response eq "OK" ) {
    return displayGlobal(), displayResponse($response), displayNode($node);

    callback for dynamic update on "add" "remove" "update" Ajax calls

sub updateGlobal {
      my ( $action, $urn, $new_name ) = @_;
      my $response = "OK";
      my ( $act, $what ) =
        $action =~ /^(update|remove|add)\_(domain|node(?:name)?)?/;
      my ( $domain_urn, $node_name ) =
        $urn =~ /^(.+\:domain\=[\w\-\.]+)(?:\:node\=([\w\-\.]+))?$/;
      $logger->debug("action=$action   domain_urn=$domain_urn node_name=$node_name newname=$new_name");
      my $node_out = '&nbsp;';
      if ( $what =~ /domain/ ) {
          my $new_urn =
            ( $new_name =~ /^[\w\-\.]+$/ )
            ? URNBASE . ":domain=$new_name"
            : undef;

          if ( $act eq 'add' && $new_urn ) {
              my $domain_obj = $TOPOLOGY_OBJ->getDomainById($new_urn);
              if ($domain_obj) {
                  $response =
                    " !!!ADD DOMAIN FAILED:  DOMAIN $new_name EXISTS !!!";
              else {
                          { id => $new_urn }
          elsif ( $act eq 'remove' && $domain_urn ) {
          elsif ( $act eq 'update' && $domain_urn && $new_urn ) {
              my $domain_obj = $TOPOLOGY_OBJ->getDomainById($urn);
              $domain_obj = updateDomainId( $domain_obj, $new_urn );
          else {
              $response = "!!!BAD CALL PARAM:$action urn=$urn  callParam=$new_name    !!!";
      elsif ( $what =~ /node/ && $domain_urn ) {
          my $domain_obj = $TOPOLOGY_OBJ->getDomainById($domain_urn);

          if ($domain_obj) {
              my $node_obj = $domain_obj->getNodeById($urn);
              my $new_urn =
                ( $new_name =~ /^[\w\-\.]+$/ )
                ? $domain_urn . ":node=$new_name"
                : undef;

              if ( $act eq 'add' && $new_urn ) {
                  $node_obj = perfSONAR_PS::Datatypes::v2_0::pingertopo::Topology::Domain::Node->new(
                        	  id => $new_urn,
                        	  name => perfSONAR_PS::Datatypes::v2_0::nmtb::Topology::Domain::Node::Name->new(
                                	       { type => 'string', text => $new_name }
                        	  port => perfSONAR_PS::Datatypes::v2_0::nmtl3::Topology::Domain::Node::Port->new(
                                	       { xml =>
                                        	  "<nmtl3:port xmlns:nmtl3=\"\" id=\"$new_urn:port=\">
                                        	      <nmtl3:ipAddress type=\"IPv4\"></nmtl3:ipAddress>
                        	  test => perfSONAR_PS::Datatypes::v2_0::nmwg::Topology::Domain::Node::Parameters->new(
                                	      {  xml => '<nmwg:parameters>
				            		      <nmwg:parameter name="packetSize">100</nmwg:parameter>
                                            		      <nmwg:parameter name="count">10</nmwg:parameter>
					   		      <nmwg:parameter name="packetInterval">300</nmwg:parameter>
                                            		      <nmwg:parameter name="ttl">255</nmwg:parameter> 
					   		      <nmwg:parameter name="measurementPeriod">10</nmwg:parameter>  
                                            		      <nmwg:parameter name="measurementOffset">30</nmwg:parameter> 
                  $node_out = displayNode($node_obj);
                  ####$logger->debug(" Added Domain :\n" . Dumper $domain_obj);
              elsif ( $act eq 'remove' && $node_name ) {

              elsif ( $act eq 'update' && $new_urn ) {

                  $node_obj = updateNodeId( $node_obj, $new_urn );
                  $node_out = displayNode($node_obj);

          else {
              $response = " !!!ADD NODE FAILED:  DOMAIN  $urn not found !!!";

      else {
          $response =
            "!!! MISSED PARAM:$action  urn=$urn   callParam=$new_name  !!!";
      if ( $response =~ /^OK/ ) {
      return displayGlobal(), displayResponse($response), $node_out;


=head2 updateNodeId 

  updates   node  id , port   id 


sub updateNodeId {
      my ( $node_obj, $new_node_urn ) = @_;

      my ($node_part) = $new_node_urn =~ /node\=([^\:]+)/;
      $node_obj->name( perfSONAR_PS::Datatypes::v2_0::nmtb::Topology::Domain::Node::Name->new(
                       { type => 'string', text => $node_part }
      my $port    = $node_obj->port;
      my $port_id = $port->id;
      $port_id =~ s/node\=([^\:]+)\:/node\=$node_part\:/;
      return $node_obj;

=head2 updateDomainId 

  updates domain id and everything inside of domain element ( nodes id , ports  id )


sub updateDomainId {
      my ( $domain_obj, $new_domain_urn ) = @_;

      my ($domain_part) = $new_domain_urn =~ /domain\=([^\:]+)/;
      foreach my $in_node ( @{ $domain_obj->node } ) {
          my $node_id = $in_node->id;
          $node_id =~ s/domain\=([^\:]+)\:/domain\=$domain_part\:/;
          my $port    = $in_node->port;
          my $port_id = $port->id;
          $port_id =~ s/domain\=([^\:]+)\:/domain\=$domain_part\:/;

      return $domain_obj;

=head2 findNode

   find node by domain urn and nodename or urn

sub findNode {
      my ($params) = @_;
      if (
          && ( ref($params) ne 'HASH'
              || !( $params->{urn} || ( $params->{domain} && $params->{name} ) )
          $logger->logdie(" Failed, only hashref parmaeter is accepted and 'domain' and 'urn' or 'name' must be supplied");
      my ( $domain_query, $node_query ) =
        ( $params->{domain}, $params->{name} );
      if ( $params->{urn} ) {
          ( $domain_query, $node_query ) =
            $params->{urn} =~ /^.+\:domain\=([^\:]+)\:node\=(.+)$/;

      $logger->debug(" quering for ::  $domain_query ,$node_query");
      foreach my $domain ( @{ $TOPOLOGY_OBJ->domain } ) {
          my ($domain_part) = $domain->id =~ /domain\=([^\:]+)$/;
          if ( $domain_part eq $domain_query ) {
              foreach my $node ( @{ $domain->node } ) {
                  my ($node_part) = $node->id =~ /node\=([^\:]+)$/;
                  if ( $node_part eq $node_query ) {
                      $logger->debug(" Found node");
                      return $node;
              return undef;
      return undef;

=head2 loadConfig
       load config and return it as hash ref

sub loadConfig {
    my $conf_obj =  new Config::General(-ConfigFile =>   $CONFIG_FILE, 
                                      -AutoTrue => '',
				      -InterPolateVars => '1',
                                      -StoreDelimiter => '=');
    my %GENERAL_CONFIG  = $conf_obj->getall;
    $logger->logdie("Problem with parsing config file: $CONFIG_FILE ") unless %GENERAL_CONFIG && $GENERAL_CONFIG{PINGER_HOME};
    return \%GENERAL_CONFIG; 

=head2 manage_proc

     check daemon pid and kill it if asked and return one, can be used to restart some process


sub manage_proc {
      my ($id, $killit) = @_;
      my $pid = `/bin/ps auxw | grep -v grep | grep $id`;
      if($pid) {
          chomp $pid;
         $pid =~ s/^\w+\s+(\d+)\s+.+$/$1/;
	 kill ('TERM', $pid) if $killit;
     return $pid;
