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# This file is part of ElasticSearchX-Model
# This software is Copyright (c) 2013 by Moritz Onken.
# This is free software, licensed under:
#   The (three-clause) BSD License
package ElasticSearchX::Model::Document::Set;
  $ElasticSearchX::Model::Document::Set::VERSION = '0.1.6';

# ABSTRACT: Represents a query used for fetching a set of results
use Moose;
use MooseX::Attribute::Chained;
use MooseX::Attribute::ChainedClone;
use ElasticSearchX::Model::Scroll;
use ElasticSearchX::Model::Document::Types qw(:all);

has type => ( is => 'ro', required => 1 );
has index => ( is => 'ro', required => 1, handles => [qw(es model)] );

has query => (
    isa    => 'HashRef',
    is     => 'rw',
    traits => [qw(ChainedClone)]

has filter => (
    isa    => 'HashRef',
    is     => 'rw',
    traits => [qw(ChainedClone)]

has [qw(from size)] =>
    ( isa => 'Int', is => 'rw', traits => [qw(ChainedClone)] );

has [qw(fields sort)] => (
    isa    => 'ArrayRef',
    is     => 'rw',
    traits => [qw(ChainedClone)]

sub add_sort { push( @{ $_[0]->sort }, $_[1] ); return $_[0]; }

sub add_field { push( @{ $_[0]->fields }, $_[1] ); return $_[0]; }

has query_type =>
    ( isa => QueryType, is => 'rw', traits => [qw(ChainedClone)] );

has mixin => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'HashRef', traits => [qw(ChainedClone)] );

has inflate =>
    ( isa => 'Bool', default => 1, is => 'rw', traits => [qw(ChainedClone)] );

sub raw {

has _refresh =>
    ( isa => 'Bool', default => 0, is => 'rw', traits => [qw(ChainedClone)] );

sub refresh {

sub _build_qs {
    my ( $self, $qs ) = @_;
    $qs ||= {};

    # we only want to set qs if they are not the default
    $qs->{refresh} = 1 if ( $self->_refresh );
    $qs->{query_type} = $self->query_type if ( $self->query_type );
    return $qs;

sub _build_query {
    my $self = shift;
    my $query
        = { query => $self->query ? $self->query : { match_all => {} } };
    $query->{filter} = $self->filter if ( $self->filter );
    $query = { query => { filtered => $query } }
        if ( $self->filter && !$self->query );
    my $q = {
        $self->size   ? ( size   => $self->size )   : (),
        $self->from   ? ( from   => $self->from )   : (),
        $self->fields ? ( fields => $self->fields ) : (),
        $self->sort   ? ( sort   => $self->sort )   : (),
        $self->mixin ? ( %{ $self->mixin } ) : (),

    return $q;

sub put {
    my ( $self, $args, $qs ) = @_;
    my $doc = $self->new_document($args);
    $doc->put( $self->_build_qs($qs) );
    return $doc;

sub new_document {
    my ( $self, $args ) = @_;
    return $self->type->name->new( %$args, index => $self->index );

sub inflate_result {
    my ( $self, $res ) = @_;
    my ( $type, $index ) = ( $res->{_type}, $res->{_index} );
    $index = $index ? $self->model->index($index) : $self->index;
    $type  = $type  ? $index->get_type($type)     : $self->type;
    my $doc = $type->inflate_result( $index, $res );
    unless($res->{_source}) {
        $doc->_loaded_attributes({ map { $_ => 1 } @{$self->fields} });
    return $doc;

sub get {
    my ( $self, $args, $qs ) = @_;
    $qs = $self->_build_qs($qs);
    my ($id);
    my ( $index, $type ) = ( $self->index->name, $self->type->short_name );

    if ( !ref $args ) {
        $id = $args;
    elsif ( my $pk = $self->type->get_id_attribute ) {
        my $found = 0;
        my @fields
            = map { $self->type->find_attribute_by_name($_) } @{ $pk->id };
        map { $found++ } grep { exists $args->{ $_->name } } @fields;
        die "All id fields need to be supplied to get: @fields"
            unless ( @fields == $found );
        $id = ElasticSearchX::Model::Util::digest(
            map {
                    ? $_->deflate( $self, $args->{ $_->name } )
                    : $args->{ $_->name }
                } @fields

    my $res = $self->es->get(
        index => $index,
        type  => $type,
        id    => $id,
        $self->fields ? ( fields => $self->fields ) : (),
        ignore_missing => 1,
        %{ $qs || {} },
    return undef unless ($res);
    return $self->inflate ? $self->inflate_result($res) : $res;

sub all {
    my ( $self, $qs ) = @_;
    $qs = $self->_build_qs($qs);
    my ( $index, $type ) = ( $self->index->name, $self->type->short_name );
    my $res = $self->es->transport->request(
        {   method => 'POST',
            cmd    => "/$index/$type/_search",
            data   => $self->_build_query,
            qs     => { version => 1, %{ $qs || {} } },
    return $res unless ( $self->inflate );
    return ()   unless ( $res->{hits}->{total} );
    return map { $self->inflate_result($_) } @{ $res->{hits}->{hits} };

sub first {
    my ( $self, $qs ) = @_;
    $qs = $self->_build_qs($qs);
    my @data = $self->size(1)->all($qs);
    return undef unless (@data);
    return $data[0] if ( $self->inflate );
    return $data[0]->{hits}->{hits}->[0];

