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package Data::Clean::Base;

our $DATE = '2016-01-20'; # DATE
our $VERSION = '0.29'; # VERSION

use 5.010;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Log::Any::IfLOG '$log';

use Function::Fallback::CoreOrPP qw(clone);
use Scalar::Util qw();

sub new {
    my ($class, %opts) = @_;
    my $self = bless {opts=>\%opts}, $class;
    $log->tracef("Cleanser options: %s", \%opts);

sub command_call_method {
    my ($self, $args) = @_;
    my $mn = $args->[0];
    die "Invalid method name syntax" unless $mn =~ /\A\w+\z/;
    return "{{var}} = {{var}}->$mn; \$ref = ref({{var}})";

sub command_call_func {
    my ($self, $args) = @_;
    my $fn = $args->[0];
    die "Invalid func name syntax" unless $fn =~ /\A\w+(::\w+)*\z/;
    return "{{var}} = $fn({{var}}); \$ref = ref({{var}})";

sub command_one_or_zero {
    my ($self, $args) = @_;
    return "{{var}} = {{var}} ? 1:0; \$ref = ''";

sub command_deref_scalar {
    my ($self, $args) = @_;
    return '{{var}} = ${ {{var}} }; $ref = ref({{var}})';

sub command_stringify {
    my ($self, $args) = @_;
    return '{{var}} = "{{var}}"';

sub command_replace_with_ref {
    my ($self, $args) = @_;
    return '{{var}} = $ref; $ref = ""';

sub command_replace_with_str {
    require String::PerlQuote;

    my ($self, $args) = @_;
    return "{{var}} = ".String::PerlQuote::double_quote($args->[0]).'; $ref=""';

sub command_unbless {
    my ($self, $args) = @_;

    # Data::Clone by default does not clone objects, so Acme::Damn can modify
    # the original object despite the use of clone(), so we need to know whether
    # user runs clone_and_clean() or clean_in_place() and avoid the use of
    # Acme::Damn for the former case. this workaround will be unnecessary when
    # Data::Clone clones objects.

    my $acme_damn_available = eval { require Acme::Damn; 1 } ? 1:0;
    return join(
        "if (!\$Data::Clean::Base::_clone && $acme_damn_available) { ",
        "{{var}} = Acme::Damn::damn({{var}}) ",
        "} else { ",
        "{{var}} = Function::Fallback::CoreOrPP::_unbless_fallback({{var}}) } ",
        "\$ref = ref({{var}})",

sub command_clone {
    my $clone_func;
    eval { require Data::Clone };
    if ($@) {
        require Clone::PP;
        $clone_func = "Clone::PP::clone";
    } else {
        $clone_func = "Data::Clone::clone";

    my ($self, $args) = @_;
    my $limit = $args->[0] // 1;
    return join(
        "if (++\$ctr_circ <= $limit) { ",
        "{{var}} = $clone_func({{var}}); redo ",
        "} else { ",
        "{{var}} = 'CIRCULAR' } ",
        "\$ref = ref({{var}})",

# test
sub command_die {
    my ($self, $args) = @_;
    return "die";

sub _generate_cleanser_code {
    my $self = shift;
    my $opts = $self->{opts};

    my (@code, @stmts_ary, @stmts_hash, @stmts_main);

    my $n = 0;
    my $add_stmt = sub {
        my $which = shift;
        if ($which eq 'if' || $which eq 'new_if') {
            my ($cond0, $act0) = @_;
            for ([\@stmts_ary, '$e', 'ary'],
                 [\@stmts_hash, '$h->{$k}', 'hash'],
                 [\@stmts_main, '$_', 'main']) {
                my $act  = $act0 ; $act  =~ s/\Q{{var}}\E/$_->[1]/g;
                my $cond = $cond0; $cond =~ s/\Q{{var}}\E/$_->[1]/g;
                #unless (@{ $_->[0] }) { push @{ $_->[0] }, '    say "D:'.$_->[2].' val=", '.$_->[1].', ", ref=$ref"; # DEBUG'."\n" }
                push @{ $_->[0] }, "    ".($n && $which ne 'new_if' ? "els":"")."if ($cond) { $act }\n";
        } else {
            my ($stmt0) = @_;
            for ([\@stmts_ary, '$e', 'ary'],
                 [\@stmts_hash, '$h->{$k}', 'hash'],
                 [\@stmts_main, '$_', 'main']) {
                my $stmt = $stmt0; $stmt =~ s/\Q{{var}}\E/$_->[1]/g;
                push @{ $_->[0] }, "    $stmt;\n";
    my $add_if = sub {
        $add_stmt->('if', @_);
    my $add_new_if = sub {
        $add_stmt->('new_if', @_);
    my $add_if_ref = sub {
        my ($ref, $act0) = @_;
        $add_if->("\$ref eq '$ref'", $act0);
    my $add_new_if_ref = sub {
        my ($ref, $act0) = @_;
        $add_new_if->("\$ref eq '$ref'", $act0);

