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package Progress::Any::Output::TermProgressBarColor;

our $DATE = '2018-03-27'; # DATE
our $VERSION = '0.245'; # VERSION

use 5.010001;
use strict;
use warnings;

use Color::ANSI::Util qw(ansifg ansibg);
require Win32::Console::ANSI if $^O =~ /Win/;


# patch handle
my ($ph1, $ph2);

sub _patch {
    my $out = shift;

    return if $ph1;
    require Monkey::Patch::Action;
    if (defined &{"Log::Any::Adapter::Screen::hook_before_log"}) {
        $ph1 = Monkey::Patch::Action::patch_package(
            'Log::Any::Adapter::Screen', 'hook_before_log', 'replace',
            sub {
                # we install a hook to clean up progress indicator first before
                # we print log message to the screen.
                $Progress::Any::output_data{"$out"}{force_update} = 1;
    } elsif (defined  &{"Log::ger::Output::Screen::hook_before_log"}) {
        $ph1 = Monkey::Patch::Action::patch_package(
            'Log::ger::Output::Screen', 'hook_before_log', 'replace',
            sub {
                # we install a hook to clean up progress indicator first before
                # we print log message to the screen.
                $Progress::Any::output_data{"$out"}{force_update} = 1;

    if (defined &{"Log::Any::Adapter::Screen::hook_after_log"}) {
        $ph2 = Monkey::Patch::Action::patch_package(
            'Log::Any::Adapter::Screen', 'hook_after_log', 'replace',
            sub {
                my ($self, $msg) = @_;
                # make sure we print a newline after logging so progress bar
                # starts at column 1
                print { $self->{_fh} } "\n" unless $msg =~ /\R\z/;

                # reset show_delay because we have displayed something
                $out->keep_delay_showing if $out->{show_delay};

                # redisplay progress bar if were cleaned up
                print { $self->{_fh} } $out->{_bar} if $out->{_bar};
    } elsif (defined &{"Log::ger::Output::Screen::hook_after_log"}) {
        $ph2 = Monkey::Patch::Action::patch_package(
            'Log::ger::Output::Screen', 'hook_after_log', 'replace',
            sub {
                my ($ctx, $msg) = @_;
                # make sure we print a newline after logging so progress bar
                # starts at column 1
                print { $ctx->{_fh} } "\n" unless $msg =~ /\R\z/;

                # reset show_delay because we have displayed something
                $out->keep_delay_showing if $out->{show_delay};

                # redisplay progress bar if were cleaned up
                print { $ctx->{_fh} } $out->{_bar} if $out->{_bar};

sub _unpatch {
    undef $ph1;
    undef $ph2;

sub _template_length {
    require Progress::Any; # for $template_regex
    no warnings 'once'; # $Progress::Any::template_regex

    my ($self, $template) = @_;

    my $template_length = length($template);

    while ($template =~ /$Progress::Any::template_regex/g) {
        my ($all, $width, $dot, $prec, $conv) =
            ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5);

        if (defined $template_length) {

            if ($conv eq '%') {
                $width //= 1;
            } elsif ($conv eq 'b' || $conv eq 'B') {
                $width //= $self->{_default_b_width};
            } elsif ($conv eq 'p') {
                $width //= 3;
            } elsif ($conv eq 'e') {
                $width //= -8;
            } elsif ($conv eq 'r') {
                $width //= -8;
            } elsif ($conv eq 'R') {
                $width //= -(8 + 1 + 7);

            if (defined $width) {
                $template_length += abs($width) - length($all);
            } else {
                $template_length = undef;



sub new {
    my ($class, %args0) = @_;

    my %args;

    $args{width} = delete($args0{width});
    if (!defined($args{width})) {
        my ($cols, $rows);
        if ($ENV{COLUMNS}) {
            $cols = $ENV{COLUMNS};
        } elsif (eval { require Term::Size; 1 }) {
            ($cols, $rows) = Term::Size::chars();
        } else {
            $cols = 80;
        # on windows if we print at rightmost column, cursor will move to the
        # next line, so we try to avoid that
        $args{width} = $^O =~ /Win/ ? $cols-1 : $cols;

    $args{fh} = delete($args0{fh});
    $args{fh} //= \*STDERR;

    $args{show_delay} = delete($args0{show_delay});

    $args{freq} = delete($args0{freq});

    $args{wide} = delete($args0{wide});

