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package Pod::Weaver::Plugin::Eval;

our $DATE = '2016-10-14'; # DATE
our $VERSION = '0.03'; # VERSION

use 5.010001;
use Moose;
with 'Pod::Weaver::Role::Section';

use List::Util qw(first);

# regex
has include_modules => (
    is => 'rw',
    isa => 'Str',
has include_files => (
    is => 'rw',
    isa => 'Str',
has code => (
    is => 'rw',
    isa => 'Str',
#has _compiled_code => (
#    is => 'rw',

sub weave_section {
    my ($self, $document, $input) = @_;

    # only compile code once
    if (!$self->{_compiled_code}) {
        my $code = $self->code;
        die "Please specify code" unless $code;
        $self->log(["compiling code ..."]);
        $code = "sub { $code }" unless $code =~ /^\s*sub\s*\{/s;
        $self->log(["code is: %s", $code]);
        eval "\$self->{_compiled_code} = $code";
        die "Can't compile code '$code': $@" if $@;

    my $filename = $input->{filename} || 'file';

    # select file
    my ($package, $ext);
    if ($filename =~ m!^lib/(.+)\.(pod|pm)$!) {
        $package = $1;
        $ext = $2;
        $package =~ s!/!::!g;

    } else {
        $self->log(["skipped file %s (not a Perl module)", $filename]);
    if (defined $self->include_files) {
        my $re = $self->include_files;
        eval { $re = qr/$re/ };
        $@ and die "Invalid regex in include_files: $re ($@)";
        unless ($filename =~ $re) {
            $self->log(["skipped file %s (doesn't match exclude_files)",
    if (defined $self->include_modules) {
        my $re = $self->include_modules;
        eval { $re = qr/$re/ };
        $@ and die "Invalid regex in include_modules: $re ($@)";
        unless ($package =~ $re) {
            $self->log (["skipped package %s (doesn't match exclude_modules)",

    local @INC = ("lib", @INC);

    # run code
    $self->log(["running code on module %s", $package]);
    my %args = (
        args     => \@_,
        document => $document,
        input    => $input,
        filename => $filename,
        package  => $package,
        module   => $package, # synonym
    $self->{_compiled_code}->($self, %args);

# ABSTRACT: (DEPRECATED) Evaluate code



=encoding UTF-8

=head1 NAME

Pod::Weaver::Plugin::Eval - (DEPRECATED) Evaluate code

=head1 VERSION

This document describes version 0.03 of Pod::Weaver::Plugin::Eval (from Perl distribution Pod-Weaver-Plugin-Eval), released on 2016-10-14.


In your F<weaver.ini>:

 include_modules = ^Foo::Bar$
 ;include_files  = REGEX
 code = sub { my ($self, %args)=@_; use Module::Load; load $args{module}; my $document = $args{document}; push @{$document->children}, ... }


B<DEPRECATION NOTICE:> This module is deprecated in favor of

This plugin evaluates Perl code specified in your weaver.ini (or dist.ini). It
can be used to do various stuffs that might be too trivial/short to build a
dedicated Pod::Weaver::Plugin for.

I first created this module to insert list of border styles and color themes
contained in C<%border_styles> package variable in
C<Text::ANSITable::BorderStyle::*> modules and C<%color_themes> variable in
C<Text::ANSITable::ColorTheme::*> modules.

Yes, it's a dirty (and ugly) hack. But it's quick :-)

=for Pod::Coverage weave_section


=head2 include_files => STR

Value should be a regex, e.g. C</Foo/Bar/>.

=head2 include_modules => REGEX

Value should be a regex, e.g. C<^Foo::Bar$>.

=head2 code => STR

Should be something like:

 sub { my ($self, %args) = @_; ... }

C<sub {> and C<}> will be added if code does not have it. Code will be called
with C<%args> containing these keys:


=item * filename => STR

=item * package => STR

=item * module => STR

Alias for C<package>.

=item * args => ARRAY

The original C<@_> passed to weave_section(). Note that weave_section() is

 ($self, $document, $input)

=item * document => OBJ

Document object passed to weave_section(). This is the output POD we are
building and this is what we're mostly interested in, usually. It can also be
retrieved from C<args>.

=item * input => OBJ

The input object passed to weave_section(). It contains information about the
input (original) document. Can also be retrieved from C<args>.



Please visit the project's homepage at L<>.

=head1 SOURCE

Source repository is at L<>.

=head1 BUGS

Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website L<>

When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a
patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired

=head1 SEE ALSO



=head1 AUTHOR

perlancar <>


This software is copyright (c) 2016 by

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