    # catch object of specified classes (e.g. DateTime, etc)
    for my $on (grep {/\A\w*(::\w+)*\z/} sort keys %$opts) {
        my $o = $opts->{$on};
        next unless $o;
        my $meth = "command_$o->[0]";
        die "Can't handle command $o->[0] for option '$on'" unless $self->can($meth);
        my @args = @$o; shift @args;
        my $act = $self->$meth(\@args);
        $add_if_ref->($on, $act);

    # catch general object not caught by previous
    for my $p ([-obj => 'Scalar::Util::blessed({{var}})']) {
        my $o = $opts->{$p->[0]};
        next unless $o;
        my $meth = "command_$o->[0]";
        die "Can't handle command $o->[0] for option '$p->[0]'" unless $self->can($meth);
        my @args = @$o; shift @args;
        $add_if->($p->[1], $self->$meth(\@args));

    # catch circular references
    my $circ = $opts->{-circular};
    if ($circ) {
        my $meth = "command_$circ->[0]";
        die "Can't handle command $circ->[0] for option '-circular'" unless $self->can($meth);
        my @args = @$circ; shift @args;
        my $act = $self->$meth(\@args);
        #$add_stmt->('stmt', 'say "ref=$ref, " . {{var}}'); # DEBUG
        $add_if->('$ref && $refs{ {{var}} }++', $act);

    # recurse array and hash
    $add_if_ref->("ARRAY", '$process_array->({{var}})');
    $add_if_ref->("HASH" , '$process_hash->({{var}})');

    # lastly, catch any reference left
    for my $p ([-ref => '$ref']) {
        my $o = $opts->{$p->[0]};
        next unless $o;
        my $meth = "command_$o->[0]";
        die "Can't handle command $o->[0] for option '$p->[0]'" unless $self->can($meth);
        my @args = @$o; shift @args;
        $add_if->($p->[1], $self->$meth(\@args));

    push @code, 'sub {'."\n";
    push @code, 'my $data = shift;'."\n";
    push @code, 'state %refs;'."\n" if $circ;
    push @code, 'state $ctr_circ;'."\n" if $circ;
    push @code, 'state $process_array;'."\n";
    push @code, 'state $process_hash;'."\n";
    push @code, 'if (!$process_array) { $process_array = sub { my $a = shift; for my $e (@$a) { my $ref=ref($e);'."\n".join("", @stmts_ary).'} } }'."\n";
    push @code, 'if (!$process_hash) { $process_hash = sub { my $h = shift; for my $k (keys %$h) { my $ref=ref($h->{$k});'."\n".join("", @stmts_hash).'} } }'."\n";
    push @code, '%refs = (); $ctr_circ=0;'."\n" if $circ;
    push @code, 'for ($data) { my $ref=ref($_);'."\n".join("", @stmts_main).'}'."\n";
    push @code, '$data'."\n";
    push @code, '}'."\n";

    my $code = join("", @code).";";

    if ($ENV{LOG_CLEANSER_CODE} && $log->is_trace) {
        require String::LineNumber;
        $log->tracef("Cleanser code:\n%s",
                     $ENV{LINENUM} // 1 ?
                         String::LineNumber::linenum($code) : $code);
    eval "\$self->{code} = $code";
    die "Can't generate code: $@" if $@;
    $self->{src} = $code;

sub clean_in_place {
    my ($self, $data) = @_;


sub clone_and_clean {
    my ($self, $data) = @_;
    my $clone = clone($data);
    local $Data::Clean::Base::_clone = 1;

# ABSTRACT: Base class for Data::Clean::*



=encoding UTF-8

=head1 NAME

Data::Clean::Base - Base class for Data::Clean::*

=head1 VERSION

This document describes version 0.29 of Data::Clean::Base (from Perl distribution Data-Clean-JSON), released on 2016-01-20.

