package Sah::FAQ; # just to make PodWeaver happy


# ABSTRACT: Frequently asked questions



=encoding UTF-8

=head1 NAME

Sah::FAQ - Frequently asked questions

=head1 VERSION

This document describes version 0.9.39 of Sah::FAQ (from Perl distribution Sah), released on 2015-09-09.

=head1 GENERAL

=head2 General

=head3 Why use a schema (a.k.a "Turing tarpit")? Why not use pure Perl?

Schema language is a specialized language (DSL) that should be more concise to
write than equivalent Perl code for common validation tasks. Its goal is never
to be as powerful as Perl.

90% of the time, my schemas are some variations of the simple cases like:

 ["str":   {"len_between": [1, 10], "match": "some regex"}]
 ["str":   {"in": ["a", "b", "c", ...]}]
 ["array": {"of": "some_other_type"}]
 ["hash":  {"keys": {"key1": "some schema", ...}, "req_keys": [...], ...}]

and writing schemas is faster and less tedious/error-prone than writing
equivalent Perl code, plus L<Data::Sah> can generate JavaScript code and human
description text for me. For more complex validation I stay with Sah until it
starts to get unwieldy. It usually can go pretty far since I can add functions
and custom clauses to its types; it's for the very complex and dynamic
validation needs that I go pure Perl. Your mileage may vary.

=head3 What does "Sah" mean?

Sah is an Indonesian word, meaning "valid" or "legal". It's picked because it's

The previous incarnation of this module uses the namespace L<Data::Schema>,
started in 2009 and deprecated in 2011 in favor of "Sah".

=head2 Comparison to other schema languages and type systems

=head3 Comparison to JSON schema?

=over 4

=item * JSON schema limits its type system to that supported by JSON/JavaScript.

=item * JSON schema's syntax is simpler.

Its metaschema (schema for the schema) is only about 130 lines. There are no
shortcut forms.

=item * JSON schema's features are more limited.

No expression, no function.


=head3 Comparison to Data::Rx?


=head3 Comparison to Data::FormValidator (DFV)?


=head3 Comparison to Moose types?


=head1 SYNTAX

=head2 General

=head3 Why is C<req> not enabled the default?

I am following SQL's behavior. A type declaration like:


in SQL means C<NULL> is allowed, while:


means C<NULL> is not allowed. The above is equivalent to specifying this in Sah:


One could argue that setting C<req> to 1 by default is safer/more convenient to
her/whatever, and C<int> should mean C<< ["int", "req", 1] >> while something
like perhaps C<int?> means C<< ["int", "req", 0] >>. But this is simply a design
choice and each has its pros/cons. Nullable by default can also be convenient in
some cases, like when specifying program options where most of the options are

=head3 How about adding a C<default_req> configuration in C<Data::Sah> then?

In general I am against compiler configuration which changes language behavior
(think PHP's C<register_globals> or <magic_quotes_*> settings). In this case, it
makes a simple schema like C<int> to have ambiguous meaning (is undefined value
allowed? Or not allowed? It depends on compiler configuration).

=head3 Why C<int> instead of C<integer>? Why C<req> instead of C<required>? C<str> instead of C<string>? Etc.

This is also a design choice. To be consistent, either we abbreviate or we
don't. Although there is very little reason to abbreviate when it comes to
disk/memory size (compared to the eras of early Unix or C language), there are
other limited resources to consider: source code column width (usually still
around 80 characters in many best practices) and developer's time/energy (typing
more takes more time and effort).

I want to make it possible for short schemas to be specified on a single line.
For example compare:

 [integer => {required => 1, minimum => 0, maximum => 100, divisible_by => 2}]


 [int => {req=>1, min=>0, max=>100, div_by=>2}]

The latter is not that much less readable than the first, but is less tedious to
type, especially if you write lots of schemas.

Therefore, the decision is to use commonly used (and unambiguous) abbreviations
for type and clause names.

=head3 How to express "not-something"? Why isn't there a C<not> or C<not_in> clause?

There are generally no C<not_CLAUSE> clauses. Instead, a generic C<!CLAUSE>
syntax is provided. Examples:

 // an integer that is not 0
 ["int", {"!is": 0}]

 // a username that is not one of the forbidden/reserved ones
 ["str", {"!in": ["root", "admin", "superuser"]}]

=head3 How to state C<in> as well as C<!in> in the same clause set?

