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# test the generated function

use 5.010;
use strict;
use warnings;
use FindBin '$Bin';
use Log::Any '$log';
use lib $Bin, "$Bin/t";

use Test::More 0.96;
require "";

my ($table_data, $table_spec) = gen_test_data();

    name => 'ordering, detail',
    table_data => $table_data,
    table_spec => $table_spec,
    status => 200,
    post_test => sub {
        my ($res) = @_;
        my $func = $res->[2]{code};
        my $spec = $res->[2]{spec};
        my $args = $spec->{args};

        my $fres;

        $fres = $func->(sort=>"x");
        is($fres->[0], 400, "sort on unknown sort fields -> fail");

        $fres = $func->(sort=>"-a");
        is($fres->[0], 400, "sort on unsortable fields -> fail");

        $fres = $func->(sort=>"s", detail=>1);
        subtest "ascending sort" => sub {
            is($fres->[0], 200, "status")
                or diag explain $fres;
            my @r = map {$_->{s}} @{$fres->[2]};
            is_deeply(\@r, [qw/a1 a2 a3 b1/], "sort result")
                or diag explain \@r;

        $fres = $func->(sort=>"-s", detail=>1);
        subtest "descending sort" => sub {
            is($fres->[0], 200, "status")
                or diag explain $fres;
            my @r = map {$_->{s}} @{$fres->[2]};
            is_deeply(\@r, [qw/b1 a3 a2 a1/], "sort result")
                or diag explain \@r;

        $fres = $func->(sort=>"b, -s", detail=>1);
        subtest "multiple fields sort" => sub {
            is($fres->[0], 200, "status")
                or diag explain $fres;
            my @r = map {$_->{s}} @{$fres->[2]};
            is_deeply(\@r, [qw/b1 a1 a3 a2/], "sort result")
                or diag explain \@r;

    name => 'random ordering',
    table_data => $table_data,
    table_spec => $table_spec,
    status => 200,
    post_test => sub {
        my ($res) = @_;
        my $func = $res->[2]{code};
        my $spec = $res->[2]{spec};
        my $args = $spec->{args};

        test_random_order($func, {random=>1}, 50, [qw/a1 a2 a3 b1/],
                          "sort result");

    name => 'fields, with_field_names',
    table_data => $table_data,
    table_spec => $table_spec,
    status => 200,
    post_test => sub {
        my ($res) = @_;
        my $func = $res->[2]{code};
        my $spec = $res->[2]{spec};
        my $args = $spec->{args};

        my $fres;

        $fres = $func->(fields=>["x"]);
        is($fres->[0], 400, "mention unknown field in fields -> fail");

        $fres = $func->(fields=>"s", with_field_names=>1);
        subtest "single field" => sub {
            is($fres->[0], 200, "status")
                or diag explain $fres;
                or diag explain $fres->[2];

        $fres = $func->(fields=>"s, b", with_field_names=>1);
        subtest "multiple fields" => sub {
            is($fres->[0], 200, "status")
                or diag explain $fres;
                      [{s=>'a1', b=>0},
                       {s=>'b1', b=>0},
                       {s=>'a3', b=>1},
                       {s=>'a2', b=>1}],
                or diag explain $fres->[2];

        $fres = $func->(fields=>"b, s, b");
        subtest "multiple duplicate fields" => sub {
            is($fres->[0], 200, "status")
                or diag explain $fres;
                      [[0, 'a1', 0],
                       [0, 'b1', 0],
                       [1, 'a3', 1],
                       [1, 'a2', 1]],
                or diag explain $fres->[2];


($table_data, $table_spec) = gen_test_data(1);

    name => 'filtering, aoa data',
    table_data => $table_data,
    table_spec => $table_spec,
    status => 200,
    post_test => sub {
        my ($res) = @_;
        my $f = $res->[2]{code};

        test_query($f, {b=>1}, 2, 'bool filter: F=1');
        test_query($f, {""=>1}, 2, 'bool filter:');
        test_query($f, {b=>0}, 2, 'bool filter: F=0');
        test_query($f, {""=>0}, 2, 'bool filter:');