=for Pod::Coverage ^(command_.+)$

=head1 METHODS

=head2 new(%opts) => $obj

Create a new instance.

Options specify what to do with problematic data. Option keys are either
reference types or class names, or C<-obj> (to refer to objects, a.k.a. blessed
references), C<-circular> (to refer to circular references), C<-ref> (to refer
to references, used to process references not handled by other options). Option
values are arrayrefs, the first element of the array is command name, to specify
what to do with the reference/class. The rest are command arguments.

Note that arrayrefs and hashrefs are always walked into, so it's not trapped by

Default for C<%opts>: C<< -ref => 'stringify' >>.

Available commands:

=over 4

=item * ['stringify']

This will stringify a reference like C<{}> to something like C<HASH(0x135f998)>.

=item * ['replace_with_ref']

This will replace a reference like C<{}> with C<HASH>.

=item * ['replace_with_str', STR]

This will replace a reference like C<{}> with I<STR>.

=item * ['call_method' => STR]

This will call a method named I<STR> and use its return as the replacement. For
example: C<< DateTime->from_epoch(epoch=>1000) >> when processed with C<<
[call_method => 'epoch'] >> will become 1000.

=item * ['call_func', STR]

This will call a function named I<STR> with value as argument and use its return
as the replacement.

=item * ['one_or_zero']

This will perform C<< $val ? 1:0 >>.

=item * ['deref_scalar']

This will replace a scalar reference like \1 with 1.

=item * ['unbless']

This will perform unblessing using L<Function::Fallback::CoreOrPP::unbless()>.
Should be done only for objects (C<-obj>).

=item * ['code', STR]

This will replace with I<STR> treated as Perl code.

=item * ['clone', INT]

This command is useful if you have circular references and want to expand/copy
them. For example:

 my $def_opts = { opt1 => 'default', opt2 => 0 };
 my $users    = { alice => $def_opts, bob => $def_opts, charlie => $def_opts };

C<$users> contains three references to the same data structure. With the default
behaviour of C<< -circular => [replace_with_str => 'CIRCULAR'] >> the cleaned
data structure will be:

 { alice   => { opt1 => 'default', opt2 => 0 },
   bob     => 'CIRCULAR',
   charlie => 'CIRCULAR' }

But with C<< -circular => ['clone'] >> option, the data structure will be
cleaned to become (the C<$def_opts> is cloned):

 { alice   => { opt1 => 'default', opt2 => 0 },
   bob     => { opt1 => 'default', opt2 => 0 },
   charlie => { opt1 => 'default', opt2 => 0 }, }

The command argument specifies the number of references to clone as a limit (the
default is 50), since a cyclical structure can lead to infinite cloning. Above
this limit, the circular references will be replaced with a string
C<"CIRCULAR">. For example:

 my $a = [1]; push @$a, $a;

With C<< -circular => ['clone', 2] >> the data will be cleaned as:

 [1, [1, [1, "CIRCULAR"]]]

With C<< -circular => ['clone', 3] >> the data will be cleaned as:

 [1, [1, [1, [1, "CIRCULAR"]]]]


=head2 $obj->clean_in_place($data) => $cleaned

Clean $data. Modify data in-place.

=head2 $obj->clone_and_clean($data) => $cleaned

Clean $data. Clone $data first.



=item * LOG_CLEANSER_CODE => BOOL (default: 0)

Can be enabled if you want to see the generated cleanser code. It is logged at
level C<trace>.

=item * LINENUM => BOOL (default: 1)

When logging cleanser code, whether to give line numbers.



Please visit the project's homepage at L<>.

=head1 SOURCE

Source repository is at L<>.

=head1 BUGS

Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website L<>

When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a
patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired

=head1 AUTHOR

perlancar <>


This software is copyright (c) 2016 by

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