    $args{template} = delete($args0{template}) //
        '<color ffff00>%p%%</color> <color 808000>[</color>%B<color 808000>]</color><color ffff00>%R</color>';

    keys(%args0) and die "Unknown output parameter(s): ".
        join(", ", keys(%args0));

    $args{_last_hide_time} = time();

    require Text::ANSI::Util;
    if ($args{wide}) {
        require Text::ANSI::WideUtil;

    my $self = bless \%args, $class;

    # determine the default width for %b and %B
        $self->{_default_b_width} = 0;
        (my $template = $args{template}) =~ s!<color \w+>|</color>!!g;
        my $len = $self->_template_length($template) // 16;
        $self->{_default_b_width} = $args{width} - $len;

    # render color in template
    ($self->{_template} = $self->{template}) =~ s!<color (\w+)>|<(/)color>!$1 ? ansifg($1) : "\e[0m"!eg;


sub _handle_unknown_conversion {
    my %args = @_;

    my $conv = $args{conv};
    return () unless $conv eq 'b' || $conv eq 'B';

    my $p = $args{indicator};
    my $self = $args{self};

    my $tottgt = $p->total_target;
    my $totpos = $p->total_pos;

    my $bar_bar = '';
    my $bwidth = abs($args{width} // $self->{_default_b_width});

    if ($tottgt) {
        my $bfilled = int($totpos / $tottgt * $bwidth);
        $bfilled = $bwidth if $bfilled > $bwidth;
        $bar_bar = ("=" x $bfilled) . (" " x ($bwidth-$bfilled));
    } else {
        # display 15% width of bar just moving right
        my $bfilled = int(0.15 * $bwidth);
        $bfilled = 1 if $bfilled < 1;
        if ($self->{_x} > $bwidth-$bfilled) {
            $self->{_x} = 0;
        $bar_bar = (" " x $self->{_x}) . ("=" x $bfilled) .
            (" " x ($bwidth-$self->{_x}-$bfilled));

    my $msg = $args{args}{message};
    if ($conv eq 'B' && defined $msg) {
        if ($msg =~ m!</elspan!) {
            require String::Elide::Parts;
            $msg = String::Elide::Parts::elide($msg, $bwidth);
        my $mwidth;
        if ($self->{wide}) {
            $msg = Text::ANSI::WideUtil::ta_mbtrunc($msg, $bwidth);
            $mwidth = Text::ANSI::WideUtil::ta_mbswidth($msg);
        } else {
            $msg = Text::ANSI::Util::ta_trunc($msg, $bwidth);
            $mwidth = Text::ANSI::Util::ta_length($msg);
        $bar_bar = $msg . substr($bar_bar, $mwidth);

    return ("%s", $bar_bar);

sub update {
    my ($self, %args) = @_;

    return unless $ENV{PROGRESS_TERM_BAR} // $ENV{PROGRESS} // (-t $self->{fh});

    my $now = time();

    # if there is show_delay, don't display until we've surpassed it
    if (defined $self->{show_delay}) {
        return if $now - $self->{show_delay} < $self->{_last_hide_time};



    my $p = $args{indicator};
    my $is_finished = $p->{state} eq 'finished';
    if ($is_finished) {
        if ($self->{_lastlen}) {
            $self->{_last_hide_time} = $now;

    my $bar = $p->fill_template(
            template => $self->{_template},
            handle_unknown_conversion => sub {
                    self => $self,

    my $len = Text::ANSI::Util::ta_length($bar);
    $self->{_bar}   = $bar . ("\b" x $len);
    print { $self->{fh} } $self->{_bar};
    $self->{_lastlen} = $len;

sub cleanup {
    my ($self, $dont_reset_lastlen) = @_;

    # sometimes (e.g. when a subtask's target is undefined) we don't get
    # state=finished at the end. but we need to cleanup anyway at the end of
    # app, so this method is provided and will be called by e.g.
    # Perinci::CmdLine

    my $ll = $self->{_lastlen};
    return unless $ll;
    print { $self->{fh} } " " x $ll, "\b" x $ll;
    undef $self->{_lastlen} unless $dont_reset_lastlen;

sub keep_delay_showing {
    my $self = shift;

    $self->{_last_hide_time} = time();

    my $self = shift;