        # i don't test .is again below, assumed ok.

        test_query($f, {i=>4}, 1, 'int filter: F');
        test_query($f, {""=>[1,2,4]}, 3, 'int filter:');
        test_query($f, {"i.not_in"=>[1,2]}, 2, 'int filter: F.not_in');
        test_query($f, {"i.min"=>4}, 1, 'int filter: F.min');
        test_query($f, {"i.max"=>2}, 3, 'int filter: F.max');

        test_query($f, {f=>0.2}, 1, 'float filter: F');
        test_query($f, {""=>[0.1, 0.2, 1.1]}, 3, 'float filter:');
        test_query($f, {"f.not_in"=>[1.1, 1.2]}, 2, 'float filter: F.not_in');
        test_query($f, {"f.min"=>0.2}, 3, 'float filter: F.min');
        test_query($f, {"f.max"=>0.2}, 2, 'float filter: F.max');

        test_query($f, {"a.has"=>[qw/t1/]}, 2, 'array filter: F.has t1');
        test_query($f, {"a.lacks"=>[qw/t2/]}, 2, 'array filter: F.lacks t2');
        test_query($f,{"a.has"=>[qw/t1 t2/]},1, 'array filter: F.has t1 t2');
        test_query($f,{"a.lacks"=>[qw/t1 t2/]},1, 'ary f: F.lacks t1 t2');

        test_query($f, {s=>'a1'}, 1, 'str filter: F');
        test_query($f, {""=>['a1']}, 1, 'str filter:');
        test_query($f, {"s.not_in"=>['a1', 'b1']}, 2, 'str filter: F.not_in');
        test_query($f, {"s.min"=>'a2'}, 3, 'str filter: F.min');
        test_query($f, {"s.max"=>'a2'}, 2, 'str filter: F.max');
        test_query($f, {"s.xmin"=>'a2'}, 2, 'str filter: F.xmin');
        test_query($f, {"s.xmax"=>'a2'}, 1, 'str filter: F.xmax');
        test_query($f, {"s.contains"=>'a'}, 3, 'str filter: F.contains');
        test_query($f, {"s.not_contains"=>'a'},1, 'str filter: F.not_contains');
        test_query($f,{"s.matches"=>'[12]'}, 3, 'str filter: F.matches');
        test_query($f,{"s.not_matches"=>'[12]'},1, 'str filter: F.not_matches');

        test_query($f, {"d.max"=>"2014-01-02"}, 3, 'date filter: F.min');
        test_query($f, {"d.min"=>"2014-01-02"}, 2, 'date filter: F.max');
        test_query($f, {"d.xmax"=>"2014-01-02"}, 2, 'date filter: F.xmin');
        test_query($f, {"d.xmin"=>"2014-01-02"}, 1, 'date filter: F.xmax');
        test_query($f, {""=>"2014-01-02"}, 1, 'date filter:');
        test_query($f, {"d.isnt"=>"2014-01-02"}, 3, 'date filter: F.isnt');
        test_query($f, {"d.isnt"=>"2014-01-32"}, 0, 'date filter: invalid filter operand');

        test_query($f, {b=>0, "i.min"=>2}, 1, 'multiple filters');


    name => 'paging',
    table_data => $table_data,
    table_spec => $table_spec,
    status => 200,
    post_test => sub {
        my ($res) = @_;
        my $func = $res->[2]{code};

            $func, {sort=>"s", result_limit=>2},
            sub {
                my ($rr) = @_;
                is(scalar(@$rr), 2, "num of results = 2");
                is($rr->[0], "a1", "rec #1");
                is($rr->[1], "a2", "rec #2");
            'result_limit after ordering');
            $func, {sort=>"s", result_start=>3, result_limit=>2},
            sub {
                my ($rr) = @_;
                is(scalar(@$rr), 2, "num of results = 2");
                is($rr->[0], "a3", "rec #1");
                is($rr->[1], "b1", "rec #2");
            'result_start + result_limit');

    name => 'function table_data',
    table_data => sub { {data=>$table_data} },
    table_spec => $table_spec,
    status => 200,
    post_test => sub {
        my ($res) = @_;
        my $func = $res->[2]{code};

        test_query($func, {b=>1}, 2, 'bool filter: F=1');

    name => 'function table_data (filtered=>1)',
    table_data => sub { {data=>$table_data, filtered=>1} },
    table_spec => $table_spec,
    status => 200,
    post_test => sub {
        my ($res) = @_;
        my $func = $res->[2]{code};

        test_query($func, {b=>1}, 4, 'bool filter: F=1');

# XXX test sorted=>1
# XXX test fields_selected=>1
# XXX test paged=>1 (though this is also exercised in examples/num-and-words

    name => 'search',
    table_data => $table_data,
    table_spec => $table_spec,
    status => 200,
    post_test => sub {
        my ($res) = @_;
        my $func = $res->[2]{code};

        test_query($func, {q=>"b"}, 1, 'search b');
        test_query($func, {q=>"B"}, 1, 'search B');

    name => 'search on array fields',
    table_data => [
        {id=>1, a=>[qw/pine apple/]},
        {id=>2, a=>[qw/pineapple/]},
        {id=>3, a=>[qw//]},
    table_spec => {
        fields => {
            id => {schema=>'int*', index=>0},
            a  => {schema=>'array*', index => 1},
        pk => 'id',
    status => 200,
    post_test => sub {
        my ($res) = @_;
        my $func = $res->[2]{code};

