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package Perinci::Access;

our $DATE = '2017-07-10'; # DATE
our $VERSION = '0.45'; # VERSION

use 5.010001;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Log::ger;

use Scalar::Util qw(blessed);
use URI::Split qw(uri_split uri_join);

our $Log_Request  = $ENV{LOG_RIAP_REQUEST}  // 0;
our $Log_Response = $ENV{LOG_RIAP_RESPONSE} // 0;

sub new {
    my ($class, %opts) = @_;

    $opts{riap_version}           //= 1.1;
    $opts{handlers}               //= {};
    $opts{handlers}{''}           //= 'Perinci::Access::Schemeless';
    $opts{handlers}{pl}           //= 'Perinci::Access::Perl';
    $opts{handlers}{http}         //= 'Perinci::Access::HTTP::Client';
    $opts{handlers}{https}        //= 'Perinci::Access::HTTP::Client';
    $opts{handlers}{'riap+tcp'}   //= 'Perinci::Access::Simple::Client';
    $opts{handlers}{'riap+unix'}  //= 'Perinci::Access::Simple::Client';
    $opts{handlers}{'riap+pipe'}  //= 'Perinci::Access::Simple::Client';

    $opts{_handler_objs}          //= {};
    bless \%opts, $class;

sub _request_or_parse_url {
    my $self = shift;
    my $which = shift;

    my ($action, $uri, $extra, $copts);
    if ($which eq 'request') {
        ($action, $uri, $extra, $copts) = @_;
    } else {
        ($uri, $copts) = @_;

    my ($sch, $auth, $path, $query, $frag) = uri_split($uri);
    $sch //= "";
    die "Can't handle scheme '$sch' in URL" unless $self->{handlers}{$sch};

    # convert riap://perl/Foo/Bar to pl:/Foo/Bar/ as Perl only accepts pl
    if ($sch eq 'riap') {
        $auth //= '';
        die "Unsupported auth '$auth' in riap: scheme, ".
            "only 'perl' is supported" unless $auth eq 'perl';
        $sch = 'pl';
        $auth = undef;
        $uri = uri_join($sch, $auth, $path, $query, $frag);

    unless ($self->{_handler_objs}{$sch}) {
        if (blessed($self->{handlers}{$sch})) {
            $self->{_handler_objs}{$sch} = $self->{handlers}{$sch};
        } else {
            my $modp = $self->{handlers}{$sch};
            $modp =~ s!::!/!g; $modp .= ".pm";
            require $modp;
            #$log->tracef("TMP: Creating Riap client object for schema %s with args %s", $sch, $self->{handler_args});
            $self->{_handler_objs}{$sch} = $self->{handlers}{$sch}->new(
                riap_version => $self->{riap_version},
                %{ $self->{handler_args} // {}});

    my $res;
    if ($which eq 'request') {
        if ($Log_Request && log_is_trace()) {
                "Riap request (%s): %s -> %s (%s)",
                $action, $uri, $extra, $copts);
        $res = $self->{_handler_objs}{$sch}->request(
            $action, $uri, $extra, $copts);
        if ($Log_Response && log_is_trace()) {
            log_trace("Riap response: %s", $res);
    } else {
        $res = $self->{_handler_objs}{$sch}->parse_url($uri, $copts);

sub request {
    my $self = shift;
    $self->_request_or_parse_url('request', @_);

sub parse_url {
    my $self = shift;
    $self->_request_or_parse_url('parse_url', @_);

# ABSTRACT: Wrapper for Perinci Riap clients



=encoding UTF-8

=head1 NAME

Perinci::Access - Wrapper for Perinci Riap clients

=head1 VERSION

This document describes version 0.45 of Perinci::Access (from Perl distribution Perinci-Access), released on 2017-07-10.


 use Perinci::Access;

 my $pa = Perinci::Access->new;
 my $res;