# ABSTRACT: Output progress to terminal as color bar



=encoding UTF-8

=head1 NAME

Progress::Any::Output::TermProgressBarColor - Output progress to terminal as color bar

=head1 VERSION

This document describes version 0.245 of Progress::Any::Output::TermProgressBarColor (from Perl distribution Progress-Any-Output-TermProgressBarColor), released on 2018-03-27.


 use Progress::Any::Output;

 # use default options

 # set options
                            width=>50, fh=>\*STDERR, show_delay=>5);



Sample screenshots:

=for Pod::Coverage ^(update|cleanup)$

=for HTML <img src="" />

This output displays progress indicators as colored progress bar on terminal. It
produces output similar to that produced by L<Term::ProgressBar>, except that it
uses the L<Progress::Any> framework and has additional features:


=item * colors and color themes

=item * template and styles

=item * displaying message text in addition to bar/percentage number

=item * wide character support


XXX option to cleanup when complete or not (like in Term::ProgressBar) and
should default to 1.

=head1 METHODS

=head2 new(%args) => OBJ

Instantiate. Usually called through C<<
Progress::Any::Output->set("TermProgressBarColor", %args) >>.

Known arguments:


=item * freq => num

Limit the frequency of output updating. 0 means no frequency limiting (update
output after every C<update()>).

A positive number means to update output when there has been that amount of
difference in position since last C<update()>. For example, if C<freq> is 10 and
the last C<update()> was at position 5, then the next output update will be when
position is at least 15.

A negative number means to update output when time has passed that amount of
absolute value (in seconds). For example, if C<freq> is -3 and the last
C<update()> was 1 second ago, then the next output update will not be until the
next two seconds has passed.

By default undef, in which case Progress::Any will use the default -0.5 (at most
once every 0.5 seconds).

=item * wide => bool

If set to 1, enable wide character support (requires L<Text::ANSI::WideUtil>.

=item * width => INT

Width of progress bar. The default is to detect terminal width and use the whole

=item * color_theme => STR

Not yet implemented.

Choose color theme. To see what color themes are available, use

=item * style => STR

Not yet implemented.

Choose style. To see what styles are available, use C<list_styles()>. Styles
determine the characters used for drawing the bar, alignment, etc.

=item * template => str

See B<fill_template> in Progress::Any's documentation. Aside from conversions
supported by Progress::Any, this output recognizes these additional conversions:
C<%b> to display the progress bar (with width using the rest of the available
width), C<%B> to display the progress bar as well as the message inside it. You
can also enclose parts of text with "<color RGB>" ... "</color>" to give color.

The default template is:

 <color ffff00>%p</color> <color 808000>[</color>%B<color 808000>]</color><color ffff00>%e</color>

=item * fh => handle (default: \*STDERR)

Instead of the default STDERR, you can direct the output to another filehandle
e.g. STDOUT.

=item * show_delay => int

If set, will delay showing the progress bar until the specified number of
seconds. This can be used to create, e.g. a CLI application that is relatively
not chatty but will display progress after several seconds of seeming inactivity
to indicate users that the process is still going on.


=head2 keep_delay_showing()

Can be called to reset the timer that counts down to show progress bar when
C<show_delay> is defined. For example, if C<show_delay> is 5 seconds and two
seconds have passed, it should've been 3 seconds before progress bar is shown in
the next C<update()>. However, if you call this method, it will be 5 seconds
again before showing.

=head1 FAQ

=head2 How to update progress bar output more often?

Set C<freq> to e.g. -0.1 or -0.05. The default C<freq>, when unset, is -0.5
which means to update output at most once every 0.5 second.


=head2 COLOR

Bool. Can be used to force or disable color. See L<Color::ANSI::Util>.


Integer. Can be used to override color depth detection. See

=head2 COLUMNS

Integer. Can be used to override terminal width detection.


Bool. Forces disabling or enabling progress output (just for this output).

In the absence of PROGRESS_TERM_MESSAGE and PROGRESS, will default to 1 if
filehandle is detected as interactive (using C<-t>).


Bool. Forces disabling or enabling progress output (for all outputs).


Please visit the project's homepage at L<>.

=head1 SOURCE

Source repository is at L<>.

=head1 BUGS

Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website L<>

When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a
patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired

=head1 SEE ALSO



Ruby library: ruby-progressbar, L<>

=head1 AUTHOR

perlancar <>


This software is copyright (c) 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013 by

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
