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# ABSTRACT: Data::Sah developer information
# PODNAME: Data::Sah::Manual::Developer



=encoding UTF-8

=head1 NAME

Data::Sah::Manual::Developer - Data::Sah developer information

=head1 VERSION

This document describes version 0.75 of Data::Sah::Manual::Developer (from Perl distribution Data-Sah), released on 2016-03-16.



This section will describe how the schema is converted into Perl code.

From each clause, an equivalent Perl expression will be generated (except for a
few special clauses). The expression will return true/false depending on whether
data passes the clause. For example, in the schema:

 ["int", min=>1, max=>10]

the clause C<< min=>1 >> will be translated into something like:

 $data >= 1

and the clause C<< max=>10 >> will be translated into something like:

 $data <= 10

For the type itself (C<int>) we will generate a Perl expression for type


These Perl expressions are then ordered and combined into a single one. The
order follows the priorities specified by the L<Sah> specification, as each
clause has its priority (the lower the number, the higher the priority). The
C<min> and C<max> clauses are "regular" type constraint clauses so they each
have a priority of 50. There is a special clause C<req> (unspecified here, the
default is 0) which have a high priority of 3, which is even higher than the
type check. The C<req> clause, if given the value of 1/true will require data to
be defined. On the other hand, if C<req> is false then if data is undefined then
all the other constraint clauses will be skipped (so C<undef> will pass the

After the ordering, the type constraint expressions are joined using the Perl
operator C<&&> to be able to shortcut after the first failure. The final Perl
expression becomes:

 (!defined($data) ? 1 :
     (Scalar::Util::Numeric::isnt($data) &&
     ($data >= 1) &&
     ($data <= 10))

=head2 Default value

The C<default> clause is another special clause that has a high priority,
evaluated before C<req>, type check, or the other constraint clauses.

 ["int", min=>1, max=>10, default=>1]

The C<default> clause will be translated into this Perl expression:

 (($data //= 1), 1)

What the above expression does is evaluate the argument to the left of the comma
operator (assigning default value to data) then evaluate the argument to the
right of the comma, then return that value. So the effect is the above
expression will always return true, even though the default value given in the
schema might be false Perl-wise, like C<""> or 0.

So the final expression will become:

 (($data //= 1), 1) &&
 (!defined($data) ? 1 :
     (Scalar::Util::Numeric::isnt($data) &&
     ($data >= 1) &&
     ($data <= 10))

=head2 Required value (req=>1)

What if C<req> is true?

 ["int*", min=>1, max=>10] # a.k.a. ["int", req=>1, min=>1, max=>10]

Then the final expression will become this instead:

 (defined($data) &&
  Scalar::Util::Numeric::isnt($data) &&
  ($data >= 1) &&
  ($data <= 10))

And if we add the default value:

 ["int*", min=>1, max=>10, default=>1]

Then the final expression will become this:

 (($data //= 1), 1) &&
 (defined($data) &&
  Scalar::Util::Numeric::isnt($data) &&
  ($data >= 1) &&
  ($data <= 10))

=head2 Validator subroutine

To generate a validator subroutine, then, is only a matter of adding some bits
to make a full subroutine. Let's get back to this schema:

 ["int", min=>1, max=>10, default=>1]

The final validator code generated would be something like:

 require Scalar::Util::Numeric;
 my $validator = sub {
     my $data = shift;

     (($data //= 1), 1) &&
     (!defined($data) ? 1 :
         (Scalar::Util::Numeric::isnt($data) &&
         ($data >= 1) &&
         ($data <= 10))


This is what is returned by the Data::Sah's C<gen_validator()> function. This
validator will return true when data is valid, or false otherwise. Let's test

 $validator->("x");   # false (fails the type check, isint())
 $validator->(-1);    # false (fails the min clause, $data >= 0)
 $validator->(20);    # false (fails the max clause, $data <= 10)
 $validator->(5);     # true
 $validator->(undef); # true (because there is the default value of 1

=head2 String-returning validator

The above is fine if all you want is a validator that returns true/false (bool).
What if instead you want to return some error message on failure.
gen_validator() supports this: if you pass the option C<< return_type => "str"
>> you will get such validator:

 $validator = gen_validator(["int", min=>1, max=>10, default=>1], {return_type=>"str"});