 ### launching Riap request

 # use Perinci::Access::Perl
 $res = $pa->request(call => "pl:/Mod/SubMod/func");

 # use Perinci::Access::Schemeless
 $res = $pa->request(call => "/Mod/SubMod/func");

 # use Perinci::Access::HTTP::Client
 $res = $pa->request(info => "",

 # use Perinci::Access::Simple::Client
 $res = $pa->request(meta => "riap+tcp://localhost:7001/Sub/ModSub/");

 # dies, unknown scheme
 $res = $pa->request(call => "baz://");

 ### parse URI

 $res = $pa->parse_url("/Foo/bar");                              # {proto=>'pl', path=>"/Foo/bar"}
 $res = $pa->parse_url("pl:/Foo/bar");                           # ditto
 $res = $pa->parse_url("riap+unix:/var/run/apid.sock//Foo/bar"); # {proto=>'riap+unix', path=>"/Foo/bar", unix_sock_path=>"/var/run/apid.sock"}
 $res = $pa->parse_url("riap+tcp://localhost:7001/Sub/ModSub/"); # {proto=>'riap+tcp', path=>"/Sub/ModSub/", host=>"localhost", port=>7001}
 $res = $pa->parse_url("");             # {proto=>'http', path=>"/App/cpanlists/Server/"} # will perform an 'info' Riap request to the server first


This module provides a convenient wrapper to select appropriate Riap client
(Perinci::Access::*) objects based on URI scheme.

 /Foo/Bar/             -> Perinci::Access::Schemeless
 pl:/Foo/Bar           -> Perinci::Access::Perl
 riap://perl/Foo/Bar/  -> Perinci::Access::Perl (converted to pl:/Foo/Bar/)
 http://...            -> Perinci::Access::HTTP::Client
 https://...           -> Perinci::Access::HTTP::Client
 riap+tcp://...        -> Perinci::Access::Simple::Client
 riap+unix://...       -> Perinci::Access::Simple::Client
 riap+pipe://...       -> Perinci::Access::Simple::Client

For more details on each scheme, please consult the appropriate module.

You can customize or add supported schemes by providing class name or object to
the B<handlers> attribute (see its documentation for more details).


=head2 $Log_Request (BOOL)

Whether to log every Riap request. Default is from environment variable
LOG_RIAP_REQUEST, or false. Logging is done with L<Log::ger> at trace level.

=head2 $Log_Response (BOOL)

Whether to log every Riap response. Default is from environment variable
LOG_RIAP_RESPONSE, or false. Logging is done with L<Log::ger> at trace level.

=head1 METHODS

=head2 new(%opts) -> OBJ

Create new instance. Known options:

=over 4

=item * handlers => HASH

A mapping of scheme names and class names or objects. If values are class names,
they will be require'd and instantiated. The default is:

   ''           => 'Perinci::Access::Schemeless',
   pl           => 'Perinci::Access::Perl',
   http         => 'Perinci::Access::HTTP::Client',
   https        => 'Perinci::Access::HTTP::Client',
   'riap+tcp'   => 'Perinci::Access::Simple::Client',
   'riap+unix'  => 'Perinci::Access::Simple::Client',
   'riap+pipe'  => 'Perinci::Access::Simple::Client',

Objects can be given instead of class names. This is used if you need to pass
special options when instantiating the class.

=item * handler_args => HASH

Arguments to pass to handler objects' constructors.


=head2 $pa->request($action, $server_url[, \%extra_keys[, \%client_opts]]) -> RESP

Send Riap request to Riap server. Pass the request to the appropriate Riap
client (as configured in C<handlers> constructor options). RESP is the enveloped

C<%extra_keys> is optional, containing Riap request keys (the C<action> request
 key is taken from C<$action>).

C<%client_opts> is optional, containing Riap-client-specific options. For
example, to pass HTTP credentials to C<Perinci::Access::HTTP::Client>, you can

 $pa->request(call => '', {args=>{a=>1}},
              {user=>'admin', password=>'secret'});

=head2 $pa->parse_url($server_url[, \%client_opts]) => HASH

Parse C<$server_url> into its components. Will be done by respective subclasses.
Die on failure (e.g. invalid URL). Return a hash on success, containing at least
these keys:


=item * proto => STR

=item * path => STR

Code entity path. Most URL schemes include the code entity path as part of the
URL, e.g. C<pl>, C<riap+unix>, C<riap+tcp>, or C<riap+pipe>. Some do not, e.g.
C<http> and C<https>. For the latter case, an C<info> Riap request will be sent
to the server first to find out the code entity path .


Subclasses will add other appropriate keys.





Please visit the project's homepage at L<>.

=head1 SOURCE

Source repository is at L<>.

=head1 BUGS

Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website L<>

When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a
patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired

=head1 SEE ALSO





=head1 AUTHOR

perlancar <>


This software is copyright (c) 2017, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012 by

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