You can't do this since it will cause a conflict:

 ["str ", {"in": ["a","b","c"], "!in": ["x","y","z"]}]

However, you can do this:

 ["str ", {"clset&": [{"in": ["a","b","c"]}, {"!in": ["x","y","z"]}]}]

=head3 How to express mutual failure ("if A fails, B must also fail")?

You can use C<if> clause and negate the clauses. For example:

 "if": [{"!div_by": 2}, {"!div_by": 5}]

=head3 How about "len_in" clause for str? Or "values_uniq" for hash? Or perhaps "len_div_by"? Or some other clauses that test a property/transform of a value?

Except for some commonly used cases like C<len_between>, C<min_len>, C<max_len>,
C<allowed_keys>, C<forbidden_keys>, to validate a certain property of the value
(instead of the raw value itself), you can use the generic C<prop> clause:

 // check hash values are unique
 ["hash", {"prop": ["values", ["array", {"uniq":1}]]}]

Or, for more general use, you can apply a temporary prefilter first to the data:

 // check hash values are unique
 ["array", {"prefilters.temp":1, "prefilters":["values($_)"], "uniq":1}]

=head3 General advice when writing schemas?

=over 4

=item * Avoid C<any> or C<all> if you know that data is of a certain type

For performance and ease of reflection, it is better to create a custom clause
than using the C<any> type, especially with long list of alternatives. An

 // dns_record is either a_record, mx_record, ns_record, cname_record, ...
 ["any", "of", [

 // base_record
 ["hash", "keys", {
     "owner": "str*",
     "ttl": "int",

 // a_record
 ["base_record", "merge.normal.keys", {
     "type": ["str*", "is", "A"],
     "address": "str*"

 // mx_record
 ["base_record", "merge.normal.keys", {
     "type": ["str*", "is", "MX"],
     "host": "str*",
     "prio": "int"


If you see the declaration above, every record is a hash. So it is better to
declare C<dns_record> as a C<hash> instead of an C<any>. But we need to select a
different schema based on the C<type> key. We can develop a custom clause like

 ["hash", "select_schema_on_key", ["type", {
     "A": "a_record",
     "MX": "mx_record",
     "NS": "ns_record",
     "CNAME": "cname_record",

This will be faster.


=head2 Hash

=head3 How does Sah check allowed/unallowed keys?

If C<keys> clause is specified, then by default only keys defined in C<keys>
clause is allowed, unless the C<.restrict> attribute is set to false, in which
case no restriction to allowed keys is done by the clause. The same case for

If C<allowed_keys> and/or C<allowed_keys_re> clause is specified, then only keys
matching those clauses are allowed. This is in addition to restriction placed by
other clauses, of course.

=head3 How do I specify schemas for some keys, but still allow some other keys?

Set the C<.restrict> attribute for C<keys> or C<re_keys> to false. Example:

 ["hash", {
     "keys": {"a": "int", "b": "int"},
     "keys.restrict": 0,
     "allowed_keys": ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"]

The above schema allows keys C<a, b, c, d, e> and specifies values for C<a, b>.
Another example:

 ["hash", {
     "keys": {"a": "int", "b": "int"},
     "keys.restrict": 0,
     "allowed_keys_re": "^[ab_]",

The above schema specifies values for C<a, b> but still allows other keys
beginning with an underscore.

=head3 What is the difference between the C<keys> and C<req_keys> clauses?

C<req_keys> require keys to I<exist>, but their values are governed by the
schemas in C<keys> or C<keys_re>. Here are four combination possibilities, each
with the schema:

To require a hash key to exist, but its value can be undef:

 ["hash", "keys", {"a": "int"}, "req_keys": ["a"]]

To allow a hash key to not exist, but when it exists it must not be

 ["hash", "keys", {"a": "int*"}]

To allow a hash key to not exist, or its value to be undef when exists:

 ["hash", "keys", {"a": "int"}]

To require hash key exist and its value must not be undef:

 ["hash", "keys", {"a": "int*"}, "req_keys": ["a"]]

=head3 Merging and hash keys?

XXX (Turn off hash merging using the C<''> Data::ModeMerge options key.


Please visit the project's homepage at L<>.

=head1 SOURCE

Source repository is at L<>.

=head1 BUGS

Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website L<>

When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a
patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired

=head1 AUTHOR

perlancar <>


This software is copyright (c) 2015 by

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
