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package Org::To::Base;

our $DATE = '2015-09-03'; # DATE
our $VERSION = '0.16'; # VERSION

use 5.010001;
use Log::Any::IfLOG '$log';

use List::Util qw(first);
use Moo;
use experimental 'smartmatch';

has include_tags => (is => 'rw');
has exclude_tags => (is => 'rw');

sub _included_children {
    my ($self, $elem) = @_;

    my @htags = $elem->get_tags;
    my @children = @{$elem->children // []};
    if ($self->include_tags) {
        if (!defined(first {$_ ~~ @htags} @{$self->include_tags})) {
            # headline doesn't contain include_tags, select only
            # suheadlines that contain them
            @children = ();
            for my $c (@{ $elem->children // []}) {
                next unless $c->isa('Org::Element::Headline');
                my @hl_included = $elem->find(
                    sub {
                        my $el = shift;
                        return unless
                        my @t = $elem->get_tags;
                        return defined(first {$_ ~~ @t}
                next unless @hl_included;
                push @children, $c;
            return () unless @children;
    if ($self->exclude_tags) {
        return () if defined(first {$_ ~~ @htags}

sub export {
    my ($self, $doc) = @_;

    my $inct = $self->include_tags;
    if ($inct) {
        my $doc_has_include_tags;
        for my $h ($doc->find('Org::Element::Headline')) {
            my @htags = $h->get_tags;
            if (defined(first {$_ ~~ @htags} @$inct)) {
        $self->include_tags(undef) unless $doc_has_include_tags;


sub export_elements {
    my ($self, @elems) = @_;

    my $res = [];
    for my $elem (@elems) {
        require String::Escape;
        if ($log->is_trace) {
            $log->tracef("exporting element %s (%s) ...", ref($elem),
                             String::Escape::printable($elem->as_string), 30));
        my $elc = ref($elem);

        if ($elc eq 'Org::Element::Block') {
            push @$res, $self->export_block($elem);
        } elsif ($elc eq 'Org::Element::FixedWidthSection') {
            push @$res, $self->export_fixed_width_section($elem);
        } elsif ($elc eq 'Org::Element::Comment') {
            push @$res, $self->export_comment($elem);
        } elsif ($elc eq 'Org::Element::Drawer') {
            push @$res, $self->export_drawer($elem);
        } elsif ($elc eq 'Org::Element::Footnote') {
            push @$res, $self->export_footnote($elem);
        } elsif ($elc eq 'Org::Element::Headline') {
            push @$res, $self->export_headline($elem);
        } elsif ($elc eq 'Org::Element::List') {
            push @$res, $self->export_list($elem);
        } elsif ($elc eq 'Org::Element::ListItem') {
            push @$res, $self->export_list_item($elem);
        } elsif ($elc eq 'Org::Element::RadioTarget') {
            push @$res, $self->export_radio_target($elem);
        } elsif ($elc eq 'Org::Element::Setting') {
            push @$res, $self->export_setting($elem);
        } elsif ($elc eq 'Org::Element::Table') {
            push @$res, $self->export_table($elem);
        } elsif ($elc eq 'Org::Element::TableCell') {
            push @$res, $self->export_table_cell($elem);
        } elsif ($elc eq 'Org::Element::TableRow') {
            push @$res, $self->export_table_row($elem);
        } elsif ($elc eq 'Org::Element::TableVLine') {
            push @$res, $self->export_table_vline($elem);
        } elsif ($elc eq 'Org::Element::Target') {
            push @$res, $self->export_target($elem);
        } elsif ($elc eq 'Org::Element::Text') {
            push @$res, $self->export_text($elem);
        } elsif ($elc eq 'Org::Element::Link') {
            push @$res, $self->export_link($elem);
        } elsif ($elc eq 'Org::Element::TimeRange') {
            push @$res, $self->export_time_range($elem);
        } elsif ($elc eq 'Org::Element::Timestamp') {
            push @$res, $self->export_timestamp($elem);
        } elsif ($elc eq 'Org::Document') {
            push @$res, $self->export_document($elem);
        } else {
            $log->warn("Don't know how to export $elc element, skipped");
            push @$res, $self->export_elements(@{$elem->children})
                if $elem->children;

    join "", @$res;

# ABSTRACT: Base class for Org exporters



=encoding UTF-8

=head1 NAME

Org::To::Base - Base class for Org exporters

=head1 VERSION

This document describes version 0.16 of Org::To::Base (from Perl distribution Org-To-HTML), released on 2015-09-03.


 # Not to be used directly. Use one of its subclasses, like Org::To::HTML.


This module is a base class for Org exporters. To create an exporter, subclass
from this class (as well as add L<Org::To::Role> role) and provide an
implementation for the export_*() methods. Add extra attributes for export
options as necessary (for example, Org::To::HTML adds C<html_title>, C<css_url>,
and so on).

=for Pod::Coverage BUILD


=head2 include_tags => ARRAYREF

Works like Org's 'org-export-select-tags' variable. If the whole document
doesn't have any of these tags, then the whole document will be exported.
Otherwise, trees that do not carry one of these tags will be excluded. If a
selected tree is a subtree, the heading hierarchy above it will also be selected
for export, but not the text below those headings.

=head2 exclude_tags => ARRAYREF

If the whole document doesn't have any of these tags, then the whole document
will be exported. Otherwise, trees that do not carry one of these tags will be
excluded. If a selected tree is a subtree, the heading hierarchy above it will
also be selected for export, but not the text below those headings.

exclude_tags is evaluated after include_tags.

=head1 METHODS

=head2 $exp->export($doc) => STR

Export Org.

=head2 $exp->export_elements(@elems) => STR

Export Org element objects and with the children, recursively. Will call various
export_*() methods according to element class. Should return a string which is
the exported document.


Please visit the project's homepage at L<>.

=head1 SOURCE

Source repository is at L<>.

=head1 BUGS

Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website L<>

When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a
patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired

=head1 AUTHOR

perlancar <>


This software is copyright (c) 2015 by

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