        test_query($func, {q=>'Apple'}, 2, 'search Apple');
        test_query($func, {q=>'pineapple'}, 1, 'search pineapple');

    name => 'fields_searchable=0',
    table_data => [
        {id=>1, s=>'a', s2=>'d'},
        {id=>2, s=>'b', s2=>'e'},
        {id=>3, s=>'c', s2=>'f'},
    table_spec => {
        fields => {
            id => {schema=>'int*', index => 0},
            s  => {schema=>'str*', index => 1, searchable => 0},
            s2 => {schema=>'str*', index => 2},
        pk => 'id',
    status => 200,
    post_test => sub {
        my ($res) = @_;
        my $func = $res->[2]{code};

        test_query($func, {q=>'a'}, 0, "doesn't search non-searchable field");
        test_query($func, {q=>'e'}, 1, "search searchable field");

    name => 'case sensitive search',
    table_data => $table_data,
    table_spec => $table_spec,
    other_args => {case_insensitive_search=>0},
    status => 200,
    post_test => sub {
        my ($res) = @_;
        my $func = $res->[2]{code};

        test_query($func, {q=>"b"}, 1, 'search b');
        test_query($func, {q=>"B"}, 0, 'search B');

    name => 'word search',
    table_data => $table_data,
    table_spec => $table_spec,
    other_args => {word_search=>1},
    status => 200,
    post_test => sub {
        my ($res) = @_;
        my $func = $res->[2]{code};

        test_query($func, {q=>"b"}, 0, 'word search b (1)');
        test_query($func, {q=>"aa"}, 2, 'word search aa (2)');

    name => 'custom search',
    table_data => $table_data,
    table_spec => $table_spec,
    other_args => {custom_search=>sub {
                       my ($r, $q, $opts) = shift;
                       $r->{i} % 2;
    status => 200,
    post_test => sub {
        my ($res) = @_;
        my $func = $res->[2]{code};

        test_query($func, {q=>"whatever"}, 2, 'search whatever');

    name => 'default_arg_values',
    table_data => $table_data,
    table_spec => $table_spec,
    other_args => {default_arg_values => {"f.min"=>1}},
    status => 200,
    post_test => sub {
        my ($res) = @_;
        my $func = $res->[2]{code};

        test_query($func, {}, 2, 'default value for f.min');
        test_query($func, {"f.min"=>0}, 4, 'default value for f.min');

    name => 'custom_filters',
    table_data => $table_data,
    table_spec => $table_spec,
    other_args => {
        custom_filters => {
                  code=>sub {
                      my ($r, $v, $opts) = @_;
                      $log->tracef("inside cf1, r=%s, v=%s", $r, $v);
                      $r->{f} >= $v*2;
                  code=>sub {
                      my ($r, $v, $opts) = @_;
                      $log->tracef("inside cf1, r=%s, v=%s", $r, $v);
                      $r->{i} > $v;
    status => 200,
    post_test => sub {
        my ($res) = @_;
        my $func = $res->[2]{code};

        test_query($func, {}, 2, 'default value for cf2');
        test_query($func, {cf2=>0}, 3, 'cf2');
        test_query($func, {cf1=>0.5, cf2=>0}, 1, 'cf1');

    my $stash = {};
    my $n = 1;
    my $hook_code = sub {
        my %args = @_;
        $stash->{ $args{_stage} } = $n;
        name => 'hooks',
        table_data => $table_data,
        table_spec => $table_spec,
        other_args => {
            hooks => {
                before_parse_query => $hook_code,
                after_parse_query  => $hook_code,
                before_fetch_data  => $hook_code,
                after_fetch_data   => $hook_code,
                before_return      => $hook_code,
        status => 200,
        post_test => sub {
            my ($res) = @_;
            my $func = $res->[2]{code};
            test_query($func, {b=>1}, 2, 'test query');
                          before_parse_query => 1,
                          after_parse_query  => 2,
                          before_fetch_data  => 3,
                          after_fetch_data   => 4,
                          before_return      => 5,
                      'hooks run');

    $hook_code = sub { [500, "Aborted"] };
        name => 'hook can abort func',
        table_data => $table_data,
        table_spec => $table_spec,
        other_args => {
            hooks => {
                before_parse_query => $hook_code,
                #after_parse_query  => $hook_code,
                #before_fetch_data  => $hook_code,
                #after_fetch_data   => $hook_code,
                #before_return      => $hook_code,
        status => 200,
        post_test => sub {
            my ($res) = @_;
            my $func = $res->[2]{code};
            is_deeply($func->(), [500, "Aborted"]);