To do this, each Perl expression will need to be able to set an error message:

 require Scalar::Util::Numeric;
 my $validator = sub {
     my $data = shift;

     my $err_data;

     (($data //= 1), 1) &&
     (!defined($data) ? 1 :
         (Scalar::Util::Numeric::isnt($data) ?      1 : (($err_data //= "Not integer"),0)     ) &&
         ($data >= 1 ?                              1 : (($err_data //= "Must be at least 1"),0)     ) &&
         ($data <= 10 ?                             1 : (($err_data //= "Must be at most 10"),0)     )

     $err_data //= "";

So each constraint expression still either returns true or false like in the
boolean validator case, but before the expression returns 0, it sets
C<$err_data> first.

After the whole expression is evaluated, C<$err_data> is returned.

Another possible value for the C<return_type> is C<full>, to return a hash
(instead of a single string) with more information about all the errors and
warnings encountered during validation. It works with the same principle.

=head2 Or-logic

Normally all clauses in a clause set must return true for the validation to
succeed ("and-logic"). However, some other logics are possible: only N clauses
need to succeed, at most N clauses must succeed, or its combination.

When only one clauses need to succeed, this is called an "or-logic". Example
schema for a password policy:

 ["str*", {
     clause => [
         [min_len => 10],
         [match => qr/\W/],
         [match => qr/[A-Z][0-9]|[0-9][A-Z]/i],
     "clause.op" => "or",

The above schema says that a password needs to be at least 10 characters long,
I<or> contains a symbol (non-word character), I<or> contains both letters and

This will be translated into something like this:

 (defined $data) &&
 (!ref($data)) && # type check for str
 (do {
      my $_sahv_ok = 0;
      my $_sahv_nok = 0;

      (length($data) >= 10                 ? ++$_sahv_ok : ++$_sahv_nok) &&
      ($data =~ qr/\W/                     ? ++$_sahv_ok : ++$_sahv_nok) &&
      ($data =~ qr/[A-Z][0-9]|[0-9][A-Z]/i ? ++$_sahv_ok : ++$_sahv_nok) &&
      $_sahv_ok >= 1;

XXX shortcut after $_sahv_ok becomes 1?


This section explains how Sah schema is converted into human description text,
e.g. C<< [int => div_by=>3] >> into "integer, divisible by 3". This human text
is used for error messages or for documentation. You should read the previous
section about code generation first, since text generation is basically the
same: it's just another "compilation" process. The difference is, instead of
generating Perl code as in the case of the "perl" compiler
(L<Data::Sah::Compiler::perl>), the "human" compiler
(L<Data::Sah::Compiler::human>) generates text as the result.

As in generating code, when generating text, we visit the type handler and then
clause handler for each clause. Each of these handlers usually calls
C<add_ccl()> to add a "compiled clause" which will be joined together to create
the final result.

The type handler usually adds a "noun" compiled clause. For example, for schema
C<< ["float", min=>1, max=>10] >>, the type handler for float (method
C<handle_type> in L<Data::Sah::Compiler::human::TH::float>, TH is short for type
handler) will add this compiled clause:

   type => 'noun',
   text => ['decimal number', 'decimal numbers'],
   xlt  => 1,

The C<< xlt=>1 >> signifies that the text has been translated (note that the
human compiler supports producing human text in languages other than English).

Next, the clause handler for clause C<min> (method C<clause_min> in
L<Data::Sah::Compiler::human::TH::float>) will add this compiled clause:

   type => 'clause',
   fmt  => '%(modal_verb)s be at least %s',

Now, instead of C<text> we have C<fmt>. This will be converted into C<text>
using sprintfn (see L<Text::sprintfn>) by C<add_ccl()>. The positional arguments
(like C<%s>) will be fed from clause value (in this case, 1). While the named
arguments (like C<%(modal_verb)s>) will be supplied by C<add_ccl()>.