sub count {
    my ( $self, $qs ) = @_;
    $qs = $self->_build_qs($qs);
    my ( $index, $type ) = ( $self->index->name, $self->type->short_name );
    my $res = $self->es->transport->request(
        {   method => 'POST',
            cmd    => "/$index/$type/_search",
            data   => { %{ $self->_build_query }, size => 0 },
            qs     => $qs,
    return $res->{hits}->{total};

sub delete {
    my ( $self, $qs ) = @_;
    $qs = $self->_build_qs($qs);
    my $query = $self->_build_query;
    return $self->es->delete_by_query(
        index => $self->index->name,
        type  => $self->type->short_name,
        query => $query->{filter} ? { filtered => $query } : $query->{query},

sub scroll {
    my ( $self, $scroll, $qs ) = @_;
    return ElasticSearchX::Model::Scroll->new(
        set => $self,
        scroll => $scroll || '1m',
        qs => $self->_build_qs( { version => 1, %{ $qs || {} } } ),




=head1 NAME

ElasticSearchX::Model::Document::Set - Represents a query used for fetching a set of results

=head1 VERSION

version 0.1.6


 my $type = $model->index('default')->type('tweet');
 my $all  = $type->all;

 my $result = $type->filter( { term => { message => 'hello' } } )->first;
 my $tweet
    = $type->get( { user => 'mo', post_date => DateTime->now->iso8601 } );

 package MyModel::Tweet::Set;
 use Moose;
 extends 'ElasticSearchX::Model::Document::Set';
 sub hello {
     my $self = shift;
     return $self->filter({
         term => { message => 'hello' }
 my $result = $type->hello->first;


Whenever a type is accessed by calling L<ElasticSearchX::Model::Index/type>
you will receive an instance of this class.  The instance can then be used
to build new objects (L</new_document>), put new documents in the index
(L</put>), do search and so on.


If you define a C<::Set> class on top of your document class, this class
will be used as set class. This allows you to put most of your business
logic in this class.


All attributes have the L<MooseX::Attribute::ChainedClone> trait applied.
That means that you can chain calls to these attributes and that a cloned
instance is returned whenever you set an attribute. This pattern is inspired
by L<DBIx::Class::ResultSet/search>.

 my $type = $model->index('default')->type('tweet');
 my @documents = $type->fields(['user'])->all;
 # $type->fields has not been touched, instead a cloned instance of $type
 # has been created with "fields" set to ['user']

 $type = $type->fields(['user']);
 # this will set $type to a cloned instance of $type with fields
 # set to ['user']
 @documents = $type->all;
 # same result as above

=head2 filter

Adds a filter to the query. If no L</query> is given, it will automatically
build a C<filtered> query, which performs far better.

=head2 query

=head2 size

=head2 from

=head2 fields

=head2 sort

=head2 query_type

These attributes are passed directly to the ElasticSearch search request.

=head2 mixin

The previously mentioned attributes don't cover all of
ElasticSearch's options for searching. You can set the
L</mixin> attribute to a HashRef which is then merged with
the attributes.

=head2 inflate

Inflate the returned results to the appropriate document
object. Defaults to C<1>. You can either use C<< $type->inflate(0) >>
to disable this behaviour for extra speed, or you can
use the L</raw> convenience method.

=head2 index

=head2 type

=head1 METHODS

=head2 all

=head2 all( { %qs } )

Returns all results as a list, limited by L</size> and L</from>.

=head2 scroll

=head2 scroll( $scroll, { %qs } )

 my $iterator = $twitter->type('tweet')->scroll;
 while ( my $tweet = $iterator->next ) {
     # do something

Large results should be scrolled thorugh using this iterator.
It will return an instance of L<ElasticSearchX::Model::Scroll>.
The C<$scroll> parameter is a time value parameter (for example: C<5m>),
indicating for how long the nodes that participate in the search will
maintain relevant resources in order to continue and support it.
C<$scroll> defaults to C<1m>.

Scrolling is executed by pulling in L</size> number of documents.

=head2 first

=head2 first( { %qs } )

Returns the first result only. It automatically sets
L</size> to C<1> to speed up the retrieval. However,
it doesn't touch L</from>. In order to get the second
result, you would do:

 my $second = $type->from(2)->first;

=head2 count

Returns the number of results.

=head2 delete

=head2 delete( { %qs } )

Delete all documents that match the query. Issues a call to

=head2 get

=head2 get( { %qs } )

     user => 'mo',
     post_date => $dt->iso8601,

Get a document by its id from ElasticSearch. You can either
pass the id as a string or you can pass a HashRef of
the values that make up the id.

=head2 put

=head2 put( { %qs } )

 my $doc = $type->put({
     message => 'hello',

This methods builds a new document using L</new_document> and
pushes it to the index. It returns the created document. If
no id was supplied, the id will be fetched from ElasticSearch
and set on the object in the C<_id> attribute.

=head2 new_document

 my $doc = $type->new_document({
      message => 'hello',

Builds a new document but doesn't commit it just yet. You
can manually commit the new document by calling
L<ElasticSearchX::Model::Document/put> on the document

=head2 raw

Don't inflate returned results. This is a convenience
method around L</inflate>.

=head2 refresh

This will add the C<refresh> query parameter to all requests.

  $users->refresh->put( { nickname => 'mo' } );

=head1 AUTHOR

Moritz Onken


This software is Copyright (c) 2013 by Moritz Onken.

This is free software, licensed under:

  The (three-clause) BSD License
