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package Org::Element::Timestamp;

use 5.010;
use locale;
use utf8;
use Moo;
extends 'Org::Element';

our $VERSION = '0.40'; # VERSION

my @attrs = (qw/datetime has_time event_duration recurrence is_active/);
for (@attrs) {
    has $_ => (is => 'rw', clearer=>"clear_$_");
    before $_ => sub {
        my $self = shift;
        return unless defined $self->_is_parsed; # never been parsed
            unless $self->_is_parsed; # has been reset, re-set

has _repeater => (is => 'rw'); # stores the raw repeater spec, for as_string
has _warning_period => (is => 'rw'); # raw warning period spec, for as_string
has _is_parsed => (is => 'rw');

sub clear_parse_result {
    my $self = shift;
    return unless defined $self->_is_parsed; # never been parsed
    for (@attrs) { my $m = "clear_$_"; $self->$m }

our @dow = (undef, qw(Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun));

sub as_string {
    my ($self) = @_;
    return $self->_str if $self->_str;
    my $dt = $self->datetime;
    my ($hour2, $min2);
    if ($self->event_duration) {
        my $hour = $dt->hour;
        my $min = $dt->minute;
        my $mins = $self->event_duration / 60;
        $min2 = $min + $mins;
        my $hours = int ($min2 / 60);
        $hour2 = $hour + $hours;
        $min2  = $min2 % 60;
         $self->is_active ? "<" : "[",
         $dt->ymd, " ",
         $self->has_time ? (
             " ",
             sprintf("%02d:%02d", $dt->hour, $dt->minute),
             defined($hour2) ? (
                 sprintf("%02d:%02d", $hour2, $min2),
             ) : (),
             $self->_repeater ? (
                 " ",
             ) : (),
             $self->_warning_period ? (
                 " ",
             ) : (),
         ) : (),
         $self->is_active ? ">" : "]",

sub _parse_timestamp {
    require DateTime;
    require DateTime::Event::Recurrence;
    my ($self, $str, $opts) = @_;
    $self->_is_parsed(undef); # to avoid deep recursion
    $opts //= {};
    $opts->{allow_event_duration} //= 1;
    $opts->{allow_repeater} //= 1;

    my $num_re = qr/\d+(?:\.\d+)?/;

    my $dow_re = qr/\w{1,3} |     # common, chinese 四, english thu
                    \w{3}\.       # french, e.g. mer.

    $str =~ /^(?<open_bracket> \[|<)
             (?<year> \d{4})-(?<mon> \d{2})-(?<day> \d{2}) \s*
                 (?<dow> $dow_re) \s*?
                     (?<hour> \d{2}):(?<min> \d{2})
                             (?<hour2> \d{2}):(?<min2> \d{2}))
                         (?<repeater_prefix> \+\+|\.\+|\+)
                         (?<repeater_interval> $num_re)
                         (?<repeater_unit> [dwmy])
                         (?:\/(?<repeater_interval_max> $num_re)
                             (?<repeater_unit_max> [dwmy]))?
                         (?<warning_period_interval> $num_re)
                         (?<warning_period_unit> [dwmy])
             (?<close_bracket> \]|>)
                 or die "Can't parse timestamp string: $str";
    # just for sanity. usually doesn't happen though because Document gives us
    # either "[...]" or "<...>"
    die "Mismatch open/close brackets in timestamp: $str"
        if $+{open_bracket} eq '<' && $+{close_bracket} eq ']' ||
            $+{open_bracket} eq '[' && $+{close_bracket} eq '>';
    die "Duration not allowed in timestamp: $str"
        if !$opts->{allow_event_duration} && $+{event_duration};
    die "Repeater ($+{repeater}) not allowed in timestamp: $str"
        if !$opts->{allow_repeater} && $+{repeater};

    $self->is_active($+{open_bracket} eq '<' ? 1:0)
        unless defined $self->is_active;

    if ($+{event_duration} && !defined($self->event_duration)) {
            ($+{hour2}-$+{hour})*3600 +
            ($+{min2} -$+{min} )*60

    my %dt_args = (year => $+{year}, month=>$+{mon}, day=>$+{day});
    if (defined($+{hour})) {
        $dt_args{hour}   = $+{hour};
        $dt_args{minute} = $+{min};
    } else {
    if ($self->document->time_zone) {
        $dt_args{time_zone} = $self->document->time_zone;
    #use Data::Dump; dd \%dt_args;
    my $dt = DateTime->new(%dt_args);

    if ($+{repeater} && !$self->recurrence) {
        my $r;
        my $i = $+{repeater_interval};
        my $u = $+{repeater_unit};
        if ($u eq 'd') {
            $r = DateTime::Event::Recurrence->daily(
                interval=>$i, start=>$dt);
        } elsif ($u eq 'w') {
            $r = DateTime::Event::Recurrence->weekly(
                interval=>$i, start=>$dt);
        } elsif ($u eq 'm') {
            $r = DateTime::Event::Recurrence->monthly(
                interval=>$i, start=>$dt);
        } elsif ($u eq 'y') {
            $r = DateTime::Event::Recurrence->yearly(
                interval=>$i, start=>$dt);
        } else {
            die "BUG: Unknown repeater unit $u in timestamp $str";

    if ($+{warning_period}) {
        my $i = $+{warning_period_interval};
        my $u = $+{warning_period_unit};
        if ($u eq 'd') {
        } elsif ($u eq 'w') {
        } elsif ($u eq 'm') {
        } elsif ($u eq 'y') {
        } else {
            die "BUG: Unknown warning period unit $u in timestamp $str";


# ABSTRACT: Represent Org timestamp



=encoding UTF-8

=head1 NAME

Org::Element::Timestamp - Represent Org timestamp

=head1 VERSION

This document describes version 0.40 of Org::Element::Timestamp (from Perl distribution Org-Parser), released on 2014-08-28.


Derived from L<Org::Element>.

Supported formats:


=item * C<[...]> and C<< <...> >> (active) forms

=item * basic date: C<[2013-10-27 Sun]>

=item * event duration: C<[2011-03-23 Wed 10:12-11:23]>

=item * repeater: C<[2011-03-23 Wed +3m]> including C<++> and C<.+>

=item * habit-style repeater: C<[2011-03-23 Wed 10:12 +1d/2d]>

=item * warning period: C<< <2011-05-25 Wed +17.1m -13.2d> >>



=head2 datetime => DATETIME_OBJ

=head2 has_time => BOOL

=head2 event_duration => INT

Event duration in seconds, e.g. for event timestamp like this:

 <2011-03-23 10:15-13:25>

event_duration is 7200+600=7800 (2 hours 10 minutes).

=head2 recurrence => DateTime::Event::Recurrence object

=head2 is_active => BOOL

=head1 METHODS

=for Pod::Coverage as_string

=head2 $el->clear_parse_result

Clear parse result.

Since the DateTime::Set::ICal (recurrence) object contains coderefs (and thus
poses problem to serialization), an option is provided to remove parse result.
You can do this prior to serializing the object.

Timestamp will automatically be parsed again from _str when one of the
attributes is accessed.



=item * Habit-style repeater (e.g. 2d/3d) is not yet represented in C<recurrence>

The recurrence object currently will still only include 2d (without the maximum



Please visit the project's homepage at L<>.

=head1 SOURCE

Source repository is at L<>.

=head1 BUGS

Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website L<>

When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a
patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired

=head1 AUTHOR

perlancar <>


This software is copyright (c) 2014 by

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