Since C<< xlt >> is not set to true, this means the format string needs to be
translated first. C<add_ccl()> will find a suitable translation first (see
L</"Translation">) and then call C<sprintfn()> to finally get C<text>. The final
result of this compiled clause is:

   type => 'clause',
   text => 'must be at least 1',
   xlt  => 1,

For the last clause C<max>, we'll similarly get a compiled clause:

   type => 'clause',
   fmt  => '%(modal_verb)s be at most %s',

which will become:

   type => 'clause',
   text => 'must be at most 10',
   xlt  => 1,

Finally, all the compiled clauses will simply be joined and the compilation
result is:

 "decimal number, must be at least 1, must be at least 10"

=head2 Formats


=head2 Handling CLAUSE.op and CLAUSE.err_level

Consider this schema:

 [int => 'div_by&' => [3, 5]]

which is a shortcut for:

 [int => 'div_by'=>[3, 5], 'div_by.op'=>'and']

This is a clause with multivalues. This is the compiled clauses that will be
added during generation:

 {type=>'noun', text=>['integer','integers'], xlt=>1}


 {type=>'clause', fmt=>'%(modal_verb)s divisible by %s'}

which will become:

 {type=>'clause', text=>'must be divisible by 3 and 5', xlt=>1}

In other words, the clause C<fmt> is the same but the arguments supplied to it
are formatted to contain the multiple values.

Another example, for C<< [int => 'div_by&'=>[2,3,5]] >>, the clause will
generate this final compiled clause:

 {type=>'clause', text=>'must be divisible by all of [2,3,5]', xlt=>1}

For C<< [int => 'div_by|'=>[2,3,5]] >> (which is shortcut for C<< [int =>
'div_by'=>[2,3,5], 'div_by.op'=>'or'] >>) the final compiled clause will be:

 {type=>'clause', text=>'must be divisible by one of [2,3,5]', xlt=>1}

For C<< [int => '!div_by'=>3] >> (which is shortcut for C<< [int => 'div_by'=>3,
'div_by.op'=>'or'] >>) the final compiled clause will be:

 {type=>'clause', text=>'must not be divisible by 3', xlt=>1}

that is, the value for C<modal_verb> named argument supplied by C<add_ccl()> is
changed from the default C<must> to C<must not>.

For C<< [int => 'div_by'=>3, 'div_by.err_level'=>'warn'] >>, the final compiled
clause will be:

 {type=>'clause', text=>'should be divisible by 3', xlt=>1}

that is, the value for C<modal_verb> named argument supplied by C<add_ccl()> is
changed from the default C<must> to C<should>.

Not all clauses can use multiple clause values in its arguments. For example, in
C<< [int => mod=>[3, 1]] >>, the compiled clause for the C<mod> clause will be:

 {type=>'clause', fmt=>'%(modal_verb)s leave a remainder of %2$s when divided by %1$s', vals=>[3, 1]}

(Note: the C<vals> key supplies positional arguments for C<sprintfn> if you want
it other than the default clause value. In this case we want to flatten the
clause value because otherwise the positional arguments array would be C<< [
[3,1] ] >>. The C<%1$s> and C<%2$s> are printf syntax for using positional
arguments (see C<sprintf> in L<perlfunc>).

The final compiled clause will become:

 {type=>'clause', text=>'must leave a remainder of 1 when divided by 3', xlt=>1}

Now what if we have this schema: C<< [int => 'mod&' => [ [3,1], [5,1] ] >>. If
we use the same C<fmt> for multiple values, the final compiled clause will

 {type=>'clause', text=>'must leave a remainder of [5,1] when divided by [3,1]', xlt=>1}

in which the text doesn't make grammatical sense. In this case, the clause
handler will need to add a compiled clause of type C<list> instead of of type

   type  =>'list',
   text  => 'all of the following must be true',
   items => [
     {type=>'clause', text='must leave a remainder of 1 when divided by 3', xlt=>1},
     {type=>'clause', text='must leave a remainder of 1 when divided by 5', xlt=>1},
   xlt   => 1,

The C<list> compiled clause is used to create text with bullet points (which can
be inlined into a clause in some cases where possible). The final compilation
result for the last schema will be:

 "integer, all of the following must be true: must leave a remainder of 1 when
 divided by 3, must leave a remainder of 1 when divided by 5"

=head2 Handling expression


=head2 Translation



Please visit the project's homepage at L<>.

=head1 SOURCE

Source repository is at L<>.

=head1 BUGS

Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website L<>

When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a
patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired

=head1 AUTHOR

perlancar <>


This software is copyright (c) 2016 by

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
